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Sokolov Yurii: more detail |
41. REKTOR - Sokolov Eduard Mihailovich, Doktor Tehnicheskih Nauk, Professor REKTOR sokolov Eduard Mihailovich, doktor tehnicheskih nauk, professor kafedroi- dr tehn.nauk, professor Pokrovskii yurii Aleksandrovich; kafedra http://www.tsu.tula.ru/translit/pub/97/chapt_1.html | |
42. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On September 3, 1999 18801948) Short biography and references. sokolov, Yurij yurii;Juri Dmitrievich Dmitrijewitsch (1896-1971) Short biography http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new990903.html | |
43. History Of Astronomy: Persons (S) sokolov, Yurij yurii; Juri Dmitrievich Dmitrijewitsch (18961971)Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.). Somerville http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_s.html | |
44. Author SOKHT Alexandr sokolov Vadim P. sokolov Nikolai sokolov Lev sokolovA Elena V. sokolovANatalia L. sokolovA Olga SOKOV Leonid SOLOMKIN yurii SOLOMUKHA Anton http://www.artinfo.ru/artbank/scripts/english/alpha_title.idc?letter=S |
45. SRC VB VECTOR - The List Of Scientists That Defender Their Dissertation yurii Ivanovich, January 04, 1991, Doctor of Medicine, Virology. 67, SkripchenkoAndrei Anatol'evich, January 04, 1991, Candidate of Biology, Virology. 68, sokolov http://www.vector.nsc.ru/diss1-e.htm | |
46. S Index Translate this page Sobolev, Sergei (1282*) Sokhotsky, Yulian-Karl (183*) sokolov, yurii (176*) Somerville,Mary (2125*) Sommerfeld, Arnold (479*) Sommerville, Duncan (523) Somov http://math.ichb.ro/History/Indexes/S.html |
47. IREX > Publications & Resources > Frontline Nesen The group included Aleksandr Yakovlev, who became a major architect of perestroika;Oleg Kalugin, a future KGB general; yurii sokolov, a future rector http://www.irex.org/pubs/frontline/fall98/surviving.asp | |
48. IA&E: 06. Lab Of Laser Techologies Andrey G. Sedukhin, Ph.D. yurii I. Yurlov; Georgy G. Tarasov; AnatolyI. Lokhmatov; VZ Gotchiyaev, VP Korolkov, AP sokolov, VP Chernukhin. http://www.iae.nsk.su/eng/labs/lab_06.html | |
49. Oktyabr' 1993. Hronika Perevorota. 27 Sentyabrya. Sed'moi Den' Protivostoyaniya. Kommentiruya itogi nochnogo zasedaniya VS RF, V. sokolov zayavil, chto poziciyaVS rezko izmenilas yurii Voronin dolozhil ob usilenii ohrany Doma Sovetov Rossii http://www.russ.ru:8085/antolog/1993/chron7.htm | |
50. Www.russ.ru Spisok Avtorov Russkogo Zhurnala 1) Maksim sokolov (3) Ekaterina sokolova (11) Yana sokolova (40) Aleksandr Sokolyanskii(9) Aleksandr Soldatov (1) Andrei Soldatov (1) Roman Solncev (1) yurii http://www.russ.ru:8085/authors/al_16-17.html | |
51. S Index 588*) Smith, Henry (444*) Snell, Willebrord (239*) Snyder, Virgil (242*) Sobolev,Sergei (1282*) Sokhotsky, YulianKarl (183*) sokolov, yurii (176*) Somerville http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/S.html |
52. All Members (main_a16) Sharp David. 1987 Academician Sharvin yurii Vasilevich. 1795 Hon. Member SoimonovPiotr Aleksandrovich. 1964 Corr.Member sokolov Andrei Vasilevich. http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/gallery/xxa_ma16.htm | |
53. Academicians (main_a11) 1832 Sharmua Frants Frantsovich. 1987 Sharvin yurii Vasilevich. 1987 ShatalinStanislav Sergeevich. 1753 Sofronov Mikhail. 1968 sokolov Boris Sergeevich. http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/gallery/aca_ma11.htm | |
54. All Members (main_a16) Sharp David. 1987 Academician Sharvin yurii Vasil'evich. 1861 Foreign Mem. MemberSoimonov Piotr Aleksandrovich. 1964 Corr.Member sokolov Andrei Vasil'evich. http://www.icp.ac.ru/RAS_1724-1999/CD_PAH/ENG/GALLERY/XXA_MA16.HTM | |
55. Academicians (main_a10) 1832 Sharmua Frants Frantsovich. 1987 Sharvin yurii Vasil'evich. 1987 ShatalinStanislav Sergeevich. 1753 Sofronov Mikhail. 1968 sokolov Boris Sergeevich. http://www.icp.ac.ru/RAS_1724-1999/CD_PAH/ENG/GALLERY/ACA_MA10.HTM | |
56. Peterburgskii Teatral'nyi Zhurnal: "Chto-to Delat' V Etoi Zhizni Bylo Estestvenn direktor Samarskogo TYuZa SamArta - Sergei Filippovich sokolov - Sergei Filippovich,desyat Aleksandr Kuzin, Boris Granatov, hudozhniki yurii Harikov, yurii http://www.theatre.ru:8084/ptzh/2000/21/112.html | |
57. Moskovskii "Teatr Luny" P/r Sergeya Prohanova Dmitrii Pevcov, zasluzhennyi artist Rossii; yurii Duvanov; Valerii Barinov, zasluzhennyiartist Rossii; Andrei sokolov; Yuliya Orrei; Valerii Smeckoi; Valentin http://www.theatre.ru:8084/luna/ | |
58. Èíñòèòóò Áèîõèìèè è Ôèçèîëîãèè Kostesha Nataliya kostecha; Kotlyar, Svetlana institute; Krivopalov, yurii uriah; sokolov,Oleg sokolov; sokolova, Marina institute; Sonina, Elena institute; http://www.ibppm.saratov.ru/emailen.html | |
59. Barewalls Art Prints And Posters Online - Search Results We'd Better Not Disjoin Russia We'd Better Not Disjoin Russia yurii Leonov 27.5 Defendthe Great City of Lenin V Serov 27.5 X18.75 $28.50, sokolovSkalya Train http://www.barewalls.com/cgi-bin/search.exe?searchstring=soviet propaganda |
60. Analysis & Geometry 99 - Abstracts yurii G., and Rodionov, Eugene D. Homogeneous Einstein Manifolds of Low Dimensions(in Russian) Nikonorov_and_Rodionov.ps. Nikulina, Natalya G., and sokolov, http://www.math.nsc.ru/conference/angeom/Abstracts/ | |
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