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61. Biographie Wiles Translate this page Équipe académique Mathématiques, Christian Drouin, 4 avril 2001 mathématiciens.andrew wiles (né en 1953). andrew wiles est Anglais, né à Cambridge. http://www.ac-bordeaux.fr/Pedagogie/Maths/viemaths/mthacc/wiles.htm | |
62. Andrew Wiles Biographical Sketches andrew wiles. Possible Sources andrew wiles, http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/wiles.html; http://www.ccsn.nevada.edu/math/matovina/math120/research/wiles.htm | |
63. CMI - Presentation Of The First CMI Award To Andrew Wiles Translate this page http://elib.zib.de/pub/Misc/MillenniumPrizeProblems/www.claymath.org/annual_meet |
64. TU Berlin - Medieninformation Nr. 183e - 18. August 1998 With its special tribute, the International Mathematics Union (IMU)wishes to acknowledge andrew wiles' outstanding achievement. http://elib.zib.de/ICM98/TU-Presse/pi183e.htm | |
65. ICM'98 Person Database Request Similar pages Ivars Peterson's MathLand The dramatic announcement in 1993 by andrew wiles that he had proved Fermat's LastTheorem appeared to belong to this category of discovery. wiles, andrew. http://elib.zib.de:88/cgi98/search_number?7645 |
66. Ivars Peterson's MathTrek - The Amazing ABC Conjecture Article by Ivars Peterson.Category Science Math Number Theory Open Problems ABC Conjecture...... Scientific American (November)6873. wiles, andrew. 1995. Modular ellipticcurves and Fermat's last theorem. Annals of Mathematics 141(May)443-551. http://www.maa.org/mathland/mathtrek_12_8.html | |
67. Henri Darmon - Home Page - Math McGill TW Taylor, Richard; wiles, andrew Ringtheoretic properties of certain Heckealgebras. W wiles, andrew Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's last theorem. http://www.math.mcgill.ca/darmon/ | |
68. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Index T-z and history of complexity, 862 and reactiondiffusion, 1013 Wiesenfeld, Kurt A. (USA,1958- ) and self-organized criticality, 989 wiles, andrew J. (England/USA http://www.wolframscience.com/nks/index/names/t-z.html?SearchIndex=t-z |
69. Scientific American: Ask The Experts: Mathematics: Are Mathematicians Finally Sa Are mathematicians finally satisfied with andrew wiles's proof of Fermat'sLast Theorem? Why has this theorem been so difficult to prove? http://www.sciam.com/askexpert_question.cfm?articleID=000DBA55-B698-1C71-9EB7809 |
70. Wiles Close Window Today is andrew John wiles' Birthday! Happy Birthday andrew!Born April 11, 1953 in Cambridge, England. Department of Mathematics. http://curvebank.calstatela.edu/birthdayindex/apr/apr11wiles/apr11wiles.htm | |
71. Paths To Erdos H. 4 Thompson, John G. 3 Thurston, William P. 3 Tits, Jacques 4 Uhlenbeck, KarenK. 3 Varadhan, Srinivasa SR 2 Whitehead, George W. 4 wiles, andrew J. 3 Yau http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/erdpaths.html | |
72. TU Berlin - Medieninformation Nr. 183 - 18. August 1998 andrew J. wiles ist am 18. andrew J. wiles (geb. 11. http://www.tu-berlin.de/presse/pi/1998/pi183.htm | |
73. Science/fermats Last Theorem What is the current status of FLT? teo197. andrew wiles, a researcherat Princeton, claims to have found a proof. The proof was presented http://www.urbanlegends.com/science/fermats_last_theorem.html | |
74. Junior British League Gareth wiles v andrew O'Mahoney 03 Alex Runham v Hamish Yeung 1-3 Samuel Fullerv David Brightman 2-3 Gareth wiles v Hamish Yeung 2-3 Samuel Fuller v andrew O http://www.etta.co.uk/BritLg/bl0102/Junior/jb01ma5.htm | |
75. Parla Il Matematico Inglese Andrew Wiles: La Sua Dimostrazione Del «teorema Di Translate this page 17. Parla il matematico inglese andrew wiles la sua dimostrazione del «teoremadi Fermat» serve a studiare la sicurezza su Internet «Con i miei calcoli sono http://www.giornaledibrescia.it/giornale/2000/09/12/17,CULTURA/T3.html | |
76. Matematikkens Præmieår nedenfor. Eller læs et dansk resumé. Da andrew wiles for nogle årsiden beviste »Fermats sidste sætning«, skete det efter ca. http://www.cozmo.dk/cramer/mat.html | |
77. MATH2000 - Histoire Translate this page Le 23 juin 1993, à l'Institut Isaac Newton à Cambridge, andrew wiles achèvele dernier de ses trois exposés sur les « Courbes elliptiques, formes http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/math2000/pub/histoire.html | |
78. What Is The Current Status Of FLT? What is the current status of FLT? andrew wiles, a researcher at Princeton,claims to have found a proof. The proof was presented http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/node24.html | |
79. Fermat's Last Theorem andrew wiles, a researcher at Princeton, claims to have found a proof.The proof was presented in Cambridge, UK during a three day http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/mathtext/node9.html | |
80. A TaSte Of Art - Andrew Hodges several difficulties. One was having to follow a beautiful talk bySir andrew wiles on Fermat's famous last theorem. Sir andrew http://www.synth.co.uk/images/tate2.html | |
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