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61. LES FRACTALES - HISTORIQUE Translate this page 1918. Parution de julia, gaston Maurice, Mémoire sur l'itération des fonctionsrationnelles, Journal de Mathématique Pure et Appliquée 8, 1918, 9.47-245. http://poynting.phy.ulaval.ca/phy/etudiant/dmartin/fractal/historique.html | |
62. Untitled Translate this page gaston Maurice julia. GM julia (1893-1978) fu un matematico francese.Combatté nella I guerra mondiale e venne gravemente ferito http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/Az1/julia.html | |
63. P7 Translate this page Père Boulmant, gaston Léon Jules. Mère Staebler, julia. Famille1 Megoeul, Henriette Marthe. Mariage Sam 12 juillet 1924 http://www.ewac.be/magera/Fiches/D2/P8.htm | |
64. Absolute Certainty? The mathematics underlying the set had been invented more than 70 years ago bytwo Frenchmen, gaston julia and Pierre Fatou, but computers laid bare their http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/certain.html | |
65. Fractals,reflections And Distortions They are called julia sets, after the French mathematician gaston julia who,together with his contemporary Pierre Fatou, first studied them in 1918. http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/reflect.html | |
66. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Robert Warren gaston julia Leonard Husband Robert Warren gaston (detailssuppressed for this living person) Born Christened Died Buried http://www.e-familytree.net/f3927.htm | |
67. Centennial History Of Oregon By Gaston - The Discovery Of Gold, Pg. Two Nine men, packers, came down on the julia with from $50,000 to $60,000in hand, the result of their summer's work in the mines. http://gesswhoto.com/centennial-gold-page2.html | |
68. Centennial History Of Oregon By Gaston - The Discovery Of Gold From The Centennial History of Oregon Vol. I by Joseph gaston A PLACECALLED OREGON the mines. The julia on Monday was crowded. We learn http://gesswhoto.com/centennial-gold.html | |
69. Untitled julia, gaston. COURS DE CINEMATIQUE Paris 1936 2ndGauthier Villars. julia, gaston.ELEMENTS DE GEOMETRIE INFINITESIMALE pARIS 1936-2nd Gauthier Villars. http://xerxesbooks.com/cats/math433.mv | |
70. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Index J 1195 Judgement as crucial in modelling, 365 in social sciences, 9 Julesz, Bela (Hungary/USA,1928 ) and texture perception, 1076 julia, gaston M. (France, 1893 http://www.wolframscience.com/nks/index/j.html | |
71. L'Heureux Family Genealogy Database - I110890: Joseph Zéphirin BARIL (1847 - ) Translate this page _Luke DEMO _ _Michel TAILLON _Marie-Reine TAILLON_ _Marie-Clémence BOUDRIAULT _ julia Ann DEMO gaston NOLET. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~lheureux/lh1/d0073/g0000013.html | |
72. Movies For "Phillipe Gaston" Types Guide Picks. The movies below should appeal to people who scored a Phillipe gaston on the SciFi/Fantasy Personality Preferences Test. julia Houston. http://scifi.about.com/cs/scifimoviesaz/tp/mpphillipe.htm | |
73. I289347: Laura Selena ( - ) 97) on Fri Jan 03 192719 2003. julia BELL. BIRTH 28 AUG 1881, ,gaston,NorthCarolina; DEATH 8 JUN 1957, ,gaston,North Carolina; http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0022/g0000032.htm | |
74. I275161: Antes ACHENBACH (1834 - Aft 1910) 193002 2003. julia Little MCALISTER. BIRTH 8 NOV 1888, ,gaston,NorthCarolina; DEATH 15 DEC 1981, Dallas,gaston,North Carolina; http://midatlantic.rootsweb.com/database/d0065/g0000066.htm | |
75. Julia Sets details. julia sets are named after gaston julia, the French mathematicianwho discovered them and first explored their properties. He http://www.mcgoodwin.net/julia/juliajewels.html | |
76. Colégio São Luís Translate this page não apenas como um fascinante fractal, mas um infinito catálogo de uma classerelacionada de fractais conhecidos como conjuntos de julia (gaston julia). http://www.saoluis.org/sem_cult_fractais.htm | |
77. Fractals! These were named after gaston Maurice julia (18931978), a French mathematician. Here'sa picture of gaston Maurice julia before he sustained his injury. http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ma0etd/fractals/julia.htm | |
78. The Julia Set's The julia set's. The creator of the julia set, gaston julia is consideredone of the forefathers of modern dynamical systems theory. http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ma0lap/Julia.HTML | |
79. Fiches Individuelles Translate this page X. CAILLE julia Désirée. CAILLE Désiré Fernand. BOUCHEZ julia Ludivine.CAILLE Philippe, gaston, Henri. Père CAILLE Jean, Achille, Eugène, gaston. http://perso.club-internet.fr/cailled/fic21.html | |
80. UK NONLINEAR NEWS (August 2001): Journal News English translation of Memoire sur les iteration des fonction rationelles by gaston julia. Recently I translated into English the http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/Applied/news.dir/issue25.dir/jour/jour.html | |
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