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81. Nov 1 - Author Anniversaries sir, Gavin (Rylands) DE BEER 1899 sir, Gavin (Rylands Henry Edmison DUCKWORTH 1916Margot jeffreys, née DAVIES Billy) M WISE 1937 Prof, harold (Leo) KLAWANS. http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/nov1.htm | |
82. RSS - Award Recipients 1955, Professor ES Pearson, CBE, 1960, Dr F Yates, FRS. 1962, sir harold jeffreys,FRS, 1966, Professor J Neyman. 1968, Dr MG Kendall, 1969, Professor MS Bartlett,FRS. http://www.rss.org.uk/about/awrdrec.html | |
83. APR - This Month's Astronomy History Apr 22, 1891 sir harold jeffreys, astrogeophysicist and the first to hypothesizethe Earth's liquid core; jeffreys also made contributions to our http://astro.martianbachelor.com/TMITHOA/Apr.html | |
84. Life And Work Of Statisticians jeffreys, sir harold, 18911989. http://www2.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/lifework.htm | |
85. WU Libraries: Edwin T. Jaynes, 1922-1998 John's College, Cambridge University, the home of one of his intellectual heros,sir harold jeffreys. Following a heart attack, Ed retired in 1992. http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/exhibits/crow/jaynesbio.html | |
86. QUB Consolidated Reading List 1995-96 ISBN t405074x. Library Shelf Mark QA931 LOVE. jeffreys, sir harold CartesianTensors (student ed), Cambridge Univ Press, 1931. ISBN 32017247-. http://www.qub.ac.uk/lib/reading/appmath/a210307.html | |
87. Orígenes De Los Océanos, Los Continentes, Los Temblores Y Los Translate this page a 1965 se gestó una generación de geofísicos empapados en las enseñanzas deGutenberg y de su gran rival británico sir harold jeffreys, alto, desgarbado http://www.ssn.unam.mx/SSN/Doc/Revista/cinna.htm | |
88. King's College, Cambridge » Modern Archives Jacobi, Derek A/41. Jefferson, sir Geoffrey A/16, A/29, B/44. jeffreys, sir HaroldB/45. Jones, Ivor A/18. Jones, Will T. A/23. Kahn, Richard Ferdinand A/35. http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/library/archives/modern/catalogue/turing/contents.htm | |
89. Page Title A plaque, placed on his parent's grave, in Longhorsley Churchyard, commemorates ProfessorSir harold jeffreys FRS Geophysicist and Seismologist Discoverer of http://www.ricalton.freeserve.co.uk/page7.html | |
90. Portraits Of Statisticians HUYGENS, Christiaan 16251695. I. IRWIN, Joseph Oscar 1898-. J. jeffreys, SirHarold 1891-1989. JEVONS, William Stanley 1835-1882. JORDAN Károly 1871-1959.K. http://www.stat.ucla.edu/history/people/ | |
91. 2 + 2 = 5 The following conversation at the Trinity High Table is recorded in SirHarold jeffreys' Scientific Inference, in a note to chapter one. http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/imawww/pages/humor/twoandtwo.html | |
92. Title The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://probstat.nuk.edu.tw/stat_people/rst_002.asp?nok=j01 |
93. Aseva - Evento Ambientale http://www.flanet.org/aseva/evento.asp?FROM=qryBibliografia&WHERE=ID_Evento=32 |
94. Bibliothèque De La SAF - C http://www2.iap.fr/saf/bib/livrec.htm | |
95. Recent Papers http://quasar.as.utexas.edu/Papers.html | |
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