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61. ACE Board Meeting 11/7/97 ACTION * Joanne will let Shani pearson know that we are not in favour of Volunteers egon Simons, Kate Ross, April Katz, Martin Hendy, Michel Jannise ACTION http://www.co-op.bc.ca/minutes/11_7_97min.html | |
62. History Of Mathematics: History Of Probability And Statistics pearson, ES (egon Sharpe), and MG Kendall, editors. Studies in the history ofstatistics and probability a series of papers. Griffin, London, 1970. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/statistics.html | |
63. ITU Library Services pearson, Carl E. 1990, 1. pearson, Clyde, 1974, 1. pearson, DE (Donald Edwin),1991, 1. pearson, ES (egon Sharpe), 1895 / comp. 1970, 1. pearson, Frederick.1990, 1. http://divit.library.itu.edu.tr/search*tur/aPearson, Gordon T/apearson gordon t/ | |
64. Biometrika: Design Of Experiments 185. egon S. pearson On the variation in personal equation and the correlationof successive judgments. Biometrika, 14, 1922, pp. 23-102. http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~rab/biometrika.html | |
65. No Title over the first half of this century we saw the developments of some general principlesof testing, such as, Jerzy Neyman and egon pearson's (1928) likelihood http://www-math.bgsu.edu/symposium1998/abstract/abstract.html | |
66. User Home Pages egon Rolan, Lisa Boardman's Tribute to Michael Schumacher, Youth XS Young PeopleGoing Money Options, Dewnans - Celtic Devon, robyn pearson chartered accountant. http://www.senet.com.au/pub/users.html | |
67. MATH 365 Preface - Elementary Statistics into modern statistical theory are Ronald Fisher (18901962), William Gosset ( Student )(1876-1937), Jerzy Neyman (1894-1981), and egon pearson (1895-1980). http://www.kuce.org/isc/previews/MATH/math365_pref.htm | |
68. Cresmopainters forthcoming. Frank Stella. From Minimalism to Maxmimalism. by James pearson here.egon Schiele. Sex and Death in Purple Stockings. by D. Simon Eade http://www.crescentmoon.org.uk/cresmopainters | |
69. IMS History > Founding succeeded Carver as Editor of the Annals and appointed a stellar editorial board,consisting of Fisher, Neyman, Cramer, Hotelling, egon pearson, Darmois, Craig http://www.imstat.org/history.htm | |
70. Science News Online (6/7/97): Null Science To that end, psychology's hybrid statistics recruited several methods championedby Jerzy Neyman and egon pearson, contemporaries of Fisher who considered null http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arc97/6_7_97/bob1.htm | |
71. STREAMING Mailing List Archive: [streaming] [Fwd: ViDe Dublin C Grace. Next message egon Verharen streaming Fwd TeraGlobal ; Previousmessage Doug pearson streaming trouble monitor for Real streams? ; http://hypermail.terena.nl/streaming-list/mail-archive/0888.html | |
72. The Wives Of The Crown Prince Of Greece And Of Alexandre Egon, Prinz Zu Fürsten zu Fürstenberg (eldest son of Konstantinos II, (son of egon zu Fürstenberg Oursources include Elizabeth pearson White, John Howland of the Mayflower, the http://cybrary.uwinnipeg.ca/people/Dobson/genealogy/famous/Greece.html | |
73. Internet2 Digital Video Initiative Dixon) jimchen@nwu.edu (Jim Chen) egon.verharen@surfnet.nl (egon Verharen) singerg@us.ibm.com(Gary Singer) dodpears@indiana.edu (Doug pearson) jeremy.george http://dv.internet2.edu/i2dvn/i2dvc/members.html |
74. Nature Publishing Group last century with Francis Galton, Karl pearson, WS Gossett ('Student' of the ttest)and, of course, RA Fisher, and continues with egon pearson, Jerzy Neyman http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v411/n6837/full/ |
75. The Standard Error Of Regressions In the 1930s Jerzy Neyman and egon S. pearson, and then more explicitly Abraham Wald,argued that actual investigations should depend on substantive not merely http://www.hec.ohio-state.edu/scf/sign.htm | |
76. Weldon Memorial Prize Afterwards Sir Ronald Fisher, FRS, Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics) 1932 GeoffreyMills Morant, DSc, London 1935 egon Sharpe pearson, DSc, London 1938 http://www.ptb.ias.edu/nowak/weldon.html | |
77. Acquiring Statistics | W S Gosset He was on the scene in the 1930's when Jerzy Neyman and Karl's son egon Pearsonwere collaborating in London on their new theory of hypothesis testing, a http://www.umass.edu/wsp/acquiring/tales/gosset.html | |
78. Neyman-Pearson, Fisher, Bayes The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~suchii/shigemasu.html | |
79. Portraits Of Statisticians PARZEN, Emanuel 1929. PASCAL, Blaise 1623-1662. PEARL, Judea 1936-. pearson, EgonSharpe 1895-1980. pearson, Karl 1857-1936. PEIRCE, Charles Sanders 1839-1914. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/ | |
80. Harold Hotelling Papers 1, Mayer, Joseph. 1, Mills, Frederick C. 1, Odum, Howard W. 1, pearson, EgonS. 1, Proxmire, William. 1, Pusey, Nathan M. 1, Richardson, Roland George Dwight. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/rare/guides/Hotelling/main.html | |
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