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81. H.A. Kramers 1934. The name invites comparison with hendrik Antoon lorentz, whom Ehrenfesthad succeeded twenty years earlier. Undoubtedly, lorentz http://www.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/history/kramers/kramers.html | |
82. Forum - Nieuwsbrief Faculteit Der Letteren - Universiteit Leiden Henk Wesseling. hendrik lorentz en Einstein. hendrik lorentz vergelijken met PimFortuyn is wetenschappelijk gesproken ongepast. hendrik lorentz. 3x 3 oktober. http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/forum/02_6/bibliotheek/3.htm | |
83. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries 1994 (July 2000). 10. lorentz, hendrik Antoon http//www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/9/0,5716,50129+1+48963,00.html Britanica.com. 1999 (July 2000). 11. http://library.thinkquest.org/C008537/credits.html | |
84. Lorentz Transformation lorentz Transformation. lorentz Transformation. This transformation derives itsname, of course, from hendrik Antoon lorentz (18531928), a Dutch physicist. http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~suchii/lorentz.tr.html | |
85. Wedstrijdschema lorentz 1, 915, Peelland 1, lorentz 1, Peelland 1, lorentz 1, 930, hendrikPierson 1, Peelland 1, hendrik Pierson 1, Peelland 1, 945, Maasland, hendrikPierson 1, http://www.schoolensport.nl/program/mintrampwedstrijdschema.htm | |
86. Albert Einstein Archives 27, 2-149 to 2-161, Jubilee articles Bohr Niels lorentz, hendrikAntoon, 16-8, 16-411 to 16-443, lorentz, hendrik Antoon, 1909 to 1915. http://www.albert-einstein.org/userguide_lof.html | |
87. Untitled Ödülü Alan .. lorentz, hendrik Antoon 18531928 Zeeman, Pieter 1856-1943Tarih .. 1902 Konu .. Manyetizmanin http://www.cu.edu.tr/fakulteler/fef/fb/turkish/nobel/ara.asp?ID=8 |
88. Lorentz And Veltman Meet In Leiden hendrik lorentz and Martinus Veltman meet at the symposium celebrating the centennialanniversary of the Nobel prize for Zeeman and lorentz (Leiden, 11 October http://zeeman.lorentz.leidenuniv.nl/lorentzveltman/lorentzveltman.html | |
89. Lorentz Contraction encyclopediaEncyclopedia lorentz contraction, lôr'ents PronunciationKey. lorentz contraction , in physics, contraction or foreshortening http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0830308.html | |
90. Lorentz Contraction encyclopediaEncyclopedia lorentz contraction, lôr'ents PronunciationKey. lorentz contraction , in physics, contraction or foreshortening http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/sci/A0830308.html | |
91. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : LOR lorentz (Hendrick Anton)(1853-1928) Photo 1/2/3 (A)/4/5/6/7/8 Photode groupe 1 (avec Niels BOHR, Léon BRILLOUIN, Marie CURIE, Charles Galton http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/lor.htm | |
92. Nobelprijs 1031 bytesHendrik Antoon lorentz, in 1853 te Arnhem geboren, werdin 1878 hoogleraar theoretische natuurkunde in Leiden. Om meer http://bc.leidenuniv.nl/tentoonstelling/lorentz_zeeman/object1.htm | |
93. Alphabetical Listing Lipscomb, William N.. Chemistry, 1976. Loewi, Otto, Medicine, 1936. lorentz, HendrikAntoon, Physics, 1902. Lorenz, Konrad, Medicine, 1973. Lucas, Robert, Economics,1995. http://www.almaz.com/nobel/alpha/L.html | |
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