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         Ulugh Beg:     more books (38)
  1. Prolégomènes Des Tables Astronimiques D'oloug-Beg, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Ulugh Beg, 2010-02-10
  2. Astronomie Orientale (French Edition) by Ulugh Beg, L-A Sédillot, 2010-03-05
  3. Timourides: Bâbur, Tamerlan, Ulugh Beg, Goharshad, Massacre D'ispahan, Shah Rukh, Omar Cheikh Ii, Renaissance Timouride (French Edition)
  4. 1390s Births: Ulugh Beg, William Waynflete, Barbara of Cilli, Dietrich, Count of Oldenburg, William Douglas, 2nd Earl of Angus
  5. Astronomers by Era: Ancient Astronomers, Medieval Astronomers, Alhazen, Ulugh Beg, Khalid Ben Abdulmelik, Ali Ibn Isa, Shen Kuo
  6. Ulugh Beg's catalogue of stars, rev. from all Persian manuscripts existing in Great Britain, with a vocabulary of Persian and Arabic words
  7. 15th-Century Mathematicians: Luca Pacioli, Ulugh Beg, Regiomontanus, Georg Von Peuerbach, Madhava of Sangamagrama, Nicholas of Kues
  8. Ulugh Beg's catalogue of stars, rev. from all Persian manuscripts existing in Great Britain, with a vocabulary of Persian and Arabic words by 1394-1449 Ulugh Beg, E B. b. 1841 Knobel, 2010-09-04
  9. Ulugh Beg's Catalogue of Stars by Edward Ball Knobel, 1917
  10. Timurid Monarchs: Aurangzeb, Humayun, Jahangir, Ulugh Beg, Akbar the Great, Timur, Husayn Bayqarah, Abu Sa'id, Tuzk-E-Jahangiri, Khalil Sultan
  11. [TIMOURIDES]Timourides by Groupe, Livres(Author)paperback{Timourides: B[bur, Tamerlan, Ulugh Beg, Goharshad, Massacre D'Ispahan, Shah Rukh, Omar Cheikh II, Renaissance Timouride}08 08-2010
  12. Meteor Storm Watch: Will the Leonids Dazzle? / A Mystery on the Sun / The Puzzling X-ray Background / Ulugh Beg's 15th-Century School for Astronomy / Could Comet "Hale-Bopp" Become the Next Great Comet? (Sky & Telescope, Volume 90, Number 5, November 1995)
  13. Timuride: Tamerlan, Babur, Ulugh Beg, Schah Ruch, Miran Schah (German Edition)
  14. Ulugh Beg's catalogue of stars: Rev. from all Persian manuscripts existing in Great Britain, with a vocabulary of Persian and Arabic words by Ulugh Beg, 1917-01-01

61. The Agakhan Visual Archives - Images
This selection of 167 images from the Aga Khan Visual Archives represents some historic and contemorary Islamic architecture from 26 countries in 4 contenents. The images are divided into two main groups: religious and non-religious sites. The first group includes images of buildings used for religious purposes such as mosques, madrasahs, khanqahs, and mausoleums. To ease accessibility, the images are then arranged into three sub-groups according to their alphabetical order, geographic location, and their important architectural components. The images of non-religious sites are arranged into two sub-groups. The first includes residential and other building types, the second includes images of bazaars (markets) and street views from selected cities in the muslim world.
Please note that these images can only be used for teaching and research purposes. Reproduction by any means and under any cicumstances of these images is prohibited without the consent permission of the Aga Khan Visual Archives.
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62. PO Ulugh Beg
ulugh beg. Door Lesley Arp en Alexandra de Jong, 4VWO, HML. Biografievan ulugh beg. Muhammed Taragai ulugh beg is geboren in 1394 en Alexandra_de_Jong/ulugh_beg/
Ulugh Beg Door: Lesley Arp en Alexandra de Jong, 4VWO, HML. Biografie van Ulugh Beg Ulugh Beg leefde in het begin van de 15 e eeuw. Toen was het christendom in verval. Andere rijken, zoals het Ottomaans Turkse rijk, waren belangrijk. Binnen het christendom ontstonden er allerlei stromingen. Dat kwam onder andere doordat de bijbel in de 14 e e eeuw de renaissance. Tijdens de Renaissance vond een herwaardering van de kunst uit de klassieke tijd plaats. In die kunst stond tevens de mens centraal. Florence maakte op het gebied van handel en cultuur een bloeiperiode mee. Er kwam een nieuwe generatie schilders in Florence, die zo realistisch mogelijk schilderden. De bekendsten waren Boticelli, Lippi en Ghirlandajo. De beroemdste wetenschapper en schilder uit die tijd was Leonardo da Vinci. Hij is geboren in Florence en leefde van 1452 tot 1519. Na de dood van Shah Rukh werd Ulugh Beg leider van Timurid. In die tijd maakte Timurid een cultureel hoogtepunt mee. Echter wist hij zijn macht niet goed te behouden, en daar probeerden andere prinsen van te profiteren. In 1449 is hij in opdracht van zijn zoon Abd al Latif vermoord. Hij wou blijkbaar de macht graag van hem overnemen.Vragen: . Wanneer leefde hij?

63. Islamic Medical Manuscripts: Bio-Bibliographies
K M N O P Q R S T V Y Z Nafis ibn ‘Iwad alKirmani, Burhan al-Din (d. 1449/853H) Nafis ibn ‘Iwad al-Kirmani was court physician to ulugh beg, the grandson
A B C D ... M N O P Q R ... Z
, Burhan al-Din d. 1449/853 H)
Najib al-Din al-Samarqandi , and in 1437/841 he again dedicated to Ulugh Beg his popular commentary on the Canon on Medicine of Avicenna . Al-Kirmani's commentary on Najib al-Din al-Samarqandi's treatise was so popular that commentaries were written on the commentary, and it was translated into Persian and amplified by Muhammad Arzani in the 18th century. For life and works, Dietrich, Medicinalia , pp. 122-124 no. 52; and GAL , vol. 2, p. 213 (276).

Shihab al-Dinal-Nagawri composed several Persian medical treatises, including a general handbook composed in 1392/794 and a short dictionary of drugs. His metrical Persian compendium on therapeutics was written in 1388/790 and was often known as "Shihab's Medicine" as well as the more formal title Shifa' al-marad (The Healing of Disease). A considerable amount of autobiographical material is contained in this didactic poem, including the fact that al-Nagawri made his living in trade rather than as a physician. For his life and writings

64. Beg - :: All About Beg
ulugh beg, 13931449 CE. ulugh beg published a new catalogue of stars. UlughBeg was the ruler of Turkestan and a grandson of Tamerlane.
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Focus Word: beg
1. a title of honor in turkey and in some other parts of the east; a bey.
2. to ask earnestly for; to entreat or supplicate for; to beseech. to ask for as a charity, esp. to ask for habitually or from house to house. to make petition to; to entreat; as, to beg a person to grant a favor. to take for granted; to assume without proof. to ask to be appointed guardiln for, or to aso to havo a guardian appointed for.
3. to ask alms or charity, especially to ask habitually by the wayside or from house to house; to live by asking alms.
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65. Fabled Cities Of Central Asia
Cotton. Samarkand. The Liabi Hauz. Desert. The observatory of ulugh beg. The camels.The courtyard of the ulugh beg madrasah. The dome of the Bibi Khanum mosque.




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66. MCSE Kiskun Csoport - Ulug Bég, Az Iszlám Csillagász
oktatás és miszticizmus; 1997.; http//• Dr. A. Zahoor Mohammed Targai ulugh beg; 1997.; http//users
Az ég meghódítója: Ulug bég, a muszlim csillagász Válaszok egy furcsának tûnõ kérdésre Ha az utca emberét azzal a meglepõnek tûnõ kérdéssel faggatnánk, hogy mit tud az arab-iszlám világ csillagászatáról, a válasz nagy valószínûséggel egy bátortalan félmosoly vagy "jobb" esetben valamilyen, a média által sugallt elõítéletes aktuálpolitikai klisé lenne. Ha egy amatõr-csillagászt kérdeznénk, valószínûleg kiderülne, hogy a fényes csillagok neveiket ebbõl a kultúrkörbõl kapták (l. Betelgeuse), és jobb esetben a következõ válasz is elhangzana: "arab csillagászok örökítették át az ókori asztronómiai eredményeket a középkori nyugati világ számára". Ulug bég, az iszlám államférfi és csillagász Ennél többet azonban valószínûleg õk sem tudnának. A témakörben már néhány hazai feldolgozás napvilágot látott, de ezen cikk célja nem a részletes áttekintés. Ez meghaladja egyrészt a lap nyújtotta kereteket, de legfõképp a szerzõ kompetenciáját. Ennek ellenére a témakör egy adott szegmensrõl, az iszlám csillagászat egyik kiemelkedõ alakjáról, a személyes érdeklõdésbõl fakadó kutatómunka meghozta a gyümölcsét: ez az, amit most a kedves olvasó elé tárok. Hódító õsök
A bég apja, Rukh sah örökölte a hatalmas birodalmat. A korábbi fõváros Szamarkand helyett új központot hozott létre Herátban, ami a mai Afganisztán nyugati részén található. Az akkor 15 éves Ulug bég apja helyettese lett, és Szamarkand (valamint a környezõ régió) az õ irányítása alá került. A sah 1447-ben hunyt el.

67. Unofficial Newsletter Archives
junk. Short Fiction With the pounding bass of Paninero, ulugh begglided though the club, effortlessly parting the crowd. More
V:EKN Clan Tremere Newsletter, December 1998

68. Tremere Clan Page
John Merrill Molitor Muaziz, Archon of ulugh beg Mustafa Rahman Oliver Thrace Pietervan Dorn Rebekka, Chantry Elder of Munich Roreca Quaid Sabine Lafitte
Tremere Clan Page
Clan Index Library Cards Crypt Cards Newsletters ... Links Auspex Dominate Thaumaturgy Library Cards for Clan Tremere Academic Hunting Ground
The Ankara Citadel, Turkey


Charnas the Imp
Wasserschloss Anif, Austria

Crypt Cards for Clan Tremere Aisling Sturbridge
Almiro Suarez

Anastasz di Zagreb

Astrid Thomas
Virstania, The Great Mother

V:EKN Newsletters for Clan Tremere November 1998 December 1998 January 1999 March 1999 ... July 2002 Decks featuring Clan Tremere Tremere Old School - by Lasombra Coming of the Magi - by Lasombra Consumate Bruise and Bleed - by Lasombra Cryptic Missions - by Lasombra ... Bleed and Bake - by David Davila Links featuring Clan Tremere Rob Grau's Tremere Page Tremere Chantry Bluemountain Xian's Jyhad Site and Tremere Clan Newsletters ... VTES Shetland's Tremere Page

69. Orang Kita Dot Com - Sejarah Kita
ulugh beg. ulugh beg adalah cucu kepada Timur (dikenali di Barat sebagaiTamerlane), putera Tartar dan pemerintah Turkestan. Beliau
Ulugh Beg
Ulugh Beg adalah cucu kepada Timur (dikenali di Barat sebagai Tamerlane), putera Tartar dan pemerintah Turkestan. Beliau adalah seorang ahli astronomi yang unggul dan ahli ilmu hisab pada abad ke-15. Ulugh Beg adalah anak kepada Shah Rukh, raja Timurid dan dilahirkan di Asia Tengah di Sultaniyya pada 1393. Beliau adalah seorang hafiz, seseorang yang menghafaz ayat-ayat suci al-Quran.
Ulugh Beg menjadikan Samarkand terkenal sebagai salah sebuah bandar yang terkemuka dalam tamadun Muslim. Pada 1424 beliau membina sebuah madrasah, sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi, di mana diajari ilmu astronomi. Kemudian pada 1428, Ulugh Beg mula membina sebuah bangunan yang mengandungi teropong untuk mengakji bulan setinggi tiga tingkat di Samarkand. Ia berukuran lebih daripada 200 kaki garis pusat dan 120 kaki tinggi.
Beliau melantik Al-kudsi, seorang ahli astronomi Muslim sebagai pengarah di pusat pengajian itu. Beberapa lagi ahli ilmu hisab dan astronomi yang terkenal termasuk Al-Kashi dan Kadizada bekerja di sana. Beliau melengkapkan tempat tersebut dengan alat-alat astronomi yang terbaik dan paling tepat yang ada pada ketika itu. Bangunan pengkajian itu termasuk sekstan [alat pengukur tingginya matahari untuk menentukan kedudukan kapal] Fakhri (yang dibuat daripada batu marmar) yang digunakan untuk memastikan kecondongan gerhana pada garis khatulistiwa, the point of the vernal equinox,
masa sepanjang tahun di tropika dan pelbagai lagi penentuan astronomi yang dilakukan dengan pemerhatian berdasarkan matahari. Ia juga mengandungi sebuah alat pengukur sudut yang amat besar hingga sebahagian daripada lantainya perlu dikeluarkan untuk memuatkannya di bangunan pengkajian itu. Alat-alat yang lain termasuk triquetram dan sfera armillary. Dalam 1437 beliau menerbitkan hasil kerjanya yang terkenal iaitu daftar baru bagi bintang-bintang bertajuk 'Zidj-i Djadid Sultani'. Di dalamnya, beliau memeriksa kembali kedudukan dan saiz bintang-bintang yang dikaji oleh Ptolemy. Beliau mendapati banyak kesilapan dalam perkiraan Ptolemy.

70. Samarkand - Republic Of Uzbekistan - Marco Polo Discoveries
The oldest building was built by Tamerlane’s grandson, the famous scientist,ulugh beg and although restored it retains some of its original. tiling.
Local time in Samarkand: General Map Tashkent Samarkand ... Termez (soon) Other tourist attractions (soon) Customs and traditions (soon) Uzbek Arts and Crafts (soon) Uzbek Cuisine (soon) Images of Uzbekistan (soon) Tips and Advice for Travellers Links
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In the very centre of Uzbekistan is Samarkand, with a history of 2700 years. It was the capital of the Soghdian people, but their loyalty to the Achaemenian rulers of Iran, as recorded at Persepolis, led to its destruction by Alexander the Great in 329 BC. Soghdian culture survived until the Arab conquests in the 8th century AD as shown in murals and artefacts uncovered in archaeological excavations. The campaigns of Genghis Khan in the 1220s caused devastation, but the city revived becoming the world-famous capital of

71. Lit
Sons of Shahrukh ulugh beg, Baysunghur, and Ibrahim Sultan. Additions to Timur'sBuildings sponsored by ulugh beg 1. Koran Stand at Bibi Khanim, Samarkand.
Forging Genealogies in History and Biography Shahrukh (r. 1409-47) Sons of Shahrukh: Ulugh Beg, Baysunghur, and Ibrahim Sultan Additions to Timur's Buildings sponsored by Ulugh Beg: 1. Koran Stand at Bibi Khanim, Samarkand 2. Cenotaph and corridor at Gur-i Amir, Samarkand, ca. 1424 3. Gateway to Shah-i Zinda, Samarkand, ca. 1434-35 4. Tomb of Ulugh Beg's Descendants, 1437-38, Shahr-i Sabz, built next to Tomb of Shams al-Din Kulal and Taraghay (1373-4) kuragan : lit. son-in-law Turco-Mongol Genealogy, attrib. to patronage of Khalil Sultan, ca. 1405-09, Samarkand Uighur script Shu'ab-i panjgana , "The Five-fold Genealogies," by Rashid al-Din, before 1318 "Synoptic Account of the House of Timur," commissioned by Iskandar Sultan, son of Umar Shaykh son of Timur, 1413, Isfahan Tazkirat al-shu'ara , "Biography of Poets," by Dawlatshah Samarqandi, before 1498 Jami al-tawarikh , manuscript in Istanbul dated 1317-18 (paintings added until early 15 th century) Majma al-Tawarikh , "Collection of Chronicles," by Hafiz-i Abru, ca. 1427 Text is also called "The Baysunghuri Cream of Chronicles"

72. Delhi's Monumental Heritage, Jantar Mantar And Mughal Court In Delhi
He studied the movement of the heavenly as a reputed astronomer in linewith ulugh beg, Tycho Brahe and John Flamstead. He determined
Delhi's Monumental Heritage
The Jantar Mantar is non-functional now and the whole setting is mysterious and incomprehensible to the common man but originally each instrument had a particular function and the exact time and moment could be calculated to absolute perfection.
The Samrat Yantra
The Jai Prakash Yantra
Ram Yantra
Misra Yantra

In our days of quartz watches, these astronomical instruments, massive and magnificent, speak eloquently of the scientific, temperament of a prince when all his contemporaries were so much engrossed in court intrigues and fought hand to hand battles on horses and elephants with swords and spears.
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73. We Rented A Van With Driver (pretty Cool Uzbek Guy, Which Means
We first went to the Guri Amir Mausoleum, where Timur and his grandsonulugh beg are buried. Timur ruled the country in the 14th
Uzbekistan is surrounded by high mountains but the interior is flat, flat, flat. A huge desert irrigated along the road with the waters from rivers that once fed the Aral Sea in order to produce cotton, the main uzbek product. During the soviet years Uzbekistan was planned to furnish cotton to the URSS, so they did the irrigation and cotton was produced. Lots of it. Unfortunately it also led to one of the biggest ecological disasters of the planet, the drying of the Aral Sea and the destruction of an entire ecosystem. In recent years there has been some effort in order to save and recover as much as possible of what is left of the Sea. Nowadays Uzbekistan is still a rural country and as soon as you leave Tashkent the signs of a place full of old traditions become rapidly visible. The women wear beautiful dresses full of bright colors and the man are very elegant with somber vests and pants and squared black hats with white broderies. When it's cold they also wear the chapan cotton coats. They were always much better dressed than us with our old jeans and T-shirts, that's for sure. The road from Tashkent to Samarkand crosses a small part of the Kazakstan where we stopped to buy wine that was supposed to be good and cheap there. In the road we also saw at the horizon what looked very much like an atomic mushroom explosion but we were told there were no atomic centrals there. Ok then. It took us 4 hours to get to Samarkand and we were brought to the Malika hotel. It's a brand new kind of hotel built for the tourists that are beginning to discover the wonders of the country. It is all in wood and constructed like a medressa, 2 stores with a central courtyard. The decoration was a beauty and the breakfast a real luxe though quite occidental.

74. History Of Astronomy: Persons (U)
ulugh beg (13941449) The legacy of ulugh beg, by Kevin Krisciunas AACAR Bulletin,Vol. V, No. 1, Spring 1992; Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist.
History of Astronomy Persons
History of Astronomy: Persons (U)

75. Newsletter 46, March 2001
This eminent Iranian scientist joined ulugh beg’s scientific circlein Samarkand and was supported by him. In Samarkand Kashani
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76. DHS
Astronomy Edward S. Kennedy, “The heritage of ulugh beg”; David A. King,“Islamic worldmaps centered on Mecca The rediscovery of a remarkable
History of Science in Turkey
History of Science in Turkey
Report on activity of the Turkish Society for History of Science (TBTK)
I. Congress on Turkish History of Science and Technology
The first congress in a series to be organised by the TBTK on the History of Science and Technology in Turkey will be held in 15-17 November 2001.
- Objectives of the congress:
Technology can be defined as the sum of works concerning instruments, appliances and constructions aimed to improve the living conditions of man such as nourishment, shelter, protection etc. and which are the products of human intelligence from the ancient times to our day. These products of human intelligence, created by various cultures at different time periods, have become common entities of humanity through passing from one culture to the other in the course of history. Technology has been produced at places and cultures where conditions were favorable and then transferred to other cultures and societies, thus coming to our day.
- Topics:
I- Agriculture and Food

77. Sam Sloan's Family Tree - Pafg97 - Generated By Personal Ancestral File
He had the following children M, i, ulugh beg Governor of Samarkand was bornin 1394. ulugh beg Governor of Samarkand Parents was born in 1394.
Sam Sloan's Family Tree
Harry Francis "Eric" JAMES Jr. [ Parents was born on 14 Jan 1943 in Westmost, Illinois. He married Susan BAGLEY on 5 Sep 1980 in Stone House, Garrappata Creek, Big Sur, California. Other marriages:
SHEEN, Mary Delia (Twin)

This is the famous "Eric James", author of the James Family History website. Susan BAGLEY [ Parents was born about 1939 in Greenwich CN. She married Harry Francis "Eric" JAMES Jr. on 5 Sep 1980 in Stone House, Garrappata Creek, Big Sur, California. Other marriages:
BLOOM, Robert "Bob"

Harry Francis "Bud" JAMES [ Parents was born on 22 Jun 1915 in Chicago, Cook Co. IL. He died on 4 Dec 1995 in Chicago, Cook Co. IL. He married Elaine Magdalen PAPNICK. Elaine Magdalen PAPNICK was born on 24 Nov 1919 in Kingston, Luzerne Co Pennsylvania. She died on 27 Aug 1996 in Lewisville, Denton Co. TX. She married Harry Francis "Bud" JAMES. They had the following children: M i Harry Francis "Eric" JAMES Jr. was born on 14 Jan 1943. F ii Mary Lee JAMES was born on 16 Oct 1946 in Chicago, Cook Co IL.

78. Samarkand - Carrefour De Cultures
Translate this page Ensemble du Registan - La médersa d'ulugh beg, Samarkand - carrefourde cultures Ouzbékistan, Région de Samarkand 39° 0' N, 67° 0' E.
Samarkand - carrefour de cultures Région de Samarkand
39° 0' N, 67° 0' E Inscrit : Critères : C (i) (ii) (iv)
Justification d'inscription :
Critère (i) L'architecture et le paysage urbain de Samarkand, située au carrefour d'anciennes cultures, sont des chefs d'œuvre de la créativité culturelle islamique.
Critère (ii) Les ensembles de Samarkand, tels la mosquée de Bibi-Khanum et la place du Registan, ont joué un rôle capital dans le développement de l'architecture islamique dans toute la région, de la méditerranée au sous-continent indien.
Critère (iv) La ville historique de Samarkand illustre par son art, son architecture et sa structure urbaine les phases les plus importantes de l'histoire culturelle et politique de l'Asie centrale du XIIIe siècle à ce jour. Rapport de la 25 ème Brève description : e e au XV e Liens avec les institutions partenaires :
Mise à jour : 16 décembre 2001

79. Women In The Timurid And Safavid Dynasties
For example figure 1 shows Timur's grandson, ulugh beg holding a formalaudience in which both courtiers and wives are depicted.
Timurid and Safavid Women in the Visual Arts
History of the Timurid Dynasty
Representations of Women in Timurid Art

Female Patronage in the Timurid Dynasty

History of the Safavid Dynasty
Annotated Bibliography
Brief History of the Timurid Dynasty (1370-1506)
Overview The founder and ruler of the Timurid Dynasty was Timur, or Tamerlane, who reigned from 1370 to 1405. The empire included the areas of Iran and Central Asia, with its first capital at Samarkand. Timur's goal as ruler was to re-create the Mongol Dynasty, since he considered himself of Mongol heritage through the maternal lineage of his wives.
The Timurids' heritage consisted of two strains, one being Turkish-Mongol, and the other being Persian. The Turkish Mongol strain was nomadic, in that they were constantly mobile and living in tents, which is reflected in their architecture. Living in the nomadic culture made them completely self-sufficient. The Persian strain was the urban culture, which was more refined in its literacy and interest in history and heritage.
The Timurid Dynasty is known for its monumental architecture, which Timur used as propaganda. On the architecture itself, kufic, an angular form of calligraphy was used on the exterior of the domes. The new visual marker on the architecture of this dynasty is the distinctive melon-shaped dome found on various buildings, like that on Gur-I Amir, c. 1405, the tomb of Timur and his grandson.

80. Met Timeline | Central And North Asia, 1400-1600 A.D.
ca. 1417–1449 Governor of Samarqand under Shahrukh and ruler followinghis father's death, ulugh beg is an active patron of art and architecture.
Encompasses present-day Afghanistan, China (Xinjiang Province), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, eastern Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan
See also Iran Central and West Asia come under the control of the Timurids, who rule over a large and important region for just over a hundred years. The Shaibanids, another Turco-Mongol dynasty, seize control of the urban oases of Transoxiana and Khwarazm from the Timurids in the sixteenth century. In the eastern regions, strife dominates the steppes, with different Mongol clans gaining and losing power over short periods of time. Several of the more long-lasting convert to Tibetan Buddhism during this period.
During his thirty-five-year reign, the great Turco-Mongolian conqueror Timur Timur's vast empire is relatively short-lived but his descendants continue to rule over Transoxiana. The Timurids are celebrated for their patronage, particularly of architecture, the arts of the book, metalwork, and jade carving. The eastern Islamic world is a prominent cultural center, with the new capital, Herat, as its focal point. The style set by the Timurids influences developments in the arts from Anatolia to India. The school of Herat is considered to be the highest point in Persian painting. Under Timur's son Shahrukh, Herat is an important center for architecture. Besides rebuilding the bazaar and the old citadel, Shahrukh also establishes a madrasa school with a khanqah (convent). The only one of his buildings to survive is a major religious commission, the shrine of the mystical poet

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