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1. Croiseur Léger Emile Bertin Translate this page CROISEUR leger emile BERTIN NOM. ARSENAL. MISE SUR CALE. LANCEMENT. MISE ENSERVICE. EMILE BERTIN. Penhoët (St.Nazaire). 18/08/1931. 09/05/1933. 28/01/1934. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/bertrand.daubigny/CLEberti.htm | |
2. Norville Translate this page 1919, . LARCIER Ernest, 1914-1918, . 1918, . LECOINTRE Auguste, 1914-1918,. 1917, . leger emile, 1914-1918, . 1916, . LETELLIER Théodule, 1914-1918,. 1918, . http://gghsm.free.fr/bibliotheque/Morts/76-Norville.htm | |
3. Cardinal was time for deeds, Cardinal leger left Canada in 1967 for Africa to work as asimple parish priest and to build a leprosarium Jules and Paulemile leger. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/heirloom_series/volume4/152-155.htm | |
4. Pages De Données Translate this page leger, emile × DUBOIS, Jeanne, °26 octobre 1882 Briare,45250,Loiret,Centre,FRANCE- 31 janvier 1954 Briare,45250,Loiret,Centre,FRANCE. http://www.gatinaisgeneal.org/jeannine/pag316.htm | |
5. Pages De Données Translate this page -leger, Louis Clément (Sosa 16) -leger, Louis (Sosa 8) -MOREAU,Marie (Sosa 17) leger, emile Clément TROQUET, Marie (Sosa 9 http://www.gatinaisgeneal.org/jeannine/pag71.htm | |
6. Étudiants Du CSJ Translate this page leger, emile, 1889-1890, McGINLEY'S CORNER, NB. leger, emile, 1890-1891, McGINLEY'SCORNER, NB. leger, emile D. 1925-1926, PREP. leger, emile D. 1926-1927, PREP. http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/csj/eleves/csj37l.html | |
7. Acadie - CEA - Folklore (Coll.: Catherine Jolicoeur) Translate this page leger, emile (49) Bob. 36, No 2291, Tr. 2886 NB, GLOUC., NOTRE-DAME-DES-ERABLESTitre critique E 820 MORCEAUX DE MUSIQUE Inf. leger, emile (49) Bob. http://www.umoncton.ca/etudeacadiennes/centre/folklore/nderable.htm | |
8. Informations Généalogiques Translate this page leger, emile Naissance 16 décembre 1886 à Gien,45500,Loiret,Centre,FRANCE Décès 5 septembre 1964 à Le Poinçonnet,36,Indre,Centre,FRANCE Parents Père http://www.amicale-genealogie.org/Arbres/Leger-Jeannine/dat31.htm | |
9. Informations Généalogiques Translate this page leger, emile Naissance 22 février 1895 à Briare,45250,Loiret,Centre,FRANCE Décès 1932 à Paris (9ème),75009,Seine,Ile de France,FRANCE Parents Père http://www.amicale-genealogie.org/Arbres/Leger-Jeannine/dat75.htm | |
10. Leger emile Léger appears to have been the first (or second, if the work of de this pageis http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/leger.html. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Leger.html | |
11. References For Leger References for emile Léger. Articles The URL of this page is http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/leger.html. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Leger.html | |
12. Leger, His Eminence, Paul-Emile, Cardinal, The Gap Between Them And Us FEBRUARY 14, 1974 The Gap between Them and Us AN ADDRESS BY His Eminence, Paulemile,Cardinal leger, CC, L.TH., JCL, STD, LL.D., DCL, LITT.D., KHS, MISSIONARY http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?SpeechID=2025&FT=yes |
13. Leger Biography of emile Léger (17951838) emile Léger. Born 15 Aug 1795 in Lagrange-aux-Bois, France http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Leger.html | |
14. Leger, His Eminence Paul-Emile, Cardinal, The Third World For in 1967, Paulemile leger, with the approval and blessing of the Pope, reachedthe conviction that he must give up his responsibilities as Cardinal http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?SpeechID=1991&FT=yes |
15. Descendants Of Robert Emile Leger Descendants. Paulien leger Picture with This Person, Robert emile legerGeb./born 8 Apr 1923. Picture with This Person, Margot leger http://members.lycos.nl/franksproductions/franks/genealogie/stamboom/DescTree795 | |
16. Genealogy Data 1934 Gender Male Parents Father leger, Edouard Mother Theriault, Marine Childrenleger, Yvon Gender Female leger, Leo leger, emile leger, Adrienne Birth http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~metisgen/bonnie/dat447.htm | |
17. Table Of Contents; Descendants Of Jacques Leger & Madeleine Trahan Robichaud, ClaireFelicite and Jean-Baptiste legere (23 Jul 1794) Robichaud, Doraand Eric Breau Robichaud, Dora and Jack Wade Robichaud, emile and Freida http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dawnellis/leger00i.htm | |
18. Mémorial-GenWeb Translate this page complémentaires. leger, emile, 1914-1918, Voir les informations complémentaires.LESSERRE, Joseph, 1914-1918, Voir les informations complémentaires. http://www.memorial-genweb.org/html/fr/resultcommune.php3?id_source=1766 |
19. Mémorial-GenWeb Translate this page complémentaires. leger, emile, 1914-1918, Voir les informations complémentaires.LEMAIRE, Adolphe, 1914-1918, Voir les informations complémentaires. http://www.memorial-genweb.org/html/fr/resultcommune.php3?id_source=6355 |
20. François Emile LEGER Translate this page François emile leger fils de Auguste leger(~1880). et Marie Louise leger(~1880). http://perso.magic.fr/yvesleger/fel.htm | |
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