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41. Patrick Pollak - Authors Index The Hixon Symposium. jeffreys, sir harold and SWIRLES, Bertha (Ladyjeffreys). Methods of Mathematical Physics. JELLINGER, Kurt. http://www.rarevols.co.uk/pages/authidxj.htm | |
42. Patrick Pollak - Titles Index Methods of Mathematical Physics. jeffreys, sir harold and SWIRLES, Bertha (Ladyjeffreys). Microscopic Researches on the Formative Property of Glycogen. http://www.rarevols.co.uk/pages/titlidxm.htm | |
43. AGU On Line Book Catalog: Relating Geophysical Structures And Processes: The Jef Honors sir harold jeffreys' pioneering work in mastering simple representationsto produce mathematical models of complicated geophysical structures and http://www.agu.org/cgi-bin/agubookstore?book=SEGM076467X |
44. IUGG XXI HomePage: Vienna And Vancouver Assem. Publications Honoring sir harold jeffreys' pioneering work in mastering simple representationsto produce mathematical models of complicated geophysical structures and http://www.agu.org/iugg/viennava.html | |
45. Bayesian Photos Education Villa in Frascati, Italy in 1968. sir harold jeffreys and wifeBertha jeffreys. IJ Good. Tom Leonard (ISBA's first Editor of http://www.bayesian.org/photos/photos.html | |
46. Portraits Of Statisticians IRWIN, Joseph Oscar 1898. ISHAM, Valerie. jeffreys, sir harold 1891-1989. JEVONS,William Stanley 1835-1882. JORDAN Károly 1871-1959. KALLIANPUR, Gopinath 1925-. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/ | |
47. Yong Mao - History Of St John's jeffreys, sir harold, (18911989), astronomer and geophysicist, work on planetsand earthquakes earned him the Gold Medal of the Royal Society (1937) and the http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~ym101/college/famous.html | |
48. Harold Wolpe - ResearchIndex Document Query paradoxes often become simple in St. John's College some fifty yearsago, by sir harold jeffreys. He stated the general philosophy of http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs?q=Harold Wolpe |
49. Untitled The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://uniweb.unitel.co.kr:8083/class/earth/PERSON/jeffs.html | |
50. Áö±¸°úÇÐÀÚ ÀÎ¸í »çÀü 1908 ). ?(? ?-?) (sir harold jeffreys 1891 - 1989). (TC Chamberlin 1843 - 1928). http://uniweb.unitel.co.kr:8083/class/earth/PERSON/ | |
51. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books jeffreys, sir harold Bertha Swirles (Lady jeffreys) Methods of MathematicalPhysics, 3rd edition Cambridge University Press, 1972. ISBN 0521097231 . http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/j.html | |
52. WKBJ Ray Theory Synthetic Seismograms WKBJ program was developed by Chris Chapman in the 1970's and named to honour GregorWentzel, Henrik A. Kramers, Marcel Louis Brillouin and sir harold jeffreys http://www.geop.ubc.ca/people/gorman/wkbj.html | |
53. About IGPP: Door Photo Collection - Cecil H. And Ida M. Green Institute Of Geoph 319, FF Hoyle with climbing rope. 320, Erwin Huble. 321, Thomas Gold.322, sir harold jeffreys. 323, Frank Press shaving. 324, William A.Fowler. http://www.igpp.ucsd.edu/aboutigpp/doors.cfm | |
54. The Churchill Papers: A Catalogue 1st Lord Ironside, and Mariot, Lady Ironside; 1st Lord jeffreys; sir Roderick Jones ReneMassigli French Ambassador to Great Britain; sir harold Mitchell and http://www-archives.chu.cam.ac.uk/perl/node?reference=CHUR 1/53 |
55. The Lamont Neighborhood Perhaps the most endearing was old sir harold jeffreys from Cambridge,already a legend as geophysicist. He settled for weeks into http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/Alumni/stories/Nafe_Sally_Neighborhood.doc-2.htm | |
56. INFILTEC: HUMOR: Anecdotes About Mathematicians & Logicians Trinity High Table. It is recorded in sir harold jeffreys' ScientificInference , in a note to chapter one. jeffreys remarks that http://www.infiltec.com/j-logic.htm | |
57. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Theory E" Louis, MO 63130, USA Dedicated to the Memory of sir harold jeffreys,who saw the truth and preserved it. Fragmentary Edition .. http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=Theory E |
58. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Children 1 M Benjamin jeffreys 1 2 3 4 5 Other Spouse Charles Cornwallis sir ( 1629)12 Sources. 25 harold Mike Spuegeon Lineage-fr. June Spurgeon,Oct 1990. http://www.e-familytree.net/f5049.htm | |
59. Historical Manuscripts Commission | National Register Of Archives | List Of Pers Frederick (18481906) MP (1) jeffreys, George (1648-1689) 1st Baron jeffreys ofWem, judge (4) jeffreys, sir harold (1891-1989) Knight Astronomer (2) jeffreys http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personJE.htm | |
60. British Humanist Association | About The BHA | Distinguished Supporters Heath Professor sir Alex jeffreys FRs Professor Steve Jones Anish Kapoor sir LudovicKennedy Professor sir Hans Kornberg FRS Professor sir harold Kroto FRS sir http://www.humanism.org.uk/thebha/distinguishedsupporters.shtml | |
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