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         Weierstrass Karl:     more books (64)
  1. Mathematische Werke (German Edition) by Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass, Georg Hettner, et all 2009-12-15
  2. Mathematische Werke V1 (1894) (German Edition) by Karl Weierstrass, 2010-09-10
  3. Mathematische Werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eingesetzten Commission (German Edition) by Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass, Georg Hettner, 2010-06-19
  4. Mathematische Werke Von Karl Weierstrass, Vol. 4 (German Edition) by Karl Weierstrass, 2006-09-13
  5. Nach Vorlesungen Und Aufzeichnungen Des Herrn K. Weierstrass (German Edition) by Hermann Amandus Schwarz, Karl Weierstrass, 2010-03-26
  6. C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke V6 (1891) by Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi, 2010-05-23
  7. Abhandlungen Aus Der Functionenlehre (German Edition) by Karl Weierstrass, 2010-03-24
  8. C. G. J. Jacobi's Gesammelte Werke V2: Herausgegeben Auf Veranlassung Der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften (1882) (German Edition) by Carl Gustav Jakob Jacobi, 2010-05-23
  9. Ausgewählte Kapitel aus der Funktionenlehre: Vorlesung, gehalten in Berlin 1886. Mit der akademischen Antrittsrede, Berlin 1857, und drei weiteren Originalarbeiten ... zur Mathematik) (German Edition) by Karl Weierstrass, 1989-01-23
  10. Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Elliptischen Functionen (German and German Edition) by Berlin, . Akademie der Wissenschaften, Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass, et all 2009-12-04
  11. Das Fotoalbum Fuer Weierstrass / A Photo Album for Weierstrass (German and English Edition)
  12. People From the Province of Westphalia: Franz Boas, Wilhelm Canaris, Karl Weierstrass, F. W. Murnau, Wilhelm Ackermann, Hans Fritzsche
  13. Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen akademie der wissenschaften eingesetzten commission.Vol. 3 by Karl Weierstrass, 2001-01-01
  14. Mathematische werke von Karl Weierstrass. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung einer von der Königlich preussischen akademie der wissenschaften eingesetzten commission. Vol. 1 by Karl Weierstrass, 2001-01-01

1. Karl Weierstrass
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Karl Weierstrass
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass werd geboren op 31 oktober 1815 in Ostenfelde, een klein plaatsje in het koninkrijk Pruisen. Hij was het oudste kind van Wilhelm Weierstrass en Theodora Vonderfost, die later nog een zoon en twee dochters zouden krijgen. In 1826, vlak na de geboorte van haar vierde kind overleed Theodora plotseling. Wilhelm hertrouwde een jaar later, maar uit dit huwelijk kwamen geen kinderen. Wilhelm Weierstrass was een goed opgeleid persoon en had een hoge algemene ontwikkeling. Hij was daarnaast erg streng, iets waar zijn kinderen erg onder leden, zijn tweede zoon Peter nog meer dan Karl. Hij was van beroep belastinginspecteur voor de Pruisische regering en de familie moest daarom diverse keren binnen Pruisen verhuizen. In 1829, de familie woonde toen in het Westduitse Paderborn, ging Karl naar het gymnasium aldaar. Hij had het erg naar zijn zin, maar om zijn school te betalen moest hij wel een bijbaantje als boekhouder nemen. Weierstrass was een zeer goede leerling. Tijdens zijn schooltijd sleepte hij vele prijzen in de wacht, die toenertijd gewoonlijk aan de beste leerlingen in een bepaald vak werden gegeven. Naast wiskunde had hij ook veel aanleg voor Latijn, Grieks en Duits. Verrassenderwijs had hij totaal geen interesse voor muziek, dit in tegenstelling tot vele andere wiskundigen. Muziekvoorstellingen vond hij hoogst vervelend en tijdens een opera viel hij eens in slaap.

2. Weierstrass
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass. Karl Weierstrass's father, Wilhelm Weierstrass,was secretary to the mayor of Ostenfelde at the time of Karl's birth.
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass
Born: 31 Oct 1815 in Ostenfelde, Westphalia (now Germany)
Died: 19 Feb 1897 in Berlin, Germany
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Karl Weierstrass 's father, Wilhelm Weierstrass, was secretary to the mayor of Ostenfelde at the time of Karl's birth. Wilhelm Weierstrass was a well educated man who had a broad knowledge of the arts and of the sciences. He certainly was well capable of attaining higher positions than he did, and this attitude may have been one of the reasons that Karl Weierstrass's early career was in posts well below his outstanding ability. Weierstrass's mother was Theodora Vonderforst and Karl was the eldest of Theodora and Wilhelm's four children, none of whom married. Wilhelm Weierstrass became a tax inspector when Karl was eight years old. This job involved him in only spending short periods in any one place so Karl frequently moved from school to school as the family moved around Prussia. In 1827 Karl's mother Theodora died and one year later his father Wilhelm remarried. By 1829 Wilhelm Weierstrass had become an assistant at the main tax office in Paderborn, and Karl entered the Catholic Gymnasium there. Weierstrass excelled at the Gymnasium despite having to take on a part-time job as a bookkeeper to help out the family finances.

3. WIEM: Weierstrass Karl
weierstrass karl (18151897), matematyk niemiecki. Czonek Akademii Nauk w Berlinie i francuskiej AN. Od 1856 profesor uniwersytetu w Berlinie napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Matematyka, Niemcy
Weierstrass Karl widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Weierstrass Karl (1815-1897), matematyk niemiecki. Cz³onek Akademii Nauk w Berlinie i francuskiej AN. Od 1856 profesor uniwersytetu w Berlinie. Publikowa³ wa¿ne prace z dziedziny teorii funkcji analitycznych , algebry liniowej, geometrii ró¿niczkowej, rachunku wariacyjnego, analizy matematycznej. 1861 sformu³owa³ przyk³ad funkcji ci±g³ej nie maj±cej pochodnej w ¿adnym punkcie. Powi±zania Granica funkcji Wariacyjny rachunek Matematyka Uniwersytet Humboldta w Berlinie ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

4. WIEM: Weierstrass Karl
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia W......weierstrass karl (18151897), matematyk niemiecki. Matematyka, Niemcy WeierstrassKarl (1825-1897), widok strony znajdz podobne pokaz powiazane. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Matematyka, Niemcy
Weierstrass Karl widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane
Weierstrass Karl (1815-1897), matematyk niemiecki. Cz³onek Akademii Nauk w Berlinie i francuskiej AN. Od 1856 profesor uniwersytetu w Berlinie. Publikowa³ wa¿ne prace z dziedziny teorii funkcji analitycznych , algebry liniowej, geometrii ró¿niczkowej, rachunku wariacyjnego, analizy matematycznej. 1861 sformu³owa³ przyk³ad funkcji ci±g³ej nie maj±cej pochodnej w ¿adnym punkcie. Powi±zania Granica funkcji Wariacyjny rachunek Matematyka Uniwersytet Humboldta w Berlinie ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

5. Famous People
Translate this page Watt James Waals van der Walton Ernest Weber Wilhelm Weber Joseph weierstrass karlWeinberg Steven Wieman Carl Wien Wilhelm Wigner Eugene Wilson Charles Wilson
W X,Y Z Watt James
Waals van der

Walton Ernest

Weber Wilhelm
... Odkazy

6. Karl Weierstrass - Wikipedia
Other languages Nederlands. Karl Weierstrass. From Wikipedia, thefree encyclopedia. Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstraß (October 31

7. Karl Weierstrass
Karl Wilhelm Theodor Weierstrass. born October 31, 1815 in Munster,Germany died February 19,1897 in Berlin. A true mathematician
Karl Wilhelm Theodor Weierstrass
born: October 31, 1815 in Munster, Germany
died: February 19,1897 in Berlin A true mathematician who is not also something of a poet will never be a perfect mathematician.
(Weierstrass) Poor college student. High school teacher. Superb mathematician. Weierstrass was the oldest son of a minor customs official, and his childhood is not particularly unusual. He seemed to enjoy school and won numerous prizes in languages and mathematics. At 19 he entered the University of Bonn. His father pressured him to study law and commerce to insure a secure future, but instead "He devoted his great bodily strength, his lightning dexterity and his keen mind almost exclusively to fencing and the mellow sociability that is induced by nightly and liberal indulgence in honest German beer." During the summer vacation of 1853, Weierstrass wrote up another original result and this time sent it to a well-read professional journal, Crelle's Journal. It appeared in 1854 and caused quite a commotion a masterful work of original mathematics from an unknown high school teacher! With the support of German mathematicians, he was given several honorary degrees and made Assistant Professor at the University of Berlin where he spent the rest of his life. His research fame spread quickly, and he was also known as a popular and accessible teacher, unusual qualities for a professor in those days. When Sonja Kovalevskaia came to Germany from Russia to study mathematics, she was not allowed to attend classes at the university because she was a woman, so Weierstrass privately tutored her for several years. Later, he kept in touch, worked to help her find a suitable academic position, and was very pleased she won the prize of the French Academy of Science.

8. Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass 18151897 Karl Weierstrass's fatherbecame a tax inspector when Karl was eight years old. This
Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass
Karl Weierstrass's father became a tax inspector when Karl was eight years old. This job involved him in only spending short periods in any one place so Karl frequently moved from school to school as the family moved around Prussia. In 1829, Weierstrass entered the Gymnasium in Paderborn. Weierstrass excelled at the Gymnasium despite having to take on a part-time job as a bookkeeper to help out the family finances. Though Weierstrass showed promise in mathematics, his father wished him to study finance. So after graduating from the Gymnasium in 1834, he entered the University of Bonn with a course planned out for him which included the study of law, finance and economics. Weierstrass was torn between the subject he loved and the subject his father wanted for him, and he spent 4 years of intensive fencing and drinking. In 1841, Weierstrass had taken the necessary oral examinations and he began as a teacher. He wrote three short papers in 1841 and 1842 which contained the concepts on which he based his theory of functions of a complex variable in later years. He taught at various schools in Germany. As a teacher of mathematics he was required to teach other topics too, and he taught physics, botany, geography, history, German, calligraphy and even gymnastics. Weierstrass published a full version of his theory of inversion of hyperelliptic integrals in his next paper in 1856. Now there was a move from a number of universities to offer him a chair, and he accepted one from the Industry Institute in Berlin, follwed quickly by one at the University of Berlin.

9. Bedeutende Mathematiker
Translate this page Nash John (1928 - , West Virginia), weierstrass karl (1815 - 1897, Berlin). WeierstrassKarl (1815 - 1897, Berlin), Waerden Bartel Leendert van (1903 - 1996).
Home Geschichte Mathematiker Zitate ... Suche Bedeutende Mathematiker alphabetisch nach Geburtsdatum Abel Niels (1802 -1829, Froland, Norwegen) Thales von Milet (um 625 - 546 v. Chr.) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Pythagoras von Samos (um 580 - 496 v. Chr., Kroton) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Zenon von Elea (um 490 - um 430 v.Chr.) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Banach Stefan (1892 - 1945, Lwów) Euklid von Alexandria (um 360 - um 300 v. Chr. ?) Bernoulli Jakob (1654 - 1705, Basel) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Bernoulli Johann (Bruder von Jakob) (1667 - 1748, Basel) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Bernoulli Daniel (Sohn von Johann) (1700 - 1782, Basel) Ries Adam (1492 - 1559, Annaberg) Bessel Friedrich Wilhelm (1784 - 1846, Königsberg) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom) Cantor Georg (1845-1918, Halle) Viète (Vieta) François (1540 - 1603, Paris) Cauchy Augustin Louis (1789 - 1857, Paris) Neper (Napier) John (1550 - 1617, Edinburgh) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom)

10. Karl Weierstrass - Wikipedia NL
Andere talen English. Karl Weierstrass. (Doorverwezen vanaf Weierstrass). KarlWeierstrass (18151897). Duitser, wiskundige Hoogleraar te Berlijn (1864).

11. Karl Weierstrass -
Skaffa dig en Karl Weierstrass. Startsida Karl Weierstrass,matematiker, född 31 okt 1815, död 19 febr 1897 Weierstrass
Karl Weierstrass
Startsida Senaste nytt Länkar ... Inställningar Sök: Alltheweb Dmoz Frisim Gnuheter ... Wikipedia
Karl Weierstrass matematiker , född 31 okt 1815 , död 19 febr 1897 Weierstrass var professor i matematik i Berlin , och en av 1800-talet s mer inflytelserika matematiker . Han definierade att en [analytisk funktion] var summan av en potensserie. Weierstrass uppfann också en [kontinuerlig funktion] som saknade derivata i varje punkt. En av hans elever var Sonja Kovalevsky , Sveriges förmodligen mest kända matematiker. Hitta mer information på andra språk På engelska ( Karl Weierstrass ) sök i Alltheweb Dmoz Google Britannica Concise ... Xrefer På tyska ( Karl Weierstrass ) sök i Alltheweb Dmoz Google Brockhaus ... Inställningar Sök: Alltheweb Dmoz Frisim Gnuheter ... Visa andra versioner drivs av Aronsson Datateknik
Senast ändrad 16 oktober 2002 (skillnad)

12. Karl Weierstrass
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13. Weierstrass
Translate this page weierstrass karl Wilhelm Theodor allemand, 1815-1897 Simple instituteur,il poursuit des études à Münster où Gudermann sera son professeur.
WEIERSTRASS Karl Wilhelm Theodor
allemand, 1815-1897
Gudermann Cauchy irrationnels Pythagore dont Abel
d'un nombre irrationnel (non rationnel). Rappelons ici qu'un nombre est dit rationnel finie (ex : 1/7 = 0, R Dedekind Meray et Cantor Pythagore
et Cauchy e
  • o , si quel que soit e o e
    o , f est dite continue en x o si sa limite en x o est f(x o
Notons que la notion de la Heine , son contemporain et Taylor fonction analytique S a n x n . En 1861, il perfectionne le concept de convergence uniforme Gudermann (1838) puis Cauchy Cas d'une suite : notons f n e e , pour leque l : n e vitesse on dit que la convergence de la suite est uniforme si l'entier N notons S n n (sommes partielles) : S n (x) = f o (x) + f (x) +f (x) + ... + f n (x) suite n R n (x) = S(x) - S n (x) suite R n (x) converge vers 0. uniforme si l'entier N Quel que soit e n e
  • n (x) = nx/(1 + nx) converge vers si x = et vers 1 pour tout x non nul. Cette convergence n'est pas uniforme : pour x non nul, le reste est R n (x) = 1/(1 + nx). Il est clair que R

14. Weierstrass K.T.W.
Choose photograph, Next. weierstrass karl Theodor Wilhelm. Germany.Born on 31.10.1815. Died on 19.02.1897. Mathematician. Corresponding
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Karl Theodor Wilhelm
Born on 31.10.1815.
Died on 19.02.1897.
Corresponding Member of the Physical-Mathematical Division since 04.12.1864.
Honorary Member since 02.12.1895.

15. Karl Weierstrass - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All main. home acapedia feedback. Friends ofAcapedia Karl Weierstrass. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
var srl33t_id = '4200';

16. ..: UniverSiTor : Ingegneria ..
Translate this page Ampère André-Marie Planck Max Talete di Mileto Edison Thomas Alva Fermi EnricoMaxwell James Clerk Watt James weierstrass karl Theodor Wilhelm Vant'Hoff

17. Matematicos
Matem¡tico alem¡n (1815 1897).
(ahora Alemania)

18. 10.11. Weierstrass, Karl (1815-1897)
10.11. weierstrass, karl (18151897). IRA. Biermann, Kurt-R. weierstrass,karl Theodor Wilhelm. Dictionary of Scientific Biography.
10.11. Weierstrass, Karl (1815-1897)
IRA Karl Weierstrass was one of the leaders in rigor in analysis and was known as the "father of modern analysis." In addition, he is considered one of the greatest mathematics teachers of all-time. Karl Wilhelm Theodor Weierstrass was born October 31, 1815, in Ostenfelde, Westphalia, Germany. He was the first of four children of a customs official under Napoleon. His father would later enter the Prussian taxation service and would move his family often. The father himself was the stereotypical overbearing father who attempted to dominate the lives of all his children. Karl was on the receiving end of lectures well past the age of forty. Curiously, none of his children ever married. Despite the many schools and inept parenting, Karl still managed to excel in school and held down a part-time job as a bookkeeper in his spare time. Unfortunately, this was the start of his trouble. Karl's father saw that his son was intelligent because of all the prizes he brought home. He also deduced that his son must be good bookkeeper. From these two facts, he figured his son could be a great accountant and the best accounting jobs were in the government. Therefore, his son would study commerce and law to prepare for a government career. The only problem was that his son was much more interested in mathematics. However, Karl bowed to his father's wishes and entered the University of Bonn in 1834 to pursue a career as an accountant. That was about as far as he followed his father's advice. Sick of his lectures, he simply stopped attending them and spent most of his time fencing (with swords), drinking beer, partying and reading mathematics books. After four years, he returned home without a degree in anything.

19. Encyclopædia Britannica
Encyclopædia Britannica. weierstrass, karl (Theodor Wilhelm). Encyclopædia Britannica Article

20. References For Weierstrass
Translate this page References for karl weierstrass. Books H Behnke and K Kopfermann (eds.), Festschriftzur Gedächtnisfeier für karl weierstrass (Cologne-Opladen, 1966).
References for Karl Weierstrass
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • H Behnke and K Kopfermann (eds.), (Cologne-Opladen, 1966).
  • A photo album for Weierstrass (Braunschweig, 1994).
  • Briefwechsel zwischen Karl Weierstrass und Sofja Kowalewskaja (Berlin, 1993).
  • P Ya Kochina, Karl Weierstrass, 1815-1897 (Russian), Nauka (Moscow, 1985).
  • P Ya Kochina, Letters from Karl Weierstrass to Sofja Kovalevskaja: 1871-1891 (German and Russian), Nauka (Moscow, 1973).
  • K Richter, Weierstrass, in H Wussing and W Arnold, Biographien bedeutender Mathematiker (Berlin, 1983). Articles:
  • H Behnke, Karl Weierstrass und seine Schule, in H Behnke and K Kopfermann (eds.), (Cologne-Opladen, 1966), 13-40.
  • Praxis Math.
  • K-R Biermann, K Weierstrass und A v Humboldt, Monatsb. Deutsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin
  • K-R Biermann, Kontroversen um den Steiner-Preis und ihre Folgen : Ein Kapitel aus den Beziehungen zwischen Weierstrass und Kronecker, Historia Sci. No.
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