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         Recorde Robert:     more detail
  1. Welsh Mathematicians: Bertrand Russell, Elmer Rees, Brian Bowditch, Robert Recorde, David Williams, Thomas Jones, E. Brian Davies, Henry Owen
  2. Robert Recorde: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. The Grounde of Artes by Robert Recorde, 2009-09-28
  4. Robert Recorde's mathematical teaching and the anti-Aristotelian movement by Francis R Johnson, 1935
  5. The Castle of Knowledge by Robert Recorde, 2009-11-04
  6. The Pathway to Knowledge by Robert Recorde, 2009-10-16
  7. An Introduction by Robert Recorde, 2009-10-27
  8. The Pathway to Knowledg Containing the First Principles of Geometrie, as they may moste aptly be applied onto practise, bothe for use of instrumentes Geometricall, and astronomicall and also for proiection of plattes in ever kinde, and therefore much necessary for all sortes of men. by Robert. RECORDE, 1551
  9. The Whetstone of Witte by Robert Recorde, 2010-03-16

Consisting of 23 songs recorde live over the course of four days, 1994´s Let´sGo both focused and expanded upon the raw fury of the previous year´s debut.
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Tim Armstrong - guitar/vox
Lars Frederiksen - guitar/vox
Matt Freeman - bass/vox
Brett Reed - drums
If the members of Rancid seem to share a deeper bond than most bands or most anyone, for that matter it´s because they do. From Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman´s childhood friendship in the working class enclave of Albany, CA (a one-square-mile town bordering Berkeley), to the subrequent additions of Brett Reed and Lars Frederiksen (in 1991 and 1993, respectively), they have depended on one another for friendship, support and even survival for the better part of a decade.
The original three-piece Rancid line-up soon signed to Epitaph Records, recording and releasing a self-tittled debut LP by 1993. Meanwhile, the band had set about recruiting a record guitarist. (Green Day´s Billie Joe Armstrong no relation to Tim even filled in for on show and co-wrote "Radio" which would appear on Rancid´s sophomore effort, Let´s Go). Lars Frederiksen, a native of neighboring Campbell, CA who´d done a stint in a late model version of UK Subs, was approached but initially demurred in favor of sticking with his own band, Slip. When Slip broke up, however, Lars signed up, learning the entire Rancid song catalogue in one week.
Consisting of 23 songs recorde live over the course of four days, 1994´s Let´s Go both focused and expanded upon the raw fury of the previous year´s debut. LP opener "Nihilism" introduced the Lars/Tim dual vocal that has since became a signature of the band´s sound, as the two traded true to life tales of their hardest times. Let´s Go featured trade after track that remain staples of the Rancid live show to this day: "Radio", "Tenderloin", "St. Mary", "Gheto Box" and of course the single/video, "Salvation". A humble chronocle of Tim´s tenure as a Salvation Army resident/employee, "Salvation" broke into the MTV playlists, providing the band with its first taste of mainstream exposure... for better of worse.

62. Revista Nautica On Line - Hot News
Translate this page MERGULHO - 16/08/02 - Apneista tenta quebrar recorde brasileiro. VELA - 15/08/02- robert Scheidt estréia amanhã na Semana Pré-Olímpica de Atenas.
Nautica Pesca Mergulho Notícias ...
Janeiro Notícias
REMO - 30/08/02 - Definida equipe que disputará o Mundial da Espanha MERGULHO - 30/08/02 - Alexandre Fraenkel estabelece novo recorde sul-americano de apnéia HOBIE CAT - 30/08/02 - Pernambuco tenta manter hegemonia no N/NE EUROPA - 30/08/02 - Roberta Borges começa a reagir no Mundial ... Guia G.R.1 Editora Ltda

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63. Revista Nautica On Line - Hot News
Translate this page recorde - 28/05/02 - Steve Fossett bate mais um recorde. - JET Ibama.- LASER - 28/05/02 - robert Scheidt fatura mais uma na Holanda.
Nautica Pesca Mergulho Notícias ...
Janeiro Notícias
OPTIMIST - 28/05/02 - Campeonato agita praia cearense VOLVO OCEAN RACE - 28/05/02- SEB é líder da 8ª perna REMO - 28/05/02 - Vasco perto do título no Rio RECORDE - 28/05/02 - Steve Fossett bate mais um recorde ... Guia G.R.1 Editora Ltda

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64. UOL Esporte - Esportes Aquáticos
Translate this page UOL Esporte - Natação. 16h14 - Sueca melhora recorde mundial nos 100 m peito. UOLEsporte - Vela. 18h35 - robert Scheidt ganha primeiro título na classe Star.


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notícias no
portal do rei
Nilton Santos/Divulgação Peterson Rosa pega tubo durante a etapa de São Sebastião do Supersurf de 2003 Peterson Rosa e Tita Tavares vencem a 1ª etapa do Supersurf-03
Os dois maiores nomes do Brasil no cenário internacional confirmaram o favoritismo na etapa de abertura do SuperSurf 2003, em São Sebastião, litoral norte de São Paulo.
Em um domingo de céu nublado, mas sem chuva e com boas ondas de 1,5 m de altura em Maresias, Peterson Rosa e Tita Tavares tiraram as primeiras notas 10 da temporada ainda nas quartas-de-final. Na decisão, derrotaram Sávio Carneiro e Silvana Lima, respectivamente.
A segunda das cinco etapas do SuperSurf 2003 está marcada para os dias 30 de abril a 04 de maio na Praia dos Molhes, em Torres (RS).
UOL Esporte - Natação
Virose tira Ian Thorpe de duelo entre Austrália e Estados Unidos UOL Esporte - Vela Alinghi indica oito cidades candidatas à organização da America's Cup UOL Esporte - Surfe Peterson Rosa e Tita Taveres vencem etapa de abertura do Supersurf UOL Esporte - Natação Brasil domina e conquista o Sul-Americano juvenil de desportos aquáticos UOL Esporte - Natação Huegill conquista seu sétimo título australiano no nado borboleta UOL Esporte - Esportes Aquáticos Robert Scheidt termina pré-olímpica de Ilha Bela na terceira colocação UOL Esporte - Surfe Primeira etapa do Supersurf acaba neste domingo em Maresias UOL Esporte - Pólo Aquático Brasil conquista Sul-Americano juvenil de poló-aquático UOL Esporte - Natação

65. World First For Tenby
During the sixteenth century a Tenby man called robert recorde invented the conceptof the Equals Sign and, in fact, we still use the symbol of two short lines
John Fish B.Sc. Publishers of Tenby in Wales (UK) TENBY PORTAL PAGES World First for Tenby Carter and Binns carried on walking, the Ridgeway trackway eventually reaching a fork which meant they either walked northwards towards the Preseli Mountains or carried on westwards; Binns: "The Warrior said we should take the north turning here. If we carried on westwards we'd come to a place which in the future will be known as Lamphey and has the ruins of a Norman palace, or fortified mansion, of the Bishops of Saint David's where Elizabeth the First's toy-boy, Robert Devereux the Earl of Essex, grew up." A mile or so further along the track again forked: "Now we carry on westwards towards the Milford Haven Waterway ... While you were away in America I made an interesting discovery in Tenby's Museum. During the sixteenth century a Tenby man called Robert Recorde invented the concept of the Equals Sign and, in fact, we still use the symbol of two short lines which he instigated "If you think of how we program our modern digital computers then it's based on the concept of flowcharts in which testing for equality is the underlying principle. So it's quite neat that in the south of the county foundations for digital computing techniques were laid whilst in the north, with the Preseli Bluestones and the stone circles, foundations for analog computing were similarly laid." "So your new university will be building on a strong academic tradition?"

66. Sul-americano Atletismo Juvenil, Avon Contra O Câncer De Mama, Marcha Atlética
Translate this page de recorde mundial na 18a edição do Campeonato Europeu de atletismo, que estásendo realizado na cidade de Munique, na Alemanha, quando robert Kozeniowski
Notícias da Semana - Arquivo
Nova melhor marca mundial para a marcha de 50km Dica para o corredor: O monitor de freqüência cardíaca é uma grande ferramenta para auxiliar seu treinamento.
Clique aqui
para ver a lista monitores da Polar. .08/08/2002 - Nesta quinta-feira aconteceu a primeira quebra de recorde mundial na 18a edição do Campeonato Europeu de atletismo, que está sendo realizado na cidade de Munique, na Alemanha, quando Robert Kozeniowski venceu a marcha de 50 km. O polonês marcou o tempo de 3:36:39 e quebrou o recorde mundial que pertencia ao russo Valeriy Spitsyn desde maio de 2000 com a marca de 3:37:26. Robert Kozeniowski havia sido um dos destaques da Olimpíada de Sydney 2000, quando conquistou, de forma inédita, o ouro nos 20 km e 50 km.
Fonte: IAAF
Radcliffe vence 10.000 no Campeonato Europeu com recorde Novidade no Site: Confiram os relatos dos corredores que compartilham suas experiências nas corrida. Novos relatos:
Big Sur Marathon
Eleonora vai correr .07/08/2002 - A britânica Paula Radcliffe venceu ontem os 10.000m do 18 o Campeonato Europeu em 30:01 e ainda quebrou o recorde do continental que pertencia a Ingrid Kristiansen desde 1986.

67. Robert Anson Heinlein
Robertestava diante de Foram cinco Prêmios Hugo, um recorde jamais igualado.
Robert Anson Heinlein Robert Anson Heinlein nasceu no dia 07 de Julho de 1907 nos Estados Unidos da América. Cresceu como qualquer outro menino, brincou igual aos outros e nunca foi um leitor apaixonado por Ficção Científica - FC, como a maioria dos escritores do gênero. Na idade adequada entrou para a Academia Naval, formou-se e foi servir na Marinha, tendo se reformado devido a uma doença grave: a tuberculose. No seu tempo de serviço, no entanto, distinguiu-se por sua habilidade na esgrima, chegando a ser campeão. Voltando a vida civil, casado e tendo de ganhar a vida, dedicou-se à uma infinidade de atividades. Foi sócio de uma mina para extração de prata, fotógrafo e corretor de imóveis. Foram tempos difíceis, pois o ganho nessas atividades, somado ao inativo militar, dava estritamente para a sobrevivência do casal. Um dia, no período mais agudo das vacas magras, leu numa revista popular o regulamento de um concurso de contos de FC, prometendo um prêmio bastante razoável. Resolveu arriscar e obteve o primeiro prêmio. Portanto, em 1939, então com 32 anos, Robert Anson Heinlein publica pela primeira vez o seu primeiro conto intitulado Life-Line. É o início da sua longa carreira como escritor profissional, duas ou três vezes interrompida pela guerra e por motivos de saúde. A partir daquele primeiro prêmio, que chegou a declarar: "Nunca pensei que fosse tão fácil", Robert estava diante de sua vocação profissional. Passou a acumular, como uma rotina, prêmios em vários países, inclusive o mais cobiçado, o Hugo. Foram cinco Prêmios Hugo, um recorde jamais igualado. Foi galardoado pela Associação dos Escritores Americanos de Ficção Cientifica com o título de Grão-Mestre Nebula, pela sua contribuição para a FC ao longo de sua vida; traduzido em vinte e oito línguas e com uma extensa produção que já conta com trinta e seis livros e centenas de contos curtos.

68. Weird Words: Zenzizenzizenzic
so much so that the Oxford English Dictionary only has one citation for it, froma famous work by the Welshborn mathematician robert recorde, The Whetstone of
Jump to content WEIRD WORDS SECTION INDEX PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE OTHER SECTIONS ARTICLES REVIEWS TOPICAL WORDS TURNS OF PHRASE ... HOME PAGE FINDING THINGS INDEX (COMPLETE) SEARCH THE SITE SURPRISE ME! SUPPORT PAGES ABOUT THE AUTHOR CONTACT THE AUTHOR NEWSLETTER PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ZENZIZENZIZENZIC The eighth power of a number. This word is long obsolete, so much so that the Oxford English Dictionary only has one citation for it, from a famous work by the Welsh-born mathematician Robert Recorde, The Whetstone of Wit , published in 1557. It turns up from time to time as one of those weird words which is best known for being held up as an example of a weird word. The root word, also obsolete, is zenzic . This was borrowed from German (the Germans were very big in algebra in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries). They got it from the medieval Italian word censo , which is a close relative of the Latin census . The Italians (who were big in algebra even earlier) used censo to translate the Arabic word censo , and later our English zenzic , was for a while the word for a squared number.

69. Articles: Signs For Sums
The person most responsible for introducing them to England, and so eventuallyto the Englishspeaking world, was robert recorde, a mathematician of the
Jump to content ARTICLES SECTION INDEX PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE OTHER SECTIONS REVIEWS TOPICAL WORDS TURNS OF PHRASE WEIRD WORDS ... HOME PAGE FINDING THINGS INDEX (COMPLETE) SEARCH THE SITE SURPRISE ME! SUPPORT PAGES ABOUT THE AUTHOR CONTACT THE AUTHOR NEWSLETTER PRONUNCIATION GUIDE SIGNS FOR SUMS Where our arithmetic symbols come from An older method was to use a counting frame such as the abacus. There was a long-running controversy in medieval times about which was faster, the counting frame or pencil and paper, and competitions were held between the two systems to try to decide the matter. There were even names for the disputing groups, abacists and algorists . The second word is closely related to our modern algorithm For those who did calculations using symbols, it was common in medieval times to indicate plus and minus by the letters p and m Rechnung uff allen Kauffmanschafften et Whetstone of Witte The word whetstone coss , then used in English for the unknown thing in algebra (and hence the cossic art or the rule of coss for algebra). This word had come through French from the Italian

70. Notes To Chapter VI
(7) Of the number of notices of reestimates that have recently appeared, probablythe fullest are robert recorde's Mathematical teaching, and the Anti
Notes to Chapter VI
(1) C.R. Ch. 4, pp. 11-12. "Her Majestie very gratiously took me to her service at Whitehall before her Coronation" (on the recommendations of Pembroke and Leicester) "At which tyme her Majestie used these wordes unto the said Lordes `Where my brother hath given him a crowne, I will give him a noble.'" Dee however, as will appear, received little material benefit from Elizabeth-similarly his friend, another scholar-Ascham, also very close to the Queen, perhaps more so than Dee, and holding an official position at Court, only received from her a salary of £20 p.a. until his death in 1568.
(2) C.R. Ch. 5, p. 21. It took place on the 14th Jan. 1559, which cannot be said to have been an unfortunate recommendation. Dee's services as a prognosticator do not on the whole appear to have been extensive, and the verdict is probably exaggerated at least as far as he is concerned, that "It was Queen Elizabeth and her famous Astrologer John Dee who did more than any persons to popularize astrology. Under them it became more or less of a court fad." (C. Camden Jr., Astrology in Shakespeare's Day , p. 45, Isis XIX, 1933, 26 ff.)

71. Jan Paulsen é Reeleito Em Tempo Recorde
Translate this page recorde. Nada muda. O norueguês Jan Paulsen foi reeleito para a presidência daAssociação Geral para os próximos cinco anos. Paulsen substituiu robert
6ª Feira - 30/06/00
Jan Paulsen é Reeleito em Tempo Recorde Nada muda. O norueguês Jan Paulsen foi reeleito para a presidência da Associação Geral para os próximos cinco anos. Paulsen substituiu Robert Folkenberg, que optou por uma saída honrosa, renunciando a presidência no ano passado após a revelação de irregularidades que indicavam conduta indecorosa e desonesta na direção da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia. Paulsen foi reconduzido ao cargo pela aclamação de 2.000 delegados, que acataram a sugestão de uma Comissão de Nomeação composta por 174 obreiros. Cartas Marcadas Segundo a Adventist Review , foi a escolha de presidente mais rápida de toda a história do adventismo. Brasileiros presentes tiveram até a impressão de que tudo já havia sido decidido previamente, como acontece em algumas comissões de igreja ou nos bastidores do poder em Brasília. Falhou a manobra do presidente da Divisão Norte-Americana, Al McClure, ex-parceiro de Folkenberg em irreularidades administrativas e que aspirava ao cargo, contando com os votos de delegados negros e latinos. A partir de domingo, decidem-se as equipes das Divisões. Na DSA, a expectativa de parte do pastorado é a promoção de Rui Nagel para uma das vagas de vice-presidente da Associação Geral e a nomeação de Tércio Sarli para a presidência da Divisão Sul-Americana. Acílio, da Paulistana, estaria cotado para substituir Tércio na UCB ou a Liderança Mundial de Jovens.

72. Gazeta Esportiva . Net - História
Translate this page Com 61m, estabeleceu o novo recorde olímpico. 1936, Earle Meadows, 4m35. 1948,O. Guinn Smith, 4m30. 1952, robert Richards, 4m55. 1956, robert Richards, 4m56.
Abertura Thorpe Nurmi Owens ... Futuro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUBKA Foto Gazeta Press
Foto Gazeta Press O ucraniano inatingível
Poucos atletas, na história dos Jogos Olímpicos, surpreenderam e frustraram tanto os torcedores como o saltador ucraniano Sergey Bubka. Recordista mundial do salto com vara, dono de uma marca considerada quase impossível de ser atingida (6,14m), ele venceu apenas uma Olimpíada, apesar de ser sempre favorito.
Bubka nasceu na cidade de Voroshilavgrado (hoje Luhansk), na Ucrânia, então uma das repúblicas da União Soviética, em 1963. Foi uma criança problemática. Aos 3 anos, fugiu de casa e, aos 4, quase se afogou em um barril de salmoura. Com 9, estava entre ser astronauta ou atleta do salto com vara.
Os pais estimularam o garoto a entrar no atletismo e, aos 20, ele ganhou seu primeiro título internacional na modalidade, durante o Mundial da IAAF em Helsinque, na Finlândia, em 83, com 5,7m.

73. Robert Roßkogler
Translate this page Postmühlweg 64, Tel. 03855 / 2571 ***** Weltrekord im Dauerjodeln- 14 Stunden 37 Minuten - eingetragen im Guinessbuch der recorde.
R o b e r t R o ß k o g l e r kommen Sie in unser Gasthaus in Krieglach.
Jeden Freitag - Liveauftritt !!!
"Gasthaus Postmühle" Krieglach
Erika Höllebauer 8670 Krieglach, Postmühlweg 64,
Tel.: 03855 / 2571
Weltrekord im Dauerjodeln - 14 Stunden 37 Minuten - eingetragen im Guinessbuch der Recorde Weitere Info unter:

74. UPF - Àrea D'Història De La Ciència
recorde, robert (1557) The whetstone of witte , London. Sybrandt,Hansz (1617) Tractatus geometricus.., Amsterdam. References.
UPF - Àrea d'Història de la Ciència presentació personal docent i investigador línies de recerca docència    activitats    enllaços d'interès
International Workshop
"Science and Power during the Cold War in the European Periphery"
Barcelona, November 1-3, 2001
The contributions of German cossists in the 16th and early 17th century
The reduction of theoretically possible 27 types of quadratic equations to eight by Christoff Rudolff mirrors the concern about the domain of admissible (positive) values of the roots. When Michael Stifel a generation later had reduced the solution of these eight different types of quadratic equations to one single rule he lived up to the expectations of the clients of German reckoningmasters who were accustomed to receive recipelike algorithmic rules for the solution without any proof or even hint of an understanding. This form of algorithmic rules for the solution of a problem is still preserved in the rules for finding the tangent or extreme values of Fermat. An interesting case to test the extension of the domain of admissibles values for the roots of an equation is the reception of Cardano's rules for the solution of cubic equations in Germany. It can be shown that Michael Stifel and Johannes Junge, who both treated cubic equations, modified Cardano's rules in a way that the roots fell still in the domain of Euclidean irrationalities. Only in the early 17th century cossists like Johannes Faulhaber and Peter Roth, to whom we owe one form of the fundamental theorem of algebra, accepted radicals with exponent three, albeit no complex solutions like Bombelli in Italy. In Faulhaber's

75. Robert's WWW, The AOL History Page.
Supposedly they recorde a full album, but nothing more then the single was out. RobertVelén, Orkestergatan 29, SE421 39 Västra Frölunda, Sweden Fax +46-31
This page was last updated on August 3rd 2000.
BAARD The story of Army Of Lovers starts in the early 80's when economic student Alexander Bard discovers that he wants to make records. The first project is BAARD, where he release one single, Love In A Goldfish Bowl . In order to get publicity he poses for press pictures eating dog shits. Barbie He then starts the disco transvestite project Barbie. Barbie was the bastard daughter of Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy. She had lived for some time on Mars but came back to earth. That was the story that Bard came up with. He released Prostitution Twist When he performed the duet Johnny Johnny Wham Bam , produced by Tim Norell and Anders Hansson. Next came Barbie Goes Around The World The other members of Army Of Lovers had been doing various things. Jean-Pierre Bard, born in Sweden 1952 by French Algerian parents, left his home when he was 15. Later became a hair dresser and also made make-up on TV. Camilla Henemark, born in Sweden by a Swedish mother a Nigerian father. Started as model, later got her own agency, here a certain Michaela de la Cour was signed later on... Enter the Army It seems as Barbie got a few hits in France. As Bard worked on new ideas for the second Barbie album he realizes that he was fed up by the drag thing. So he starts to plan along the line of a group. The natural thing was to work with the people he had already worked with. What came out was Army Of Lovers. He decided that it could be a very successful project, even internationally, after Camilla Henemark had appeared on the front cover of Vouge. In early 1988 the first single

76. UMR Mathematical Colloquia
of Venice Cosponcored by UMR English Department Abstract Among others, Wodzaksuggests robert recorde's first algebra text may have infuenced Shakespeare.
University of Missouri-Rolla
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Colloquia Fall 2002
The weekly "PinkSheet" seminar schedule is available here The past: Fall 2001 Spring 2002

Our colloquium talks are held in Room G-5 Rolla Building. We begin with coffee and refreshments at 3:30, followed by the hour-long lecture at 3:45 unless otherwise noted . The entire UMR community is warmly invited to attend. We especially encourage undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty from other departments to attend. Suggestions/nominations for speakers may be made to Wlodzimierz J. Charatonik, Math./Stat. Colloquium chair, at
Wednesday, September 11, 3:45.
Common Colloquium talk of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and
Timothy J. Healey, Cornell University Nonlinearly Elastic Rods with Chirality: Symmetry, Analysis and Computation. Abstract:
We also consider the numerical determination of global equilibria of elastic Cosserat rods in general. Like the pure analysis of such problems, as above, the main difficulty here stems from the effective treatment of the rotation field. Like many others before, we parametrize the rotations via unit quaternions (Euler parameters), which induces a single explicit constraint. Not surprisingly, this leads to inconsistencies in the prescription of boundary conditions within in a general formulation. We present an effective formulation, which eliminates the constraint and enables consistent specification of boundary conditions. The heart of our approach is inspired by the well known Liapunov Center Theorem, which has been used in the numerical treatment of periodic solutions of systems of ODE's by S. Doedel. We present several concrete examples demonstrating the effectiveness of our formulation.

77.  ..|  Florianópolis Online  |.. 
Translate this page Esporte Regata de laser terá recorde de embarcações Mesmo sem robert Scheidte Bruno Fontes Ferreira, que preferiram se poupar, a regata de abertura do 29

78. On Computer Source Code As A Form Of Expression.
bicause noe .2. thynges, can be moare equalle. robert recorde, (1557)In G. Simmons Calculus Gems, New York McGraw Hill Inc., 1992.
1. I am still working on that there Perl script . I need much help with it.
2. Links are getting put up. Credit due to those cited.
3. Legal quotes are in red. Demostrative quotes are in blue.
4. This essay predates, and thus misrepresents Judge Kaplan's stance. This will be fixed. To avoide the tediouse repetition of these woordes: is equalle to: I will settle as I doe often in woorke use, a paire of paralleles, or gemowe [twin] lines of one length e: =, bicause noe .2. thynges, can be moare equalle. Robert Recorde, (1557) In G. Simmons Calculus Gems, New York: McGraw Hill Inc., 1992. Since computer source code is a form of expression, as I will demonstrate, and should legally be viewed as such, that has implications for the ongoing DVD-related litigation, and for such issues as cryptographic software and restrictions on its dissemination. This is because any case for banning the dissemination of a piece of software that is dependent on regarding the software as something other than a form of expression could be, should be, and will be, demolished.
Programming languages and their inspiration
(Muhammad comes to the mountain.)

79. CineWeb - Notícias
robert, diretor de BrasilFilme B divulga lista do cem maiores mercados do Brasil recorde de Homem

80. Matematiikan Historia; Muun Maailman Matemaatikot
Translate this page robert recorde Girolamo Cardano Niccolo Tartaglia Luigi Ferrari Raffael BombelliFrancois Viète Simon Stevin Gerhardus Mercator, John Napier (Neper) ** Henry
Muun maailman matemaatikot
Thales Pythagoras

... Hipparkhos -801 eKr. 800-601 eKr. 600-401 eKr. 400-201 eKr. 200-1 eKr. Heron
Klaudios Ptolemaios

Diofantos ...
Gerbert (paavi Sylvester II)
1-199 (jKr.) Omar Khaijjam
Gerard Cremonalainen
... Matematiikkalehti Solmu

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