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Tsu Ch'ung Chi: more detail |
21. Pi Through The Ages Various people did, including Ptolemy (c. 150 AD) 3.1416 tsu ch'ung chi (430501AD) 355/113 al'Khwarizmi (c. 800 ) 3.1416 Al'Kashi (c. 1430) 14 places Viète http://www.veling.nl/anne/templars/Pi_through_the_ages.html | |
22. Chinese Astronomers moon. tsu ch'ung chi (430501) - astronomer and mathematician. Hecalculated pi and devised at new calendar which never was used. http://www.pa.msu.edu/people/horvatin/Astronomers/astronomerschinese.htm | |
23. - Great Books - Tabari (al), Ali Ibn Rabban (838-870), Medieval Science 17. Trotula of Salerno (c.1097-), Medieval Science 18. tsu ch'ung chi (430-501), Medieval Science 19. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/s2.htm | |
24. New Page 1 tsu ch'ung chi, (430501 AD), 355/113. Al-Kashi lived still further east,in Samarkand, while tsu ch'ung chi, one need hardly add, lived in China. http://www.lawrence.org/edlinks/pi/pi_history.htm | |
25. New Page 1 Ptolemy, 150, 3, 3.14166. Wang Fan, 250, 1, 3.155555 (=142/45). Liu Hui, 263, 5,3.14159. tsu ch'ung chi, 480, 7, 3.141592920 (= 355/113). Aryabhata, 499, 4, 3.1416(=62832/2000). http://www.lawrence.org/edlinks/pi/pi_chronology.htm | |
26. Untitled in class) Pythagoras of Samos (?, 569475 BC) Euclid of Alexandria(, 325-265 BC) tsu ch'ung chi (?, 430-501 AD) Leonardo da http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~kmchao/math.html | |
27. Did You Know? Bits And Pieces From The NR Trivia Collection 14 Using Archimede's works, Ptolemy of Alexandria (Egypt, 150 AD) gave the value as377/120 (3.14166667 ), and tsu ch'ung chi of China (500 AD) set it to 355/133 http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Basement/9666/trqv6n2/article5.html | |
28. The Math Forum - Math Library - History/Biography Pi Through the Ages MacTutor Math History Archives A history of pi the Rhind papyrus(Egypt), Ptolemy, tsu ch'ung chi, al'Khwarizmi, Al'Kashi, Viet, Romanus http://mathforum.org/library/topics/history/?start_at=401 |
29. About "Pi Through The Ages" A history of pi the Rhind papyrus (Egypt), Ptolemy, tsu ch'ung chi,al'Khwarizmi, Al'Kashi, Viet, Romanus, Van Ceulen, Gregory, Shanks, Lambert...... http://mathforum.org/library/view/5241.html | |
30. Sci-Philately - A History Of Science On Stamps tsu ch'ung chi (430501) was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. His approximationof pi was 355/113, which is correct to six decimal places. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/sel/exhibits/stamps/math1a.htm | |
31. ENC: Curriculum Resources: Pi Mathematics (ENC-004496, Full Record) Contents Activities Introduction History Calculations over time Old Testament Archimedes,Syracuse tsu ch'ung chi, China al'Khwarizimi, Baghdad Ludolph Van http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,004496,00.shtm | |
32. The Contest Center - Pi 5, v(227/23), pi .00000 624, Rubin. 6, 355/113, pi + .00000 0266,tsu ch'ung chi 450AD. 7, v527 - v354 - 1, pi - .00000 0190, Rubin. http://www.contestcen.com/pi.htm | |
33. Www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/96/buffon result was that of Lazzerini (1901), who made 34080 tosses and got pi = 355/113= 3.1415929 which, incidentally, is the value found by tsu ch'ung chi. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/96/buffon | |
34. Calcul De Pi Par Archimède Translate this page Autres résultats 150 Ptolémée 3.1416 500 tsu ch'ung chi 355 / 113 800 al'Khwarizmi 3.1416 1430 Al'Kashi 14 décimales 1570 Viète 9 http://www.sfrs.fr/e-doc/pi.htm | |
35. Math Trivia Quiz 1 4. Who estimated Pi ( ) to be around 355/113? A. tsu ch'ung chi B. PythagorasC. Euclid D. Euler E. Archimedes. 5. What is Pi ( ), exactly? http://www.ktb.net/~cct/geom/trivia1.html | |
36. FullChess SMIRF / Mathematik - (Pi-Berechnung - Im 24-Eck) Translate this page Außen-96-Eck) = 3,1415928338 , die sich leicht als Kettenbruch 3+ 1 /(7+ 1 /16)approximieren lässt, welcher mit der von tsu ch'ung chi bekannten Näherung http://www.rescon.de/Wissen/mathepiberech7.html | |
37. Die Geschichte Der Berechnung Der Zahl Pi Translate this page In China gelang tsu ch'ung chi (430 - 510), der Archimedes' Arbeit vermutlichnicht kannte, eine wichtige Verbesserung pi = 355/113 = 3.141593. http://www.astro.univie.ac.at/~wasi/PI/vielseitig/geschichte_der_berechnung.html | |
38. Premier Millénaire - Chronologie Des Mathématiques 470. § tsu ch'ung chi. Calcule p jusqu'à la 9e décimale. 600. http://villemin.gerard.free.fr/Esprit/Date0.htm | |
39. Geschichte tsu ch'ung chi (430-510),der Archimedes' Arbeit vermutlich nicht kannte, eine wichtige Verbesserung p http://www.eag.aa.schule-bw.de/PROJEKTE/MUW/PI/gesch.htm | |
40. C Index 1364*) Cesàro, Ernesto (1069*) Ceulen, Ludolph van (223*) Ceva, Giovanni (296),Ceva, Tommaso (172*) Ch'in chiuShao (62) ch'ung chi tsu (127*) Chandrasekhar http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/C.html | |
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