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61. Altertum Geschichte Der Mathematik Mathematik Bücher Translate this page von proclus diadochus Procli Diadochi in primum Euclidis elementorum librum commentarii,von Ivan Moscovich Geometrie als Spiel oder der Satz des Pythagoras. http://www.uni-protokolle.de/buecher/kat/519950/ | |
62. Schiller Institute Kepler Translations When proclus diadochus had published four books on Euclid's First, he wanted theoreticalphilosophy to be incorporated in the subject of mathematics by public http://www.schillerinstitute.org/transl/trans_kepler.html | |
63. Neuerwerbungslisten 07/2002 ZWST 00 / Fach Theologie, proclus diadochus (412-485). - Cont. intr. (pp. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/nel/00/12/2002_07_146.html | |
64. Matenadaran - The Heritage works of Aristotle (389 322 BC), Zeno, Theon of Alexandria (1st century AD), Secudius(2nd century AD), Porphyrius (232 - 303), proclus diadochus (412 - 485 http://www.matenadaran.am/en/heritage/philosophy.html | |
65. ÏÐÎÊË ÄÈÀÄÎÕ - ñåòåâîé ïðîåêò Öåíòðà Àíòèêî P. Vrin, 1956, 2125. Hypotyposes astronomicarum positionum Hypotheses et epoquesdes planetes de G. Ptolemee et Hypotyposes de proclus diadochus, trad. http://www.centant.pu.ru/plat/proklos/bibliogr.htm | |
66. Proclus In Society > Philosophy > Philosophers proclus diadochus. Summary of Proclus' thought. in the context ofthe Neoplatonic tradition. Extensively documented. Proclus Page. http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Society/Philosophy/Philosophers/Proclus/ | |
67. 2000-3-9-g Manase. The works of Aristotle, Joseph Flavius and proclus diadochus,Nemecius of Emessa were all translated here. Original literature http://www.magtigsm.com/2000-3/2000-3-9.html |
68. Mathematicians c. 450) *SB. proclus diadochus (410485) *SB *mt. Zhang Qiujian Chang Ch'iu-chien(c. 450?). Zu Chongzhi (Wenyuan) Tsu Ch'ung-chih (429-500) *mt. http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html | |
69. æÏÎÄÙ É ËÏÌÌÅËÃÉÉ | ëÏÌÌÅËÃÉÉ ïòò | éÎËÕÎÁÂÕ 7, Petrus de Abano (12571315). 7, 10, proclus diadochus (412-485).13, Rhasis Mohammed (864-925). 11, Savonarola Michael (1384-1468). 12, http://lsl.ksu.ru/i8333.htm | |
70. Matthew Boroson proclus diadochus, you naughty man, how you dreamed of looking up Mary?kirt asshe ascended! three Do you think I lurk by choice in the shadow of a tree? http://g_sticks_nicholas.tripod.com/Matt/ | |
71. JSommer She brings light to our intrinsic ideas;. She abolishes oblivion and ignorance,which are ours by birth. proclus diadochus. John I Sommer http://www.jsommer.com/MathTutor/tutor.html | |
72. Egypt Math Web Sites Buzjani; 25 Hipparchus of Rhodes; 26 proclus diadochus; 27 Eudoxusof Cnidus; 28 Euclid's geometric solution of a quadratic equation; http://showcase.netins.net/web/rmozzer/Egypt.html | |
73. Fields Of Mathematics the waves. proclus diadochus (412 485) Scholium to Book X of EuclidV. perfect. Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare. http://www.chemistrycoach.com/fields_of_mathematics.htm | |
74. Register Zur Regensburger Verbundklassifikation diadochus , FH 74400 - FH 74438. proclus diadochus /, FH 74402.proclus diadochus / Characteres epistoli (nicht gefunden), FH 74404. http://www.bibliothek.uni-regensburg.de/rvko_simple/gesamt_register.php3?letters |
75. Advanced Search View Basket Your Account Order Status Help Home On the Existence of Evils proclus, diadochus Ordered upon request, usually dispatchedwithin 3-7 working days Hardback - Published 30 January 2003 publisher http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.pl?category=HPCA1&format=all |
76. Proclus (Diadochus) (411-485 N. Chr.): Spezieller Personenschlüssel Translate this page IXI. proclus (diadochus) (411-485 n. Chr.). Spezieller Personenschlüssel D/U,Kommentare zu Plato. E/V, Kommentare zu Euklid. F/W, Stocheiosis theologike. http://ub-doc2.fernuni-hagen.de/netacgi/pschluessel?notation=IXI |
77. UB Hagen: Online-Fachsystematik Autoren Geistesgeschichte (Aut) Translate this page IXI, proclus (diadochus) (411-485 n. Chr.) 4. Buchstabe der Notation s. Personenschlüssel(allgemeiner Teil) und Personenschlüssel (spezieller Teil). http://ub-doc2.fernuni-hagen.de/systematik/aut01.htm | |
78. TMTh:: PROCLUS OF LYCIA (DIADOCHUS) MATHEMATICIAN, ASTRONOMER proclus OF LYCIA (diadochus) (fl. 411 486AD) Life Neoplatonist philosopher, mathematician and astronomer http://www.tmth.edu.gr/en/aet/1/83.html | |
79. SUB - Bandrealkatalog diadochus / Philosophie. Klassenbezeichnung Procli. SchlagwörterProklos Diadochos s. proclus diadochus . Klassenbezeichnung http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ebene_3/brkalph/p13.htm | |
80. Theology Of Plato Philosophy Diadochus Proclus Theology of Plato Philosophy diadochus proclus. Subject Philosophy Title Theologyof Plato Author diadochus proclus. Philip Riden How to Trace the http://www.bookssource.co.uk/Diadochus-Proclus-Theology-of-Plato-1898910073.html | |
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