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61. PQ Index 382*) Pratt, John (331) Pringsheim, Alfred (69*) Privalov, Ivan (150*) Privatde Molières, Joseph (216) Proclus Diadochus (1316) prony, gaspard de (1015 http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/PQ.html |
62. USP/SIBi - DEDALUS Translate this page education 1775. Completo, 2, 0034904, prony, gaspard Clair FrancoisM Richeprony, Baron de, Instruction elementaire et pratique. 1834. http://dedalus.usp.br:4500/ALEPH/POR/USP/USP/DEDALUS/FIND-ACC/0045328 |
63. Safeline Brake Pads: Technical Advice of a motor. This invention was the work of an engineer, gaspard ClairFrancois Marie Riche de prony (17551839). He invented the http://www.safelinebrakes.com/pages/tech.htm | |
64. Fev1 Translate this page Je désire que le citoyen prony (gaspard Riche de prony, 1755-1839, ingénieuret mathématicien) soit chargé du canal de Saint-Quentin, et que ces http://www.histoire-empire.org/correspondance_de_napoleon/1801/fevrier_01.htm | |
65. Correspondance De Napoléon - Août 1805 Translate this page Saint-Cloud, 22 juillet 1805. A M. Fouché. M. prony (gaspard Richede prony, 1755-1839, ingénieur et mathématicien. Il était en http://www.histoire-empire.org/correspondance_de_napoleon/1805/juillet_02.htm | |
66. Publikationen Translate this page Utz Martin. 1, U. Martin, HW Schüßler High Resolution Echo Estimation - An Applicationof prony's Method in 20, U. Martin, I. gaspard Capacity Enhancement http://nachrichtentechnik.fh-mannheim.de/ds/publikat/martin.htm | |
67. Deutsches Museum - Schaetze Der Bibliothek - Buch Des Monats Translate this page prony, gaspard C. de Neue Architektura Hydraulika. Aus dem Franz. von KarlChristian Langsdorf. Th. 1, Bd. 1.2. Th. 2. Frankfurt 1794-1801. http://www.deutsches-museum.de/bib/entdeckt/alt_buch/lit1001.htm | |
68. Germain to extend her research, in a paper submitted in 1825 to a commission of the Institutde France, whose members included Poisson, gaspard de prony and Laplace. http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/Germain.html | |
69. Charles Babbage 1819. Traveled to France with Herschel and met with important mathematicians.gaspard de prony will influence his later work on the de. 1820. http://www.thocp.net/biographies/babbage_charles.html | |
70. Expanding IRB Menu Babbages inspiration actually came from the French Enlightenment, or rather themathematical tables that gaspard de prony had created for Napoleon, filling http://www.houstonm.demon.co.uk/intrevbks/ComputerCrash.html | |
71. Netandmore.de - Das Internetforum - Internet Gloassar C Translate this page Nautical Almanac, zusammenzustellen. Auch in Frankreich gab es unterdem Baron gaspard de prony eine solches Team. prony hatte während http://www.netandmore.de/glossar/glo_c.htm | |
72. His_ensenanza_ing Translate this page matemático gaspard Monge (1746 - 1818), se funda en París L´Ecole Polytechnique.Su cuerpo de profesores lo integraron además de Lagrange, prony, Fourier y http://www.fceia.unr.edu.ar/labinfo/facultad/historia/hist_ensenanza_ing.htm | |
73. Liste Provisoire DicoMeca (N-Z) Translate this page PRANDTL, Ludwig, 1875 - 1953, PP, 338. prony (Riche de), gaspard FrançoisClair Marie, 1755 - 1839, Cde, 339. PTOLEMEE, Claude, ca. 87 - ca. 165, BE,340. http://www.afm.asso.fr/aum/PROJETS/DicoMeca/ListDM_NZ.html | |
74. Mechanische Rechner Translate this page Bei seinen Untersuchungen auf diesem Gebiet stieß er auf die programmiertenRechenpläne des Franzosen gaspard prony (1755-1839), durch die viele http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~mglg/klein/mechrech.htm | |
75. Architronic V3n2.05d The text concludes with an appendix containing brief biographies of Blondel,Pierre Patte, JeanRodolphe Perronet, and gaspard Riche de prony. http://architronic.saed.kent.edu/v3n2/v3n2.05d.html | |
76. Oingt Translate this page En contrebas du village, le château de prony évoque le souvenir de Claude RICHE,explorateur botaniste et de gaspard RICHE, baron de prony, physicien, membre http://www.francebeaujolais.com/villes/oingt/oingt.html | |
77. Calendar Text December 1999 the Ecole Polytechnique and similar schools. He went to Paris in 1819and was greatly influenced by the work of gaspard de prony. http://www.qmw.ac.uk/~ugsu010/calendar/dectex99.html | |
78. La Matematica Italiana 1800-1950 Translate this page L'estratto in mostra è appartenuto allo scienziato francese gaspard de prony (1775-1839),come mostra il timbro della sua biblioteca apposto sul frontespizio. http://www.math.unifi.it/matematicaitaliana/schede_opere/11paradisi06.html | |
79. LES ARCHIVES ET LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DE L'ECOLE NATIONALE DES PONTS-ET-CHAUSSEES Translate this page grande partie, (ouvrages et périodiques les plus anciens notamment) des donationsde Jean-Rodolphe Perronet, Pierre-Charles Lesage et gaspard Riche de prony. http://www.archivistes.org/sections/centrales/ENPC.htm | |
80. 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert Translate this page 1793 erhielt Baron gaspard Riche de prony den Auftrag, eine für das neue metrischeSystem notwendige Sammlung von Logarithmen- und trigonometrischen Tafeln zu http://caad.arch.ethz.ch/projects/acm/kp1/kp1_23.html | |
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