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61. British Humanist Association | Humanism | The Humanist Tradition | 20th And 21st as Richard Dawkins (Darwinian evolution), sir Alec jeffreys (genetic fingerprinting Atkins(physical chemistry) and Nobel Prizewinner sir harold Kroto; and http://www.humanism.org.uk/humanism/thehumanisttradition/20th21stcentury.shtml | |
62. Basic Library List-Applications To Physical Sciences 2 Vols. * jeffreys, sir harold and jeffreys, Bertha S. Methods of MathematicalPhysics, New York, NY Cambridge University Press, 1956. Third Edition. http://www.maa.org/BLL/apllphys.htm | |
63. PROBABILITY THEORY -- THE LOGIC OF SCIENCE Louis, MO 63130, USA. Dedicated to the Memory of sir harold jeffreys, who sawthe truth and preserved it. Fragmentary Edition of June 1994. Short Contents. http://www.math.albany.edu:8008/JaynesBook.html | |
64. The Men And Women Of Seismology sir harold jeffreys http://www.earthscape.org/r1/usg02/usg02e.html |
65. AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: J William Rees 18711954 writer and publicist Rees jeffreys William. Jones sir harold Spencer 1890-1961 Knight Astronomer Royal Spencer Jones http://www.aim25.ac.uk/search/thesaurus/persons/list9.htm | |
66. Distinguished Supporters Professor Hugh Huxley FRS. Professor sir Alec jeffreys FRS. Lord Jenkins of Putney. Professorsir Hans Kornberg FRS. Professor sir harold Kroto FRS. Baroness Lestor. http://www.humanism-scotland.org.uk/supporters.html | |
67. The Origin Of The Solar System sir James Jeans and sir harold jeffreys then revived a 1749 proposal of Count Buffonknown as the collision hypothesis. A passing star was supposed to have http://www.ldolphin.org/Solar.html | |
68. Curr-papers 16. jeffreys, sir harold (18911989), 1999 to appear in the InternationalEncyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 17. http://gsbwww.uchicago.edu/fac/arnold.zellner/more/CURRENT-PAPERS/curr-papers.ht | |
69. BHA Supporters Bob Hughes MP Professor Hugh Huxley FRS Professor sir Alec jeffreys FRS Lord sir LudovicKennedy Professor sir Hans Kornberg FRS Professor sir harold Kroto FRS http://users.argonet.co.uk/users/frank.m.king/cha/names.htm | |
70. University Of Liverpool Calendar: Section 5: Honorary Graduates Of The Universit David Jack, DSc 1922 The Reverend Lawrence Pearsall Jacks, LittD 1978 Glenda MayJackson, LittD 1947 Allan Jeans, LLD 1953 sir harold jeffreys, LLD 1978 Alan http://www.liv.ac.uk/commsec/calendar/hongrads1.htm | |
71. Click Here To Learn About Barry Setterfield's Presentation At jeffreys, sir harold, The Earth Its Origin, History and Physical Constitution(Cambridge, England University Press, 1970), 525 pp. http://www.darwinisdead.com/Solar System.htm | |
72. Scientific Justice For George Green 1993 Athlone Press biography of Green was recommended to me by Lady Bertha jeffreys,who was the collaborator and wife of the late sir harold jeffreys (the J http://www.siam.org/siamnews/09-00/green.htm | |
73. Royal Meteorological Society - History Of Meteorology And Physical Oceanography Professor RS Scorer; Mr RA Hamilton; sir harold jeffreys; Professor RCSutcliffe; Mr JS Sawyer; Professor A Eliassen; Professor CHB Priestley; http://www.royal-met-soc.org.uk/hisgroup.html | |
74. Volcanoes And Earthquakes A. North America B. Asia C. Australia D. South America E. none of the above 6. Geophysicistand earthquake seismologist sir harold jeffreys said it was easier http://ve.ou.edu/tests/sample_test1.html | |
75. Sample Test 1 Key Asia C. Australia D. South America E. none of the above (ie, all were part of Pangaea)6. Geophysicist and earthquake seismologist sir harold jeffreys said it http://ve.ou.edu/tests/sample_test1_key.html | |
76. Millennium Of Geomagnetism His theory was vigorously attacked, especially by sir harold jeffreys(18911989), Britain's leading theoretical geophysicist. jeffreys http://www.phy6.org/earthmag/mill_6.htm | |
77. : Constantin Roman | Book - Continental Drift: Colliding Continents, Converging 163 ISTRATI, Alexandre 172 IVAN THE TERRIBLE, Tsar 109, 110 J ..JAFFE, (Andrew) Michael, Professor 113 jeffreys, sir harold 14 JOHNSON, Mr http://www.constantinroman.com/continentaldrift/cul_contdrift_ind_peo_01.html | |
78. Following In Famous Footsteps Other holders of the Professorship have included sir George Airy, sir George Darwin,sir Arthur Eddington, sir harold jeffreys, sir Fred Hoyle, sir Martin Rees http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/news/pr/2001052201.html | |
79. ¿À´ÃÀÇ ´º½º 22 Apr 1999. Prodding the Planet. sir harold jeffreys, noted Britishastronomer and geophysicist, was born on this day in 1891. jeffreys http://bric.postech.ac.kr/science/97now/99_4now/990422c.html | |
80. Apr 22 - Author Anniversaries Griffith BRAWLEY 1882 Ernest Alfred ARIS (ps Robin A HOOD) 1884 Otto RANK 1887James Norman HALL ( ps Fern GRAVEL) 1891 sir, harold jeffreys 1892 Bp http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/apr22.htm | |
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