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         Wangerin Albert:     more books (28)
  1. Allgemeine Lehrsätze in Beziehung Auf Die Im Verkehrten Verhältnisse Des Quadrats Der Entfernung Wirkenden Anziehungs- Und Abstossungs-Kräfte (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-03-23
  2. Franz Neumann Und Sein Wirken Als Forscher Und Lehrer (1907) (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, 2010-02-23
  4. Theorie Der Luftschwingungen in Röhren Mit Offenen Enden (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, Hermann Von Helmholtz, 2010-03-04
  5. Ein Versuch, Die Mathematische Analysis Auf Die Theorieen Der Elektricität Und Des Magnetismus Anzuwenden (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, George Green, 2010-02-22
  6. Allgemeine Flächentheorie (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-02-23
  7. Anmerkungen Und Zusatze Zur Entwerfung Der Land Und Himmelscharten (1894) (German Edition) by Johann Heinrich Lambert, 2010-09-10
  8. Theorie Der Doppelten Strahlenbrechung: Abgeleitet Aus Den Gleichungen Der Mechanik (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, Franz Ernst Neumann, 2010-05-25
  9. Allgemeine Lehrsatze In Beziehung Auf Die Im Verkehrten Verhaltnisse Des Quadrats Der Entfernung Wirkenden Anziehungs Und Abstossungs-Krafte (1889) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-09-10
  10. Drei Abhandlungen Uber Kartenprojection (1898) (German Edition) by Leonhard Euler, 2010-09-10
  11. Drei Abhandlungen Über Kartenprojection (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, Leonhard Euler, 2010-03-20
  12. Elektrotechnik auf Handelsschiffen (German Edition) by Hans-Joachim Kosack, Albert Wangerin, 1964-01-01
  13. Ueber Die Anziehung Homogener Ellipsoide: Abhandlungen Von Laplace (1782), Ivory (1809), Gauss (1813), Chasles (1838) Und Dirichlet (1839). (German Edition) by Albert Wangerin, Pierre Simon Laplace, et all 2010-04-01
  14. Mars Hill Review #19 2002 (Erasmus, Radiohead, Luci Shaw, Lucinda Williams, Traffic, Walter Wangerin, Albert Murray, Much More)

41. Projekte Für Das Arbeitsgebiet Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Kaasch/Kaasch) 1996–20
Translate this page Der XVII. Präsident albert wangerin (1844-1933, Amtszeit 1906-1921) führtedie Amtsgeschäfte bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg in ruhigem Fahrwasser fort.
Schwerpunkt Akademiegeschichte
Themen von Dr. Michael Kaasch und Dr. Joachim Kaasch Leopoldina-Geschichte im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
von Emil Abderhalden
Biologen als Mitglieder der Leopoldina

Projekte Die Leopoldina zwischen 1870-1931
Von der Akademiereform unter Behn bis zum Amtsantritt von Emil Abderhalden
Leben und Wirken von Emil Abderhalden Die Leopoldina zwischen 1870-1931
Von der Akademiereform unter Behn bis zum Amtsantritt von Emil Abderhalden Allgemeine Bemerkungen

In der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts hatten die Naturwissenschaften und die Medizin einen Entwicklungsstand erreicht, dem die traditionell gewachsene Sacri Romani Imperii Academia Caesareo-Leopoldina Naturae Curiosorum Reform Wilhelm Friedrich Georg Behn Karl Hermann Knoblauch (1820-1895, Amtszeit 1878-1895) kehrte die Leopoldina 1878 nach Halle Geschichte der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Karl von Fritsch Albert Wangerin August Gutzmer Johannes Walther Akademiereform Emil Abderhalden Ausgangslage Geschichte der Bibliothek und Naturaliensammlung der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 100 Jahre Leopoldina in Halle 1878-1978 Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. Geschichte und Gegenwart

42. Names Index Page
17 MAR 188223 APR 1956) Stiemke, x (UNKNOWN-) Streich, albert (UNKNOWN-) Streich Richard(1 JUL 1975-) Walsh, Robert (17 NOV 1951-) wangerin, Donald (UNKNOWN
Page built by Gedpage Version 2.06 UNREGISTERED This is the family history
research of Robert Sobkoviak.
Family Tree Names
Reamer, Harold (UNKNOWN-)
Reamer, Theresa Mae

Reece, Hayden Richard
(21 APR 1992-)
Reece, Jacqueline Mary
(7 NOV 1988-)
Reece, Jeffery Richard
(24 FEB 1962-)
Rehl, Theresa
(14 AUG 1898-JUN 1970)
Richard, Brennan
(21 SEP 1994-)
Richard, Mark
(UNKNOWN-) Richard, Ryleigh (21 SEP 1994-) Rita, Rita, Ritchie, Amy (FEB 1990-) Ritchie, Andy (UNKNOWN-) Ritchie, Kyle (UNKNOWN-) Ritter, Adolph (UNKNOWN-) Ritter, Carol (UNKNOWN-) Ritter, Gene (UNKNOWN-) Ritter, Robert (UNKNOWN-) Ritter, Virginia (UNKNOWN-) Robillard, Adele (17 JUN 1835-12 APR 1884) Robillard, Antoine (UNKNOWN-) Robillard, Norah (UNKNOWN-) Robinson, Margaret (UNKNOWN-) Robison, Lois Rogers, Louise (UNKNOWN-) Rolph, Madeline (8 APR 1910-) Roop, Jason Allen (23 DEC 1995-) Roop, Shawn (31 MAY 1971-) Roseberg, Gene (UNKNOWN-) Rosenberg, Alice Ella Sophia (3 OCT 1905-) Rosenberg, August (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) Rosenberg, Dale (UNKNOWN-) Rosenberg, Dorothy

43. Benson Boys
WALKER John albert Basil, WAMPLER William, T61. wangerin James Curtis, T43.wangerin Jmesurtis, T43. wangerin Misty Dawn, T43. wangerin Walter Andrew,T43.
Benson Boys : Tye : Trees : Names Index : W SURNAME /GIVEN BORN DIED TREE WADE Nannie WAGES Harrison WAGGONER Elizabeth WAIN NaNCY WALKER Basil WALKER John Albert Basil WALKER Milly WALKER Phoebe Daugherty WALKER Sharon WALKER William Edmond WALTERS Amanda Nichole WALTERS Cynthia Kay WALTERS Daryl Allen WALTERS Douglas Allan WALTERS Dow Elmer WALTERS James Burrell WALTERS James David WALTERS James Vernon WALTERS Ruth WALTERS Jannie Ruth WALTERS Johnie Dow WALTERS Kaitlin Nicole WALTERS Lauren Marlene WALTERS Lois Jeanette WALTERS Matthew Craig WALTERS Nathaniel Allen WALTERS Pearl June WALTERS Raleigh John WALTERS Ruth WALTERS Timothy Craig WALTERS Winona Lois WAMPLER William WANGERIN James Curtis WANGERIN Jmesurtis WANGERIN Misty Dawn WANGERIN Walter Andrew WARD Denny Virgil WARD Harvey Madock WARD Joseph D WARD Joshua Nobel WARD Lucy Belcher WARD Michael Warden WARD Rascom C WARD Sarah WARD Thomas WARD Troy T WARE Amy Elizabeth WARE Anne WARE Ralph Clark WARE Robert Rea WARE Susan Clark WARE Thomas Herrington WARFIELD Ben F WARNE Edmund R WARNE Katherine Sue WARNER Betty Jean WARNETT Eleanor WARREN Emma WARREN Issachar WARREN Issachar Arthur WARREN James WARREN Jane WARREN John WARREN Mary Ann WARREN Mary Ann WARREN Obert WARREN Poebe WARSON Bacil Eugene WARSON Carl Thomas WARSON Jessica WARSON Laura WARSON Samuel WARSON Tamela Elaine WARSON William Christopher WARSON William Joseph WASHBOURNE Clyde WASHINGTON Nancy WASSOM Huston WATERS David Milner WATSON Alice WATSON Clair Dale

44. Germany - Allemagne - Deutschland
Translate this page EDUARD MEYER, Dr., o. Professor d. alten Geschichte an der UniversitätHalle. albert wangerin, Dr., o. Professor d. Astronomie und Math.
Fol. 2
ERNST ABBE, Dr., o. Hon. Professor, Direktor d. Sternwarte u. d. meteorolog. Institutes, Direktor d. Carl Zeisschen Fabrik f. optische Instrumente, Jena.
WOLRAD EIGENBRODT, Dr. phil., Schriftsteller, Jena. Fol. 3.
REULEAUX, Dr., Geh. Regierungsrat, Professor, Berlin.
FRITZ SCHAPER, Professor, Bildhauer, Berlin. Fol. 4.
Fol. 5.
Fol. 6.
HEINR. BULTHAUPT, Dr.. Professor, Stadtbibliothekar in Bremen.
REINHOLD BEGAS, Professor, Bildhauer, Berlin.
Fol. 7.
OTTO HARNACK, Dr., o, Professor der Geschichte und Litt. an der Techn. Hochschule zu Darmstadt.
MAX RIEGER, Dr. phil., Darmstadt.
RICHARD LEPSIUS, Dr., Geh. Hofrat, o. Professor d. Mineral. u. Geologie an der Tech. Hochschule zu Darmstadt.
LEO V. WILLMANN, Professor f. Bau- u. Ingenieurswissenschaft an der Techn. Hochschule zu Darmstadt.
FELIX LINCKE, Geh. Baurat, o. Professor d. Maschinenbaukunde an der Techn. Hochschule, Darmstadt. Fol. 8.
PAUL WALLOT, Professor an der Technischen Hochschule zu Dresden.
ADOLF STERN, Dr., Professor an der Technischen Hochschule zu Dresden.

45. Recent Materials On Effective Teaching Methods
Madansky, albert. Finetuning business doctoral education who should do it? LB2300AEHE (CLCP). wangerin, P. The evaluation of teaching in law schools.
LINUS October 1995
Recent materials on effective teaching methods
Coordinated by Zarinah Mohamed , Central Library RIS Dept Amin, Martin E.
Gender as a discriminating factor in the evaluation of teaching.
19, no.2 (1994): 135-143.
LB2300 AEHE (CLCP) Audi, Robert.
On the ethics of teaching and the ideals of learning.
Academe (Sep./Oct.1994): 26-36.
LB2301 AD (CLCP) Beaver, William.
Is TQM appropriate for the classroom?
College Teaching 42, no.3 (Sum.1994): 111-114.
LB2331 CT (CLCP) Boyatzis, Richard E.; Scott S. Cowen; David A. Kolb.
Implementing curricular innovation in higher education : year one of the new Weatherhead MBA program. Selections 9, no.1 (Aut.1992): 1-9. HD30.42 Uni.SE (HMLBP) Cobley, C.; S. White. Specimen and model answers in law teaching. Law Teacher KA1 JALT (LWBP) Cruickshank, D. Skills demonstrations : where 'show' works better than 'tell'. Law Teacher KA1 JALT (LWBP) DaRosa, D.A.; Folse, J.R.; Sachdeva, A.K.; Dunnington, G.L.; Reznick, R. Description and results of a needs assessment in preparation for the 'Surgeons as educators' course. American Journal of Surgery 169, no.4 (Apr. 1995): 410-413.

46. Institut Für Fachdidaktik - Deutschdidaktik
Translate this page Wolfgang wangerin Sich in den Künsten selbst erfahren. München ua 1978.albert Bremerich-Vos (ed.) Zur Praxis des Grammatikunterrichts.
    Prof Dr. Ina Karg / Dr. Wolfgang Wangerin Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur – Bibliographie Deutschdidaktik allgemein 1. Einführungen Ortwin Beisbart e.a.: Einführung in die Didaktik der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, Donauwörth (Auer) 1997 (7. Aufl.). Michael Krejci: Deutschunterricht. Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis, Baltmannsweiler 1981 (Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren).
Ernst Nündel: Kompendium Didaktik Deutsch, München 1980 (Ehrenwirth).
    Karl Schuster: Einführung in die Fachdidaktik Deutsch, Baltmannsweiler 1998 (Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren) (vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte 7. Aufl.). 2. Handbücher und Nachschlagewerke Ulf Abraham e.a.: Praxis des Deutschunterrichts. Arbeitsfelder – Tätigkeiten – Methoden, Donauwörth 1998 (Auer). Jürgen Baurmann/Otfried Hoppe (eds.): Handbuch für Deutschlehrer, Stuttgart 1984 (Kohlhammer). Joachim Fritzsche: Zur Didaktik und Methodik des Deutschunterrichts, 3 Bde., Stuttgart 1994 (Klett). Harro Müller-Michaels: Positionen der Deutschdidaktik seit 1949, Königstein/Ts. 1980 (Scriptor).
Ernst Nündel: Lexikon zum Deutschunterricht, München 1981 (Ehrenwirth) (2. Aufl.).

47. Quandt
Translate this page Fürstent. 1866 verwundet, 9 Kp. Retzlaff, albert, Gren. Langen. Rohde II, Herm.,Gren. wangerin. Regenw. 1.2.1871 tödlich verwundet bei Pontarlier-La Cluse, 3.Kp.
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A B ...
Name, Vorname, D´grad Ort Kreis Anmerkung Quandt , Albert, Gefr Falkenburg Dramburg 18.8.1870 bei Gravelotte verwundet, 4.Kp Quast , Karl, Gefr Callies Dramburg 1.2.1871 verwundet bei Pontarlier-La Cluse, 10.Kp Quednow, v. , Maj Stralsund Stralsund 11.2.1882 von 5.Ostpr.InfRgt 41; 15.1.1887 zur Allerh.Disp. u. BezKdr 2.Btl/2.LwRgt Stralsund ernannt; Rabehl , August, Füs Naugard Naugard 2.12.1870 verwundet bei Villiers, 12.Kp Rach , Wilh., Gren Rakow Neustettin 2.12.1870 verwundet bei Villiers, 5.Kp Raddatz , Albert, Füs Hohenfelde Fürstent. 2.12.1870 verwundet bei Villiers, 12.Kp Raddatz , Wilh., Uffz Schützenhof Neustettin 1.2.1871 verwundet bei Pontarlier-La Cluse, 10.Kp Rädel , Friedr. Füs Scharpenort Neustettin 30.11.1870 verwundet bei Mesly, 9.Kp Radoll II, Herm., Gren Priebslaff Schivelb. 6.12.1870 tödlich verwundet, Vorposten bei Bonneuil, 1.Kp Radtke , Ferd., Füs Schwedt Fürstent. 2.12.1870 verwundet bei Villiers, 12.Kp Radünz , Albert, Gren Mühlendorf Regenw. 1.2.1871 verwundet bei Pontarlier-La Cluse, 5.Kp Rannow . Ludw., Füs

48. From The Marion Record
chorus, Virginia Dahm; band, Harold Summervill; library, Doris wangerin; chapel,Doris Barrett, Mrs. Harvey Hett, Miss Evelyn Olsen, Mr. albert Ollenberger, Mr
Albert's Excursion Found at and extracted from during a general Ollenburger search sometime during 1998. 60 Years Ago (Thursday,) September 23, 1937 Among those who attended the Hutchinson Fair on Tuesday were Mrs. Earl Barrett, Mrs. Harvey Hett, Miss Evelyn Olsen, Mr. Albert Ollenberger , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hett, and Mrs. Roy Vogel. NOTE: Albert's age as of this writing would have been 18. He died in 1938 at age 19. The Hett name is associated with the Kaftons.

49. Cantor
En ny lista sattes upp och slutligen utsågs albert wangerin att ersättaHeine. wangerin och Cantor blev emellertid aldrig förtroliga vänner.
Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor
De aequationibus seconde gradus indeterminatis p p är transcendent. Mathematische Annalen Acta Mathematica Acta Mathematica Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannigfaltigkeitslehre Acta Mathematica Mathematische Annalen Principia Mathematica Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite The mystery of the Aleph: Mathematics, the Kabbalah, and the Search for Infinity
Sidansvarig: (

The Music House at Harmony Village (Damon Atchison) Subject albert Petrak (Rich fromWildwood, NJ, 1917 Estey 13rank pipe organ with wangerin player, The
for today's Mechanical Music Digest (97.04.05) Subject: Introduction (Andy Struble) Subject: The Music House at Harmony Village (Damon Atchison) Subject: Albert Petrak (Rich Marschner) Subject: Wurlitzer is German? (Damon Atchison) Subject: Vestal Press Status (Philippe Rouille) Subject: CD "Gershwin Plays Gershwin" (Damon Atchison) Subject: Peerless Roll Recutting Project (S. K. Goodman) Subject: Mechanical Music on TV (Damon Atchison) Subject: Mechanical Music on TV (Randy Hayno) Subject: Hardman Duo Sustain (Don Teach) Subject: Hardman Duo Sustain (Mark Van Essen) Subject: Replacing Lead Tubing (Jeff Davis) Subject: Weaver Player Piano (Mark Van Essen) Robbie Rhodes, Relief Editor Previous Digest: 97.04.04 From: (Andy Struble) To: Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 11:36:57 EST Subject: Introduction Hello. I am one of the restorations technicians at the Music House Museum in Acme, MI. Dave Stiffler just showed me some of the information from your MMD and I would like to be added to your list. I think it is wonderful to be in communications through this medium. Andy Struble MusicMachines@JUNO.COM [ Welcome to MMD, Andy, and thanks to Damon for his good reporting [ work. We hope to hear more from you and Dave Stiffler about your [ projects at Harmony Village. Robbie From: (Damon E. Atchison) To: Date: Sat, 05 Apr 1997 10:50:04 EST Subject: The Music House at Harmony Village I've been trying to put out a solid article on this museum for months now, and just a few weeks ago I wrote to this museum requesting a ton of information. David L. Stiffler, the Executive Director, sent me the following e-mail message in response to my requests for information. I have not changed any of his words, but I have changed the order of some of the sentences. I hope you all find this very interesting and visit this place sometime! It is in the very uppermost part of Michigan's lower peninsula, in the US. Canadians are closer than most people to it! Damon Atchison The Music House at Harmony Village "This is our 14th season open to the public. It is a nonprofit corporation controlled by a board of directors. I am the Executive Director. "Four significant collections were organized together to form the nucleus collection. Over 200 donors have contributed pieces for exhibition. It is on a 16.5 acre site which is being developed as "Harmony Village" centered on a complex of turn-of-the-century farm structures. "There are extensive galleries of the history of pioneer radio and the phonograph. All instruments are restored by museum technicians. To list a few of the instruments: 27" diameter disc 1899 Regina Corona music box, nickelodeons, numerous classic juke boxes, Reproduco organ, Violano-Virtuoso, art-case Weber Duo-Art and Chickering Ampico grand pianos, the "Columbia" 52 keyless 1913 Bruder band organ from Wildwood, NJ, 1917 Estey 13-rank pipe organ with Wangerin player, "The focal point of the museum is the huge "Armarylis" Mortier 97-key dance organ, built in 1922 for the Victoria Palace Ball Room, Ypres, Belgium. Its facade is over 30' wide and 18' high. Organ pipes and percussions produce a sound of a large European dance orchestra. Its musical library contains over 2,200 selections. "Each visitor receives a guided musical tour of over an hour. Admission: Adults @ $6.50, kids 6 to 16 @ $2, Special rates and schedules are available for groups by reservation. Call Harmony Group Tour Services. The Music House is open from May 1 to October 31, Mon. - Sat. 10am to 4pm, Sun. noon to 4pm. Holiday hours mid Nov. through Dec. are similar. "For information, contact the Music House, 7377 Us 31 North, P.O. Box 297, Acme, MI 49610 ; phone: 616-938-9300, fax: 616-938-3650. Drive 8 miles NE of Traverse City on US31 on the way to Charlevoix. You can't miss it. David L. Stiffler The Music House at Harmony Village " From: (Rich Marschner) To: (Mechanical Music Digest) Date: Sat, 5 Apr 1997 14:42:05 -0500 (EST) Subject: Albert Petrak Bruce Clark asked yesterday for help locating missing collectors. Among others he asked about, I was amazed to see this: > Another collector who visited others, was Albert Petrak, last known > to be living in Cleveland Heights. Vanished. Does anyone know of his > whereabouts? Indeed, I do and vanished he is not. Albert or "Old A. P.", as he's fondly known to all classical-music-loving Clevelanders is alive and well and on the air several shifts each week on WCLV/95.5, where he has been for something like 20 of our 35 years, broadcasting the classics to Northeast Ohio. A. P. isn't an active collector these days, and I don't think he currently owns a piano but I could be wrong on that; I'll ask him. You can reach him here at the station: 26501 Renaissance Pkwy, Cleveland OH 44128. Or e-mail him at:

51. Antiquariat Renner - Searchengine / Suchmaschine
Translate this page Hrsg. von A. wangerin. Lpz., Akademische Verlagsges. 1921. 46 S. OPp. 12,. Jena,1985. 123 S. OKart. 15,. Euro. albert, Hans, Murray C. KEMP et al (50715), showcat WI

52. Antiquariat Renner - Searchengine / Suchmaschine
Translate this page Hrsg. von A. wangerin. Lpz., Akademische Verlagsges. 1921. 46 S. OPp. 12,. 15,.Euro. albert, Adrian A. (46966), Collected Mathematical Papers. 2 vols. Ed. showcat R

Translate this page Kurt Reidemeister, Karl Rohn, Ludwig Schlesinger, Werner Schmeidler, Paul Stäckel,Wilhelm Süss, Gabor Szegö, albert wangerin, Julius Weingarten, in S
Zum Beitrag Vietas bei der Entwicklung der Mathematik in der Renaissance, in: Mathematik in der Schule, 17 (1979) 12, S. 649-655.
Mitarbeit an: Vorlesungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik. Hrsg. von H. Wussing. Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1979. 2. Aufl. 1989.
Die Stellung deutscher mathematischer Gesellschaften zur angewandten Mathematik, in: Mitteilungen der Math. Gesell. (Berlin), (1982) 1/2, S. 133-154.
K vyvoji dejin ved v NDR od sedmdesatych let, in: DVT-dejiny ved a techniky (Prag), 17 (1984) 1, S. 71-73.
Herausbildung der Internationalen Mathematischen Unterrichtskommission und ihre Funktion bei der Reformierung der Mathematikausbildung, in: Mitteilungen der Math. Gesell. (Berlin),(1984) 4, S. 14-23.
Zur Geschichte deutscher mathematischer Gesellschaften, in: Mitteilungen der Math. Gesell. (Berlin), (1986) 2/3, S. 112-134.
mit Meyer, Heiner: Zu einigen erkenntnistheoretischen Positionen von Felix Klein, in: Mitteilungen der Math. Gesell. (Berlin), (1987) 3, S. 56-75.
Mitarbeit an: Geschichte der Physik. Ein Abriss. Hrsg. von W. Schreier. Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1988.

54. Mars Hill Review: A Literary Journal, Revealing Christ In Unexpected Places
In this lively conversation, wangerin discusses the role of artists and storytellersin A Writer's Composition A Conversation with albert Murray Tom Fredrick.

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No. 19
A Good Name
Joey Earl Horstman
What's in a name? In this essay, Joey Earl Horstman offers theological insights into the creative act of naming in the world, as well as providing a personal history of the Horstman clan. Naming is serious business, indeed. Artists in the Way
Finding Truth in Dangerous Places
David B. Hutchens
Where art is concerned, is there any such thing as objective truth apart from the individual outworking of that truth? This essay examines the roles of self-consciousness and Christ-consciousness in the inventive process, revealing that perhaps the artist should never "get out of the way." The Trouble with Church Art
Jeanne Schinto
The tendency toward ritual is strong in many children. Stone altars, vestments, and other trappings of faith are made, all to the end of instilling and maintaining a certain childlike awe. In this reminiscence, Jeanne Schinto recounts some of her own steps in the replacement of "kiddy faith" with something more substantial.
Friends Have All Things in Common
Erasmus' Utopian Dreams of a Better World
Liam Atchison Plato, Augustine, Thomas More, and Erasmus were among many in the history of philosophy who dreamed of a perfect world. In this penetrating study of the thoughts of Erasmus, Utopia would consist of a place where a pure New Testament religion would reign supreme, and human beings would spend their days in friendship, community, and sharing.

55. Griep Aus Pommern
Translate this page - DAMNITZ 1935, Deputant albert Griep HINDENBURG wohnte in der Adolf-Hitler-Straße80 SABES 1935, der Arbeiter Richard Griepp wangerin 1932, die
Die GRIEP aus Pommern
Das ehemalige deutsche Ostgebiet heißt heute "Pomorsze Zachodnie" Pommern wurde bis zum 3.,4. und 5.Jahrhundert von Germanen bewohnt. Im 7. und 8. Jahrhundert rückten Slawen ein. Die germanische Bevölkerung verschwand gänzlich. An der Spitze des Volkes stand ein Herzog sowie ein machtvoller Adel, der aufgrund seines Grundbesitzes große Unabhängigkeit besaß. Zwar versuchten polnische Herzöge bereits im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert das pommersche Volk zu unterwerfen. Die Bemühungen waren jedoch erst im 12. Jahrhundert erfolgreich. Ausgehend vom Westen Deutschlands und den Niederlanden begann schließlich die Kolonisierung der slawischen Gebiete an der Ostsee. Von 1181 bis 1945 war die Region offizieller Teil von Deutschland. Nach dem 2.Weltkrieg nahm Polen jedoch Besitz vom östlichen Gebiet Pommerns. Die dort ansässige deutsche Bevölkerung wurde nach und nach aus ihrer Heimat vertrieben. Die pommerschen Griep leben heute verstreut in ganz Deutschland. Viele sind jedoch bereits vor der Vertreibung nach

56. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Staten Is., NY | Kirchenbuch 1882-1895, Pp.
old, born in Bremen, was wedded on 3 January 1886 with Emma Schranck of Stapleton, 19y. old, born in wangerin. Witnesses Gerhard Heitmann, albert Schranck.
Church Staten Island,
New York Churchbook 1882-1895, Marriages Churchbook for the
German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation
in Stapleton New York 1882-1895. pp. 397-402 Previous Page Next Page Kaufmann for merchant); in other cases, he uses what appears to be a German transliteration of an English word (i.e., Blachschmied for blacksmith). And he is not consistent, i.e., using Schlachter, Fleischer and Bütscher in Stapleton, Anna Menger in of aus ; therefore, I have just translated what is written.] p. 397 1. Theodor Schumann, engraver [ Graveür ] in Hoboke, 29y. old, born in Bremen, was wedded on 3 January 1886 with: Emma Schranck of Stapleton , 19y. old, born in Wangerin. Witnesses: Gerhard Heitmann, Albert Schranck. Minister: A. Kuehne 2. Ludwig Schultz, widower, carpenter [ Zimmermann ] in Stapleton, 48y. old, born in Stettin, was wedded on 3 January 1886 with: Dorothea Kielgart born Beck of Stapleton, 48 y. old, born in Lamstaedt. Witnesses: Henry Kiep, Christine Hanitsch. Minister: A. Kuehne 3. Otto Geiler, grocer [

57. Baker Book House - Author Listing
CFW Walvoord, John F. Walvoord, John F. Wanamaker, Charles A.; Marshall, I. Howard(editor) wangerin, Walter, Jr. Ward, Wayne E. Wardin, albert W. Warfield, BB

58. By Author, Then Title
the Suffering Death Resurrection of Jesus_ 232.96 Wan **wangerin Walter Water in a World of Domination 235 Win **Winn albert Layman's Bible

59. Ahnenliste Peter Und Dagmar Dörling
Translate this page Wilhelm, * 19.2. 1852, Kratzig / wangerin, 24.10. 1878, Zeitlitz, +, nach, 1917, 1869,Steinwerder, 6, 38, Rabenalt, albert, * um, 1840, Harburg und London, um, 1870,wo ?
Um jeweils das Elternpaar zu finden, verdoppelt man die Kennzahl.
aufgestellt am 3.10.2002
ration Kenn-
zahl Nachname Vorname Geb Dat Wohnort / Kirche,Provinz Hochzeit HDat KIRCHE Tod TDat Ort/Kirche
Ingo / Holger Hamburg 2. Generation Peter Herbert Heinrich Ohlstedt / Bergstedt Hamburg Hauswirth Dagmar Hamburg Hamburg 3. Generation Herbert Heinrich Tangstedt / Bergstedt Bergst. Hamburg Wergowsky Emma Meta Margareta Bergst. Hauswirth Erich Wilhelm Geesthacht / Lauenbg. um Hamburg Hamburg Wussow Gertrud Dora Irmgard Beyersdorf / Pyritz Geesth. 4. Generation Heinrich Ludwig Tangstedt / Bergstedt Tangstedt HH -Barmbek Lehmann Elsa Marie Johanna Hamburg - St. Pauli Tangstedt Garstedt Hasse Gustav unverh. Wergowsky Marg. Auguste Joha. unverh. HH-Wandsbek Hauswirth Joh. Heinr. Ludwig Paul Geesthacht in Hamburg Stamer Bertha Anna Ida Bartelsdorf / Lauenbg. Geesthacht Hamburg Wussow August Friedrich Wilhelm Wangerin / Regenwalde um wo ? Beyersdorf Hasse Martha Amanda Wangerin / Regenwalde Werben / Pyritz HH-Veddel 5. Generation

Neighbors Denise Pruitt, Bob Rieber, Becky Giltz, albert wangerin, Debbie McEllenborough,Chris Holland, Bob Carrier and George Velasquez asked questions and
Agenda Item Concern *Action Requested CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Warrenville Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) was called to order at 7:00 pm by Plan Commission Chairman John Davis in the Council Chambers of City of Warrenville City Hall at 28W701 Stafford Place. ROLL CALL: Plan Commission members present: Timothy Cosgrove, John Davis, Jeff Deniger, Lenore Hoving, Mary McGinty, Mary Ellen Nelson, Scott Shaw and Peggy Smith. Quorum Present Absent: Beth Haack ZBA members present: John Davis, Timothy Cosgrove, Jeff Deniger, Lenore Hoving, Mary McGinty and Peggy Smith. Quorum Present Absent: Beth Haack Also present Community Development Director Ron Mentzer, Planner Ed Cage and Recording Secretary Marilyn Hawkes. MINUTES: On a motion by Cosgrove seconded by Deniger, minutes of the May 9, 2002 meeting were approved as amended: Page 3, first paragraph changed to read "At the City Council's direction, this text amendment reverts back to the way such approvals were previously handled and returns final approval authority to the Plan Commission for minor amendments related to projects outside Cantera in addition to the body's existing approval authorization for minor amendments within Cantera." Page 3, last paragraph/motion, insert the word

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