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1. Wolfowitz Jacob Wolfowitz. Born Jacob Wolfowitz's father emigrated to the USA in1914 and Jacob joined him in 1920 when he was ten years old. Jacob http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Wolfowitz.html | |
2. Wolfowitz Jacob Wolfowitz. Born 19 March Jacob Wolfowitz's father emigratedto the USA in 1914 and Jacob joined him in 1920. He obtained a http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Mathematicians/Wolfowitz. |
3. References For Wolfowitz References for jacob wolfowitz. Biography Books J Kiefer (ed.), jacob wolfowitz selected papers (New York Heidelberg- Berlin, 1980). Articles http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Wolfowitz.html | |
4. THE 1997 THOMAS L. SAATY AND JACOB WOLFOWITZ PRIZES THE 1997 THOMAS L. SAATY AND jacob wolfowitz PRIZES. The 1997 jacob wolfowitzPrize has been awarded to Professor L. Györfi (Technical http://merlot.stat.uconn.edu/~ims/bulletin/IMSBulletinMar_Apr_1998/node38.html | |
5. NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS & MEETINGS AROUND THE WORLD KDI); REGIONAL WORKSHOPS PLANNED FOR KDI; REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TONSF; THE 1997 THOMAS L. SAATY AND jacob wolfowitz PRIZES; NEW OPAAL http://merlot.stat.uconn.edu/~ims/bulletin/IMSBulletinMar_Apr_1998/node22.html | |
6. Jacob Wolfowitz, March 19, 1910July 16, 1981 | By Shelemyahu Zacks | Biographi jacob wolfowitz March 19, 1910July 16, 1981 By Shelemyahu Zacks.jacob jacob wolfowitz was born in Poland on March 19, 1910. He http://stills.nap.edu/html/biomems/jwolfowitz.html | |
7. J. Wolfowitz 664 666. jacob wolfowitz (1910-1981). (An extensive discussion of these contributionscan be found in jacob wolfowitz Selected Papers, J. Kiefer Ed. http://www.telecom.tuc.gr/paperdb/it_50_years/profiles/5372.htm |
8. IEEETIT SEPTEMBER 1982 SEPTEMBER 1982, VOLUME 28, NUMBER 5, IETTAW, (ISSN 00189448). EDITORIAL,In Memorium jacob wolfowitz, 687. PAPERS, Bruce E. Hajek, Information http://www.telecom.tuc.gr/paperdb/it_50_years/ieeetit/1982028/1982_05.htm |
9. ·j´Mµ²ªG Wishart, John, ?, 18981956. Wold, Herman Ole Andreas, , 1908-1992.wolfowitz, jacob, ?, 1910-1981. Yates, Frank, , 1902-1994. http://probstat.nuk.edu.tw/stat_people/rst_list3.asp | |
10. TNR Online Team W. By Jacob Heilbrunn Team W. by jacob Heilbrunn shortly before the East Timorese situation flared out ofcontrol, but I'll ask Condoleezza Rice, or I'll ask Paul wolfowitz, or I http://www.tnr.com/archive/0999/092799/heilbrunn092799.html |
11. Reason Time in Advance Preventive detention for enemy combatants By jacob Sullum. DeputyDefense Secretary Paul wolfowitz calls Jose Padilla, aka Abdullah al Muhajir http://reason.com/sullum/061402.shtml | |
12. Reason By jacob Sullum. That may sound uncontroversial, but at the proIsrael rally in Washingtonon April 15 Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul wolfowitz prompted boos http://reason.com/sullum/042602.shtml | |
13. Proche-Orient.info Translate this page LES DATES IMPORTANTES 1943 Né à New York, de jacob wolfowitz, immigrantjuif polonais, et de Lillian wolfowitz née Dundes. 1965 http://www.proche-orient.info/xww_fiche.php3?id_article=417 |
14. Jacob Weisberg, "Doctrine, Heal Thyself," Slate, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001, At 2:2 jacob Weisberg, Doctrine, Heal Thyself, Slate, Tuesday, Sept. At the hawkish endof things is Paul wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defense, who is said to http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/bush/powelldoctrine.htm | |
15. Hamelitz Shimkin, David wolfowitz, Dov Zusmanovitz, Nachman Shatnik, Zev Shimon Shtoch, MosheHellig, Zvi Zalkov, Joseph Glaun, Calev Melamed, jacob Osherovitz, Yechiel http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/Gargzdai/hamelitz.html | |
16. Doctrine, Heal Thyself Jacob Weisberg Doctrine, Heal Thyself jacob Weisberg Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at 224PM PT. At the hawkish end of things is Paul wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of http://slate.msn.com/id/1008354/ | |
17. Bush's Favorite Afghan Jacob Weisberg Bush's Favorite Afghan jacob Weisberg Posted Friday, October 5, 2001, at 1149 Therehe worked under Paul wolfowitz, who served as director of policy planning http://slate.msn.com/id/1008402/ | |
18. Preprints Des Jahres 1985 Nr. 881, wolfowitz, jacob Coding of Dependent Sources to within PrescribedDistortion by Encoders with Different Partial Information. Nr. http://wwwbib.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/Math-Net/Preprints/Listen/pp85.html | |
19. DC MetaData For Preprint Nr. 881 881. Coding of Dependent Sources to within Prescribed Distortion by Encoderswith Different Partial Information. by wolfowitz, jacob MSC not available. http://wwwbib.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/Math-Net/Preprints/Listen/shadow/pp881. | |
20. Biography-center - Letter W Wolfgang, Paul www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1989/paulautobio.html; wolfowitz,jacob www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/wolfowitz.html; http://www.biography-center.com/w.html | |
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