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61. Nuclear Age 9. Francis B. Silsbee. NBS. 10. Isidor Isaac. Rabi. Columbia. 11. george Eugene.uhlenbeck. Columbia. 12. george. Gamow. george Washington. 13. Edward. Teller. georgeWashington. http://www.gwu.edu/~physics/gplate.htm | |
62. The 1947 Shelter Island Conference Left to right are II Rabi, Linus Pauling, J. Van Vleck, WE Lamb, Gregory Breit,Duncan MacInnes, KK Darrow, george E. uhlenbeck, Julian Schwinger, Edward http://www.nas.edu/history/sic/sicgroup1.html | |
63. Information Edge - Newsletter October 2001 complete information. george uhlenbeck was a Dutch born British residentphysicist and discoverer of electron spin . He was also http://www.infoedge.com.au/nl_0110.htm | |
64. Glossaire Translate this page 1269. Samuel Abraham Goudsmit (1902-1978) et george uhlenbeck (1900-)- 1925 ils définissent le spin de l'électron. Stephen Gray http://www.genetic.ch/elect/scientifiques.html | |
65. Fisica Applicata - Guida Di SuperEva Translate this page che porterà nel 1925-26 alla meccanica quantistica, due giovani dottorandi allievidi Paul Ehrenfest a Leida, Samuel Goudsmit e george uhlenbeck, proposero in http://guide.supereva.it/fisica_applicata/interventi/2001/09/65729.shtml | |
66. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1925 AD, Pierre Auger discovers the Auger autoionization process. 1925AD, george uhlenbeck and Samuel Goudsmit postulate electron spin. http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=31 |
67. Physics Today May 2001 theoretical physics, the last PhD from Utrecht awarded to a Dutch Jewduring the occupation. His thesis adviser was george uhlenbeck. http://www.physicstoday.com/pt/vol-54/iss-5/p79b.html | |
68. Sen. Paul Simon To Speak At Commencement Ceremonies May 14 A professor of mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin, uhlenbeck will receivean Honorary Degree of Applied Life Studies 4 pm, 100 george Huff Hall http://www.news.uiuc.edu/news/00/0414commence.html | |
69. The MIT Rad Lab Series 24. James L. Lawson and george E. uhlenbeck. Threshold Signals, volume 24of MIT Radiation Laboratory Series. McGrawHill, New York, 1950. 25. http://web.mit.edu/klund/www/weblatex/node7.html | |
70. Penrose Library, University Of Denver - Special Collections, Wolfgang Yourgrau C Translate this page ff 74. Correspondence Ulam, Stanislaw M. ff 75. Correspondence uhlenbeck,george E. ff 76. Correspondence Uppsala University. ff 77. http://www.penlib.du.edu/specoll/yourgrau/wygd.html | |
71. Prefacre Members from the American Physical Society Karl K. Darrow george uhlenbeck GeraldJ. Holton JH Van Vleck The President of the American Physical Society http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/guides/ahqp/preface.htm | |
72. 4/17/00 A professor of mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin, uhlenbeck will receivean Applied Life Studies 4 pm, 100 george Huff Hall, 1206 S. Fourth St http://www.news.uiuc.edu:16080/archives/00.04/17commen.html |
73. Discovery Of Electron Spin This photograph was taken around 1928 in Ann Arbor, three years after george uhlenbeck(left) and Samuel Goudsmit (right) proposed the idea that each electron http://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/history/spin/spin.html | |
74. Goudsmit On The Discovery Of Electron Spin Today I will talk a little about history. The history of the discoveryof the electron spin by george uhlenbeck and myself. That http://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/history/spin/goudsmit.html | |
75. FAQs History Of MRI nuclear spin. The year after, george Eugene uhlenbeck and Samuel A.Goudsmit introduced the concept of the spinning electron. Two http://www.emrf.org/FAQs MRI History.html | |
76. Other Research Projects Apollo Bioinformatics Materials Research Keynote speaker george uhlenbeck applauded the search for universal nonclassicalbehaviors fostered by the cross-disciplinary exchanges of the conference. http://hrst.mit.edu/hrs/renormalization/nbs273-intro/ | |
77. Henry Russel Lectureship Raymond L. Wilder, Mathematics 1958 Verner W. Crane, History 1957 - Louis I. Bredvold,English Language Literature 1956 - george E. uhlenbeck, Physics 1955 http://www.rackham.umich.edu/Faculty/hruslecture.html | |
78. Kari Enqvist Spin Hän ei ollut kaikkein ahkerin opiskelija, ja Ehrenfestillä oli toinenkin oppilas,joka aiheutti hänelle huolta. Hänen nimensä oli george uhlenbeck. http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/~enqvist/artikkeli.dir/dimensio.html | |
79. Harvey Mudd College Oral History Collection In 1925 he and george uhlenbeck, a fellow doctoral student at the University ofLeiden, discovered the electron spin, a fundamental contribution to quantum http://www.cgu.edu/hum/his/oralhis/hmc.htm | |
80. Endangered Languages: A Bibliography Sommer. 1991. Language death in Africa. In RH Robins and EM uhlenbeck(eds.), 1944. Broadwell, george Aaron. 1995. 1990 census http://www.linguistlist.org/el-page/publications/whaley.html | |
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