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41. Prof. Dr Hab. AW Mostowski prof. dr hab. andrzej Wlodzimierz mostowski. University of GdanskInstitute of Mathematics Division of Computer Science My current http://math.univ.gda.pl/~awm | |
42. Pracownicy Zak³adu Informatyki UG English version. Pracownicy Zakladu Informatyki UG. prof. dr hab. andrzej W.mostowski. email AWM@math.univ.gda.pl. tel (0-58) 552 91 58. prof. dr hab. http://math.univ.gda.pl/~in/ludzie.html | |
43. Search Result For Andrzej Wlodzimierz Mostowski Search Result for andrzej Wlodzimierz mostowski. SURNAME mostowski. FIRSTNAMES andrzej, W.odzimierz. BORN 9 May 1931, Warsaw, Poland. http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/hp/a-tree/m/Mostowski:Andrzej_Wlodzimierz.html | |
44. Scientific Activity - Prof. Dr Hab. AW Mostowski na zastosowania w logice i teorii procesów. andrzej W. MostowskiBack to my homepage. Created 4 I 2000, Last Modified 4 I 2000. http://delta.math.univ.gda.pl/~awm/activity.html | |
45. Curriculum Vitae - Prof. Dr Hab. AW Mostowski Curriculum vitae. SURNAME mostowski. FIRST NAMES andrzej, W³odzimierz.BORN 9 May 1931, Warsaw, Poland. MARITAL STATUS married. http://delta.math.univ.gda.pl/~awm/cv.html | |
46. Andrzej Szepietowski andrzej Szepietowski. R. Fidytek, AW mostowski, R. Somla, Algorithms counting monotoneBoolean functions Information Processing Letters, 79 (2001) 203209. http://julia.univ.gda.pl/~matszp/ | |
47. Andrzej Salwicki CV 1. CURRICULUM VITAE. Name Salwicki First middle name andrzej, Jozef. HelenaRasiowa. opponents prof.A.mostowski, prof. Z.Pawlak, prof.J.Slupecki. Dr. Sc. http://www.univ-pau.fr/~salwicki/cvas95eng.html | |
48. Department Of Computer Science Borzyszkowski. Comments send to tomek@math.univ.gda.pl Last modification12.03.2001 Staff prof. zw. dr hab. andrzej mostowski, http://weslake.univ.gda.pl/ludzie_e/math/in | |
49. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of MOS Mostow, David, CarnegieMellon University, 1981. mostowski, andrzej, UniwersytetWarszawski, 1938. Mostrel, Marco, University of California, Los Angeles, 1987. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=MOS |
50. Delta - Spis Autorów M. MEISSNER, Krzysztof A. MIODUSZEWSKI, Jerzy. mostowski, Marcin. MRÓWCZYNSKI,Stanislaw. PAWELCZYK, Jacek. PELC, andrzej. PERCIVAL, Marcus J. PIELA, Lucjan. http://www.wiw.pl/delta/spis_autorzy.asp | |
51. Wydzia³ Matematyki I Fizyki Grzegorek, Jozef Heldt, Zdzislaw Kamont, andrzej Kowalski, Marek Kubale, Piotr Kwiek,Czeslaw Lewa, Wladyslaw Majewski, andrzej W. mostowski, Tomasz Natkaniec http://univ.gda.pl/~matfiz/ | |
52. Who Are Boole, Fitch, And Tarski? Brief biographies of the logicians whose names appear in Barwise and Etchemendy's textbook Language, Category Science Math Logic and Foundations History People...... language. mostowski, andrzej (19131975) Polish logician and studentof Tarski who worked in set theory and model theory. Ockham http://www.ucalgary.ca/~rzach/279/logicians.html | |
53. Members Of The School Of Mathematics MOSTERT, Paul S. 196768. MOSTOW, George Daniel, 1947-49, 1956-57, 1974-75, 1990-91.mostowski, andrzej, 1948-49. MOULTON, Elton J. 1936-37. MOVSHEV, Michael, 1997-98. http://www.math.ias.edu/mnames.html | |
54. Polish Great Mathematicians Brief biographies of 20th century Polish mathematicians. From the Institute of Mathematics of the Category Regional Europe Society and Culture History Technology...... Warsaw. (you can read more in Foreword by J. S³upecki p.vii Selected Works PWN1970.); andrzej mostowski (19131975) Foundations of mathematics (recursion http://www.impan.gov.pl/Great.html | |
55. AAA000 BIBLIOGRAPHY -- LOCKE LECTURES Critics. Oxford Blackwell, 1996. mostowski, andrzej Thirty Years ofFoundational Studies. New York Barnes and Noble, 1966. Newman http://webware.princeton.edu/vanfraas/seminarS2002/Locke-BIBLIOGR.htm | |
56. Lviv - Lvov - Lwow - Lemberg. Notable People - Biographies, Links, Photos. biographies and photos of famous people from LvivCategory Regional Europe Lviv Oblast Lviv Society and Culture...... More of Moriz Rosenthal at amazon. Top mostowski, andrzej. (19131975) Foundations Universityof Warsaw. andrzej mostowski; andrzej mostowski in German. http://www.lvov.us/famous-people/ | |
57. Marek A. Bednarczyk, Curriculum Vitae andrzej W. mostowski Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, 1988, The Universityof Sussex, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, supervisor Prof. http://www.ipipan.gda.pl/~marek/cv.html | |
58. Biographien - Archiv mostowski, andrzej http//www http://www.biografien-im-netz.de/archiv.php?Letter=M&Page=2000 |
59. .:: Mostostal SportNet - Oficjalny Serwis Klubu ::. andrzej Kubacki. andrzej. Kubacki. 11.06.1966. Janów Lubelski. Hobby.narciarstwo. Jerzy mostowski. Trener odnowy, Jerzy. mostowski. Hobby. http://mostostal-azoty.pl/oklubie/trenerzy.php | |
60. Bibliografía Sobre La Filosofía Translate this page 1972. Título El Pensamiento cientifico conceptos, avances y metodos Autor(es)mostowski, andrzej Cotejo 274 p. Editor (lugar y fecha) Paris, UNESCO/Mouton http://www.unesco.org/shs/shsdc/philosophy/philosophyspa/listdoc.htm | |
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