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         Somerville Mary:     more books (100)
  1. Working Together: Collaborative Information Practices for Organizational Learning by Mary M. Somerville, 2009-10-06
  2. Mechanism of the heavens by Mary Somerville, Pierre Simon Laplace, 2010-08-17
  3. Sam Walter Foss : poet, librarian and friend to man by Mary S Woodman Somerville Mass. Public Library, 1922-12-31
  4. Physische Geographie. Von Mary Somerville. Aus dem englischen von D. Adolph Barth. Band 1 by Mary (Fairfax) Somerville, 2010
  5. Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville
  6. Personal Recollections of Mary Somerville by Martha - Her Daughter Somerville, 2009-07-01
  7. Physische Geographie. Von Mary Somerville. Aus dem englischen von D. Adolph Barth. Band 2 by Mary (Fairfax) Somerville, 1851-01-01
  8. People From Jedburgh: David Brewster, Thomas C. Jerdon, Mary Somerville, Iain Fraser, Ian Davidson, David George Ritchie, William Fleming
  9. Physical Geography; By Mary Somerville by Mary Somerville, 2010-10-14
  10. Light Science For Leisure Hours, Second Series: Familiar Essays On Scientific Subjects, Natural Phenomena, &C. With A Sketch Of The Life Of Mary Somerville by Various, 2008-07-08
  11. Personal Recollections, from Early Life to Old Age, of Mary Somerville by Somerville, Mary, 2009-08-20
  12. Physische Geographie. Von Mary Somerville. Aus dem englischen von D. Adolph Barth. Band 1 by Mary (Fairfax) Somerville, 2010
  13. Physische Geographie. Von Mary Somerville. Aus dem englischen von D. Adolph Barth. Band 2 by Mary (Fairfax) Somerville, 2010
  14. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS, FROM EARLY LIFE TO OLD AGE, OF MARY SOMERVILLE With Selections from Her Correspondence By Her Daughter by Martha (Mary Somerville) Somerville, 1879-01-01

41. Details Of Mary Somerville
Add Comment. mary somerville 1780 1872. Related records. There are 7 relatedrecords. ( 0 Attractions, 0 Families, 0 Features, 4 People, 3 Settlements ).

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Mary Somerville
Related records There are related records. Attractions, Families, Features, People, Settlements ) Names that are not linked do not currently contain any information. People Settlements
Supported by: The Robertson Trust, The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,
The Royal Scottish Geographical Society,
The Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh.

42. Mary Somerville In
mary somerville. Born in nineteenth century. mary somerville in canongate.netQueen of Science Author. £6.74, paperback, Autobiography.

43. VEDA
11 somerville, mary, Mechanism of the Heavens. London John Murray, 1831. 13 somerville, mary, On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences.
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Objevitelská a interpretaèní role žen ve vìdì

Jiøí Svršek 5. Objevitelská a interpretaèní role žen ve vìdì Ženy v historii se vìdì vìnovaly díky podpoøe svých bratrù, manželù, otcù a synù. Jejich role ve vìdì byla èasto zastínìna jejich spolupracovníky. Je nepochybnì pravda, že v øadì pøípadù si výsledky vìdecké práce žen pøivlastnili jejich kolegové, aniž se ve svých èláncích o svých asistentkách zmínili. V øadì pøípadù ale byly ženy sice ocenìny, ale jejich práce byla vìtšinou zcela pøehlížena a podceòována. Nìkdy samotné ženy svoji objevitelskou práci podceòovaly, jak vyplývá s korespondence Caroline Herschel nebo z autobiografie Mary Somerville . Stejnì tak v Harvardské observatoøi svoji práci ženy spatøovaly spíše v podpoøe a popisu vìdeckých výsledkù. Pøíèiny, proè ženy svoji vìdeckou práci podceòovaly, tkvìla více ve spoleèenských pøedsudcích, než ve skuteèných zábranách. Náboženství na staletí ženu odsoudilo do role matky, dobré manželky a domácí hospodynì, starající se o svou rodinu. Revoluce v postavení žen ve vìdì byla do jisté míry ovlivnìna touto náboženskou tradicí, která z velké èásti vycházela z Aristotelova názoru na ženy. Ani ženy z vyšších spoleèenských tøíd nemìly volný pøístup k systematickému vìdeckému vzdìlání. Univerzitní život, èlenství ve vìdeckých spoleènostech a vìtšina pøíležitostí v prùmyslu byly doménou mužù. Ženy v øadì pøípadù nemìly možnost ovlivnit své finanèní postavení a byly zcela závislé na dobré vùli jejich manželù nebo otcù.

44. Mary Somerville
12Jul-01 mary somerville
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45. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Mary Somerville And The Cultivation Of Science, 181
Books » mary somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815 1840. marysomerville and the Cultivation of Science, 18151840. Add to cart.
Title Authors Affiliation ISBN ISSN advanced search search tips Books Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815 1840
Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840
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Elizabeth Chambers Patterson
Book Series:
Volume 102
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht
Hardbound, ISBN 90-247-2823-1
April 1983, 278 pp.
EUR 138.00 / USD 174.50 / GBP 105.25
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46. Mary Fairfax Somerville
The Queen of 19th Century Science. One of Britain's most respected women scientists,mary Fairfax somerville had no formal training in science or mathematics.
The Queen of 19th Century Science
One of Britain's most respected women scientists, Mary Fairfax Somerville had no formal training in science or mathematics. Her childhood in Scotland consisted of mainly domestic chores and reading of the Bible, but by adolescence she had been consigned to a boarding school where she was allowed to study general reading and writing. Her intellectual interests stirred, she catapulted this meager education into the knowledge of Latin that allowed her to read Caesar's Commentaries. She encountered an algebraic problem in a women's fashion magazine, leading her to secretly obtain a copy of Euclid's Elements, which she used to learn mathematics.
Marriage, Family and Widowhood
Her marriage to her cousin, Captain Samuel Grieg, who shared none of her intellectual interests, did little to interfere with her continuing self-education. She bore him two sons, and when he died in 1807 after only three years of marriage, she used her inheritance to make herself emotionally and financially independent. She studied astronomy, and physics, despite the disapproval of family and friends. She was wed again in 1812, to another cousin, Dr. William Somerville, who was very supportive of her endeavors. She produced four more children, but continued her studies to become the first woman to be published by the Royal Astronomical Society, which provided her with a sizable pension from the King of England.

47. Mary Somerville -- Mason, Amelia Gere: In Cornell University's Making Of America
mary somerville Mason, Amelia Gere mary somerville. The Atlantic Monthly,vol. 5, issue 31 (May 1860). mary somerville. The Atlantic Monthly, vol.
A B C D ... Non-alphabetic
Mary Somerville Mason, Amelia Gere:
Previous Next Mary Somerville The Atlantic Monthly , vol. 5, issue 31 (May 1860). Mary Somerville The Atlantic Monthly , vol. 33, issue 198 (April 1874). Mary Spears Putnam's Monthly , vol. 1, issue 3 (March 1853). Mary Staunton The Atlantic Monthly , vol. 5, issue 31 (May 1860). Mary Tracy Earle: The Man who Worked for Collister The Atlantic Monthly , vol. 83, issue 496 (February 1899). Mary Tudor The North American Review , vol. 77, issue 161 (October 1853). Mary Wolstonecraft Shelley The International Monthly Magazine , vol. 3, issue 1 (April, 1851). Marye, John L. Mr. Jett and the Capture of Booth The Century , vol. 52, issue 4 (Aug 1896). Maryland The New-England Magazine , vol. 1, issue 4 (October 1831). The Maryland Farmer Manufacturer and Builder , vol. 2, issue 7 (July 1870). The Maryland Farmer Manufacturer and Builder , vol. 2, issue 1 (January 1870). The Maryland Farmer Manufacturer and Builder , vol. 3, issue 7 (July 1871). Marys and Marthas The American Missionary , vol. 47, issue 3 (Mar 1893).

48. Mary FAIRFAX
George BASALLA mary somerville a neglected popularizer of science, New Scientist,vol. Elizabeth Chambers PATTERSON mary Fairfax Greig somerville , pp.

49. The Political Graveyard: Massachusetts Delegation To 1924 Democratic National Co
9th District Margaret A. Campbell, somerville mary E. McGoldrick, somerville- Arthur B. Murphy, somerville - E. Agnes Blood O'Brien, somerville;
Questions? Return to The Political Graveyard main page Massachusetts Delegation to the
1924 Democratic National Convention
Delegates (may be incomplete!)

50. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Somervell To Souter
Burial location unknown. somerville, WM of McCook, Red Willow County, Neb.Democrat. Interment at Sweetest Heart of mary Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
Questions? Return to The Political Graveyard main page
Index to Politicians: Somervell to Souter

51. Lehrbeauftragtenprogramm Mary Somerville
mary somerville ,Lehrbeauftragtenprogramm mary somerville . Voraussetzungen
Lehrbeauftragtenprogramm "Mary Somerville"
Voraussetzungen seitens der Lehrbeauftragten:
  • oder Es sollte noch kein Lehrauftrag an der antragstellenden Fachhochschule wahrgenommen worden sein.
Voraussetzungen seitens der Fachhochschule:

52. Mary Timony - Live At 608 In Somerville, Ma - June 6th, 2002
check out the pictures section boston area events. mary timony live at 608in somerville, mass. june 6th, 2002 click thumbnails for larger shots.
mary timony
live at 608 in somerville, mass. june 6th, 2002
click thumbnails for larger shots

53. Le Donne E La Scienza Mary Fairfax Somerville
Translate this page mary Fairfax somerville. (1780-1872). Nasce nel comprensione. mary somervillesi occupa anche di astronomia , producendo molte opere. Nel
Mary Fairfax Somerville
Nasce nel 1780 in un piccolo borgo scozzese, f iglia di un ammiraglio, Mary Fairfax studia danza pianoforte, disegno. Il precettore dei suoi fratelli gli procura gli "Elementi" di Euclide e un libro di algebra; Mary li legge di nascosto, sopratutto la notte, contro la volontà del padre. Una volta sposata continua a studiare intensamente lottando con i suoi impegni fami liari e le ristrettezze economiche. Rimasta vedova, sposa Somerville, un uomo colto che la incoraggia e la stima. Mary compie viaggi in Europa e frequenta il mondo della cultura. ATTIVITA' Traduce e condensa in un solo volume la " Meccanica Celeste" di Laplace, in cinque volumi. Il testo dal titolo " The mecanism of heavens" viene pubblicato nel 1831,e raccoglie lo spirito dei metodi di Laplace, i calcoli fondamentali e le figure necessarie ad una chiara comprensione. Mary Somerville si occupa anche di astronomia , producendo molte opere. Nel 1869, a 89 anni, pubblica " Sulla scienza molecolare e microscopica", il suo ultimo lavoro scientifico. Scrive anche le sue memorie , "Personal Recollection" , una biograf ia che , tra l'altro , rivela l'attenzione di Mary per le sue contemporanee dedite alla scienza.

54. ASP: Women In Astronomy: An Introductory Resource Guide
table of contents. somerville, mary (17801872). 276ff. Patterson, E. mary somerville in British Journal for the History of Science, vol. 4, p. 311 (1969).
home education
SEARCH ASP SITE: Education Topics: Programs Activities Resources The Universe in ... Staff
Women in Astronomy: An Introductory Resource Guide
Sargent, Anneila Goldsmith, Donald The Astronomers. Web Sites: AAS Presidency Announcement: Brief Interview with an Amateur Newsletter: table of contents
Shoemaker, Carolyn
Levy, David "Star Trails: Carolyn Shoemaker" in , June 1991, p. 658. Levy, David Shoemaker by Levy: The Man who Made an Impact. Preston, Richard First Light . 1987, Atlantic Monthly Press. Section 2 is a profile of the Shoemakers. Reeves, R. "Interview with Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker: Meteor Crater to Palomar" in Astronomy , June 1993, p. 13. Shoemaker, Carolyn "Ups and Downs in Planetary Astronomy" in Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science

55. Aki Bern: Räume: Mary Sommerville
Translate this page mary somerville (1780 - 1872), wuchs in Schottland in einer wohlhabendenFamilie auf, in der Wert auf eine angemessene Erziehung gelegt wurde.

Sitzungszimmer Mary Sommerville:
Mary Somerville (
1804, im Alter von 24 Jahren heiratete sie ihren Cousin Samuel Greig. Nur drei Jahre später starb ihr Mann, hinterliess aber Mary und den zwei Söhnen ein gutes Auskommen. Der Tod ihres Mannes gab ihr Möglichkeit sich intensiv ihrem Selbststudium widmen zu können. Sie brachte sich Mathematik bei, las Newtons "Principia", ein Buch, das die Basis zu einer mathematischen Beschreibung der physischen Welt legte, und lernte Latein und Griechisch. Die dazu notwendigen Bücher konnte sie sich aus ihrem naturwissenschaftlich interessierten Freundeskreis besorgen lassen. Der Zutritt zu öffentlichen Bibliotheken war für Frauen nicht möglich. Zusammen mit ihrem Mann legte sie eine Mineraliensammlung an, beschäftigte sich mit Geologie, Botanik, Meteorologie und einer astronomischen Datierung von altägyptischen Papyrusrollen. Dazu verfasste sie in den verschiedenen Gebieten wissenschaftliche Schriften. Ein weiteres Buch "Relation of physical sciences" fasste das damalige Wissen über Astronomie, Mechanik, Magnetismus, Elektrizität, Wärme und Schall zusammen und erlebte 10 Auflagen im Englischen. Es wurde in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt. Andere, äusserst populäre Werke, die die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Strömungen darstellten und erläuterten, folgten. Mehrere avancierten zum Standard der damaligen Wissenschaft. Infolgedessen wurde Somerville Ehrenmitglied vieler Akademien und mit Preisen überschüttet.

56. Mary Fairfax Somerville Y El Problema Del Baile
Translate this page mary Fairfax somerville (1780-1872) fue profesora de Ada Byron. Amary le gustaban mucho los rompecabezas matemáticos. Durante

57. The Somerville Library
Books from the scientific library of mary somerville (1780 1872) were presentedto Girton College by her daughters, Martha and mary somerville in May 1873.
The Somerville Library
Books from the scientific library of Mary Somerville (1780 -1872) were presented to Girton College by her daughters, Martha and Mary Somerville in May 1873. There is no extant correspondence about the gift but it can be assumed from the Executive Committee minutes that the Misses Somerville wrote to Emily Davies offering the books to the 'College for Women'. Whether or not this was done at their late mother's behest is not clear, but seems probable. Mrs Somerville came to Cambridge with her husband in 1834 when they were invited by Dr Whewell to visit the University. On that occasion, Mary Somerville may have been the first woman to occupy a set of rooms at Trinity College. The only contemporary documentation about the gift is a list of the books 'to be sent from Naples' (Mrs Somerville's residence in the later part of her life), and instructions for assembly of the 'ebonised bookcase' dated 14 Jan [18]70. The Somerville Collection is housed in the ebonised bookcase in the corridor outside the Library. The College was conscious of the value of the books and the great honour which had been conferred by the gift In the early thirties, there was some thought of integrating Mrs Somerville's books with the rest of the College Library but this suggestion was strongly opposed by Barbara Stephen and they remain a discrete collection

58. Mary Somerville
Translate this page mary somerville (1780-1872). mary nació en Escocia el 26 de Diciembreen 1780. Pasó su infancia en el campo, en contacto con la
Mary Somerville (1780-1872)
Su primo William Somerville se convierte en su segundo marido. Es médico y comparte su interés por la ciencia. Su matrimonio puede considerarse duradero y feliz. William era un hombre inteligente pero de poca ambición personal. Mary conoce a Ada Lovelace y le anima a estudiar matemáticas siendo su mentora. Comenzó a publicar sus propios trabajos. Su primer trabajo fue Disertación Preliminar . Este trabajo fue reimpreso posteriormente y se difundió por separado, dado su interés. Su siguiente publicación fue Sobre la conexión de las ciencias físicas Tras una etapa en Italia, por motivos de salud de su esposo, sin abandonar sus estudios, publica Physical Geography y se hicieron de él siete ediciones. Sufre una fuerte depresión tras la muerte sucesiva de su marido y uno de sus hijos. Vive entonces en Nápoles y con 85 años comienza a escribir su cuarto libro On Molecular and Mycroscopic Science y revisa su libro On the theory of differences . A los 89 años escribe su autobiografía y sigue estudiando matemáticas aun con 92 años. Cuando le sorprende la muerte estaba investigando sobre cuaterniones. Quienes tuvieron la suerte de conocerla no dudaron en llamarla "la reina de las ciencias del siglo XIX".

59. Mary Fairfax Somerville
Resources used for this webpage include mary somerville Engines Of Our IngenuityWomen In Math Famous Mathematicians Return to the Meet the Mathematicians
Mary Fairfax Somerville
Mary Fairfax Somerville was the daughter of Margaret Charters and Lieutenant William Somerville, Vice Admiral of the British Navy. She was born in Jedburgh, Scotland. Later she married her cousin, Sameul Greig, at the age of 24. He did not care for Mary's interest in math. They had two sons, Woronzow and William George. Then Mary's husband died after 3 years of marriage. Five years later, in 1812, she married William Somerville who supported her math efforts. They had 4 children. Throughout her life, she wrote books for the public on math and science.
Mary's education was like most girls' in the late 1700's. She went to boarding school as a child and she hated it. Mary began to like math. She studied her first math when she was 13. Mary went to writing school because her mother did not like the fact that she was studying math. By accident, Mary started to study math because she pursuaded her brother's tutor to get math books for her. The book taught her about symbols. Most people did not want girls to study math.
Mary went on to study algebra. She was famous for many things, such as her book in 1826 called "Magnetic Properties." That was the first book writen by a woman to be read by the Royal Society. The second book that Mary published was "The Construction of Physical Science." The book was elected to the Royal Society of Astronomers, which was an honor for women. She published yet another book in 1848 on physical geometry. Her book was used widely in schools for 50 years. One of the last books Mary wrote was on molecular and microscopical science, and it showed some of the most recent science discoveries. Mary wrote an autobiography which her daughter finished after her death at the age of 92 in Naples. Mary wrote books for the public all her life to share her knowledge in math and science.

60. Somerville
mary Julia somerville was born April 26, 1911 at St. Louis Missouri. He is the sonof Samuel somerville (1771) and Susannah Sheppard. He married mary Ott.
Somerville I would like to say thank you to Jerry Watson, who responded to one of my queries on Genforum. He supplied the parents, grandparents and greatgrandparents for my "brick wall" Ernest Somerville. Ernest is not his direct line, our lines connect somewhere back in the 1700s - my Samuel is a brother to his James. I will try to finish adding the info from Jerry as soon as possible!
Also Carla Underwood provided significant information on this Somerville line by sending me a copy of "Descendants of Jonathon C. Sheppard". SOMERVILLE FAMILIES: First Generation: (?) SOMMERVILLE
married: (?)
i Solomon Second Generation: Solomon SOMMERVILLE
married: (?)
i James (1752)
ii Samuel (1771) Third Generation: James SOMMERVILLE
married: Elizabeth LYNCH
i John (?)
ii Andrew (1786)
iii Nancy Ann (1792) iv James (1795) v Robert (1800) vi Margaret (1801) Other people researching this line: Jerry Judy Third Generation: Samuel SOMMERVILLE married: December 12, 1804 Susannah SHEPPARD i James (1809) ii Nancy Elizabeth (1812) iii Jonathan (1817) iv Simeon Samuel (1820) v Andrew Jackson (1822) vi Hiram A. (1825)

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