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61. February 16 February 16. © 1997, 1998 by Paul A. Schons. February 16, 1514. Birthof georg joachim rheticus in Feldkirch, Austria. rheticus was http://webcampus3.stthomas.edu/paschons/language_http/calendar/feb16.html | |
62. Www.cuis.edu/ftp/WITTENBERG/ASTROLOGY_LUTHER_MELANCHTON.-9709 georg joachim rheticus Andreas Osiander (who wrote the now famous preface to Copernicus'De revolutionibus, (1543)), both Lutherans, were instrumental in the http://www.cuis.edu/ftp/WITTENBERG/ASTROLOGY_LUTHER_MELANCHTON.-9709 | |
63. Nicholas Copernicus Certain facts about Copernicus's early life are well established, although a biographywritten by his ardent disciple georg joachim rheticus (151474) is http://www.crystalinks.com/copernicus.html | |
64. The Planet Mars: A History Of Observation And Discovery. Notes. University Of Ar 1. It was georg joachim rheticus, the pupil of Copernicus, according to Kepler,Astronomia Nova, in Johannes Kepler, Gesammelte Werke, 22 vols., ed. W. von http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/online.bks/mars/notes.htm | |
65. Nicolaus Copernicus georg joachim rheticus (15141574), who joined Copernicus in Frombork in 1539 ashis first and only disciple, published in 1540 his Narratio Prima, a first http://www.hao.ucar.edu/public/education/sp/images/copernicus.html | |
66. Copernicus' De Revolutionibus idea has been in circulation among astronomers for over 30 years, and a previewof the book's content, the Narratio Prima of georg joachim rheticus, had been http://www.hao.ucar.edu/public/education/sp/images/derevolutionibus.html | |
67. AMBIX Contents 1937-70: Book Reviews Smeaton. 15 209. BURMEISTER, KARL HEINZ georg joachim rheticus, 15141574eine Bio- Bibliographie (1961-68) W. Pagel. 17 62-63. BURNETT http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/HST/SHAC/ambix/reviews37-70.htm | |
68. Early Protestant Hostility Towards Science Catholics. rheticus was barred from returning to his post at Wittenberg. 1536. . . His pupil and disciple georg joachim Rhaticus . . . http://ic.net/~erasmus/RAZ84.HTM | |
69. Lunar Republic : Craters Rhaeticus or rheticus. 0.0N. 4.9E. 45. georg joachim von Lauchen of Rhaetia, or~ (15141574), Hungarian mystic, astronomer and mathematician. Rheita. 37.1S. 47.2E. http://www.lunarrepublic.com/gazetteer/crater_r.shtml | |
70. Nicolás Copérnico Es La Forma Castellana De Niclas Kopernik, Translate this page Fue en 1539 cuando el joven profesor de Wittenberg, georg joachim rheticus, matemáticoy astrónomo protegido de Melanchton, llegó a Frombork a causa del http://www.lafacu.com/apuntes/historia/Niclas_Kopernik/default.htm | |
71. [ Link To The Department Of The History Of Science ] [ Link To only reluctantly by Copernicus who had held onto the manuscript for many years,and actually brought to the printer by a disciple, georg joachim (rheticus). http://libraries.ou.edu/depts/HistScience/gala/macro/copernicus.htm |
72. Alte Drucke - Vorarlberger Landesbibliohtek Translate this page 400 Werke) vertretenen geistig führenden Köpfen zählen in erster Linie dieHumanisten georg joachim rheticus (1514 - 1574) aus Feldkirch, der einzige http://www.vorarlberg.at/vlb/vlbsammlungen/altedrucke.htm | |
73. Letture Pubbliche Translate this page Scuola Normale Superiore, Aula Bianchi, ore 21 Stefan Hildebrandt (Università diBonn) georg joachim rheticus e la rivoluzione scientifica del Risorgimento. http://www.crm.sns.it/letture.html | |
74. PhysicsWeb - Homepage More featured companies. on this day. georg joachim von Lauchen rheticus, early supporterof Copernicus' heliocentric theory, was born in 1514, Oxford Instruments. http://physicsweb.org/toc/12/12 | |
75. Adam, Melchior joachim, georg rheticus (1514? -1576) Astronom - Phil. p. 293; Hortensius,Lambert auch Montfortius; Hove, Lambertus van den (?-1574) Humanist http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/adam/adam1.html | |
76. Nature Publishing Group many natural phenomena, which in the Suncentred plan were linked together as bygolden chain , in the words of his young disciple, georg joachim rheticus. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v391/n6663/full/ |
77. Programm Kolloquium 1999 Translate this page rheticus, georg Johann (1514 - 1574), Jesse Kraai, Bielefeld 11,10 Pitiscus, Bartholomäus(1561 - 1613), Martin Hellmann, Heidelberg 11,30 Jungius, joachim ( http://www.adam-ries-bund.de/aktuelles/koll99prog.htm | |
78. Untitled In 1541 the mathematician georg joachim (15141576), better known as rheticus,visited Copernicus in Frauenberg, Poland, in order to learn of his new http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/usher/ox.html |
79. Nat'l Academies Press, Eclipse: (2001), 13. ...and A Fourth georg joachim rheticus (15141576) Because Mercury end Venus are sunward of theEarth they, like the Moon during a solar eclipse, may pass across the face of http://www.nap.edu/books/030907438X/html/273.html | |
80. 450 Revolutions Later ``De Revolutionibus In Retrospect magnum opus would not have been printed in his lifetime except for the arrival ofa young disciple from Wittenberg, georg joachim rheticus, who eventually took http://www.aas.org/publications/baas/v25n2/aas182/abshtml/S7901.html | |
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