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81. NF > Reviews > Imre Lakatos Susan Stepney's Home Page NF reviews index imre lakatos. Search Webfor imre lakatos Alta Vista search Google search Books. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/bib/nf/l/imrelkts.htm | |
82. Referensi Sosial Dan Budaya References imre lakatos See also the Against Method Memo Page. FEYN85 Feynman, RichardP. 1985. 212. Q175 Kuh, ISBN 0-2264-5808-3; lakatos76 lakatos, imre. 1976. http://rms46.vlsm.org/citations-sosbud1.html |
83. Revue De Livres : Lakatos Translate this page Compte rendu du livre d'imre lakatos Histoire et methodologie dessciences. Programmes de recherche et reconstruction rationnelle. http://assoc.wanadoo.fr/revue.de.livres/cr/lakatos.html | |
84. Gruppo Editoriale Il Saggiatore, Marco Tropea, Pratiche Translate this page I metodi dell'etica, Henry Sidgwick. La metodologia dei programmi di ricercascientifici di imre lakatos, imre lakatos. Notre-Dame-des-fleurs, Jean Genet. http://www.saggiatore.it/03listalibri.asp?categoria=SAG&anno=1996 |
85. STRUCTURE AND CHANGE IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS BIBLIOGRAPHY lakatos, imre, Mathematics, Science, and Epistemology, in The PhilosophicalPapers of imre lakatos, ed by John Worrall and Gregory Corrie, Cambridge http://www.geocities.com/~n4bz/BIB1.htm | |
86. Matteo Motterlini's Publications 2001 (forthcoming) Professor imre lakatos between the Hegelian Devil and the PopperianDeep Blue Sea , in Kvasz, L., Kampis, G, Stoeltzner, M. (Eds.) The http://www-ceel.gelso.unitn.it/staff/motterlini/publications.html | |
87. Concepts, History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions by lakatos, imre in PSA Proceedingsof the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Vol. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Users/ssfb4/CMV/concepts.htm | |
88. General Philosophy Of Science lakatos, imre, Alan Musgrave. eds. Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge. lakatos,imre. Proofs and Refutations The Logic of Mathematical Discovery. http://canyoninstitute.org/resources/URBibliography/051_philosophy_science_b.htm | |
89. LakatosÖA¶£ (Eds.). (1976). Essays in memory of imre lakatos. DordrechtD. Reidel. (Eds.)(1989). imre lakatos and theories of scientific change.Dordrecht Kluwer. http://www.juen.ac.jp/math/nunokawa/ronbun_list/lakatos.html | |
90. Gavroglu, K./Gondaroulis, Y./Nicolacopoulos, P., Eds. 1989. Imre Gavroglu, K./Gondaroulis, Y./Nicolacopoulos, P., eds. 1989. imre Lakatosand Theories of Scientific Change. Kluwer . Chapters http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/EditedVol/GavrogluKGondaroulis_89.html |
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