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Lissajous Jules: more detail |
61. 1822 Translate this page lissajous, jules-Antoine (Versailles 1822-Plombierès-les-Dijon 1880) fisicofrancese, da cui curve di lissajous, dedicatosi a studi di acustica e di ottica http://www.viandante.it/sito24/XIX secolo/1822.htm | |
62. Lissajous Figures lissajous Figures. lissajous (pronounced LEEsuh-zhoo) figures werediscovered by the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous. He http://www.i-science.hs.kr/cyber/Phy_Home/물리ë©í°ë¯¸ëì | |
63. Curvay Tutorial Text lissajous figures take their name from jules Antoine lissajous, a French physicistwho studied these patterns in the context of sound waves produced by tuning http://www.spelunkcomputing.com/curvay/tutorial_text.html | |
64. Measurement Techniques The waveform resulting from this arrangement is called a lissajous pattern (namedfor French physicist jules Antoine lissajous and pronounced LEEsa-zhoo). http://www.cs.tcd.ie/courses/baict/bac/jf/labs/scope/meastech.html | |
65. MC163 - Sculture Tridimensionali Virtuali Translate this page Per la cronaca esse furono studiate molto prima che nascesse l'elettronica prendonoinfatti il nome dal fisico francese jules Antoine lissajous (1822-1880 http://www.pluricom.it/mcm/intellig/paper/163/intg_163.htm | |
66. Caltech Archives: The Reading Room Exhibit, Part 2 French physicist jules Antoine lissajous (18221880) developed anoptical method for studying vibration parameters. This apparatus http://archives.caltech.edu/reading_room2.html | |
67. Documentation Preserved Report From The International Catalog Of on medical physics in Belgium and Holland, 1872), jules Janssen (astronomy GabrielLippmann (electricity in Germany, 18721874), J. lissajous (science teaching http://www.aip.org/history/fall99/docpres.html |
68. The Moving Picture These curves were studied by the French mathematician jules Antoine lissajous(1822 to 1880). Found a problem with the site? Click here and let us know. http://www-maths.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/images/gifinfo.shtml | |
69. Automatic Expressionism History. (Nathaniel Bowditch, 1815; jules Antoine lissajous in 1857.) OpgaveZoek de oorspronkelijke bronnen op en rapporteer over wat je vindt.. http://iaaa.nl/cursusAA&AI/metamatic.html | |
70. Professor Math lissajous Figures (pronounced LEEsuh-zhoo) were discovered by theFrench physicist jules Antoine lissajous. He would use sounds http://www.asd.wednet.edu/professormath/pmath.htm | |
72. March 2002 3 Georg Cantor, 4 jules Antoine lissajous, 5 William Oughtred, 6 EttoreBortolotti, 7 John Herschel, 8 George Chrystal, 9 Howard Aiken. http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/March2002.html | |
73. Untitled 941101A. lissajous, jules Antoine. 4/3/1822 1800 (+010 LMT) 2E33 48N48Versailles 78- (F) CodeWS SourceGQ GAU 70. LISSITZKY, Serge. http://www.astrologiezentrum.de/DAV_Datenbank/L/LIB.HTM | |
74. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page russo) 03/03/1901 - Nascimento de Otto Schreier (matemático austríaco) 04/03/1822- Nascimento de jules Antoine lissajous (matemático francês) 05/03/1779 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=2 |
75. Lissajous Nathaniel Bowditch who considered them in 1815. They were studied inmore detail (independently) by julesAntoine lissajous in 1857. http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Curves/Lissajous.html |
76. EDN Access the standard technique for calibrating a signal source was comparison via the lissajouspattern, named for 19th century French physicist jules A lissajous. http://www.e-insite.net/esec/Article_269855.htm | |
77. Kurver 0+$c),$b*sin($_0)); } Kaldes også Bowditch kurver efter Nathaniel Bowditch, somstuderede dem i 1815 men mindre grundigt end julesAntoine lissajous i 1857 http://hjem.get2net.dk/bnielsen/kurver.html | |
78. About The ABC form of fill in material. lissajous figures are named after Juleslissajous, a 19th century physicist. They are the figures seen http://www.abc.net.au/corp/hist1.htm | |
79. Kosmoi: Encyclogram The harmonograph was pioneered by the French physicist, jules AntoineLissajous in 1857. The first harmonograph actually used a http://kosmoi.com/Science/Mathematics/Graphs/Encyclo/reprint.shtml | |
80. MIT Lincoln Laboratory - MIT Lincoln Laboratory Logo Lincoln Laboratory Logo The lissajous figures, named for the French mathematicianJulesAntoine lissajous, are also known as Bowditch curves after their http://www.ll.mit.edu/about/lissajous.html | |
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