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Luzin Nikolai: more detail | ||||
21. IEP KSC, INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC PROBLEMS Director Gennady P.luzin, Prof., D.Sc.(Econ.), Corr.Mem. of the RAS. Deputydirectors nikolai G.Peshev, Ph.D.(Econ.); Vladimir S.Selin, D.Sc.(Econ.). http://www.ksc.ru/ksc/ekon/inform/ekon.html | |
22. AAS Database - Short View Of Documents 9, 1236704, Landau, Edmund, Vvedenie v Differensialnoe i integralnoe ischislenie,1948. 10, 1194969, luzin, nikolai Nikolaevich Integral'noe ischislenie, 1958. http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/ATA/AAS/AAS/FIND-ACC/1985523 | |
23. Biography-center - Letter L Luyten, Willem Jacob www.physastro.sonoma.edu/BruceMedalists/Luyten/index.html;luzin, nikolai www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/luzin.html; http://www.biography-center.com/l.html | |
24. Mathem_abbrev Michael, Liouville, Joseph Littlewood, Dudley Livsic, Moshe Lorentz, Hendrik Lovelace,Augusta Ada Lukacs, Eugene Luke, Yudell luzin, nikolai Lyndon, Roger. http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
25. BORIS NIKOLAEVICH VEPRINTSEV by the direct students of Vernadsky, Koltsov, Vavilov, luzin, Chaplygin. nikolai AleksandrovichVeprintsev belonged to the Marxist circle of PP Veretsaev, and http://birds.iteb.serpukhov.su/shnoll.html | |
26. Untitled BE.Shapirovskij, 1977, V .V . Popov, 1977, SJ.Nedev, 1970, nikolai luzin, V .V.Filippov,1971, PK.Osmatesku, 1965, M .M .Choban, 1969, Dimitri Egorov, Nicolai Bugaev, http://www.sci.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~raushan/CONFERENCE/Tree/Tree.htm | |
27. Moscow mathematical Research). It was a great thrill to be able to look atthe actual notebooks of nikolai Nikolaevich luzin (18831950). http://www.emba.uvm.edu/~cooke/moscow.html | |
28. L Index Samuel (150*) Lucas, F Edouard (394*) Lueroth, Jacob (395*) Lukacs, Eugene (1185*)Lukasiewicz, Jan (600*) Luke, Yudell (1143*) luzin, nikolai (2072*) Lyapunov http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/L.html |
29. Soviet And Post-Soviet Science Phillips, Esther R. nikolai Nikolaevich luzin and the Moscow School of the Theoryof Functions, Historia Mathematica 5 (1978) 275305. Sheynin, Oscar. http://web.mit.edu/slava/guide/Biblio/5.htm | |
30. Directory Of Researchers at Institutionalization, Annals of Science 52 (1995) 577589; nikolai Zinin and TheMathematical Intelligencer, 13-2 (1991) 24-30, and NN luzin and the http://web.mit.edu/slava/guide/peop.htm | |
31. July 22, 2000 nikolai Nikolaevich luzin byl togda za granicei. No on dogovorilsya s DmitriemFedorovichem Egorovym, chto oni organizuyut seminarii dlya studentov. http://www.anekdot.ru:8084/an/an0007/o000722.html | |
32. Frank Laboratory Of Neutron Physics 27a. Isakov nikolai. Group NSVR Email nik@textur.jinr.ru Tel 62834,65-972 Office room 205-118. Ivankina Tatyana. 2. luzin Vladimir. http://nfdfn.jinr.ru/fks/fkspeopl.html | |
33. Nina Karlovna Bari In 1918 she joined a group called Luzitania. It was a group of studentswho followed nikolai Nikolaevich luzin's mathematical ideas. http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/bari.htm | |
34. Korteles Translate this page 39. 40 Luz if er , Joost van den. 41 Luz if ers Festung Jason. 42 luzin,nikolai.The defusion of European minefields. 43 eoias luzin, nikolai. 44. 45. 46. http://vaizdai.lnb.lt/Uzs/Korteles.asp?skirtukas=Luxemburg |
35. Bibliografía Sobre A. N. Kolmogorov Translate this page El padre de Kolmogorov, nikolai Matveevich Kataev, un cualificado agrónomo y estadístico sobrela teoría de las funciones analíticas de NN luzin y sobre http://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd97/Biografias/40-1-b-Kolmogorov.html | |
36. Mikhail Alyeksyeyevich Lavryent'yev (1900-1980) ryed. VV.Sil'vyestrov. Novosibirsk In-t gidrodinamiki SO RAN, 2000. - 180 s.Lavryent'yev MA nikolai Nikolayevich luzin // Uspyekhi mat. nauk. - 1974. http://www.prometeus.nsc.ru/eng/akademgorodok/lavrentev/ | |
37. Spisok Deputatov GD III Sozyva Po Odnomandatnym Okrugam izb.) Murmanskaya oblast' Monchegorskii okrug N 115 1. luzin Gennadii Pavlovich (izb Evgen'evich(izb.) Semenovskii okrug N 121 Kosterin nikolai Nikolaevich (izb http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/fs/gd3ood.html | |
38. Gruppa "Narodnyi Deputat" V GosDume III Sozyva 25 yanvarya 2000 pogib v avtokatastrofe deputat GP.luzin. Gartung Valerii Karlovich(N 186Chelyabinskaya oblast'; vydv.izb.) Gerasimenko nikolai Fedorovich (N http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/fs/gd3fnd.html | |
39. THE VOICE OF RUSSIA (Science & Technology) One of his most prominent scientific achievements is the solution of the luzin problem(nikolai luzin (18831950) - outstanding Russian mathematician), which http://www.vor.ru/science/science_eng.html | |
40. RFE/RL Russian Federation Report Murmansk Gennadii luzin (independent), Vladmir Gusenkov (independent). GennadiiKhodyrev (KPRF), Vadim Bulavinov (independent), nikolai Kosterin (independent http://www.rferl.org/russianreport/2000/01/1-050100.html | |
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