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Jeans Sir James: more books (100) | ||
41. SIR JAMES JEANS Translate this page sir james jeans. http://pwp.netcabo.pt/0155162301/bios/astronomers/sir_james_jeans.htm | |
42. Alice Bailey - From Intellect To Intuition - IV - The Objectives In Meditation the ultimate significance until we have discovered how to decode them out of theirspacetime wrappings. - jeans, sir james, The Universe Around Us, page 339. http://beaskund.helloyou.ws/netnews/bk/intellect/inte1023.html | |
43. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Philosophy - Master Index - JEANS Did sir james jeans have a glimpse of this when he said Intellect, 76 them outof their spacetime wrappings. - jeans, sir james, The Universe Around Us http://beaskund.helloyou.ws/netnews/bkindex/c1032/f1035.html | |
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47. Jeans, Sir James Hopwood encyclopediaEncyclopedia jeans, sir james Hopwood. jeans, sir james Hopwood,18871946, English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0826073.html | |
48. Selections X, X, jeans, sir james Hopwood, 18771946, Mathematical Theory ofElectricity and Magnetism, The, 1925, Physics, Search, X, X, Joyce,james, http://www.realuofc.org/archive/savants.html | |
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52. RASC Library - Subject Index - Alphabet J Lyear, Seq_num, LC, Notes. jeans, sir james, Milne, EA, sir james jeans,925.2 J, Cambridge University Press, 1952, 819, Jupiter, Bronshten,VA http://www.rasc.ca/library/libsj.htm | |
53. RASC Library - Subject Index - Alphabet P jeans, james Hopwood, The New Background of Science (2nd ed.), 530.01 J, CambridgeUniversity Press, 1933, 1165, QC6.J38 1934, jeans, sir james Hopwood, 1877. http://www.rasc.ca/library/libsp.htm | |
54. Catalogue On Astronomy top, 703 jeans, sir james, The Universe Around Us. Cambridge, CUP, 1930. Cloth,or.wr. top, 704 jeans, sir james, The Universe Around Us. Cambridge, CUP, 1931. http://www.oxbridge.nl/catalogs/c.astron030211.htm |
55. Catalogue On Astronomy top, 740 jeans, sir james, The Universe Around Us. Cambridge, CUP, 1930. Cloth,or.wr. top, 741 jeans, sir james, The Universe Around Us. Cambridge, CUP, 1931. http://www.oxbridge.nl/catalogs/d.astronomy030113.htm |
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57. Timeline : From The May 30, 1931, Issue, Science News Online, June 2, 2001 Life is a rare phenomenon in the universe, sir james jeans, British astronomer,assured the Franklin Institute meeting at which he was presented the Franklin http://www.sciencenews.org/20010602/timeline.asp | |
58. History Of Astronomy: Roughly Sorted Links - Biographies (1) Ishmael ben Elisha Isidore Of Seville, Saint Jansky, Karl (Guthe) Janssen, Pierre(Jules-César) Jean De Meun jeans, sir james Jeffreys, sir Harold Jordan http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/unsorted/rough_bio_01.html | |
59. 1Up Info > Astronomy, Biographies - Encyclopedia Hubble, Edwin Powell Huggins, sir William Hypsicles of Alexandria Janssen,Pierre Jules César jeans, sir james Hopwood Kapteyn, Jacobus http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/categories/astrobio.html | |
60. Bio-/Biblio-graphical Data Of Authors Whose Names Start With J Ibid. Ibid. jeans, sir jamesEnglish mathematical physicist. * 11/09/1877London + 17/09/1946 Dorking, Surrey, England REF BURGESS, p. 130 'Life'. http://mpec.sc.mahidol.ac.th/preedeeporn/AuthorsJ.HTM |
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