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         Mersenne Marin:     more books (57)
  1. Le P. Marin Mersenne Et La Pesanteur De L'air (French Edition) by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem, 2010-04-20
  2. Les Preludes De L'Harmonie Universelle Ou Questions Curieuses Utiles Aux (1634) (French Edition) by Marin Mersenne, 2010-09-10
  3. Questions Inouyes: Ou Recreation Des Scavans (1634) (French Edition) by Marin Mersenne, 2009-08-27
  4. L'impiete des deistes, athees et libertins de ce temps (French Edition) by Marin Mersenne, 1975
  5. Martini Ruari, Nec Non H. Grotii, M. Mersenni, M. Gittichii, Et Naerani (1677) (Latin Edition) by Martinus Ruarus, Hugo De Groot, et all 2009-08-27
  6. Mersenne and the Learning of the Schools (Cornell History of Science Series) by Peter Dear, 1988-04
  7. Minims: Marin Mersenne, Louis Feuillée, Jacques de Vaucanson, Charles Plumier, Bernardo Buil, Emmanuel Maignan, Fra Galgario
  8. Marin Mersenne Leads an International Effort to Understand Cycloids: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Keith Ferrell, 2001
  9. Marin Mersenne: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  10. People From Sarthe: Marin Mersenne
  11. Paulaner: Marin Mersenne, Imre Esterházy de Galántha, Charles Plumier, Valentin Stephan Still, Franz Von Paola, Louis Feuillée, Philippe Sergeant (German Edition)
  12. Théoricien de La Musique: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Leonhard Euler, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Marin Mersenne, Nikolaï Rimski-Korsakov (French Edition)
  13. Marin Mersenne und seine Musiklehre. by Hellmut Ludwig, 1935
  14. 17th-Century French People: Abraham de Moivre, Philip V of Spain, Marin Mersenne, Françoise-Marie de Bourbon, Louise-Françoise de Bourbon

(Catholic Encyclopedia)Category Society Religion and Spirituality M......Marin Mersenne. French theologian, philosopher, and mathematician; b. 8 September,1588, near Oizé (now Department of Sarthe); d. 1 September, 1648 at Paris.
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Marin Mersenne
Jesuit Descartes , his fellow student, originated. Mersenne entered the novitiate of the Minims at Nigeon near Paris (1611), was sent to Nevers as professor of philosophy (1614-1620), and returned to Paris. His first publications were theological and polemical studies against Atheism and Scepticism, but later, Mersenne devoted his time almost exclusively to science, making personal experimental researches, and publishing a number of works on mathematical sciences. His chief merit, however, is rather the encouragement which he gave to scientists of his time, the interest he took in their work, and the stimulating influence of his suggestions and questions. Gassendi and Galileo were among his friends; but, above all, Mersenne is known to-day as Descartes's friend and adviser. In fact, when Descartes began to lead a free and dissipated life, it was Mersenne who brought him back to more serious pursuits and directed him toward philosophy. In Paris, Mersenne was Descartes's assiduous correspondent, auxiliary, and representative, as well as his constant defender. The numerous and vehement attacks against the "Meditations" seem, for a moment, to have aroused Malebranche's suspicions; but Descartes's answers to his critics gave him full satisfaction as to his friend's orthodoxy and sincere Christian spirit. Mersenne asked that, after his death, an autopsy be made on his body, so as to serve to the last the interests of science.

2. Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. Der französische Priester Marin Mersenne führte eine umfangreiche Korrespondenz mit Philosophen seiner Zeit.
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Marin Mersenne (1588 - 1648)
Philosophen seiner Zeit. So antwortete ihm sein Freund Descartes in der Originalausgabe der Meditationen powered by Uwe Wiedemann

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Pour une version définitive, on se reportera au dictionnaire. retour. mersenne marin. 15881648, France
Jean-Marc Warszawski
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... BN Madrid Notices biographiques S'abonner au bulletin (courriel vide) Liens vers des dictionnaires et des collections de notices en ligne a b c ... z JEAN-MARC WARSZAWSKI, (2 v.). Berne, Francfort, New York, Peter Lang 2002 [2 vol., 2324 p., ISBN 3-906766-83-7] retour Mersenne Marin 1588-1648, France Gravure de Claude Duflos. F. Marin Mersenni.. Harmonicorum libri in quibus agitur de sonorum natura; causis, et effectibus : de consonantiis, dissonantiis, rationibus, generibus, modis, cantibus, compositione, orbisque totius harmonicis instrumentis.. opus utile grammaticis, oratoribus, philosophis, jurisconsultis, medicis, mathematicis, atque theologis F. Marini Mersenni.. Cogitata physico-mathematica. In quibus tam naturae quam artis effectus admirandi certissimis demonstrationibus explicantur

4. Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne was a French monk, contemporary of Galileo and friend of Rene Descartes. Mersenne published his most influential works in the 1620s.
Marin Mersenne His views: Marin Mersenne was a French monk, contemporary of Galileo and friend of Rene Descartes. Mersenne published his most influential works in the 1620s. These culminated a lengthy and effective campaign against hermeticism and other forms of old Renaissance magic. Mersenne believed the most prudent opinion was that our earth and its inhabitants should be viewed as unique with man being created in God's image (Dick, 95). Mersenne's problem was not with cosmologists who speculated on the possibility of other worlds, but rather with hermetics like Bruno and church clergy who openly practiced magic and used it to justify plurality. As Dick explains, [Mersenne argued that] it would not necessarily be better for God to create more worlds than one, because all things that come from God are infinite in every part, and if there were more worlds, they would be finite and not better. It was enough that God manifested himself externally through the creation of a single world, in which all things were ordered... nor did God need to produce all possible species; God was not obliged to do anything. (Dick, 95). As author Margaret Wertheim suggests

5. Mersenne
Biography of the Minim friar and his contributions to number theory. Includes references, pictures, Category Science Math Number Theory Prime Numbers Mersenne......Marin Mersenne. Marin Mersenne attended school at the College of Mans, then,from 1604 spent five years in the Jesuit College at La Fleche.
Marin Mersenne
Born: 8 Sept 1588 in Oize in Maine, France
Died: 1 Sept 1648 in Paris, France
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Marin Mersenne attended school at the College of Mans, then, from 1604 spent five years in the Jesuit College at La Fleche. From 1609 to 1611 he studied theology at the Sorbonne. Mersenne joined the religious order of the Minims in 1611. The name of the order comes since the Minims regard themselves as the least (minimi) of all the religious; they devote themselves to prayer, study and scholarship. Mersenne continued his education within the order at Nigeon and then at Meaux. He returned to Paris where in 1612 he became a priest at the Place Royale. He taught philosophy at the Minim convent at Nevers from 1614 to 1618. In 1619 he returned again to Paris to the Minims de l'Annociade near Place Royale. His cell in Paris became a meeting place for Fermat Pascal Gassendi Roberval ... Beaugrand and others who later became the core of the French Academy. Mersenne corresponded with other eminent mathematicians and he played a major role in communicating mathematical knowledge throughout Europe at a time when there were no scientific journals.

6. Mersenne Marin From FOLDOC
mersenne marin. biography, history of philosophy French priest (15881648).Through his own voluminous correspondence, Mersenne Marin

7. Jacques Mauduit (1557-1627)
mersenne marin, Quaestionesceleberrimae in Genesim. Paris 1623, p. 121-151; Simonin M., Pierre de Ronsard.
Jean-Marc Warszawski
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Mauduit Jacques
Afferte Domino Requiem aeternam et des (repris dans les Questionae
  • 3 airs pour viole et luth. Requiem aeternam.
  • Auge-Chiquet M., Paris 1909 Brenet Michel, Jacques Mauduit Launay Denise, Paris 1993, p. 91-92 Masson P.-M., L'humanisme musical en France au XVI e Jacques Mauduit et les hymnes latines de Laurence Strozzi Mersenne Marin, Quaestiones celeberrimae in Genesim. Paris 1623, p. 121-151 Simonin M., Pierre de Ronsard. Paris 1990, p. 391-393 Tiersot Jean, Ronsard et la musique de son temps Waard C. de, Walker D. P., Yates F.A., The French Academies of the Sixteenth Century. London 1947

Translate this page mersenne marin français, 1588-1648. Abbé, philosophe et physicien,il se passionna pour les mathématiques de son époque. Il établit
français, 1588-1648 Abbé, philosophe et physicien, il se passionna pour les mathématiques de son époque. Il établit une correspondance avec les plus grands physiciens et mathématiciens comme Huygens, Roberval, Torricelli, Pascal, Fermat et, tout particulièrement, Descartes. En physique, ses travaux portent essentiellement en mécanique galiléenne (tendant à confirmer la rotation de la Terre sur elle-même) et en acoustique.

9. Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne 15881648 Marin Mersenne attended school at the College of Mans, Then,starting in 1604, he spent five years in the Jesuit College at La Fleche.
Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne attended school at the College of Mans, Then, starting in 1604, he spent five years in the Jesuit College at La Fleche. From 1609 to 1611 he studied theology at the Sorbonne. Mersenne joined the religious order of the Minims in 1611. The name of the order comes since the Minims regard themselves as the least of all the religious; they devote themselves to prayer, study and scholarship. Mersenne continued his education within the order at Nigeon and then at Meaux. He returned to Paris where in 1612 he became a priest at the Place Royale. He taught philosophy at the Minim convent at Nevers from 1614 to 1618. In 1619 he returned again to Paris. His cell in Paris became a meeting place for Fermat, Pascal, Gassendi, Roberval, Beaugrand and others who later became the core of the French Academy. Mersenne corresponded with other eminent mathematicians and he played a major role in communicating mathematical knowledge throughout Europe at a time when there were no scientific journals. Mersenne investigated prime numbers and he tried to find a formula that would represent all primes. Although he failed in this, his work on numbers of the form 2

10. Mersenne
Translate this page mersenne marin français, 1588-1648 Abbé, philosophe et physicien, ilse passionna pour les mathématiques de son époque. Il établit
Huygens Roberval Torricelli Pascal ... Descartes Nombres de Mersenne : ce sont les entiers naturels de la forme M n n nombres parfaits Pythagore Euler Lucas est de l'ordre de 2,3.10 est premier et M M M M M M M M M Le dernier en date ( source Quid 1999 ) serait M Notons que si un nombre M n est premier, alors n est premier. En effet, raisonnons par l'absurde: si n n'est pas premier, n = kp avec k ­ 1. Ainsi : n k p k p p On sait que a p - b p est divisible par a - b. Par suite, 2 n - 1 admet 2 k Nombres premiers Nombres pseudo-premiers Nombres parfaits Pour en savoir plus : Snellius Desargues

11. Biography Of Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne. (15881648). His Life. Marin Mersenne was a 17th centurymonk and mathematician, who mainly studied the numbers 2 p - 1.
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Marin Mersenne
His Life
Marin Mersenne was a 17th century monk and mathematician, who mainly studied the numbers 2 p Marin Mersenne is best known for his role as a sort of clearing house for correspondence between eminent philosophers and scientists, and for his work in number theory.
Mersenne's Accomplishments
Many early writers felt that the numbers of the form 2 p - 1 were prime for all primes p, but in 1536 Hudalricus Regius showed that 2 - 1 = 2047 was not prime. By 1603 Pietro Cataldi had correctly verified that 2 - 1 and 2 - 1 were both prime, but then incorrectly stated 2 n -1 was also prime for 23, 29, 31 and 37. In 1640 Fermat showed Cataldi was wrong about 23 and 37; then Euler in 1738 showed Cataldi was also wrong about 29. Sometime later Euler showed Cataldi's assertion about 31 was correct. Enter Mersenne. Marin Mersenne investigated prime numbers and he tried to find a formula that would represent all prime numbers. Although he failed in this, his work on the numbers 2

12. Marin Mersenne - Wikipedia NL
Andere talen English. Marin Mersenne. Marin Mersenne (8 sept. 1588 1 sept.1648) was een Frans wiskundige?, theoloog?, filosoof en wetenschapper.
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Andere talen: English
Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne (8 sept. - 1 sept. ) was een Frans wiskundige theoloog filosoof en wetenschapper. Hij speelde een belangrijke rol in de verspreiding van de wiskundige en wetenschappelijke kennis. Tot zijn eigen wiskundige resultaten behoort het bedenken van de Mersenne priemgetallen Mersenne volgde het College de Mans en het Jezuietencollege in La Fleche . Van tot studeerde hij theologie aan de Sorbonne Mersenne voegde zich bij de orde der Minims , een deel van de Franciscaner orde met een nog strengere gelofte van armoede. Binnen deze orde vervolgde hij zijn studie in Nigeon

13. Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne. Back to the GIMPS page. Valid HTML 4.01! © 20002002All rights reserved. Home web site www.JOBnegotiator
Marin Mersenne
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14. Marin Mersenne - Wikipedia
Marin Mersenne. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marin Mersenne(15881648) was a French priest belonging to the Order of Minims.
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Marin Mersenne
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Marin Mersenne ) was a French priest belonging to the Order of Minims. (It is sometimes incorrectly stated that he was a Jesuit ; he was educated by Jesuits, but he never joined the Society of Jesus.) He taught theology and philosophy at Nevers and Paris Mersenne is today remembered thanks to his association with the Mersenne primes . However, he was not primarily a mathematician; he wrote about music theory and other subjects. He edited works of Euclid Archimedes , and other Greek mathematicians. But his perhaps most important contribution to the advance of learning was his extensive correspondence (in Latin , of course) with mathematicians and other scientists in many countries. At a time when the

15. Bedeutende Mathematiker
Translate this page Dedekind Richard (1831 - 1916, Braunschweig), mersenne marin (1588 - 1648, Paris). MersenneMarin (1588 - 1648, Paris), Abel Niels (1802 -1829, Froland, Norwegen).
Home Geschichte Mathematiker Zitate ... Suche Bedeutende Mathematiker alphabetisch nach Geburtsdatum Abel Niels (1802 -1829, Froland, Norwegen) Thales von Milet (um 625 - 546 v. Chr.) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Pythagoras von Samos (um 580 - 496 v. Chr., Kroton) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Zenon von Elea (um 490 - um 430 v.Chr.) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Aristoteles (384 - 322 v. Chr., Chalkis) Banach Stefan (1892 - 1945, Lwów) Euklid von Alexandria (um 360 - um 300 v. Chr. ?) Bernoulli Jakob (1654 - 1705, Basel) Archimedes (287 - 212 v. Chr., Syrakus) Bernoulli Johann (Bruder von Jakob) (1667 - 1748, Basel) Appolonios von Perge (262 - 190 v.Chr., Pergamon?) Bernoulli Daniel (Sohn von Johann) (1700 - 1782, Basel) Ries Adam (1492 - 1559, Annaberg) Bessel Friedrich Wilhelm (1784 - 1846, Königsberg) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom) Cantor Georg (1845-1918, Halle) Viète (Vieta) François (1540 - 1603, Paris) Cauchy Augustin Louis (1789 - 1857, Paris) Neper (Napier) John (1550 - 1617, Edinburgh) Cardano Geronimo (1501 - 1576, Rom)

16. Marin Mersenne -
Skaffa dig en Marin Mersenne. Marin Mersenne, munk, matematiker. Född1588 i Maine, Frankrike, död 1648. Mest känd för mersenneprimtalen.
Marin Mersenne
Startsida Senaste nytt Länkar ... Inställningar Sök: Alltheweb Dmoz Frisim Gnuheter ... Wikipedia
Marin Mersenne munk matematiker Född 1588 i Maine Frankrike död 1648 . Mest känd för mersenneprimtal en. Mellan år 1604 och år 1609 utbildades han av jesuiter na i Paris och mellan år 1609 läste han teologiSorbonne . Efter avslutade studier gick han in i minimi -ordern ( osäker på svenskt namn ) som ägnade sig åt stillsamma bön er och studier. Han ägnade mycket tid åt matematik och studerade de primtal som hade formen 2^p-1 som numera är döpta efter honom: mersenneprimtal Startsida Senaste nytt Länkar ... Inställningar Sök: Alltheweb Dmoz Frisim Gnuheter ... Visa andra versioner drivs av Aronsson Datateknik
Senast ändrad 15 oktober 2002 (skillnad)

17. Mersenne
Marin Mersenne. 1588 1648. Born Marin Mersenne was a mathematician,a natural philosopher, a theologian, a writer, and a teacher. It
Marin Mersenne
  • Born on September 8, 1588 in Oize, Maine, France
  • Attended the College of Mans
  • From 1604-1609 attended the Jesuit College at La Fleche
  • From 1609-1611 studied theology at the Sorbonne
  • In 1611 joined the religious order of the Minims to devote time to prayer, study, and scholarship
  • In 1612 became a priest at the Place Royale
  • Taught philosophy at the Minim convent at Nevers from 1614-1618
  • In 1619 returned to Paris near Place Royale
  • Died in Paris on September 1, 1648
Marin Mersenne was a mathematician, a natural philosopher, a theologian, a writer, and a teacher. It was said that he was an amateur mathematician. He studied prime numbers and tried to find a formula that would represent all primes. He was unable to do this but his work influenced others to continue what he had started. There was an interest in prime numbers before Marin Mersenne came on the scene. One formula for prime numbers was 2 n - 1 for all prime numbers n . Several mathematicians (Regius in 1536, Cataldi in 1603, Fermat in 1640) tested this formula and proved it true in some cases and not true in others. Mersenne stated in his book Cognita Physica-Mathematica that the numbers 2 n - 1 were prime for the primes 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 67, 127, and 257. It was this conjecture that connected his name to these primes. Mersenne’s peers expressed their doubts that he had actually tested his conjecture and Mersenne, at a later date, admitted he had not. It took until 1947 to completely check Mersenne’s list. It was determined during the 400 year period that Mersenne’s list was not entirely accurate and that the correct list was for

18. Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne. Fæddur Marin Mersenne stundaði fyrst nám við háskólanní Mans, en svo við Jesúítaskólann í La Fleche. Frá
Marin Mersenne Fæddur: 8. september 1588 í Oize í Maine, Frakklandi
Dáinn: 1. september 1648 í París, Frakklandi. Marin Mersenne stundaði fyrst nám við háskólann í Mans, en svo við Jesúítaskólann í La Fleche. Frá 1609 til 1611 las hann guðfræði í Sorbonne og klassísk fræði í Collége de France. Mersenne gekk í trúarsöfnuð Minimista árið 1611. Nafn safnaðarins var dregið af þeirri skoðun safnaðarins að meðlimir hans væru lægst settir ( minimi ) trúaðra manna. Þessi trúarsöfnuður helgaði sig algerlega bænum og lærdómi. Árið 1612 fór Mersenne síðan til Parísar þar sem hann gerðist prestur. Mersenne kenndi heimspeki í klaustrum Minimista í Nevers frá 1614 til 1618. Árið 1619 sneri hann svo aftur til Parísar. Híbýli Mersenne í París urðu samkomustaður nokkra helstu stærðfræðinga sautjándu aldar: Fermat, Pascals , Gassendis og fleiri. Þeir félagar urðu síðar kjarni Frönsku Akademíunnar Mersenne stóð í bréfaskriftum við marga stærðfræðinga, segja má að hann hafi orðið nokkurskonar miðstöð upplýsingaflæðis stærðfræðinnar í Evrópu. Að honum látnum fundust bréf frá 78 bréfriturum í herbergi hans. Þeirra á meðal voru Fermat, Galileó, Torricelli og Huygens. Nýútgefið bréfasafn hans er næstum tíuþúsund blaðsíður. Þegar Galileó og Descartes voru sakaðir um guðlast andmælti Mesenne þeim ásökunum. Hann barðist gegn ,,gervivísindum" svo sem stjörnuspeki og gullgerðarlist. Hann hélt rannsóknum Galileós á hljóðeðlisfræði áfram og örvaði þannig Galileó til frekari uppgötvana. Mersenne ráðlagði Huygens að nota pendúl til að mæla tíma sem varð til þess að fyrsta pendúlklukkan var smíðuð. Mersenne var afkastamikill rithöfundur. Hann skrifaði til dæmis um heimspeki og gaf út verk Evklíðs, Apóllóníusar, Arkimedesar og fleiri grískra stærðfræðinga. Hann var fjölfróður og kunni mörg tungumál, meðal annars hebresku.

19. Gene@Star - Famous Genealogy
Translate this page . mersenne marin Surname, Date beginning, Date end, Town, Subregion,Region, Country. MERSENNE, 1588, 1620, Oizé, F72, Pays de Loire,France.

20. Gene@Star - Généalogie Celebre Sur Le Net
Translate this page . mersenne marin Patronyme, Date début, Date fin, Commune, Sous region,Région, Pays. MERSENNE, 1588, 1620, Oizé, F72, Pays de Loire, France.

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