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Mercator Nicolaus: more detail | ||||||
21. Biographisches Lexikon Inhaltsverzeichnis M Translate this page 1605/06-1659/60) 5, 160 Johannes (1606-1674) 4, 147 Melle, Jacob von 6, 183u. 318 Mensing, Otto 11, 257 mercator, nicolaus 7, 131 Messmann, Hermann 11 http://www.shlb.de/biolexin/inh_m.htm | |
22. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page mercator, Rumold (1541 - 1600). mercator, nicolaus (1620 - 1687). Merrifield,Charles (1827 - 1884). Mersenne, Marin (8.9.1588 - 1.9.1648). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
23. Berühmte Eutiner Translate this page nicolaus mercator (1619 - 1687). Der Astronom nicolaus mercator (NiklausKauffman) wurde 1619 in Eutin geboren. Sein Vater Martin http://www.webergymnasium.de/eutiner.htm | |
24. Untitled Translate this page Eine Verwechslung mit Gerhard mercator liegt nahe, da nicolaus in einer 1666 erschienenenArbeit über die zweckmäßigste Bestimmung einer Seekarte, das für http://www.tu-bs.de/institute/geophysik/kertz/mercatorn.html | |
25. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Mark Macdonald, Hector Méray, Charles Napier, John Maclaurin, Colin mercator,Gerardus Nash, John F. MacMahon, Percy mercator, nicolaus Navier, Claude http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
26. Mercator's Projection mid17th century. nicolaus mercator (no relation to Gerardus) actuallyoffered a prize for the solution. The problem was eventually http://www.math.ubc.ca/~israel/m103/mercator/mercator.html | |
27. Gerhard Mercator In Löwen Translate this page der Rektor der Universität - selber Inquisitor - für Gerhard mercator verwendete,kam Antoine Perrenot von Granvella, Sohn des nicolaus Perrenot, erwähnte http://www.wilhelmkruecken.de/LebenWerk/Lw_loewe.htm | |
28. Biografisk Register Translate this page 70-130) Méray, Charles (1835-1911) mercator, nicolaus (1619-87) Mersenne, Marin(1588-1648) Mertens, Franz (1840-1927) Milin, IM Minkowsli, Hermann (1864-1909 http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
29. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 127) Menelaus of Alexandria (196) Menger, Karl (485*) Mengoli, Pietro (188) Méray,Hugues (79) mercator, Gerardus (442*) mercator, nicolaus (279) Merrifield http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
30. Biography-center - Letter M mercator_Gerardus.html; mercator, nicolaus wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/mercator_nicolaus.html;Mercer, John http://www.biography-center.com/m.html | |
31. Nicholas Copernicus - Copernican System nicolaus Copernicus Opposition was first raised against the Copernican system byProtestant Related Information Gerardus mercator mercator Projection Maps. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blcopernicus.htm | |
32. Rappersvill Map Colllection This map provided a basis for G. mercator and G. de Jode for their While workingon his million map , Wapowski was supported by nicolaus Copernicus, who http://www.muzeum-polskie.org/kart-pol-eng.htm | |
33. Matematiikan Historia; Muun Maailman Matemaatikot Translate this page John Wallis William Neil Johann Hudde René François de Sluse Isaac Barrow GottfriedWilhelm Leibniz ** Isaac Newton nicolaus mercator Christiaan Huygens http://solmu.math.helsinki.fi/2000/mathist/muumaa.html | |
34. Newton Ja Leibniz Esimerkiksi nicolaus mercatorin (162087) (joka on eri henkilö kuin mercatorinprojektion esittäjä Gerhardus mercator (1512-94)) ja Newtonin itsensä http://solmu.math.helsinki.fi/2000/mathist/html/newton/ | |
35. HSCI 1814: Visuals For Maps And Mapping I detail, rotated; 1482 copy of Ptolemy (nicolaus Germanus version); world map,Eastern hemisphere British Museum ; mercator map, 1569 2.1; diagram of http://my.pclink.com/~allchin/1814/maps/maps.htm | |
36. Www.math.ku.dk/~ramskov/3mh-f98/rene/bioindex.txt Spherica 268 143 mercator, nicolaus (16201686) Logarithmotechnica 450 Monge, Gaspard(1746-1818) f. Baune, Mézières 570 Géométrie descriptive 1799 569 http://www.math.ku.dk/~ramskov/3mh-f98/rene/bioindex.txt |
37. Untitled mercator, pseudo MonaldusOFM Nepos de Montealbano nicolaus ab Ausmo nicolaus Andreae nicolaus http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~jurarom/manuscr/Can&RomL/authors/authors.htm |
38. Nicolaus De Gorran, In VII Epistolas Canonicas Expositio, Pars 2 Translate this page 89296 nicolaus de Gorran Sicut mercator diligit res quas care emit, et consideratatanti pretii magnitudine debemus nosipsos magis diligere et cariores habere http://www.unav.es/filosofia/alarcon/amicis/xec2.html | |
40. Dr. Wolfgang Scharfe published in 1491 respectively about 1492 and related to nicolaus Cusanus respectively about50 years by Heinrich Zell (1550), Gerhard mercator (Europe 1554 http://lazarus.elte.hu/gb/imcos97/scharfe1.htm | |
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