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Lamb Horace: more books (100) | |||||||||||||
1. Lamb Horace Lamb. Horace Lamb's father was the foreman of a cotton mill whohad become well known for his improvements to spinning machines. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Lamb.html | |
2. Quotation By Horace Lamb Horace Lamb (1849 1934). A traveller who refuses to pass over a bridgeuntil he has personally tested the soundness of every part http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Quotations2/1129.html | |
3. Famous People Masatoshi Kroemer Herbert Kronecker Leopold Kusch Polykarp.html Kutta Martin, L'HospitalGuillaume Lacaille Nicolas Lagrange Joseph lamb horace Lamb Willis http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/list_ijkl.html | |
4. Searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/wi/kenosha/land/keno-l-o.txt TOTAL_ACL_O_CODEDOCUMENTSIGN_DATREMARKS LAKE JARED 8 2 N 23 E 74 09 4351 1843/03/03LAKE JARED 6 1 N 23 E 169.93 09 760 1840/04/29 lamb horace 27 1 N 19 E 120 http://searches1.rootsweb.com/usgenweb/archives/wi/kenosha/land/keno-l-o.txt | |
5. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ok/mcintosh/census/1910/ndex/ndexl.txt 109 14 146146 67 LAMB Dot 176 97 7376 71 LAMB Feliciates E 313 31 171179 78 LAMBFlora E 239 96 149149 74 LAMB Fred 148 37 138142 69 lamb horace 109 67 157 http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ok/mcintosh/census/1910/ndex/ndexl.txt |
6. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With L lamb, George William. lamb, Hannah Muriell. lamb, horace James. lamb, Izora. lamb, Joseph Henry. lamb, Mabel Ellen Maud http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/8348/idxl.htm | |
7. _The Charles Lamb Bulletin_ - Publications, Romantic Circles Richard W. Clancey, lamb, horace, and the Ring of a Classic http://www.rc.umd.edu/publications/Periodicals/lamb.html | |
8. Lamb Biography of horace lamb (18491934) horace lamb. Born 29 Nov 1849 in Stockport, England http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Lamb.html | |
9. Lamb, Horace - Bright Sparcs Published Sources Online Sources. 'lamb, horace' in Physics in Australia to 1945, R.W. http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bib/P000554p.htm | |
10. Lamb, Horace (1849-1934) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography lamb, horace (18491934), British fluid dynamicist who published aclassic text entitled Hydrodynamics. At a meeting of the British http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Lamb.html | |
11. Lamb, Horace - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry lamb, horace Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical,bibliographical and archival database of Australian scientists with links to http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/biogs/P000554b.htm | |
12. Lamb, Horace - Bright Sparcs Archival And Heritage Sources lamb, horace Bright Sparcs Archival and Heritage Sources, Bright Sparcs is abiographical, bibliographical and archival database of Australian scientists http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/archives/P000554a.htm | |
13. Lamb , Horace lamb , horace. Dynamics 1923 QA 846 .L26 1923, COPIES 1. COURSEPR9999 S03 PROFESSOR Permanent Reser. Search Across All CU Online http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/reserves/physics/author/author3088.html |
14. Horace Lamb horace lamb's father was the foreman of a cotton mill who had become well known for his improvements to spinning http://physics.rug.ac.be/fysica/geschiedenis/mathematicians/lambh.html | |
15. Author, L Librarian Reference Services. Authors Lachieze-Rey , Marc; lamb, horace; Landau , EM; Landau , LD; Landau , Rubin H. Langanke , K. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/reserves/physics/author/L.html | |
16. PROFILES OF THREE SCIENTISTS Self profiles of N.I. Muskhelishvili, N.E.Joukovsky, horace lamb My own work has been linked closely to the work of these authors. http://kr.cs.ait.ac.th/~radok/lamblamb |
17. Lamb, Horace lamb, horace (18491934). English applied mathematician. His chief workis Treatise on the Motion of Fluids 1879, revised and updated http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/L/Lamb/1.html | |
18. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With L Muriell (20 Feb 189419 Apr 1973). lamb, horace James (27 Mar 1903-). lamb, Joseph Henry (1880-). lamb, Mabel Ellen Maud http://www.ozemail.com.au/~mfarnham/genealogy/idxl.htm | |
19. Scientists ..lamb, horace ..lamb, Willis ..lambe, Lawrence M. ..Landau, Lev Davidovich ..Landé,Alfred ..Langevin, Paul ..Langmuir, Irving ..Lapworth, Arthur ..Laue, Max http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/GeogHist/histories/chroniquesEng/bio20/Scien | |
20. Lamb lamb, horace. (18491934). Anglický matematik, deset let pusobil v Austrálii.Byl studentem Stokese a Maxwella. Zabýval se matematikou http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Lamb_Horace.html | |
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