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Ibn Yunus Abu'l-hasan: more detail |
61. Neuerwerbungen 3/1999 Des SSG 6,23 Translate this page Tahqiq Muhammad yunus uaib. - Taba 1. - Amman Dar an-Nafais ua, 1999. - 138S. 99 SA 266. 761. ibn-Bassam a-antarini, Abu-'l-Hasan Ali ad http://www.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/ssg/nel/nel9903.htm | |
62. Neuerwerbungen 2/1999 Des SSG 6,23 ibn-Muhammadibn-Hamid al yunus Emre yunus Emre divani / hazirlayan Mustafa Tatci http://www.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/ssg/nel/nel9902.htm | |
63. HizmetBooks Alyasa', Dhu 'lkifl, Sham'un, Ishmoil, yunus ibn Mata, Dawud Laith ibn Sad, 'A'mash,Muhammad ibn Jarir at One of them was Abu 'l-Hasan 'Ali al-Ashari (rahimah http://www.hizmetbooks.org/Belief_and_Islam/bprophet.htm | |
64. The Shar'i Permissibility Of Salawat And Salaam And Related Issues loud voice. On another occasion I saw Prophet yunus wearing a longwoolen overcoat and riding a red camel. (ibn Majah, pp 20, 208). http://www.raza.co.za/pub/Salawat and Salaam.php | |
65. Ibn Junis Abu l Hasan 'Ali ibn Abi Sa'id 'Ard arRahman ibn Ahmad ibn Junis as-Sadafi, ibnYunis. Na czesc ibn Junisa zostal nazwany krater ksiezycowy ibn yunus (Lat http://www.damar.home.pl/Encyklopedia/I/ibn_yunis.htm | |
66. JIKA MEREKA AHLI SUNNAH, NESCAYA MEREKA...................... Sunnah wa lJamaah (mazhab pemerintah) pimpinan Abu l-Hasan al-Asy 134; ibn Taimiyyah,Minhaj al-Sunnah,III,hlm kepada wali-walinya di dalam Surah yunus(10)62 http://almawaddah.hypermart.net/rencana/jika_ahli_sunnah.html | |
67. Standlijst Collectie "Houtsma" Translate this page 5. - Note Jônus is yunus Emre vermoedelijk. ibn Coteiba's Handbuch der Geschichte aus den Hss ud-dawlat `is-Saljuqiyya / by Sadr`uddin Abu`l Hasan 'Ali ibn http://repertorium.library.uu.nl/standlijsten/houtsma-list.htm | |
68. Muslim Education And The Scholars Social Status to coin gold in the 'year of the pacification' ie year 74 Abu l Hasan al Madaini Amr,the Inspector, from Ismail ibn Ibrahim from yunus ibn Ubaid from http://homepage.ntlworld.com/farrukh/ia/coinage.htm | |
69. THE SHAR On another occasion I saw Prophet yunus wearing a Isa ('alaihis salaam) looked likeUrwah ibn Mas'ood as Also, Imam Nawawi, Imam Abu 'lHasan 'Ali as-Subki and http://www16.brinkster.com/nomi55/Salawat.htm |
70. Tara's World Of Islam Ali was silent, and Umar said to him, 'Abul-Hasan, what sayest thou?'. And I do notknow that there is any body better than yunus ibn Matta. (Al-Bukhari, vol. http://www.angelfire.com/mo2/scarves/muhammad.html | |
71. Ijtihad Abu Bakar waliwalinya di dalam Surah yunus(10)62 ibn Abbas menjawab Sekirannya kalian tidakdapat menjawabnya Abu Bakar berkata Wahai Abu l-Hasan, sesungguhnya lelaki http://www.fatimah.org/artikel/ijtihadbakar.htm |
72. Glossary Of Terms Specifically Words Starting With The Letters S T And U and the stories of Ilyas and yunus are recounted Searching for Knowledge See IbnBattuta; 'Ilm; Rihla; Talab Major sufi order named after Abu 'l-Hasan 'Ali al http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/Glossary/STU.htm | |
73. Anales De La Córdoba Musulmana (5) Translate this page construido en tiempos del sultán de los Benimerines Abu-l-Hasan. Sabemos por IbnDahin, que lo supo del hijo al-Askandarini, además de Abd Allah ben yunus. http://www.webislam.com/numeros/2003/198/temas/anales_cordoba_musulmana_5.htm | |
74. Bibliography trans. by RA Nicholson, London, 1911. ibn AbiZar, AbulHasan Alib. YunusFarangi Mahalli, Muhammad, ibn Rushd, Azamgarh, 1324 AH. http://www.wponline.org/vil/Books/MI_RRTI/bibliography.htm | |
75. Boletín Muzaffar b. Nasr Kitab al-tabikh/ ibn Sayyar Al 0902644 Raba`i, `Ali b. `Isà Abu l-Hasan al- Kitab al http://www.csic.es/cbic/eara/nov31.htm | |
76. Untitled Dalam kategori kelompok ekstrim ini, menurut Abu l Hasan al Asyari 11. M. YunusJamil, Scn.9, hal. Isytiqaq akbar a la ibn Ginni ini adalah sebuah proses http://www.kmnu.org/artikel/hayyie_syiah.htm |
77. New Page 1 20 I refer here to the followers of the theologian abu'l'Hasan 'Ali ibn'Ismail al ibnYunus (died AD 1009) obtained the still more accurate figure of 1 o in 70 http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1994/PSCF3-94Aulie.html | |
78. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths An annotated and explanatory web directory of Sufism designed for students, scholars, and the general Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam Sufism......Sufism Sufis Sufi Orders. Sufism's Many Paths Dr. Alan Godlas,University of Georgia. Sufism or tasawwuf, as it is called in http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/Sufism.html | |
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