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         Stokes George Gabriel:     more books (100)
  1. Mathematical and physical papers, by George Gabriel Stokes. Reprinted from the original journals and transactions, with additional notes by the author.Vol. 5 by George Gabriel,Sir Stokes, 2001-01-01
  2. The Correspondence between Sir George Gabriel Stokes and Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs (v. 1 & 2) by William Thomson, George Gabriel Stokes, 1990-11-30
  3. Memoir And Scientific Correspondence Of The Late Sir George Gabriel Stokes V1 by George Gabriel Stokes, 2007-07-25
  4. Memoir and Scientific Correspondence of the Late Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart. ... by George Gabriel Stokes, Joseph Larmor, 2010-01-11
  5. Memoir and scientific correspondence of the late Sir George Gabriel Stokes, bart., selected and arranged by Joseph Larmor by George Gabriel Stokes, Isabella Lucy Humphry, et all 2010-08-09
  6. Memoir and Scientific Correspondence of the Late Sir George Gabriel Stokes, Bart. ... by George Gabriel Stokes, Isabella Lucy Stokes Humphry, 2010-01-11
  7. Röntgen Rays by George Frederick Barker, Joseph John Thomson, et all 2010-02-28
  8. On Light: First Course, On the Nature of Light Delivered at Aberdeen in November, 1883, Volume 1 by George Gabriel Stokes, 2010-03-05
  9. Memoirs by George Gabriel Stokes, 2010-03-09
  10. Mathematical And Physical Papers V3 (1922) by George Gabriel Stokes, 2010-09-10
  11. On science and revelation. Being the presidential address delivered at the annual meeting of the Victoria Institute by George Gabriel Stokes, 2010-09-07
  12. On Light: First Course, On the Nature of Light, Delivered at Aberdeen in November, 1883 by George Gabriel Stokes, 2010-01-10
  13. Natural theology. The Gifford lectures, delivered before the University of Edinburgh in 1891 by George Gabriel Stokes, 2010-08-29
  14. Two papers: read in 1880 before the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain ; with special appendix by Henry Cotterill, 2010-05-18

1. Stokes
A short biography on the mathematician who created Stokes's theoremCategory Science Physics Mathematical Physics People......George Gabriel Stokes. George Stokes' father, Gabriel Stokes, was theProtestant minister of the parish of Skreen in County Sligo.
George Gabriel Stokes
Born: 13 Aug 1819 in Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland
Died: 1 Feb 1903 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
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George Stokes ' father, Gabriel Stokes, was the Protestant minister of the parish of Skreen in County Sligo. His mother was the daughter of a minister of the church so George Stokes's upbringing was a very religious one. He was the youngest of six children and every one of his three older brothers went on to become a priest. As the priest of the church in Cambridge which Stokes later attended wrote (see [14]):- Though he was never narrow in his faith and religious sympathies, he always held fast by the simple evangelical truths he learnt from his father... In [3] the atmosphere in which George grew up is described in words which are more colourful than those which might be used today:- The home-life in the Rectory at Skreen was very happy, and the children grew up in the fresh sea-air with well-knit frames and active minds. Great economy was required to meet the educational needs of the large family... It was not only religious teaching, but a wider introduction to education, which Gabriel Stokes was able to give his children. In particular, having studied at Trinity College Dublin, he was able to teach George Latin grammar. Before going to school George was also taught by the clerk in his father's parish in Skreen. Leaving Skreen in 1832, George attended school in Dublin. He spent three years at the Rev R H Wall's school in Hume Street, Dublin but he was not a boarder at the school, living for these three years with his uncle John Stokes. In fact the family finances would not have allowed him a more expensive education, but at this school [3]:-

2. IASTE - Hall Of Fame - George Gabriel Stokes
George Gabriel Stokes (18191903). Stokes, born in Sligo, was oneof Ireland's preeminent scientists of all time. He was largely
curriculum careers hall of fame hall of fame INTRODUCTION Robert Boyle
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George Gabriel Stokes
Stokes, born in Sligo, was one of Ireland's preeminent scientists of all time. He was largely responsible for the establishment of the science of hydrodynamics. His contributions are recognised in the CGS unit for kinematic viscosity (centiStoke) and also the most famous equation in fluid mechanics, the Navier -Stokes equation. The institute is still under construction but please read this biography of the famous Irish scientist. Click here

3. George Stokes
George Gabriel Stokes (18191903). George Stokes' father, Gabriel Stokes,was the Protestant minister of the parish of Skreen in County Sligo.
George Gabriel Stokes
George Stokes' father, Gabriel Stokes, was the Protestant minister of the parish of Skreen in County Sligo. His mother was the daughter of a minister of the church so George Stokes's upbringing was a very religious one. Leaving Skreen in 1832, George attended school in Dublin. In 1835, at the age of 16, George Stokes moved to England and entered Bristol College in Bristol. Clearly Stokes's talent for mathematics was shown during his studies at Bristol College. Stokes entered Pembroke College, Cambridge, in 1837. In Stokes's second year at Cambridge he began to be coached by William Hopkins, a famous Cambridge coach who played a more important role than the lecturers. In 1841 Stokes graduated as Senior Wrangler (the top First Class degree) in the Mathematical Tripos and he was the first Smith's prizeman. Pembroke College immediately gave him a Fellowship. Stokes published papers on the motion of incompressible fluids in 1842 and 1843, in particular On the steady motion of incompressible fluids in 1842. After completing the research Stokes discovered that Duhamel had already obtained similar results but, since Duhamel had been working on the distribution of heat in solids, Stokes decided that his results were obtained in a sufficiently different situation to justify him publishing. Stokes then continued his investigations, looking at the situation where he took into account internal friction in fluids in motion. After he had deduced the correct equations of motion Stokes discovered that again he was not the first to obtain the equations since Navier, Poisson and Saint-Venant had already considered the problem.

4. Stokes
George Gabriel Stokes. Aug 13 1819 Feb 1 1903 Born Sligo, Ireland. DiedCambridge, England. Welcome page The World Great Mathematicians
George Gabriel Stokes
Aug 13 1819 - Feb 1 1903
Born Sligo, Ireland. Died Cambridge, England.
Welcome page The World Great Mathematicians
Stokes established the science of hydrodynamics with his law of viscosity (1851), describing the velocity of a small sphere through a viscous fluid. Stokes published papers on the motion of incompressible fluids in 1842-43 and on the friction of fluids in motion and the equilibrium and motion of elastic solids in 1845. In 1849 Stokes was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. In 1851 Stokes was elected to the Royal Society and was secretary of the Society from 1854 to 1884 when he was elected president. He investigated the wave theory of light, named and explained the phenomenon of fluorescence in 1852, and in 1854 theorised an explanation of the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum. He suggested these were caused by atoms in the outer layers of the Sun absorbing certain wavelengths. However when Kirchhoff later published this explanation Stokes disclaimed any prior discovery. Stokes developed mathematical techniques for application to physical problems, founded the science of geodesy, and greatly advanced the study of mathematical physics in England. His mathematical and physical papers were published in 5 volumes, the first 3 of which Stokes edited himself in 1880, 1883 and 1891. The last 2 were edited by Sir Joseph Larmor in 1887 and 1891.

5. Stokes
George Gabriel Stokes. Born 13 Aug 1819 in Skreen, County Sligo,Ireland Died 1 Feb 1903 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England.
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive :
George Gabriel Stokes
Born: 13 Aug 1819 in Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland
Died: 1 Feb 1903 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
George Stokes established the science of hydrodynamics with his law of viscosity (1851), describing the velocity of a small sphere through a viscous fluid. Stokes published papers on the motion of incompressible fluids in 1842-43 and on the friction of fluids in motion and the equilibrium and motion of elastic solids in 1845. In 1849 Stokes was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. In 1851 Stokes was elected to the Royal Society and was secretary of the Society from 1854 to 1884 when he was elected president. He investigated the wave theory of light, named and explained the phenomenon of fluorescence in 1852, and in 1854 theorised an explanation of the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum. He suggested these were caused by atoms in the outer layers of the Sun absorbing certain wavelengths. However when Kirchhoff later published this explanation Stokes disclaimed any prior discovery. Stokes developed mathematical techniques for application to physical problems, founded the science of geodesy, and greatly advanced the study of mathematical physics in England. His mathematical and physical papers were published in 5 volumes, the first 3 of which Stokes edited himself in 1880, 1883 and 1891. The last 2 were edited by Sir Joseph Larmor in 1887 and 1891.

6. Stokes
George Gabriel Stokes. (13. 8. 1819 1. 2. 1903). Irský matematik a fyzikGeorge Gabriel Stokes se narodil 13. srpna 1819 ve meste Sligo v Irsku.
Slavní lidé, kteøí se zabývali akustikou
George Gabriel Stokes
Irský matematik a fyzik George Gabriel Stokes se narodil 13. srpna 1819 ve mìstì Sligo v Irsku. Byl synem protestanského knìze Gabriela Stokese, jeho matka byla dcerou duchovního pastora, a proto byl Stokes vychován velmi zbožnì. Pocházel ze šesti dìtí, jeho tøi starší bratøi se stali také knìzi jako jejich otec. Navštìvoval školu v Dublinu a poté, co ji v roce 1832 opustil, strávil tøi roky na Rev R. H. Wall's school
V roce 1835 ve vìku 16 let George Stokes odešel do Anglie do Bristolu, kde vstoupil do College in Bristol . Bìhem dvou let, které zde strávil, se pøipravoval na studium v Cambridge, kde pozdìji studoval a posléze se také stal profesorem matematiky.
V roce 1851 byl zvolen èlenem Královské spoleènosti v Londýnì. V letech 1854-85 byl zvolen jejím tajemníkem a v letech 1885-1890 byl jejím pøedsedou. Na universitì v Cambridge založil první fyzikální laboratoø v Anglii. Roku 1857 se oženil s Mary Susan Robinsnovou. Její otec byl astronomem v Armagh v Irsku. Stokes byl také pøedsedou Victoria Institute, a to od roku 1886 až do jeho smrti v roce 1903.
Stokesovy práce se pøedevším týkaly matematiky, mechaniky, matematické a experimentální fyziky, teorie vyšších øad, hydrodynamiky, rovnováhy pružných tìles, teorie moøských vln, studia spektra absorbce, interference a polarizace svìtla a difrakce. Stokes dokázal, že fluoreskující látky se stávají svìtelnými, absorbují-li do sebe svìtlo na nì dopadající tak, že svìtlem jsou molekuly hmoty uvádìny do vibraèního pohybu. Stokes se také zabýval absorbèím spektrem (zkoumal ultrafialové paprsky), a doplnil teorii duhy George Airyho. Stokesovy práce a výzkumy jsou zaneseny v knize

7. George Gabriel Stokes - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All
Friends of Acapedia George Gabriel Stokes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.(There is currently no text in this page). Current Events. Sciences.
var srl33t_id = '4200';

8. Stokes
George Gabriel Stokes. Aug 13 1819 Feb 1 1903 Born Sligo, Ireland.Died Cambridge, England. Welcome page Instructions Birthplace
George Gabriel Stokes
Aug 13 1819 - Feb 1 1903
Born Sligo, Ireland. Died Cambridge, England.
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Stokes established the science of hydrodynamics with his law of viscosity (1851), describing the velocity of a small sphere through a viscous fluid. Stokes published papers on the motion of incompressible fluids in 1842-43 and on the friction of fluids in motion and the equilibrium and motion of elastic solids in 1845. In 1849 Stokes was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. In 1851 Stokes was elected to the Royal Society and was secretary of the Society from 1854 to 1884 when he was elected president. He investigated the wave theory of light, named and explained the phenomenon of fluorescence in 1852, and in 1854 theorised an explanation of the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum. He suggested these were caused by atoms in the outer layers of the Sun absorbing certain wavelengths. However when Kirchhoff later published this explanation Stokes disclaimed any prior discovery.

9. Adventures In CyberSound: Stokes, George Gabriel
ADVENTURES in CYBERSOUND. george gabriel stokes, Sir 1819 1903. georgegabriel stokes, (b. Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland, Aug. 13, 1819, d. Feb.
A D V E N T U R E S in C Y B E R S O U N D
George Gabriel Stokes, Sir : 1819 - 1903 George Gabriel Stokes, (b. Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland, Aug. 13, 1819, d. Feb. 1, 1903), was a British physicist and mathematician whose law of viscosity (1851), describing the movement of a small sphere through a viscous fluid, established the science of hydrodynamics. He investigated the wave theory of light, named and explained the phenomenon of fluorescence in 1852, and in 1854 theorized an explanation of the Fraunhofer lines in the solar spectrum. Stokes developed mathematical techniques for application to physical problems, founded the science of geodesy, and greatly advanced the study of mathematical physics in England. Richard Hirsh Source: The New Grolier Multimedia Encylopedia George Stokes (Born: 13 Aug 1819 in Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland Died: 1 Feb 1903 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England) established the science of hydrodynamics with his law of viscosity. Stokes published papers on the motion of incompressible fluids in 1842-43 and on the friction of fluids in motion and the equilibrium and motion of elastic solids in 1845. In 1849 Stokes was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. In 1851 Stokes was elected to the Royal Society and was secretary of the Society from 1854 to 1884 when he was elected president.

10. Stokes, George Gabriel
stokes, george gabriel (18191903). stokes, one of the most influential scientific figures of his century, was Lucasian

11. George Gabriel Stokes - Jeden Ze Zakladatelù Hydrodynamiky. Stokesùv Viskozime
george gabriel stokes slavný fyzik, jeden ze zakladatel hydrodynamiky. stokesv viskozimetr george gabriel stokes. Domovská stránka Fyzici george gabriel stokes
George Gabriel Stokes
Domovská stránka Fyzici George Gabriel Stokes se narodil v roce 1819 ve Skreenu (hrabství Sligo, Irsko). Jeho otec Gabriel Stokes byl pastorem. Byl nejmladší ze šesti dìtí a jeho 3 starší bratøi se stali duchovními. George Stokes byl jedním z nejvýznamnìjších irských vìdcù. Je považován za jednoho ze zakladatelù hydrodynamiky. V roce 1832 opustil Stokes Skreen a zaèal chodit do školy v Dublinu. V roce 1835 (bylo mu 16 let) odjel do Anglie a zaèal studova Bristol College. Následnì studoval v Cambridge. V roce 1851 se Stokes stal èlenem Královské spoleènosti. Ve stejném roce publikoval svùj zákon viskozity.
Stokesùv viskozimetr
Princip urèení kinematické viskozity podle Stokese spoèívá v mìøení doby pádu kulièky o dané hustotì a polomìru spuštìné v pøístroji zvaném Stokesùv viskozimetr, který je naplnìn mìøenou kapalinou. Kapalina je zahøátá na urèitou teplotu viskozita se s teplotou mìní). Mìøí se doba, kterou urazí kulièka mezi dvìma znaèkami. Zdroj: [ Jeho pøínos hydrodynamice byl ocenìn tím, že po nìm byla pojmenovaná jednotka kinematické viskozity (v

12. The Correspondence Between Sir George Gabriel Stokes And Sir William Thomson, Ba
Home Catalogue The Correspondence between Sir george gabriel stokes and Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs Related Areas Popular General Science New titles Email For updates on new titles in Popular General Science The
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life, are thoughts which perpetually recur, along with resignation to the will of God and forbearance towards others, and the religious longing to be rid of the burden and to depart to God
life, are thoughts which perpetually recur, along with resignation to the will of God and forbearance towards others, and the religious longing to be rid of the burden and to depart to God. These peculiarities in M. Antoninus may perhaps be explained in harmony with the older Stoic teaching; but, when taken in connexion with the rise of Neoplatonisin and the revival of superstition, they are certainly significant. None of the ancient systems fell so rapidly as the Stoa. It had just touched’ the highest point of practical morality, and in a generation after M. Antoninus there is hardly a professor to be named. Its most valuable lessons to the world were preserved in Christianity; but the grand simplicity of its monism slumbered for fifteen centtiries before it was revived by Spinoza. LITERATURE.—The best modern authority is Zeller, Phil. d. Griech. iii. pt. i. (3rd ed, f 88o)—Eng. trans. Stoics, by Reichel (1879), and Eclectics, by S. F. Alleyne (1883). Further may be cited F. Ravaisson, Essai sur ~e stoicisme (Paris, 1856); M. Heinze, Die Lehre vom Logos (Oldenburg, 1872); H. Siebeck, Untersuchungen zvr Phil. d. Grjeckeo (HaIle, 1873), and Gesch. d. Psychologie, i. 2 (Gotha, i884); R. llirzel, ‘ Die Entwicklung der stoisch. Phil.,” in Untersuchungen zu Ciceros Schriften, ii. 1—566 (Leipzig, 1882); Ogereau, Essai sur Ic système des .S’toiciens (Paris, 1885); L. Stein, Die Psychologie der Stoa, i. p. ii. (Berlin, 1886—1888); A. C. Pearson, The Fragments of’ Zeno and Cleanthes (London 1891); A. Schmeket, Die Philosophic mitileren Stoa (Berlin 1892); A. Bonhöffer, Epiclet und die Stoa (Stuttgart, 1890); Die Ethik des Stoikers Epictet (Stuttgart, 1894);

14. George Gabriel Stokes
Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. stokes, Sir george gabriel. 18191903, British mathematician and physicist, b.
Language : English George Gabriel Stokes Source:

15. Stokes
Biography of george stokes (18191903) george gabriel stokes. Born 13 Aug 1819 in Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland
George Gabriel Stokes
Born: 13 Aug 1819 in Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland
Died: 1 Feb 1903 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
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George Stokes ' father, Gabriel Stokes, was the Protestant minister of the parish of Skreen in County Sligo. His mother was the daughter of a minister of the church so George Stokes's upbringing was a very religious one. He was the youngest of six children and every one of his three older brothers went on to become a priest. As the priest of the church in Cambridge which Stokes later attended wrote (see [14]):- Though he was never narrow in his faith and religious sympathies, he always held fast by the simple evangelical truths he learnt from his father... In [3] the atmosphere in which George grew up is described in words which are more colourful than those which might be used today:- The home-life in the Rectory at Skreen was very happy, and the children grew up in the fresh sea-air with well-knit frames and active minds. Great economy was required to meet the educational needs of the large family... It was not only religious teaching, but a wider introduction to education, which Gabriel Stokes was able to give his children. In particular, having studied at Trinity College Dublin, he was able to teach George Latin grammar. Before going to school George was also taught by the clerk in his father's parish in Skreen. Leaving Skreen in 1832, George attended school in Dublin. He spent three years at the Rev R H Wall's school in Hume Street, Dublin but he was not a boarder at the school, living for these three years with his uncle John Stokes. In fact the family finances would not have allowed him a more expensive education, but at this school [3]:-

16. References For Stokes
Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books J Larmor, Memoir and scientific correspondenceof the late Sir george gabriel stokes (2 vols.) (Cambridge, 1907).
References for George Stokes
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • J Larmor, Memoir and scientific correspondence of the late Sir George Gabriel Stokes (2 vols.) (Cambridge, 1907).
  • D B Wilson, Kelvin and Stokes: A Comparative Study in Victorian Physics Articles:
  • E W Brown, Note on George Gabriel Stokes, Phys. Rev.
  • J Z Buchwald, Why Stokes never wrote a treatise on optics, in The investigation of difficult things (Cambridge, 1992), 451-476.
  • I Grattan-Guinness, The Cauchy- Stokes- Seidel story on uniform convergence again: was there a fourth man?,
  • Notes and Records Roy. Soc. London
  • V J Katz, The history of Stokes' theorem, Math. Mag.
  • M A Kharitonova, The development of the mathematical theory of diffraction by G Stokes (Russian), Ocherki Istor. Estestvoznan. Tekhn. No.
  • A Kinsella, Sir George Gabriel Stokes : the Malahide connection, Irish Math. Soc. Bull.
  • Lord Rayleigh, George Gabriel Stokes, Proc. Royal Soc. London
  • R Paris, The mathematical work of G G Stokes
  • 17. Adventures In CyberSound: Sparks Of Genius: The Scientists And Engineers
    Biography Incomplete Can you assist? stokes, Sir george gabriel. Biography. georgegabriel stokes. Stone, John Stone. Biography. Stoney, george Johnstone.
    A D V E N T U R E S in C Y B E R S O U N D
    Sparks of Genius : The Scientists and Engineers Search this site Part 1 of 3 Acres , Birt to Franklin , Ben Part 2 of 3 Galvani , Luigi to Muybridge , Eadweard Part 3 of 3: Nipkow , Paul to Zworykin , Vladamir Nipkow , Paul Gottlieb Biography
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    Early / Mechanical Television Systems - by Richard Kadrey Oersted , Hans Christian Biography
    - c.1830 Ohm , Georg Simon Biography
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    18. George Gabriel Stokes
    It is from the first gabriel's elder son, John stokes, that george gabrielstokes is descended. Much less is known about his branch of the family.
    George Gabriel Stokes 18919 - 1903: An Irish Mathematical Physicist
    [Author: Prof Alastair Wood, School of Mathematical Sciences, Dublin City University, Ireland; 1998]
    The name of Stokes, a contemporary of Kelvin and Maxwell, has become well known to generations of international scientists, mathematicians and engineers, through its association with various physical laws and mathematical formulae. In standard textbooks of mathematics, physics and engineering we find Stokes Law, Stokes Theorem, Stokes Phenomenon, Stokes conjecture and the Navier-Stokes equations. George Gabriel Stokes has long been associated with the University of Cambridge, where he spent all of his working life, occupying the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics from 1849 until his death in 1903. This prestigious chair was once held by Isaac Newton, and is currently occupied by Stephen Hawking, who has reached a wide audience outside mathematics with his "Brief History of Time"
    The first of the Stokes family to be recorded in history was Gabriel Stokes, born in 1682, a mathematical instrument maker residing in Essex Street, Dublin, who became Deputy Surveyor General of Ireland. Among his concerns was the use of "hydrostatic balance"

    19. WIEM: Stokes Sir George Gabriel
    stokes Sir george gabriel (18191903), fizyk i matematyk brytyjski. Profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge (od 1849), czonek Royal Society (od napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Fizyka, Matematyka, Wielka Brytania
    Stokes Sir George Gabriel widok strony
    znajd¼ podobne

    poka¿ powi±zane
    Stokes Sir George Gabriel (1819-1903), fizyk i matematyk brytyjski. Profesor uniwersytetu w Cambridge (od 1849), cz³onek Royal Society (od 1851). Autor znacz±cych prac z dziedziny fizyki matematycznej ( Stokesa twierdzenie ), hydrodynamiki ( Stokesa prawo ) i optyki ( Stokesa regu³a Powi±zania Schauder Juliusz Pawe³ Stokesa regu³a Stokesa prawo Stokesa twierdzenie ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

    20. Stokes Summer School 1998
    A Celebration at his birthplace of the many areas of physics and mathematicsto which Sr george gabriel stokes made major contributions.
    The 1998 Stokes Summer School
    Skreen, County Sligo, Ireland
    6th - 10th August 1998
    A Celebration at his birthplace of the many areas of physics
    and mathematics to which Sr George Gabriel Stokes made major contributions.
    A Report on the 1998 Stokes Summer School A schedule of the events of the 1998 Stokes Summer School Participants in the 1998 Stokes Summer School George Gabriel Stokes 1819 - 1903: an Irish Mathematical Physicist ... Dublin City University The financial support of The Institute of Numerical Computation and Analysis,
    The Sligo LEADER Partnership and The Isaac Newton Institute are gratefully acknowledged. Last Updated: December 13, 2001

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