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Lobachevsky Nikolai: more detail | |||||
61. History nikolai lobachevsky (17921856) was a Russian mathematician, and the firstto publish a complete book about this imaginary geometry in 1829. http://www.math.youngzones.org/Non-Egeometry/history.html | |
62. L Index 234) Listing, Johann (124*) Littlewood, Dudley (506*) Littlewood, John E (298*)Livsic, Moshe (626*) Llull, Ramon (348) lobachevsky, nikolai (2143*) Löwner http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/L.html |
63. Science In Pre-revolutionary Russia Kagan, N. lobachevsky and His Contribution to Science (Moscow Foreign LanguagesPublishing House, 1957 Kosmodemyansky, AA nikolai Zhukovsky (Moscow Mir, 1987 http://web.mit.edu/slava/guide/Biblio/3.htm | |
64. Bruch Und Reparatur - Wohnen An Der Front Des Denkens Translate this page 1829, in dem Jahr, als nikolai Ivanovich lobachevsky seine Theorie einer nicht-euklidischenGeometrie veröffentlichte, war die einst enge Verbindung zwischen http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/special/arch/6068/5.html | |
65. Noiseloop.com our days nikolai Ivanovich lobachevsky Who made me the geniusI am today, The mathematician that others all quote? Who's the http://www.noiseloop.com/article.php?sid=35 |
66. InTune || Tom Lehrer, Part II lobachevsky Ah. The gem in this CD. This is possibly the funniest song on thisCD, about the grrreat mattematishun nikolai Ivanovich lobachevsky. Oy! http://www.intune.org/story/2001/3/2/95047/37595 | |
67. The Radical Exponent 21.2 ridicule. Priority of publication goes to nikolai lobachevsky, who publishedhis results on nonEuclidean geometry in 1829 in Russian. A http://www.nwmissouri.edu/~math/radexp212.html | |
68. 1001 Russia Page - All-Entrances Lewitsky, Ilia Lifshits, Ivan Likhachev, Lipetsk, Boris Livanov, Nicolai lobachevsky,lobachevsky Geometry, Lokai (Horse's Breed), nikolai Logunov, Mikhail http://sungraph.jinr.dubna.su/valeri/all-ent.html | |
69. The XVII Mendeleev Congress Great mathematician nikolai lobachevsky, known all over the world as the founderof nonEuclidean geometry, was the rector of Kazan University for 19 years. http://mendel.knc.ru/javaless/info.html | |
70. The Hyperbolic Axiom And Its Consequences geometries. It is often called BolyaiLobachevskiian geometry after twoof its discovers János Bolyai and nikolai Ivanovich lobachevsky . http://www.math.uncc.edu/~droyster/math3181/notes/hyprgeom/node44.html | |
71. Contents, Volume 2 Analysis of the logical work of the Russian philosopher nikolai Aleksandrovich Vasil logicsagainst the influence of his studies of lobachevsky's noneuclidean http://www.ed.ac.uk/philosophy/ml/abs2.html | |
72. Korobova Galina Russia Moscow Region, Dubna, Joint Institute For Kupriyanov nikolai Russia Moscow, Central Collector of Libraries, Department Head. KastosovIgor Russia Nizhni Novgorod, NI lobachevsky State University Museum http://www.gpntb.ru/win/inter-events/crimea2002/eng/user.cfm?qvr=K |
73. The Village Voice Theater Not-Right Triangles By Michael t least according to the Tom Lehrer song about him, nikolai Ivanovich lobachevsky,inventor of nonEuclidean geometry, sold his theorems to MGM, which turned http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0015/feingold.php |
74. The Pride Of Russian Culture Notable library users at this time included the future Decembrist Wilhelm Kiichelbecker,the mathematician nikolai lobachevsky and the explorer Fiodor Litke. http://www.nlr.ru/eng/nlr/history/index4.html | |
75. Bigchalk: World Book Online geometry is sometimes called Lobachevskian geometry, because it was developedinthe early 1800'sby the Russian mathematician nikolai lobachevsky. http://worldbook.bigchalk.com/221160.htm | |
76. Russia & NIS - Cultural Values The mathematician nikolai lobachevsky (neeko-LI loh-bah-CHEF-skee, 1793-1856),chemist Dmitrii Mendeleev (DMEE-tri men-DEHLE-ehf, 1834-1907), electricity http://wrc.lingnet.org/rniscult.htm | |
77. Chris' Bookmarks - Mathematics Golden Rectangle Golden Ratio; Greg and Colin's Golden Ratio Extravaganza;The Golden Ratio; The Law of Large Numbers; nikolai Ivanovich lobachevsky. Back. http://www.inhouse.com.au/links/maths.html | |
78. Untitled Education. nikolai lobachevsky Anton Chekhov A) Elementary. Pavel ChebyshevMaxim Gorky B) Secondary. Sophia Kovalevskaia Alexander Blok C) Higher. http://www.shsu.edu/~his_ncp/366Outp.html | |
79. User Talk:Looxix - Wikipedia Hello and Welcome! I hope you like the place. mav. Hi, Looxix. Nice work on NikolaiIvanovich lobachevsky. This article was wainting for someone to start it. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Looxix | |
80. GeoN-Kazan-2003 Welcome A special role in the history of the University was played by the great mathematicianNikolai lobachevsky who was Rector of the University from 1827 to 1846. http://www.kcn.ru/tat_ru/universitet/conf/geon/welcome/welcome.html | |
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