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Jarnik Vojtech: more detail |
81. Biography-center - Letter J Jarier, JeanPierre www.grandprix.com/gpe/drv-jarjea.html; jarnik, Vojtechwww-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/jarnik.html; http://www.biography-center.com/j.html | |
82. Vojtech Jarnich 2002. 12. MEÐUNARODNO MATEMATICKO NATJECANJE SVEUCILINIH STUDENATA VOJTECHJARNIK . Ostrava, Ceka, 10. travnja 2002. Tonci Antunovic http://www.math.hr/~duje/natjecanja/ostrava02.html | |
83. [CASEAG] Vortrag In Der AG Softwaretechnik Am 30.5.2000 Mai 2000, 16.07 Uhr (st), Raum MB17 spricht Eva Milková uber Otakar Boruvka andVojtech jarnik on Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Abstract Otakar Boruvka a http://mailhost.uni-koblenz.de/pipermail/caseag/2000-May/000030.html | |
84. Publications Extensions of jarnik's work in Diophantine approximation, in Life and work of Vojtechjarnik (B. Novak ed.), Society of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~mmd1/pubs.htm | |
85. Uvod Do Matfyzaka Bylo to v roce 1952, kdy tehdejsi profesor matematiky na Prirodovedecke fakulte UKVojtech jarnik matematickou indukci dokazal vznik Lenina z opice, procez byl http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mper7437/MATFYZAK.HTML | |
86. Uvod Do Matfyzaka Bylo to v roce 52, kdy tehdejsi profesor matematiky na Prirodovedecke fakulte UKVojtech jarnik matematickou indukci dokazal vznik Lenina z opice, procez byl http://www.kolej.mff.cuni.cz/srk/matfyzak.html | |
88. Uvod Do Matfyzaka Bylo to v roce 52, kdy tehdejsi profesor matematiky na Prirodovedecke fakulte UKVojtech jarnik matematickou indukci doka zal vznik Lenina z opice, procez byl http://sorry.vse.cz/~xhont01/srandick/other/matfyzak.htm | |
89. Comenius Library L726714 10076344159 40 D000p35 Pedagogicke museum JA Komenskeho / usporadalVojtech Pavlasek 54 D140-c2-10(8) Orbis pictus / k vydani upravil H. jarnik. http://www.tulips.tsukuba.ac.jp/collections/028.html | |
90. Seznam Odplavene Literatury SEZNAM ODPLAVENYCH UCEBNIC OBORU MATEMATIKA Algebra a teoreticka aritmetika.\\\ Dil 1 \\K3\ Statni pedagogicke nakladatelstvi Algebra a teoreticka aritmetika.\\\ Dil 1 \\K4\ Statni pedagogicke nakladatelstvi http://www.mff.cuni.cz/asc/fakulta/lib/voda/sigm.htm | |
91. MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA 123, No. 2 (1998) MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA. Vol. 123, No. 2, 1998 · Contents. Josef NiederleOn automorphism groups of planar lattices. Ladislav Nebesky http://www.emis.de/journals/MB/123.2/ | |
92. Djordje Milicevic - Studentska Takmicenja The summary for this Macedonian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.matf.bg.ac.yu/~djordje/takmicza.htm |
93. MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 123, No. 2, Pp. 219-221, 1998 MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 123, No. 2, pp. 219221, 1998 In Memoriam Prof. VojtechJarnik (22. 12. 1897 - 22. 9. 1970). Ivan Netuka. Keywords news and notices. http://www.math.cas.cz/mb123-2/7.html | |
94. ZAPISNIK sveucilita na 12. medunarodnom matematickom natjecanju studenata VojtechJarnik, Ostrava, Ceka, 10.4.2002. i rezultatima koje http://pc205.math.hr/vijece/02-05-08.htm |
95. ? S? The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.lib.duth.gr/e-learning/f16edescmath/VasiliadesE/STEINER1.htm |
96. KAM Series - Complete List by convex sets. 41 pages. (96315), B. Korte, J. Nesetril VojtechJarnik's work in combinatorial optimization. 24 pages. (96-316), J http://kam.mff.cuni.cz/~kamserie/kamser.html | |
97. Ti3.tu-harburg.de/andro/ProgMetho/aufgaben/erdoes.txt Translate this page 2 Rodin, Burton2 Shiu, Peter2 Swart, David2 Shalaby, Nabil2 Roditty, Yehuda2Shiu, Wai-Chee2 Swanson, Laif2 Shaki, Ahiezer S.2 Rodl, Vojtech1 Shiue http://ti3.tu-harburg.de/andro/ProgMetho/aufgaben/erdoes.txt |
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