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         Savasorda:     more detail
  1. The Meditation of the Sad Soul (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization) by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1984-06-21
  2. La Obra Forma De La Tierra De R. Abraham Bar Hiyya ha-Bargeloni by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1956-01-01
  3. Sefer Megilat ha-megaleh (Hebrew Edition) by Rabbi Abraham bar Hiyya Savasorda, 2007-12-10
  4. LA OBRA ENCICLOPEDICA; YESODE HA-TEBUNA U-MIGDAL HA-EMUNA, DE R. ABRAHAM BAR HIYYA HA-BARGELONI. Edicion Critica Con Traduccion, Prologo Y Notas, Por Jose Maria Millas Vallicrosa by Abraham Bar Hiyya Savasorda, 1952-01-01

Encyclopaedia. D). M. Steinschneider Abraham Judaeus. savasorda undIbn Esra. Zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften im 12.
Georges Sarton
VOL II /1 pp 1105-1107
Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra. Aben Ezra. Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn al-Majid. Abenare, Avenare. Abraham Judaeus. Born in Toledo about 1089-1092. He translated from Arabic into Hebrew three treatises on grammar by Judah Hayyuj (second half of the tenth century), Rome 1140; two treatises on astrology by Mashallah, before 1148; al-Biruni's commentary on al-Khwarizmi's tables, Narbonne 1160. The last mentioned is known only through Ibn Ezra's version. Ibn Ezra's mind was a strange mixture of rationalism and mysticism. His writings show his deep interest in magic squares and the mystical properties of numbers. He explained a decimal system of numeration: the first nine letters of the Hebrew alphabet, plus a circle for the zero, with place value. Problems involving the product of complex fractions. Account of the regula infusa ben Solomon, to solve equations. For example, given m(ax + b) + c = let ax + b = y then my + c = y = -c/m ax + b = -c/m which can easily be solved. One of the earliest forms of the traditional arithmetical problem known as "Turks and Christians." Combinations of n things taken r at a time. Ibn Ezra knew that C(n,r) = C(n, n-r)

42. Page About Freemasonry, Essays: Pythagoras And Mystic Science
Rabbi Abraham barChiya (known in science books as savasorda) of Barcelona, who wroteand published in Hebrew the encyclopedia entitled Source of Intelligence
Dr. Daniel Farhey, Jacob Caspi Lodge, Haifa, Israel In fact, the "Ancient Mysteries' Magi" specialized in "science" as it was perceived in those days, with the considerable influence of their "specialization" in paganism. The sparse knowledge of the Magi and the surrounding society caused the secrecy and mysticism. At this period, special instructors called "Sophists" (scholars) were brought from Sicily. Opposed to the first and original Pythagoreans, the Sophists taught for pay and somehow abandoned the secrecy and mysticism. Hippocrates, a Pythagorean, was the principal combatant against the secrecy and published for the first time a book entitled "Principles". Subsequently, a very famous school was founded in Alexandria, Egypt, under Pythagorean influence. The most famous scholars were Euclid, Ptolemy, Menelaus, and Nicomachus, who revived the original Pythagorean theory. After the year A.D. 415, these theories did not continue to develop in Alexandria and the principal subject for research and study was theology, while the paganism passed away with the art of science. In the year A.D. 529, all the schools in Athens were closed according to an order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, thus ending one of the most brilliant periods in the development of mathematics and science. The philosophy and many theories on the Pythagorean way of life, transmitted orally by Pythagoras, were considerably influenced by the way of life of Judaism and the Bible, which was the only source explicitely prescribing the order. King Solomon lived about 400 years before Pythagoras. After the destruction of the First Temple of Jerusalem (586 B.C., before Pythagoras was born), under foreign and hostile rule, Jews gathered in regional schools. The five-pointed star (not six!) refered in Judaism "Solomon's Seal" and by the Greeks "pentagrama", was, in addition to the triangle, one of the symbols of the Pythagoreans. As known, the most ancient source of the pentagrama found by archeologists is Jewish. There is even a presumption that it was the symbol of the Jews before the six-pointed star "Shield of David".

43. Le Kiosque Des Sciences
Translate this page Vers 1124. · Abraham savasorda, philosophe et savant juif d'Espagne (1065-1136)complète la première encyclopédie scientifique en hébreu.
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kiosques des sciences sc. humaines sc. religieuses agroalimentaire environnement foresterie histoire livres de la recherche
Notre chronique de
vulgarisation scientifique!
Plus de 1500 questions
Les grandes dates de l'histoire du monde Vers 700 Vers 800 Vers 900 Vers 1000 Vers 1014 · Les Chinois inventent la "variolisation", ancêtre de la vaccination contre la variole. Vers 1078 Vers 1100 Vers 1124 Vers 1132 Didascalicon ), publie le Polycraticus
  • Entre 1100 et 1200, plusieurs intellectuels font leur apparition. Avant même la fondation des universités, ils commencent tout doucement à publier des traités sur la politique, la religion et la médecine, et deviennent les artisans de ce que les historiens appelleront plus tard "la renaissance du XIIe siècle." L'Ecole de Chartres sera un lieu de rassemblement pour maints érudits aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles. A l'abbaye de Cluny, l'abbé Pierre le Vénérable (mort en 1156) contribue à faire connaître aux savants européens le

Translate this page n 9418 a Galluzzi, Paolo y 1982 t Leonardo, Pacioli e savasorda j Leonardo dopo Milanog 87-91 n 9419 a Galluzzi, Paolo y 1987 t The career of a technologist j

45. VEDA
Abraham bar Hiyya HaNasi, vetšinou uvádený pod latinským jménem savasorda,napsal v roce 1145 knihu Liber embadorum , která byla první prací v
Sobota 27.5.2000
Svátek má Waldemar
Vše rozbalit

Celé sbalit
Archiv vydání Nadpis Autor Text èlánku
Zpráva pro tisk 6. valné shromáždìní Uèené spoleènosti Ve dnech 15. a 16. kvìtna 2000 se v Praze uskuteènilo 6. valné shromáždìní Uèené spoleènosti ÈR za úèasti 42 øádných a 3 èestných èlenù.
VÌDA KONTRA IRACIONALITA /cyklus pøednášek Sisyfa/ se naposledy na jaøe koná
ve ctvrtek 18. kvetna 2000 v 17 hodin v budove Akademie ved CR, Narodni 3, Praha 1, sal 206
- Pred zahajenim obvyklych prednasek se uskutecni tolik ocekavane slavnostni predavani BLUDNYCH BALVANU Sisyfa za rok 1999 - presne v 17 h.
CZ BIOM - Èeské sdružení pro biomasu Vás srdeènì zve na semináø
Biomasa pro obecní kotelny o možnostech ekonomického a ekologického vytápìní v obci Svatoslav okres Tøebíè, který se koná dne 18.5.2000 v obci Svatoslav, v zasedací síni Obecního úøadu, v centru obce Pøedstavy mladých lidí o manželství a rodièovství. Tisková konference k výsledkùm exkluzivního výzkumu Besedy projektu Záøe Konají se každou lichou støedu (tj. jednou za 14 dní) od 16.30 hod v salonku restaurace Airclubu (ulice K letišti 934, Praha 6). Besedy jsou vždy vedeny na nìjaké téma se vztahem k ufologii. Na zaèátku každé besedy provádí krátké shrnutí problematiky nìkdo z èlenù projektu Záøe, poté následuje volná beseda k tématu. Úèast na tìchto akcích je volná.

Also worthy of note is the fact that the savasorda whom Haskins (p. 243) namestogether with John of Spain and Avraham Ibn Ezra as being among the first
CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO MAIN ARCHIVE LISTING [The text of this Occasional Paper is filed at] Emery's Occasional Papers: Issue No. 16 24 October 2000 Arabic Influences in and around Dante Alighieri My last Occasional Paper was sent out on 8 January, and nothing since. That is because, having organised the Conference on the Theatre of Dario Fo and Franca Rame, held in Cambridge in April 2000 [details contained on the website at:] I am now embarking on a research thesis – a PhD, if my application is accepted– on Arabic influences in and around Dante, with special reference to Dante's Vita Nuova and Convivio and the Tarjuman al-Ashwaq of Ibn 'Arabi of Murcia. Last week I was in Verona for a few hours. I went there to meet George Battistoni. A seller of oriental carpets and a man who has studied the Jewish literary and intellectual circles of Dante's time. The meeting was a delight. Unlike your average academic, with time limited by lectures and bureaucratic tasks, Mr Battistoni sits in the back office of his shop, surrounded by carpets and kilims, and has all the time in the world for conversation. We talked for three hours. I took copious notes, which I am now processing. He gave me the text of a key article that he has written, about Rabbi Hillel Ben Eleazar of Verona. I have translated the article, in a rough translation. For those of you who are interested (and forgive me if you are not) I attach it below.

47. Almanac.1521-4-2000
Translate this page Intorno al 1100, il matematico ebreo di Barcellona, Abraham bar-Hiyya ha-Nasi, notoanche come savasorda, inizia a tradurre alcuni trattati scientifici arabi
San Galgano Almanacco del XII secolo 15 - 21 aprile 2000 15 - 21 aprile 1100 Il nostro calendario del Duemila, con le vicende di 900 anni fa. Una macchina del tempo dal 12 al 21 secolo. Sabato Intorno al 1100, Adelardo di Bath compone la su aprima opera intitolata De eodem er diverso Sonetti di Folgore da San Giminiano Domenica Nicola Abbagnano - Storia della filosofia (la filosofia medievale) - TEA Sonetti dei "Mesi" XVIII D'aprile D'april vi dono la gentil campagna
tutta fiorita di bell'erba fresca;
fontane d'acqua, che non vi rincresca,
donne e donzelle per vostra compagna ambianti palafren, destrier di Spagna,
e gente costumata alla francesca
cantar, danzar alla provenzalesca
con istormenti nuovi d'Alemagna. E d'intorno vi sian molti giardini,
e giacchito vi sia ogni persona;
ciascun con reverenza adori e 'nchini a quel gentil, c'ho dato la corona
c'ha 'l Presto Gianni o 'l re di Babilona. Robert Delort - La vita quotidiana nel Medioevo - Laterza Roberto Donati - Castelli del Trentino e Alto Adige - Publigraf Intorno al 1100, il matematico ebreo di Barcellona, Abraham bar-Hiyya ha-Nasi, noto anche come Savasorda, inizia a tradurre alcuni trattati scientifici arabi in ebraico.

48. S Index
Translate this page 471*) Sankara, Narayana (724) Sasaki, Shigeo (1066*) Saurin, Joseph (210) Savage,Leonard (299*), Savart, Felix (106) Savary, Félix (153) savasorda (A bar Hiyya

new calendar calculated rather than decided upon by a meeting of the Sanhedrinwas not alone truly continuous but, again according to savasorda Abraham b
WHEN IS THE FIRST OF ABIB? The Church of God in Williamstown WEB SITE:
Arguments and disagreements about the calendar in terms of the Biblical Festival seasons abound. There also seem to be numerous "experts" and many who have studied the technical aspects of the subject—e.g., the moon's phases—but who reveal disagreements amongst themselves. Many of us, in the past, have left it to the "experts." There has been and still is almost blind reliance on the insistence of church and ministerial assurances that Judaic authorities have "the oracles of God" (Rom 3:2; Acts 7:38; Heb 5:12; 1Pet 4:11 [Gk logia
Please note that the lunar month is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3.5 seconds long.
The following chart is an attempt to simplify the issues for us non-experts and is based on Jerusalem time (which is UT [i.e., Universal Time, or Greenwich Mean Time] +2 hours). It should be remembered that the rabbinical rules of postponement defy Biblical guidelines (Gen 1:14; Ex 12:2; Ps 74:16-17; 104:19; 136:8-9) in that their traditions on some occasions alter what the astronomically-fixed patterns in the movements of the earth, moon, and stars reveal. Equinoxes, solstices, moon conjunctions, and full moons are at fixed and calculable times. A postponement rule that is rabbinically applied to determining when the first of Abib occurs

in Spain itself were Dominicus Gondisalvi, Hugh of Santalla, and a group of Jewishscholars including Petrus Alphonsi, John of Seville, savasorda, and Abraham

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Hugh Bibbs, B.A.
Scriptorium Series: Volume 3
First Edition

The scholasticism of medieval Catholic Europe, focussed
entirely as it was upon ancient authority, was unable to inform
scientific inquiry until the revolutionary libraries of Islam were
made available to the Catholic world.
All western advances in civil engineering, mathematics, chemistry, medicine and astronomy were founded upon the medieval sciences of Islam, which were themselves built upon the classical traditions lost to the west during the Germanic destruction of the Roman Empire. This text clearly details the huge contribution of Islamic civilisation to the Later European Renaissance, and is an edited version of a paper once written for a university course. At that time, the professor examining the History of Science held that since any Islamic contribution to Western science was unknown to him it was therefore irrelevant to his subject, and he refused to read the

51. DIARI AVUI - Suplement Cultura
que podrem llegir a El Mirall són Costa i Llobera perfils d'un poeta id'unspoemes, de Bernat Cifré, Dues novel·les 'Abraham savasorda' i 'Territori
Lletres noves
L'Avenç . Número 262. L'Avenç S.L. Barcelona, octubre, 2001.
L a revista d'història, cultura i pensament L'Avenç ens ofereix en aquesta ocasió un extens dossier sobre la figura del polític, historiador i literat Víctor Balaguer, que va néixer a Barcelona el 1824 i va morir a Madrid el 1901. Els diferents articles que ens mostren una visió de la persona i l'època de Balaguer han estat escrits per Josep M. Fradera, Ramon Grau, Albert Garcia Balañà, Pere Farrés, Joan-Lluís Marfany i Eduard Riu-Barrera.
A banda d'aquest dossier, hi podem trobar un reportatge sobre l'arquitecte Puig i Cadafalch, amb articles de Mercè Vidal i Alexander Cirici i Pellicer. Aquest any ha estat declarat Any Puig i Cadafalch, com el passat va ser el de Domènech i Muntaner i el vinent serà el d'Antoni Gaudí . L'Avenç inclou les seves seccions habituals de comentari i crítica de llibres i l'agenda d'actes.
Barcelona Art Report 2001 . Número 3. Institut de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. Barcelona, setembre, 2001.
L a revista plurilingüe (els textos, en català, estan traduïts al castellà i a l'anglès) que publica l'Institut de Cultura de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona ens ofereix els seguents articles:

o dif. referring to a geometry book by Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda in libraryof San Marco, Florence; bottom left corner, collection mark of Sir Thomas
DEFINITION A description of distinguishing or identifying physical markings, lettering, annotations, texts, or labels that are a part of a work of art or are affixed, applied, stamped, written, inscribed, or attached to the work, excluding any mark or text inherent in materials. SUBCATEGORIES TRANSCRIPTION OR DESCRIPTION
DISCUSSION A precise transcription or a prose description of the inscription is important to provide clarity and explain unusual features of the inscription. The information in this transcription should then be indexed in other subcategories; this makes it possible to formulate queries about types of inscriptions and their authors, as well as their locations, dates, and scripts. When an inscription or mark is documented, the following characteristics are important: who made it, the way it was made (materials and technique), its location on the object, and an indication of what the inscription says or what the mark looks like. This may include a transcription, transliteration (if it is not in the Roman alphabet), description, or translation. Remarks about the significance of an inscription or mark, and citations to any sources used to identify or describe an inscription or mark, can also be recorded. Inscriptions and marks are important aids in authenticating a work or object. They also assist in interpretation and dating, and provide information about a work's history. This category is also used to record works that are primarily textual.

53. Adventures In Philosophy: A Brief History Of Jewish Philosophy
While Christianity and Islam met each other on the battlefield, Abraham bar Hiyya,called by his fellow Jews the prince, and by nonJews savasorda, took a
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54. »Ê¤å¡þ¼Ð°O
o dif. referring to a geometry book by Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda in library ofSan Marco, Florence;?Thomas Lawrence?L
D¨è/¼Ð°O (Inscriptions/Marks) ©w¸q Âà¼g©Î´y­z (TRANSCRIPTION OR DESCRIPTION) þ«¬ (TYPE) §@ªÌ (AUTHOR) ¦ì¸m (LOCATION) ... ¤Þ¤å (CITATIONS) °Q½× ¦¹þ¥Ø¥]¬A¦b³Ð§@¤§«e©Î¤§«áÀ³¥Î¦bª«¥óªí­±ªº©Ò¦³¤å¦r¡B²Å¸¹¡B¦L°O¥H¤Î¼Ð°O¡A¤£ºÞ¬O¥ÑÀ³N®a©Î«Ø¿v®v©Î¥L­Ìªº¥N²z¤H¡B¬Y¤@¾Ö¦³ªÌ©Î¥Ñ¥L¤H¤§¤â©Ò¬I¦æªº¡F¤º®e¥]§tD¦W(Inscribed signatures)¡B»s§@®É¶¡¡B½d³ò¡B¸ÑÄÀ©Ê¤å³¹¥H¤Î¨ä¥L»¡©ú¡A¤]¥]¬A³Qµø¬°À³N«~¤@³¡¥÷ªº¤å¦r¡A¨Ò¦p¦b¤¤°ê¸µe¤¤ªº®Ñªk¡B¤¤¥@¬ö¤â½Z­¶­±¤Wªºµu¤å¡B©Î¬O¹°¨¥ýª¾ÀJ¹³¤â´¤±²¶bªº¤å¦r¡CÁöµM¦b»s¦¨§@«~¤§«e§÷½è¤Wªº¯B¤ô¦L©M¨ä¥L¼Ð°O¥i¥H¦b¦¹þ¥Ø¸Ì¥H¤å³¹¤è¦¡´y­z¡A¦ýÀ³¸Ó¦b¡u§÷½è©M§Þ³N¡Ð¼Ð°O¡v¸Ì­«½ÆµÛ¿ý»P¼Ð¤Þ¡C ¹ï´£¨Ñ¥¿½T©Ê©M¸ÑÄÀ»Ê¤å¯S®íªº¼x©Ê¨Ó»¡¡A·Ç½T¦aÁ¼g»Ê¤å©Î¥H¤å³¹¤è¦¡´y­z¬O«Ü­«­nªº¡C¦b¦¹Á¼gÄæ¦ì¸Ì´£¨Ñªº¸ê°TÀ³¦b¨ä¥L¦¸Äæ¦ì¸Ì¤]¦³¼Ð¤Þ(¨Ò¦p¡G»Ê°Oªº®É¶¡À³°O¿ý¦b¡u³Ð§@¡Ð®É¶¡¡vÄæ¦ì¤W)¡C³o±N¦³§U©ó¨t²Î¦a·j´M»Ê°OºØþ¡B¨ä§@ªÌ¡B¥H¤Î»Ê¤å¦ì¸m¡B®É¶¡©M¦rÅé¡C °O¿ý»Ê¤å©Î¼Ð°O®É¡A¥H¤Uªº¯S¼x¬O«Ü­«­nªº¡G½Ö§@ªº¡B¦p¦ó»s§@( §÷½è»P§Þ³N)¡B¦bª«¥ó¤Wªº¦ì¸m¡B»Ê¤å¼g¨Ç¤°»ò©Î¼Ð°O¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³¤°»ò¡H³o¥]¬A¤FÁ¼g¡Bª½Ä¶(·í¤å¥»¤£¬O¹°¨¦r¥À®É)¡B´y­z©Î½Ķ¡F¤]¶·°O¿ý¦³ö»Ê¤å©Î¼Ð°O­«­n©Êªº»¡©ú¡BѧO©M´y­z»Ê¤å©Î¼Ð°Oªº¨Ó·½¤Þ¤å¡C »Ê¤å©M¼Ð°O¥i¥HÀ°§U¿ëѧ@«~ªº¯u°°¡A¹ï§@«~¸àÄÀ©M©w¦~¥H¤Î´£¨Ñ¦³ö§@«~¾ú¥vªº¸ê°T¤]¬O¦³©Ò§U¯q¡C³o­Óþ¥Ø¤]¥i¥H¥Î¨Ó°O¿ý¥D­n¬O¤å¥»ªº§@«~¡C ­nª`·Nªº¬O»Ê¤å¤Wªº¸ê°T¤£¨£±o¬O¥¿½Tªº¡C¨Ò¦p±¦W¡A¤@¨ÇÁnºÙ¬O¡uªL¥¬Äõ¡v(Rembrandt)§@«~ªº±¦W¡A³q±`¬O«á¤H©Ò¥[ªº¡C¨Ò¦p»Ê¤åªº¤é´Á¡A¦³¨Ç¦b¬_¬¥(Corot)ª©µe¤Wªº¤é´Á«K¤£¤@©w¤ÏÀ³¯u¹êªº¦L»s®É¶¡¡C¦³¨Ç»Ê¤å¥i¯à«Üø¥h¸ÑÄÀ¡A¨Ò¦pJoseph HechtªºD¤å ´N¤£¬Oªí¥Üª©¦L¼Æ¦r©Î¤ñ¨Ò¡A¶Ç²Î¥Îªk¤Wª©¦L¼Æ©M¤ñ¨Òªºªí¥Üªk¬°

Translate this page Abraham bar Hiyya savasorda de Barcelona (se destaca hacia el año 1130) Se le reconocemás como matemático y astrónomo, pero es el primer filósofo judío
PRESENCIA JUDÍA EN LA FILOSOFÍA Intentar describir la intervención de los judíos en el desarrollo de la filosofía es una tarea mayúscula. Quizá no tanto por su participación en la formación de escuelas filosóficas, lo que al parecer no constituyó un objetivo de su quehacer, sino por la cantidad de ellos que hicieron de esta disciplina o ciencia, si se la quiere así llamar, una preocupación central de sus vidas.
Si bien la mayoría tiene como elemento inspirador o como tema de análisis aspectos de la religión o de la teología, no puede hablarse de la existencia de una Filosofía Judaica. Sin embargo, se denomina Filosofía Judía a los intentos que los judíos de diferentes épocas hicieron en orden a armonizar los postulados de su fe religiosa con las corrientes filosóficas prevalecientes en el entorno. Simultáneamente en no pocos casos, desde el terreno religioso más conservador, surgieron fuertes oposiciones a estas actividades.
Los orígenes de esta filosofía Judía se remonta a la aparición de los primeros Profetas Bíblicos, si bien los expertos hablan de un pensamiento pre-filosófico reconociendo la posición pionera de los pensadores helenísticos. Posteriormente, aparece un mirar más evolucionado en, por ejemplo, el Libro de Job y en el Libro de la Sabiduría de Salomón.

56. Mathematicians
John of Seville (c. 1125). Domingo Gundisalvo (c. 1125). Abraham bar HiyyahaNasi (savasorda) (c. 1125) *SB. Plato of Tivoli (c. 1125) *SB.
List of Mathematicians printed from: 1700 B.C.E. Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *mt 700 B.C.E. Baudhayana (c. 700) 600 B.C.E. Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT Apastamba (c. 600) Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520) 500 B.C.E. Katyayana (c. 500) Nabu-rimanni (c. 490) Kidinu (c. 480) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *mt Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *mt Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *mt Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *mt Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB Meton (c. 430) *SB Hippias of Elis (fl. c. 425) *SB *mt Theodorus of Cyrene (c. 425) Socrates (469-399) Philolaus of Croton (d. c. 390) *SB Democritus of Abdera (c. 460-370) *SB *mt 400 B.C.E. Hippasus of Metapontum (or of Sybaris or Croton) (c. 400?) Archytas of Tarentum (of Taras) (c. 428-c. 347) *SB *mt Plato (427-347) *SB *MT Theaetetus of Athens (c. 415-c. 369) *mt Leodamas of Thasos (fl. c. 380) *SB

57. BSHM: Abstracts -- H
the sum of its four sides and the area—from its first appearance in an Old Babyloniantext (C–18), through alKhwarizmi, Abu Bakr, savasorda, Leonardo of
The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Search
BSHM Abstracts
A B C D ... Z These listings contain all abstracts that have appeared in BSHM Newsletters up to Newsletter 46. BSHM Abstracts - H Habib, S Irfan and Dhruv Raina, ‘The introduction of scientific rationality into India: a study of Master Ramchundra—Urdu journalist, mathematician and educationalist’, Annals of science
The contradictions shown in Ramchundra’s projects were the products of contradictions in the political and ideological thinking of the period. He gave a critique of prevalent systems, and also a call for social transformation from a stance close to that of Comtean positivists, which can be located within the context of C19 colonial politics. Hackmann, Willem, ‘Mathematical instruments’, in John Fauvel, Raymond Flood and Robin Wilson (eds), Oxford figures: 800 years of the mathematical sciences , Oxford University Press 1999, 62-75
A striking aspect of the development of practical mathematics from C16 to C18 is the importance of the craft base, the ease with which skills in paper engraving were translated into those of instrument making, and the cohesion of the circle of scholars, practitioners and instrument makers. Hadley, John and David Singmaster, ‘Problems to sharpen the young’

58. Mathem_abbrev
Samawal, Ibn al savasorda (A bar Hiyya) Schoenberg, Isaac Schrödinger, Erwin Schwartz,Laurent Schwarz, Stefan Scott, Sheila (Macintyre) Selberg, Atle Serenus
Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
(a) Any wars etc.
(b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
(c) Major discoveries of the time
(d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

59. Skeleton DRAFT Of Selective Bibliography
Works on Individual Mathematicians. Abraham bar\d Hiyya. 447 Levey, Martin. \arsavasorda, Abraham and His Algorithm A Study in Early European Logistic.
Reminder: This copy is intended as an aid in preparing the new edition of the bibliography. It contains the briefest listing of proposed entries for the new CD-ROM edition and does not include the full bibliographical information or annotations that will appear in the new edition. It also includes fragments of the TeX coding and tagging that will not be visible in the final version. Version number: 1.0 10 July 1997 acl
III. General Histories of Mathematics
Survey of Extant Sources
The Rhind Papyrus Texts
Moscow Papyrus Text
Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll Texts
Demotic Papyri Text
Egyptian Fractions
Egyptian Geometry
Egyptian Astronomy
Guide to Further Literature
General Reference
Chronological Periods
Pre-Babylonian Mathematics and Metrology in the Middle East
Babylonian Mathematics
General Reference Works
Source Materials
Individual Mathematicians Apollonios
General Histories of Greek Mathematics

60. Excmo
Translate this page interés que puedan tener para los amantes de la historia de la ciencia a orillasdel Mediterráneo, no podemos dejar de citar a Pedro Alfonso ya savasorda.

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