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1. Mad3. ibn Abi Quhafa, and Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm, Abu 'Abdullah alHumaydi, and tahir ibn Mafuz listened to him, and to our http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/mad3.html | |
2. "Ibn Khaldun, The Father Of Economics" and good government on the other is effectively expounded in his citation and discussion of tahir ibn alHusayn's (A.D. http://www.georgetown.edu/oweiss/ibn.htm | |
3. Al-Baghdadi Abu Mansur ibn Tahir AlBaghdadi. His full name is Abu Mansur Abr al-Qahiribn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Tamini al-Shaffi al-Baghdadi. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Baghdadi.html | |
4. Al-Baghdadi Ibn Tahir. His full name is Abu Mansur Abr alQahir ibn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Tamini al-Shaffi al-Baghdadi. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Baghdadi.html | |
5. I900: MOHAMMED TAHIR Ibn Badar Shah (Tengku) ( - ) Tengku MOHAMMED tahir ibn Badar Shah. TITLE Tengku. Father BADAR SHAH ibn Ala'uddinShah Mother Indera binti Raja Ahmad Family 1 Puan Fauziah binti Abdullah http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/malaysia/d0005/I900.html | |
6. Fourth To Seventh Century o mais Edição internet Director Luís Carmelo jornal de artes e letras http//eomais.cjb.net EL "TARSI-L" DE IBN *ABDU-N DE ÉVORA. JOSÉ MOHEDANO BARCELÓ- Barcelona http://al-islam1.org/thaqalayn/nontl/Nar4-7.htm | |
7. I31: MUHAMMED Al-TAHIR Ibn Husain Ad Sidi MUHAMMED altahir ibn Husain. BIRTH 1828; DEATH 1879.Father HUSAIN II ibn Mahmud Family 1 Zohra bint Muhammed. INDEX http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/tunis/d0001/I31.html | |
8. Iranian Web Site Directory The Tahirids In 205/820 al Mamun, the Abbasid caliph, appointed tahir ibnHusayn ibn Masab to rule over a large portion of the Abbasid caliphate. http://www.iranian.ws/7000-4.htm | |
9. Iranian Web Site Directory Tabarestan was finally conquered completely in 141/7589 and Gilan and Deylamestanin 201/816-7. When the caliph al - Mamun appointed tahir ibn Husayn to rule http://www.iranian.ws/7000-3.htm | |
10. Islamic History In Arabia And Middle East When, for example, alMamun marched from Khorasan to Baghdad, he left a trustedgeneral named tahir ibn al-Husayn in charge of the eastern province. http://islamicity.com/mosque/ihame/Sec7.htm | |
11. Www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/98/l98-101 Min alam alZaytunah Shaykh al-Jami al-Azam Muhammad al-tahir ibnAshur hayatuhu wa-atharuh / talif Balqasim al-Ghali. Tunis? http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/98/l98-101 | |
12. Www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/2001/l2001-091 @ 2 LCN 99896207 Ibn Ashur, Muhammad al-Tahir, Usul al-nizam al-ijtimai fi al-Islam/ talif Muhammad al-tahir ibn Ashur ; qaraahu wa-kharraja ahadithahu wa http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/2001/l2001-091 | |
13. Mad7. Susi. Abu Muhammad alFahsili, Muhammad ibn tahir ibn Tawus and a groupof peopel from Fes and Ceuta and some Andalusians. His fatwas http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/mad7.html | |
14. IPC Website History XXXXIII By 813 The Khorasanian army under tahir ibn AlHussain besieged and conqueredBaghdad for Caliph Al-Ma'mun. Ma'mun murders his brother Al-Amin. http://hometown.aol.com/ahreemanxii/page39.html | |
15. IPC Website History XL AD). 813 AD, The Khorasanian army under tahir ibn AlHussain besiegedand conquered Baghdad for Al-Ma'mun. Murder of Al-Amin. 816 http://hometown.aol.com/ahreemanxii/page36.html | |
16. Ateliers (Old) mosques in the C14th a mosque in Barzuk (where!) contains an inscription sayingthat the mosque was commissioned by one Abu Zaid ibn Abu tahir ibn Abu Zaid http://islamicceramics.ashmol.ox.ac.uk/Kashan2/ateliers.htm | |
17. Salaam Knowledge He excelled in tahir ibn Al Husayn, 822, The founder of the Tahiriddynasty (821-873) Tahmasp I, 1514 - 1576, Saffavid Shah of Iran. http://www.salaam.co.uk/knowledge/biography/bio_letter.php?letter=t |
18. Untitled 813 The Khurasanian army under tahir ibn alHusayn besieged and conquered Baghdadfor al-Ma'mun. Murder of al-Amin. 813-33 Caliphate of al-Ma'mun. http://www.princeton.edu/~batke/itl/scroll/800tx.html | |
19. IslamOnline - Contemporary Section 47. AlQaradawi, op. cit., p. 286. 48. Isma`il Al-Hasani, NazariyyatAl-Maqasid ` ind Al-Imam Muhammad Al-tahir ibn `Ashur, p. 16. http://www.islamonline.net/english/Contemporary/2002/08/Article02e.shtml | |
20. IslamOnline - Contemporary Section property. Sheikh Muhammad Altahir ibn `Ashur (d. 1973) went beyondthe original five and added another two equality and freedom. 48. http://www.islamonline.net/english/Contemporary/2002/08/Article02d.shtml | |
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