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1. IBN TAHIR De L'académie Meknes Résultats de "ibn tahir" de l'académie Meknes http://aiep99.free.fr/bac/meknes/meknes3.html | |
2. IBN TAHIR LIBRES De L'académie Meknes Article http://aiep99.free.fr/bac/meknes/meknes73.html | |
3. Medieval Sourcebook: Ibn-Miskawaih: The Experiences Of The Nations, C. 980 CE Recounts the proclamation of Ja'far, son of Mu'tadid to the title of caliph. women's apartments) went to bring him down the river from ibn tahir's palace; when the harraqah in which he was brought http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/980Ibn-Miskawaih.html | |
4. Abdullah Ibn Saba (Part I) (2) AbdulQahir ibn tahir al-Baghdadi (d. 429) in his book "al-Farq Bain al-Firaq" (Differences of the Sects). http://www.al-islam.org/encyclopedia/chapter10/1.html |
5. 111 Translate this page 76.6 - Craignant pour lui-même les suites de l'intrigue qu'il ad'abord favoriséeentre Ali ibn Bakkar et Sams al nahar, ibn tahir quitte Bagdad. http://www.univ-tours.fr/arabe/076.htm | |
6. Al-Baghdadi Abu Mansur ibn tahir AlBaghdadi. Born about 980 in Baghdad, IraqDied 1037. Al-Baghdadi is sometimes known as ibn tahir. His full http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Baghdadi.html | |
7. Al-Baghdadi ibn tahir. His full name is Abu Mansur Abr alQahir ibn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Tamini al-Shaffi al-Baghdadi. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Al-Baghdadi.html | |
8. IJ Index Banna (861) ibn Iraq, Mansur (1190) ibn Ishaq Hunayn (780) ibn Qurra, Thabit (1507*)ibn Sina (Avicenna) (1965*) ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688), ibn tahir (947) ibn http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Indexes/IJ.html | |
9. Alcantara esclava de Ibn Mundir AHMAD ibn tahir (*) Señor de Murcia HASSUN IBN http://www.geocities.com/area51/labyrinth/7331/alcantara.htm | |
10. CRONOLOGIA Translate this page Assume Abdullah ibn tahir. 827 Ma'mun declara o credo mutazillah como religiãode estado. 849 Morte do governante tahirida, Abdullah ibn tahir. http://www.geocities.com/ibnkhaldoun_2000/cronoix.htm | |
11. Iranian Web Site Directory Finally, in the year 259/872 Yaqub ibn Layth Saffari entered Neishabur and imprisonedthe Tahirid ruler of Khorasan, Mahmud ibn tahir ibn Abdallah ibn tahir. http://www.iranian.ws/7000-4.htm | |
12. Memento Finis Annexes Translate this page DEY ibn tahir. EMIR IBN JOBAIR. Plus discret qu'ibn tahir, mais tout aussisubtil, une sorte de complicité semble lier les deux hommes. http://perso.club-internet.fr/cdefours/scenarmilesannexes.htm | |
13. Memento Finis Partie 2 Translate this page Il sagit du Dey ibn tahir, le secrétaire particulier de Salah-Ad-Din.Après quelques mots de bienvenue, ibn tahir proposera http://perso.club-internet.fr/cdefours/scenarmiles2.htm | |
14. Biyografiler Abu Ja *Aryabhata. *Abu Kamil Ibn Sua *A.De Morgan. *Abu Mansur ibn tahir *BanuMusa. *Abu Mansur Ibn Ali *Bhaskara. *Abu Sahl Ibn Rustam *Blaise Pascal. http://www.sanalmatematik.com/d/mb1.html | |
15. Matematikçiler ibn tahir. Dogum 980, Bagdat. Ölüm 1037. AlBaghdadi, zaman zaman ibnTahir olarak da anilir. Al-Baghdadi, Bani Tamim soyundan gelmektedir. http://www.sanalmatematik.com/d/m7.html | |
16. IMAM AL HARAMAYN IBN AL-JUWAYNI Ibn alSam'ani also narrated from the hadith master Abu al-'Ala' Ahmad ibn Muhammadibn al-Fadl, from the hadith master Muhammad ibn tahir al-Maqdisi that the http://www.sunnah.org/history/Scholars/ibn_aljuwayni.htm | |
17. SHAIKH 59. Risalat alHafiz Mohammad ibn tahir al-Maqdisi fi Shurut Kutubal-a'imma al-Sitta. The epistle of the hadith master Mohammad http://www.sunnah.org/history/scholars/ghudda.htm | |
18. Blank Mr. Muhammad Noori Ibrahim; Mr. Bakri Salih Ibn Abu Bakr Shata; Mr.Abdullah ibn tahir AlDabbagh. Security Affairs Committee Major http://www.saudiembassy.net/gov_profile/shura99.html |
19. Saudi Arabia, List Of Members Of Shura Council Committees As Of May, 2000 Zebin AlHarbi; Mr. Faraaj Ibn Shaker Al-Asbali; Mr. Abdullah ibn tahirAl-Dabbagh. Economic Affairs Committee Dr. Muhammad Ibn Hamed http://www.saudiembassy.net/gov_profile/shura00.html | |
20. Untitled A treatise on the principles of Shi'ites theology. London Royal Asiatic Society,1928. (41 BP194.I213); ibn tahir alBaghdadi, 'Abd al-Qahir, d. 1037 Moslem http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~library/school.htm | |
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