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21. Matematikaren Sophus Lie Matematikaren sophus lie. av Arild Stubhaug. Det er i år 100 år sidan denverdenskjende norske matematikaren sophus lie (184299) døydde. http://www.nifu.no/Fpol/2-99/art9.html | |
22. Lie Algebra - Wikipedia A lie algebra (pronounced as lee , named in honor of sophus lie) is an algebraicstructure in mathematics whose main use lies in studying geometric objects http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie_algebra | |
23. Apollon:«Abel Og Lie ... Hvem Var De?» Utdrag fra Arild Stubhaugs liebiografi Det var mine tankers djervhet. Kåseri av Arild Stubhaug om Category World Norsk Vitenskap Matematikk Matematikere...... Apollon. Hva gjorde den store sophus lie? Av Arild Stubhaug Det var den modernegeometri sophus lie nå i 1868 møtte med slik fascinasjon og iver. http://www.apollon.uio.no/2000_3-4/tema/abel-lie.shtml | |
24. Apollon: Biografisk Perle Matematikeren sophus lie , Aschehoug 2000, 624 s. Apollon. Biografisk perle.Bokmelding. Men sophus lie vart han kanskje for fjern og utilnærmeleg? http://www.apollon.uio.no/2001_1/boknytt/stubhaug.shtml | |
25. Read This: The Mathematician Sophus Lie Read This! The MAA Online book review column review of The Mathematician SophusLie It was the Audacity of My Thinking, by Arild Stubhaug. Read This! http://www.maa.org/reviews/audacity.html | |
26. VEDA MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII Marius sophus lie Jirí Svrek sophus lie se zabývalzejména teorií spojitých grup transformací a diferenciálními rovnicemi. http://pes.eunet.cz/veda/clanky/14772_0_0_0.html | |
27. Sophus Lie, Mathematician sophus lie, mathematician. lie was a Norwegian mathematician who inventedcontinuous groups, and also the algebras named after him. http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/~streater/lie.html | |
28. Biog Lie Marius sophus lie (1842 1899) S. lie. sophus lie was born on December 17, 1842,in Nordfjordeid in Middle-Norway, where his farther was a protestant minister. http://www.math.uit.no/seminar/Lie_biog.htm | |
29. The Mathematician Sophus Lie -- It Was The Audacity Of My Thinking (Arild Subhau Universal Rule Rambling Life in the Digital Realm. The Mathematician sophus lie It was the Audacity of My Thinking (Arild Subhaug, SpringerVerlag 2002). http://radio.weblogs.com/0112083/stories/bookrev/br046.html | |
30. Lie, Marius Sophus. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. lie, Marius sophus.(mä´r ss ´f sl ) (KEY) , 184299, Norwegian mathematician. http://www.bartleby.com/65/li/Lie-Mari.html | |
31. Editions Jacques Gabay - Sophus LIE Translate this page sophus lie. sophus lie. 1842 - 1899. Au catalogue des Editions JacquesGabay ABEL uvres complètes, tomes I et II, 2e édition http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Bio.asp?NP=LIE+Sophus |
32. Marius Sophus Lie - Anagrams Rearranging the letters of marius sophus lie gives 'So I hail pure sums.'! Rearrangingthe letters of 'Marius sophus lie' (Mathematician) gives http://www.anagramgenius.com/archive/marius.html | |
33. Universitetet I Oslo - Sophus Lie sophus lie Ikke bare for spesielt interesserte. sophus lies auditorium. Når NielsHenrik Abel dør i 1829, bare 26 år gammel, er sophus lie ennå ikke født. http://www.admin.uio.no/ia/web/arkitektur/IAs-webgruppe/fragmenter/navn/lie.html | |
34. Brevene Som Ikke Ble Brent Det begynte som et nært vennskap mellom matematikerne Felix Klein og sophus lie,men endte med at Klein i sin minnetale til lie hevdet at lie var blitt http://www.admin.uio.no/ia/uniforum/1998/uniforum16-98/11.htm | |
35. 100 Years After Sophus Lie 100 Years After sophus lie. The conference is devoted to sophus lie'swork and his impact on modern mathematics. Organizing Committee. http://www.mis.mpg.de/conferences/Lie100/mirror/ | |
36. Conference Programme 100 Years After sophus lie Conference Programme. Scientific programme. 10.00-10.50,A. Stubhaug (Oslo), High Points in the Life and Times of sophus lie. http://www.mis.mpg.de/conferences/Lie100/mirror/prog.html | |
37. Komm. Stundenplan - Hauptstudium - SS 1998 -- Seminar Sophus Lie Translate this page halbeinfacher lie-Algebren Seminar sophus lie. S2, Di, 16.15-18.00, 2D/417,Veranstalter Neeb und Mitarbeiter. Zielgruppe Fortgeschrittene http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/Math-Net/Lehrveranstaltungen/WS1998-99/Hau | |
38. Kommentierter Stundenplan - Hauptstudium - WS 2002/2003 -- Seminar Sophus Lie (N Translate this page Prev Up Next Seminar sophus lie (Neeb, S2). Typ, Zeit, Raum, Beginn, CPs.S2, Di, 16.15-18.00, S2/15-417, 22.10. 3. Veranstalter Neeb und Mitarbeiter. http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/Math-Net/Lehrveranstaltungen/WS2002-2003/H | |
39. Seminar Sophus Lie Translate this page Seminar sophus lie. vorläufiges Programm des Treffens am 7./8.1.2000in Stuttgart eine (gut zum Ausdruck geeignete) PostScript-Version http://servix.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/~stroppel/ssl2000.shtml | |
40. Progenitors Of Lie Theory more.), Marius sophus lie (differential equations, local lie groups,lie algebras) Encyclopaedia Britannica on sophus lie, 1842 1899. http://servix.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/~stroppel/histLie.shtml | |
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