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Jarnik Vojtech: more detail |
21. The List Of The Vojtech Jarnik Annual International Mathematical Competitions The list of the vojtech Jarník Annual International MathematicalCompetitions. 13th Annual Competition (2003) Second announcement http://prf.osu.cz/kma/dokumenty/vjaimc/j--list.html |
22. Supplementary Information To The 12th Vojtech Jarnik Mathematical Competition Supplementary Information to the 12th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition. Theorganizer of the vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition is Jaroslav Hancl. http://www.osu.cz/katedry/kma/soutez/j12info-eng.html | |
23. The 7th. Vojtech Jarnik Mathematical Competition The 7th. vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition http://www1.osu.cz/Mat/Jarnik/7/ |
24. Competition vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition 7th annual (1997) Examples;Winners. 8th annual (1998) Information about organization; Examples; http://www1.osu.cz/Mat/soutez/matseng.htm |
25. BioFile J Joanna Polak; Spouce Kazimiera Cegielska; Education University in Breslau, Leipzigand Munich Silesia Organizations and Clubs jarnik, vojtech Professor; Born http://www.uni-lueneburg.de/memory/whoswho/BioFileJ.HTML | |
26. The Sciences vojtech jarnik, Professor; Prague has written over 60 works relative to severalbranches of mathematics (especially the analytic theory of numbers, the http://www.uni-lueneburg.de/memory/whoswho/TheSciences.HTML | |
27. Seznam Odplavene Literatury 2. jarnik, vojtech, Matematicka analyza pro 3. semestr \\K1\, Statnipedagogicke nakladatelstvi, Praha, 1984, 19. jarnik, vojtech, Matematicka http://www.mff.cuni.cz/fakulta/lib/voda/skm.htm | |
28. Nove Knihy Z Fyziky V Knihovne MFF Za 07/2001 Diferencialni pocet.\\\ I \\3\ / vojtech jarnik. Praha Academia,1984, G3823. Diferencialni pocet.\\\ II \\1\ / vojtech jarnik. http://www.mff.cuni.cz/fakulta/lib/prir/prir01/01-f07.htm | |
29. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of JAR Jarnigan, Richard, City University of New York, 1984. jarnik, vojtech,University of Prague, Jaroma, John, University of Rhode Island, 1993. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=JAR |
30. Mathematicians Translate this page M. Husek, N. Jacobson, RC James, H. Jarchow. jarnik, vojtech, J. Jelinek,O. John, Jordan, Camille. S. Kakukatani, O. Kalenda, N. Kalton, N. Katz. http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/katedry/kma/fotky/list.html | |
31. Untitled Pedagogical activities of vojtech jarnik, in Life and work of vojtechjarnik (edit. Novak, B.), Society of Czech Mathematicians http://adela.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~jvesely/publ.html | |
32. NEW LISTINGS, NUMBER THEORY WEB: November 2000-December 2001 Life and work of vojtech jarnik, Bretislav Novák, Published by the Union ofCzech Mathematicians and Physicists, Zitna 25, Praha 1, Czech Republik. http://www.math.uga.edu/~ntheory/additions6.html | |
33. Informacni System UMDG Na ustavu matematiky I pusobil take vojtech jarnik, pozdejsi vynikajicicesky matematik, profesor Frantisek Nachtikal a profesor Karel Cupr. http://math.fce.vutbr.cz/historie.php3 | |
34. Alibris - Find Your Favorite Authors And Books At Alibris. vojtech Grossmann. vojtech Holecek. vojtech Houska. vojtech Hrasko. vojtech jarnik.vojtech Jestrab. vojtech Jirat. vojtech Kantor. vojtech Kello. vojtech Kesely. http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0351.html | |
35. Www.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos0d papers 1936 FELDHEIM, ERVIN* 1936 GALLAI, TIBOR* 9 joint papers 1936 VAZSONYI, ANDREW2 joint papers 1937 GILLIS, JOSEPH E.* 1937 jarnik, vojtech* 1937 OBLATH http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos0d | |
36. Www.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos0 1994 JACOBSON, MICHAEL S. 3 joint papers, first in 1987 JAGOTA, ARUN KUMAR jointpaper in 1996 JANSON, SVANTE joint paper in 1996 jarnik, vojtech* joint paper http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos0 | |
37. Vojtech Jarnich 2002. 12. MEÐUNARODNO MATEMATICKO NATJECANJE SVEUCILINIH STUDENATA vojtech jarnik . Ostrava, Ceka, 3. 5. travnja 2001. Matija http://www.math.hr/~duje/natjecanja/ostrava01.html | |
38. HISTORICAL THINGS IN NUMBER THEORY vojtech jarnik (MacTutor) In Memoriam Prof. vojtech jarnik (Ivan Netuka).Aleksandr Yakovlevich Khinchin (MacTutor); Hendrik Douwe Kloosterman; http://www.mri.ernet.in/~mathweb/NTW/N14.html | |
39. Djordje Milicevic - Studentska Takmicenja Izuzetak cine zadaci koji se postavljaju u drugoj kategoriji vojtech jarnik takmicenja,za cije je resavanje potrebno jos i poznavanje Algebre 1, Analize 2 i http://www.matf.bg.ac.yu/~djordje/lat/takmicza.htm |
40. 3_01sujets.html Translate this page 01. jarnik, vojtech. Life and work of vojtech jarnik 1897 - 1970 / BretislavNovak (ed.). - Prague Prometheus, 1999. - 197 p. ill. http://dmawww.epfl.ch/BIBLIO_DMA/catalogue_dma/nouveautes/3_01sujets.html | |
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