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         Mercator Nicolaus:     more detail
  1. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  2. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2009-07-17
  3. Logarithmotechnia: Sive Methodus Construendi Logarithmos (1668) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  4. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  5. Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri Duo, De Motu Astrorum Communi Et Proprio (1676) (Latin Edition) by Nicolaus Mercator, 2010-09-10
  6. In Mathematical Circles : A Selection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes Quadrants III and IV by Howard W. Eves, 1969

81. Misura
Translate this page Analoga sorte hanno le ricerche sulla quadratura dell'iperbole. mercator (Nicolausmercator, 1620- 1687), nella sua opera Logarithmo-technia,
MATHESIS - SEZIONE DI CATANIA N°1 - 1998 TEORIA DELLA MISURA: DA CAVALIERI AI NOSTRI TEMPI E' qui riportato il testo della conferenza tenuta dal prof. M. Marino l'11 dicembre 1997
Il Prof. Maugeri nella sua conferenza del maggio scorso ha mirabilmente evidenziato i contributi apportati da Archimede (287 212 a.C.) e da Bonaventura Cavalieri (1598 esaustione che, già noto a Eudosso (408 353 a.C.) e felicemente usato da Euclide (300 ? a.C.), raggiunge la massima fioritura con Archimede. Questo metodo viene ripreso nella seconda metà del Cinquecento, in concomitanza con la rinascita degli studi di statica, e applicato alla ricerca dei centri di gravità delle figure piane e solide ad opera di Federigo Commandino (1509 1565) e soprattutto di Luca Valerio (1552 1618) e di Simone Stevin (1548 1620). Ai centri di gravità dedica anche alcune eleganti speculazioni il giovane Galileo Galilei (1564 "Ben presto però come osserva E. Giusti nelle notizie storiche riportate nel suo testo di Analisi Matematica il metodo di esaustione mostra i suoi limiti, in parte per la sempre maggiore difficoltà dell'approssimazione quando le figure in questione diventano via via più complesse, ma soprattutto perchè quello di esaustione è un metodo di dimostrazione più che di scoperta: esso consente di dimostrare rigorosamente che A è uguale, o doppio, o metà di B una volta però che questo risultato sia stato intuito, ma come arrivare a prevedere tale conclusione?" Nel caso della quadratura della parabola, Archimede, prima di far uso del procedimento di esaustione, determina il risultato per altre due vie di cui una è quella

82. Rappersvill Map Colllection
Surprisingly, the contents of the map is less developed than the earlier map of theNicolaus of Kuza. mercator's edition was in print until 1730, when the last
Ptolemy's "Geographia" Alexandrian scientist Claudius Ptolemaeus (90 - 168 AD.) was the first geographer to attempt a description of the world by way of cartographic presentation. His Geographia , including 26 maps or numbered tables, was a considerable achievement at the time. The work provided mathematical foundations for creating maps, and listed known rivers, peoples and settlements, giving their terrestrial coordinates. In order to collect so many data, Ptolemy co-operated with other scientists and made use of the works by his predecessors, such as his teacher Marios of Tyre. The presentation of Polish territories on the maps appended to the Geographia was far from perfect. Ptolemy called that part of the word SARMATIA, which referred to lands inhabited by Sanna-tians, or tribes of Pers sian origin. Later, in 15th - 18th centuries, many writers considered Sarmatians to be forefathers of Polish nobility. Regrettably, Ptolemy found no followers and his work fell into oblivion until the beginnings of the 15th century. However, it attracted interest of Arab scientists, who even translated it. Their works in this area failed to influence the development of cartography, in contrast to Arab achievements in other fields, astronomy in particular. In the Middle Ages, cartography was a "forgotten science," although it must have been known in some monasteries, and perhaps it had even been a subject of study there. Possibly, the data from

83. Mercator's World Online
Only known map made by Michael, Gerard mercator’s grandson. At Amsterdam by NicolausVisscher with “Profiledge of ye HM Lords y States Generall” engraved

84. Mercator's World Online
4 singlepage maps with figures of constellations, double-page planisphere on mercator’sprojection, double-page plan showing relative positions of heavenly

85. "Jégvilág, Izland Régi Térképeken" (kiállítás)
A nürnbergi orvos Ptolemaioszon kívül nicolaus Cusanus (1401?1464) és Mercatorhírnevét föld és éggömbje után a hajósok számára különösen
"Jégvilág, Izland régi térképeken"
(írta Török Zsolt) Thule, a világ északi vége Brémai Ádám 1070 körül lejegyezte mindazt, amit az északi barbár népek történetérõl elsõsorban dán forrásból megtudhatott. Krónikája a legkorábbi tudósítások egyike, amely bizonyítja, hogy a vikingek már félévszázaddal Kolumbusz elõtt felfedezték Vinlandot, azaz az Újvilágot. Izlandról ugyanõ azt meséli, hogy “az egykori Thule sziget az Island , Jégvilág nevet kapta a jégrõl, amellyé az óceán fagyott”. A kartográfia történetében Izlandot elõször egy 10. századi kéziraton, az úgynevezett Angolszász térképen találhatjuk meg, ugyanazon a papírlapon, amelyen elsõ ízben említik az akkor még a hunok utódjainak tartott magyarokat is a jelenlegi Kárpát-medence területén. Thule szigetét Kr.e. 325 körül említette elõször ókori földrajzi leírásában a massiliai (Marseille) Pütheász . A messzi északra, a borostyán földjére elhajózott szerzõ nyomán Tyle, Thyle vagy Thule legendás szigetét tartották az ókorban a világ északi végének, amelyen túl az örök fagy miatt már nem lehet jutni. Erre utal az Ultima Thule , a legvégsõ pontot jelentõ kifejezés.

86. Antique, Old, Rare And Historic Maps & Prints: Or Always Select A Sub-category :
Hungary mercator, G. Hungaria Amsterdam, IE Cloppenburgh, 1630 Hungaria Vischer, NicolausTotius Regni Hungariae et adjacentium Tabula A. 1685 ob res bellicas
Antique Maps of Hungary
M‰nster, Sebastian
Landtafel des Ungerlands, Polands, Russen, Littau, Walachei unnd Bulgarei.

Basel, 1560-80 [26 x 34,5 cm]
Woodcut map published in the "Cosmographia" by Sebastian M¸nster (German edition).
Slight discolouration (glue staining) near the middle fold.
[Stock No.:13648]
click on image to enlarge
select the item(s) to order
Euro 220 the exchange rate equals: US $ var Europrice = parseInt(1.09*220) document.write(Europrice) UK £ var Europrice = parseInt(0.6777*220) document.write(Europrice) We accept also checks in US $ and UK £ for payments. Payments by creditcards will be charged in Euros. Hungary Strigonium. Gran. Cologne, 1598 [34,7 x 51,5 cm] Handcolored copper-engraving published in of the townbook "Civitates Orbis Terrarum" by Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg. Published in volume V, 1598 (German edition). [Stock No.:11616] click on image to enlarge select the item(s) to order Euro 500 the exchange rate equals: US $ var Europrice = parseInt(1.09*500) document.write(Europrice) UK £ var Europrice = parseInt(0.6777*500) document.write(Europrice)

87. Fredriksonin Karttakokoelman Karttoja Ja Vähän Muutakin...
Claudius Ptolemaios nicolaus Germanus Tabvla moderna Prvssie, Livonie. GerardMercator Atlas sive cosmographicæ, Svecia et Norvegia cum confinijs. Kartan tiedot Lowres Medres Highres Abu Abdallah Muhammed al Idris Nuzhat al-mustaq fihtiraq al-afaq.
Sisilia 1154
Alkuperäinen käsikirjoitus Bodleian library, Oxford fkk0001.jpg fkk0001.jpg fkk0001.jpg Richard of Haldingham (de Bello)
Terrarum Orbis Tabulam.
Hereford n. 1285
54 x 64 tuumaa. Alkuperäinen käsikirjoitus Herefordin katedraalissa Englannissa. fkk0002.jpg fkk0002.jpg fkk0002.jpg Klaudios Ptolemaios, Girolamo Ruscelli, Vincent Valgrisi
Geographia, Tabvla Antiqva I, Il Mondo.
Venezia 1562
295 x 210 mm, kuparipiirros fkk0003a.jpg fkk0003a.jpg fkk0003a.jpg Klaudios Ptolemaios, Girolamo Ruscelli, Vincent Valgrisi
Geographia, Tabvla Antiqva I, Il Mondo.
Venezia 1562 295 x 210 mm, kuparipiirros fkk0003b.jpg fkk0003b.jpg fkk0003b.jpg Claudius Clavus (Clausson Swart) Karta öfver Skandinavien 1427. Stockholm 1883 210 x 160 mm, A.E. Nordenskiöldin toimittama näköispainos Claudius Clavuksen 1427 julkaisemasta käsikirjoituksesta, jota säilytetään Nancyssä, Ranskassa. Näköispainos Helsingin yliopiston kirjastossa, A.E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmassa. fkk0004.jpg

88. Supplement To Ptolemy's Map - Nordic Countries Sketched By Claudius Clavus And N
Supplement to Ptolemy's map Nordic countries sketched by ClaudiusClavus and nicolaus Germanus. All maps © Erkki Fredrikson, Lic.
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Supplement to Ptolemy's map - Nordic countries sketched by Claudius Clavus and Nicolaus Germanus
Claudius Ptolemaeus - Nicolaus Germanus, Tabvla moderna Prvssie, Livonie, Norvegie et Gottie, Roma 1508 395 x 540 mm, copperplate engraving This map of the Nordic Countries originally drawn by Danish Claudius Clavus (b. 1388) and expanded upon by Nicolaus Germanus, a Benedictine monk, was included in some of the later editions of Ptolemy's Geographia from 1482 onwards. In spite of several shortcomings and errors, this map, which was originally published as a woodblock engraving in Ulm, already gave a fairly good representation of the southern parts of Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea. This version published in Rome in 1508 is one of the earliest maps engraved on copper. Greenland or ENGRONELAND has been placed to the north of the Scandinavian peninsula and is connected to it.

89. Biographisches Lexikon Für Schleswig-Holstein Und Lübeck, Erschienen Im Wachho
nicolaus 5, 56; 11, 398.
Inhaltsverzeichnis des Bibliographischen Lexikons / home Die wichtigsten Schleswig-Holsteiner finden sich kurz und knapp beschrieben im Schleswig-Holstein Lexikon. Eine weitaus umfangreichere und ausführlichere Übersicht unserer bedeutenden Vorfahren bietet zusätzlich das Biographische Lexikon.
Das Biographische Lexikon ist bisher in 11 Bänden erschienen und enthält in jedem Band bedeutende Persönlichkeiten von A-Z. Der jeweils letzte Band enthält ein Gesamtregister für alle Bände, um ein schnelles Auffinden der History-VIPs zu gewährleisten. Die beschriebenen Persönlichkeiten sind nachstehend unter Angabe der Band- und Seitenzahl aufgeführt.
Abegg, Waldemar (Band) 3, (Seite) 13 Abel, Herzog von Jütland 1, 11 Abrahamson, Werner Hans Friedrich 1, 12 Achten, Govert van 6, 13 — Marten van 6, 13 Achtrup-Familie 1, 15 Ackermann, Ernst Wilhelm 6, 15 — Johann Friedrich 2, 13; 3, 293 Adalbert I., Erzbischof von Hamburg-Bremen 1, 16 Adaldag, Erzbischof von Hamburg-Bremen Adam, Hermann 1, 18 Adickes, Erich 2, 14

90. Forschung An Der Fakultät Für Sozialwissenschaften An Der UniBwM
am 23.3.1995, Gerhard-mercator-Universität GH
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften
Aktuelles Allgemeines Lehre ... weiter
Professur für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ivo Schneider (seit 20.09.1995) Dr. Rudolf Seising, Wiss. Assistent (seit 01.12.1995)
Schneider, Ivo Seising, Rudolf
Schneider, Ivo Sprecher des Graduiertenkollegs Wechselwirkungen zwischen Naturwissenschaften und Technik im deutschsprachigen Raum am Deutschen Museum München. Organisation der dazugehörigen Kolloquien. Mitglied des Kuratoriums des Deutschen Museums in München. Vollmitglied der Académie international de l'histoire de science. Mitherausgeber der wissenschaftshistorischen Zeitschriften "Archive for History of Exact Sciences", "Ganita-Bharati Bulletin of the Indian Society for History of Mathematics" sowie der Reihen "Abhandlungen und Berichte" des Deutschen Museums und "Studien zur Wissenschafts-, Sozial- und Bildungsgeschichte der Mathematik" des Verlages Vanden-hoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen.
Schneider, Ivo

91. The Invention Of The Marine Chronometer - Relevant Links
Relevant Links. Below are a number of other sites relevant to thehistory of navigation, but as you will see, little is directly
Relevant Links
Below are a number of other sites relevant to the history of navigation, but as you will see, little is directly concerned with the subject of The Discovery of Longitude. To come back to this page from each of these sites, click on the Relevant Links entry in the imagemap to the left.
Mercator, Nicolaus [Niklaus Kauffman]
A Short History of Armagh Observatory
Navigation Site ...
A Walk Through Time

92. Ahnenforschung Im Internet - Raum Rheine
14 . 158. Herman. Nieman conjuges. lanarius. 32 . Elisabeth. Becker. 30 . Nicolausfilius.
Status animarum 1749/50 des Bistums Münster
Registrum parochia Bevergensis conscriptum Anno 1750 in Januario
(Teil 2)
bearbeitet von Maria Borchert, Höfflingerweg 6, 48153 Münster Status animarum (Teil 1) Lateinische Bezeichnungen Register lfd. Nr. Vorname Name Beruf Alter Henrich Herman Bloem conjuges lapicida 48 " Adelheid Wiesman 43 " Bernd filius 15 " Christianus 13 " Henrich Herman 7 " Gertrud 4 " Gerhard Henrich Zumsande conjuges cerevisiarius 53 " Maria Clara Berntzen 47 " Maria Clara filia 15 " Maria Anna Francisca 11 " Ignatius 6 " Maria Elisabetha Zumsande virgo devotessa 60 " famula Helena Gertrud Bute 21 " Herman Bertelink opifex Seniores 68 " Christina uxor 65 " Herman Bertelink conjuges 43 " Anna Maria Conderman 29 " Herman Rollman conjuges mercenarius 55 " Elisabeth Sierman 51 " Henrich Herman filius 23 " Georgius 12 " Joes Henricus 10 " Bernard 7 " Maria Adelheidis filia 15 " incolo Joan Ablian conjuges mercenarius 69 " Maria Fienter 65 "

93. 17¥@¬ö¼w°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a
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