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41. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1964 Political memorabilia for sale from the campaign of 1964of Lyndon B. johnson versus barry M. Goldwater. http://ronwade.freeservers.com/LBJ.html | |
42. Dr. Barry C. Johnson Dr. barry C. johnson Dean, College of Engineering Primary Work InstitutionVillanova University Election Year 2001 Primary Membership Section 07. http://www.nae.edu/nae/naepub.nsf/Members By UNID/F5D58799DA89333B852569F8004FA9 |
43. Members By Alphabetical With Email Jirsa, James O. Jobs, Steven P. Joel, Jr., Amos E. johnson, barry C. johnson,Jr., Charles C. johnson, Jr., David W. johnson, Donald L. johnson, Ellis L. http://www.nae.edu/nae/naepub.nsf/MembersAlphaEmail?openform&J,1 |
44. Biography: Barry Johnson, Ex-con Biography barry johnson, excon. barry johnson was born on February5, 1959 to David and Cynthia johnson in Jonesboro, Arkansas. http://www.crimescene.com/police/bio.johnson.html | |
45. Witness Interview: Barry Johnson, Ex-con Witness Interview barry johnson, excon. Saturday, October 19, 2002 - 254 pm. SM= Detective S. Murphy. BJ = barry johnson. SM Thank you for talking to us. http://www.crimescene.com/police/interview.johnson.html | |
46. Metacritic: Film Critics & Publications Metacritic Film, barry johnson Portland Oregonian. On average, this criticgrades 0.4 points lower than other critics. (0-100 point scale). http://www.metacritic.com/film/publications/portlandoregonian/barryjohnson/ | |
47. Barry Johnson, MD UPHCN barry johnson, MD Neurology. Board Certified Neurology. barry johnson, MDOn Staff at the following hospital(s) Dickinson County Healthcare System. http://www.uphcn.org/directry/docuphcn/johnsob1.html | |
48. Department Of Environmental And Occupational Health: Barry L. Johnson, Ph.D. barry L. johnson, Ph.D. BS, University of Kentucky, 1960 MS, Iowa StateUniversity, 1962 Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1967 Adjunct Professor, http://www.sph.emory.edu/eoh/faculty/johnson.html | |
49. BERRY/BERY/BARRY's In Census Of 1870 Johnson Co., TN johnson, 10A, 34, barry, THOMAS J. 34, M, W, TN, Head. johnson, 10A, 35, barry,MARTHA A. 23, F, W, TN, johnson, 10A, 36, barry, EDWARD E. 2, M, W, TN, johnson,57B, 17, barry, ELKMAH? http://home.hiwaay.net/~srberry/gene/TN1870/Johnson.html | |
50. 49er.org - News - Barry Johnson, ISAF International 49er Class Chief Measurer, C 49er.org News - barry johnson, ISAF International 49er Class Chief Measurer,cleans up the 49er class. barry johnson. ISAF INT 49er CLASS CHIEF MEASURER. http://www.49er.org/news/story_brjnsnsfnt_6134.html | |
51. Barry Johnson, Shy Hero barry johnson is one of many unsung heroes in the Los Angeles gay community heis honored in the current edition of Frontiers don't miss it Vol. 19, No. http://www.beingalivela.org/0700updates/barry_hero.html | |
52. Barry Johnson's Poems Of The Messiah Poetry by barry johnson, with design by Marshall Beeber. Gif graphics by ChristianGraphics Gallery. click for frames. barry johnson's. Poems of the Messiah. http://www.messianic-literary.com/johnson-p1.htm | |
53. Barry Johnson's Poems Of The Messiah Poetry by barry johnson, with design by Marshall Beeber. Gif graphics by ChristianGraphics Gallery. barry johnson's. Poems of the Messiah. page three. http://www.messianic-literary.com/johnson-p3.htm | |
54. Barry Johnson, MD For Dickinson County Healthcare System barry johnson, MD Neurology. Board Certified Neurology. barry johnson, MD OnStaff at the following hospital(s) Dickinson County Healthcare System. http://www.dchs.org/directry/doc/johnsob1.html | |
55. Barry Johnson Bio Name barry Glen johnson Bday 3-9 Height 6'0 Weight 145 Hobbies performingthe Dingle barry Shuffle for drunk people, doing Preperation H Ramond http://www.unclesilas.com/barrybio.htm | |
56. Barry Johnson Pictures barry johnson. barry@UNCLESILAS.COM, http://www.unclesilas.com/barry.htm | |
57. Barry D. Johnson barry D. johnson Born Fort Smith, Arkansas, July 14, 1961. Admittedto Bar 1986, Texas; also admitted to practice before the US http://dwp.bigplanet.com/settlepou/barrydjohnson/ | |
58. ODNChicago - Barry Johnson On Polarity Management - March 28 And May 9, 2003 barry johnson on Polarity Management. The Details, RSVP, March 28, 2003 andMay 9, 2003 ODNChicago Special Events barry johnson on Polarity Management http://www.odnetwork.org/odnc/event-030328-030509.htm | |
59. 2002 Peach Classic Events For Barry Johnson 2002 Peach Classic. Events for barry johnson. EventName, Place. No Test Mens Compulsory Moves, 2. http://www.gafsc.org/peachClassic/2002/comp54.htm |
60. Karen And Barry Johnson's Peace Corps Tour In Brazil Karen and barry johnson Updated 15 Jul 2002. State Twin Cities Braziliancommunity. Karen and barry johnson. top.gif (212 bytes). http://www.expcvsbrazil.com/states/go/kbjohnson.htm | |
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