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         Ibn Sina:     more books (100)
  1. Knowing the unknowable God: Ibn-Sina, Maimonides, Aquinas --1987 publication. by David B Burrell, 1987-01-01
  2. Ibn Sina: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. Kyrgyzstan-tajikistan Border: Kyrgyzstan-tajikistan Border Crossings, Ibn Sina Peak, Isfara, Khaidarkan, Pik Tandykul, Gora Kurumdy
  4. Pensée Religieuse d'Avicenne (Ibn Sina).
  5. Ibn Sina by Omer Mahir Alper, 2008
  6. The Problem of Evil: Ibn Sina's Theodicy by Shams Constantine Inati, 2000-09
  7. The Metaphysica of Avicenna (ibn Sina): A Critical Translation-Commentary and Analysis of the Fundamental Arguments... by Avicenna (ibn sina) & Parviz Morewedge, 1973
  8. Psychologie D'ibn Sina (Avicenne) D'apres Son Oeuvre as-Sifa: I:Text Arabe by Jan (ed) Bakos, 1956
  9. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  10. INTRODUCTIONTO ISLAMIC COSMOLOGICAL DOCTRINES Conceptions of Nature and Methods Used for Its Study By Ikhwan al Safa, al-Birini, and Ibn Sina by Nasr. Seyyed Hossein, 1964
  11. God and Humans in Islamic Thought: Abd al-Jabbar, Ibn Sina and Al-Ghazali by Elkaisy-Friemut, 2006-09-04
  12. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  13. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina: Aus Dem Arabischen Ubersetzt Und Erlautert (1902) (German Edition)
  14. Eine "Summa Medicinae" bei Avicenna: Zur Krankheitslehre und Heilkunde des Ibn Sina (980-1037) (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften ... 87/88) (German Edition) by Heinrich Schipperges, 1987-11-27

ibn sina (AVICENNA) (9801037) In God alone, essence, what He is, andexistence, that he is, coincide. Born in a village in Turkistan
"In God alone, essence, what He is, and existence, that he is, coincide." Born in a village in Turkistan, the Persian philosopher and physician, Avicenna, became one of the most influential writers in both the Islamic and medieval Christian world. By the age of 18, he was already an accomplished physician and had absorbed the vast amount of philosophical knowledge that he later recorded in his encyclopedias. His later years were spent in the service of the ruler of Isfahan, whom he accompanied on his many journeys and military ventures. An important work distinguishing his "oriental" philosophy from the "occidental" philosophy of the Christian philosophers of Baghdad was lost when Isfahan was pillaged in 1043. Only three unconnected sections survive. The Oriental Philosophy itself has been lost completely. Fortunately, Demonstrations and Affirmations , a mature work, covering the whole of philosophy, survives in entirety. Avicenna was as well known for his medical works as for his philosophical, with his Canon of Medicine dualistic ; mind and matter were separate. Only in God was being and existence one.

62. Theme Figures IBN SINA
Translate this page N°. Date. Subject. 01. 18/08/1980. ibn sina's Millennium.

63. No Match For Ibn Sina Abù Alì Al-Husayn
No match for ibn sina Abù Alì alHusayn. Sorry, the term ibn sinaAbù Alì al-Husayn is not in the dictionary. Check the spelling Sina Abù Alì al-Husayn

64. Ibn Sina Abù Alì Al-Husayn From FOLDOC
ibn sina Abù Alì alHusayn. history of philosophy, biography persianIslamic philosopher and physician (980-1037) whose Kitab Sina

65. PhilTalk Philosophieforen - Ist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Ein Tadshike?
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Ist Ibn Sina (Avicenna) ein Tadshike?
Heute erreichte mich eine ziemlich erboste eMail. Darin heißt es:
"Ich bin richtig fassunglos, da ich soeben auf ihrer Seite gelesen habe, dass Avicenna angeblich aus Tadshikistan stammen solle!!! Da muss ich sie aber brichtigen, da jedermann heutzutage bekannt ist, dass Ibn Sina ein Perser gewesen ist."

ibn sina. ibn sina was the most famous of the philosopher scientists of Islam.ibn sina, or Avicenna, was born in Bukhara then a leading city in Persia.

67. Dreambook - Ibn Sina Health Web Page - Bogga Caafimaadka Ee Ibn Sina
Dreambook scripted Dreambook ibn sina Health Web Page Bogga Caafimaadkaee ibn sina Sign my Dreambook! Name, E-mail address, Homepage URL, Comments,
Dreambook: Ibn Sina Health Web Page - Bogga Caafimaadka ee Ibn Sina Sign my Dreambook Name E-mail address Homepage URL Comments View Guestbook Ibn Sina Health Web Page - Bogga Caafimaadka ee Ibn Sina

68. Awicenna, Ibn Sina, Abu Ali Al - Husayn
Awicenna, ibn sina, Abu Ali al Husayn. /ok.980 Panstwa. ibn sina jakomlody chlopak uczyl sie obcych jezyków i podstaw wiedzy. Jego
Awicenna, Ibn Sina, Abu Ali al - Husayn
/ok.980 - 1037/
Arabski lekarz, uczony, filozof. Przyszed³ na ¶wiat w Afszanie w 370 roku Hid¿ry tj; w 980 roku wed³ug naszego kalendarza. Ojciec Abdallah by³ poborc± op³at celnych w okolicy Buchary, Matka jego Setara pochodzi³a z miejscowo¶ci Afszana.
Ojciec Ibn Siny by³ wykszta³conym cz³owiekiem. Nale¿a³ do postêpowej sekty ismalitów, którzy g³osili, ¿e wszyscy ludzie bez wzglêdu na swe pochodzenie spo³eczne s± sobie równi zarówno wobec Allacha, jak i wobec Pañstwa.
Ibn Sina jako m³ody ch³opak uczy³ siê obcych jêzyków i podstaw wiedzy. Jego bystry i ch³onny umys³ wprawia³ w podziw ca³e otoczenie, dlatego ojciec postanowi³ przenie¶æ go Buchary, która by³± wówczas drugim po Bagdadzie ogniskiem wiedzy ¶wiata wschodniego.
Powierzony opiece wybitnych znakomitych pedagogów, uczy³ siê u nich filozofii i logiki, teologii i prawa oraz astronomii, matematyki, geografii, nauk przyrodniczych i medycyny. Dialektykê zg³êbia³ w szkole g³o¶nego wówczas w Bucharze Ismaila Zahida, którego by³ najlepszym uczniem.
Podobnie jak wielu s³awnych ludzi plany naukowe pokrzy¿owa³o ¿ycie gdy¿ oprócz naukowca sta³ siê najbardziej g³o¶nym lekarzem.

69. Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
Click Here to Read More See also Natural Medicine. Avicenna or IbnSina was the most influential of all Islamic philosopherscientists.
AVICENNA Born: 980 in Kharmaithen (near Bukhara), Central Asia (now Uzbekistan)
Died: June 1037 in Hamadan, Persia (now Iran) Study ISLAMIC MEDICINE online at the
OF ISLAMIC HEALING A unique two year certified course! Click Here to Read More...
See also Natural Medicine Avicenna or Ibn Sina was the most influential of all Islamic philosopher-scientists. He was educated by his father whose home was a meeting place for men of learning at that time. He continued to study logic and metaphysics under some of the best teachers of his day but then continued his studies on his own. In particular he studied medicine and this was to prove of great value since Avicenna was able to cure a Samarind prince and, as a reward, he was allowed to use the Royal Library of the Samarids which greatly helped his studies.
After taking a post as an administrator his life took a marked turn after the death of his father and the defeat of the Samanids. He began a life of wandering round different towns of Khorasan, acting as a physician and administrator by day while every evening he gathered students round him for philosophical and scientific discussion.
After this period of wandering Avicenna went to Hamadan in west-central Iran. Here he settled for a while becoming court physician. The ruling prince twice appointed him vizier. Politics was not easy at that time and Avicenna was forced into hiding for a while by his political opponents and he also spent some time as a political prisioner in jail.

70. Ibn Sina
Sie sind hier: Islam
Biographien muslimischer Wissenschaftler und Denker
Ibn Sina(Avicenna)
Am Bekanntesten sind:

  • Kitab asch-Schifa (Die Heilung)

71. Ibn Sina
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  • 72. Re: Ibn Sina (Avicenna, D. 1036)
    Re ibn sina (Avicenna, d. 1036). Re ibn sina (Avicenna, d. 1036)Prof. Wood I think I indicated that Eugene Myers (in his ARABIC
    Re: Ibn Sina (Avicenna, d. 1036)

    73. Re: Ibn Sina (Avicenna, D. 1037, Ok?)
    Re ibn sina (Avicenna, d. 1037, ok?). Re ibn sina (Avicenna, d. 1037, ok?) Oncemore on that dratted death date. Everyone agrees that Avicenna died in 428 AH.
    Re: Ibn Sina (Avicenna, d. 1037, ok?)

    74. -- Maroc: CHU Ibn Sina: Le Conseil D'administration Fait Les Compt
    Translate this page CHU ibn sina le conseil d'administration fait les comptes de l'exercice, EmailThis Page Print This Page Visit The Publisher's Site. Libération (Casablanca).
    Afrique du Sud Algérie Angola Bénin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroun Cap-Vert Centrafrique Comores Congo-Brazzaville Congo-Kinshasa Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypte Erythrée Ethiopie Gabon Gambie Ghana Guinée Guinée Bissau Guinée Equatoriale Ile Maurice Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libye Madagascar Malawi Mali Maroc Mauritanie Mozambique Namibie Niger Nigeria Ouganda Rwanda Sahara Occidental São Tomé et Principé Sénégal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalie Sudan Swaziland Tanzanie Tchad Togo Tunisie Zambie Zimbabwe
    CHU Ibn Sina: le conseil d'administration fait les comptes de l'exercice
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    The Publisher's Site Libération (Casablanca) 18 Décembre 2002
    Publié sur le web le 18 Décembre 2002 Le ministre de la Santé, M. Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah a présidé, lundi à Rabat, le conseil d'administration du Centre hospitalier universitaire Ibn Sina (CHU). Lors de ce conseil, dont l'ordre du jour a porté sur l'évaluation de l'exécution des résolutions de la réunion du conseil d'administration du 10 juin dernier, du projet du budget 2003 et du plan d'action 2003, M. Biadillah a rappelé les différentes missions du CHU, à savoir les soins médicaux, l'enseignement et la recherche scientifique. C'est une occasion, a-t-il dit, de prendre connaissance des réalisations et du rendement des différents services du CHU de Rabat-Salé qui comprend dix établissements hospitaliers, à savoir l'hôpital Avicenne, la maternité, l'hôpital des spécialités, l'Institut national d'oncologie, la maternité Souissi, l'hôpital Moulay Youssef, l'hôpital El Ayachi de Salé, l'hôpital Arrazi de Salé, le Centre national de santé reproductive et le Centre d'examen et de soins dentaires.

    75. -- Maroc: Dialyse Au CHU Ibn Sina: Privés D'aides, Les Bénéfici
    Translate this page Dialyse au CHU ibn sina Privés d'aides, les bénéficiaires comptentprotester, Email This Page Print This Page Visit The Publisher's Site.
    Afrique du Sud Algérie Angola Bénin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroun Cap-Vert Centrafrique Comores Congo-Brazzaville Congo-Kinshasa Côte d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypte Erythrée Ethiopie Gabon Gambie Ghana Guinée Guinée Bissau Guinée Equatoriale Ile Maurice Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libye Madagascar Malawi Mali Maroc Mauritanie Mozambique Namibie Niger Nigeria Ouganda Rwanda Sahara Occidental São Tomé et Principé Sénégal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalie Sudan Swaziland Tanzanie Tchad Togo Tunisie Zambie Zimbabwe
    Dialyse au CHU Ibn Sina: Privés d'aides, les bénéficiaires comptent protester
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    The Publisher's Site Libération (Casablanca) 14 Novembre 2002
    Publié sur le web le 14 Novembre 2002 Leila Hallaoui
    Les choses ne s'arrangent pas du tout pour les insuffisants rénaux qui suivent leur traitement par dialyse au CHU Ibn Sina de Rabat. L'aide providentielle du ministère de la Santé n'a pas été à l'heure de l'attente qui s'éternise. Les 93 malades démunis adhérents de l'Association des insuffisants rénaux seraient même prêts à observer un sit-in à partir de la semaine prochaine. La protestation semble devenir l'unique moyen d'attirer l'attention vers une crise dont les origines sont intimement liées au tarissement du budget de l'Association. Sans l'appui gouvernemental et de bienfaiteurs, il n'y a plus lieu d'espérer que ce centre d'hémodialyse pourra assurer sa mission pour encore longtemps. Le compte à rebours pour la rupture des stocks des produits d'hémodialyse, notamment l'"Acetate" et les kits, a déjà commencé. Il ne resterait que quatre ou cinq jours de traitement garanti pour les adhérents du centre. L'Association tente de prévenir la crise par des appels SOS au ministère qui ne s'est pas encore manifesté à ce sujet.

    76. Avicenna (Arabic, Ibn Sina)
    Avicenna (Arabic, ibn sina). Avicenna (Arabic, ibn sina), 9801037,was a Persian philosopher who spent his life as a physician and

    77. Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Sina
    Abu Ali alHussain ibn Abd Allah ibn sina. Avicenna. The Healing, Metaphysics.Overview of selected passages from The Healing, Metaphysics.
    Abu Ali al-Hussain ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina Avicenna The Healing, Metaphysics Overview of selected passages from The Healing, Metaphysics Avicenna begins chapter six of the First Treatise with a statement: "Whose existence is necessary does not have a cause, while that whose existence is possible is caused; that that whose existence is necessary is not co-equal with something else in respect to existence, and is not dependent on something else for [its existence]." This point is then examined from every angle that exists in a logical world. The possibility of existence through necessity or through something other than necessity is discussed. The conclusion reached is that "It is evident that everything which does not exist at first and then exists, is determined by something other than itself." It is also concluded that it is not possible for two things whose existence is necessary to exist with each other. If something's existence is not necessary through itself, its existence is possible. However, if its existence is necessary through itself, its existence is necessary. Back to Tom's Page Back to Project Tapestry Home Page Questions or Comments? Contact me

    78. Abu Ali Al-Hussain Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Sina
    Abu Ali alHussain ibn Abd Allah ibn sina. Avicenna. ibn sina began hislife in Bukhara, a city on the banks of the river Zarafshan, in 980.
    Abu Ali al-Hussain ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina Avicenna Philosophical Background Ibn Sina began his life in Bukhara, a city on the banks of the river Zarafshan, in 980. Bukhara at the time is a city of religious unrest and turmoil. The Muslims were in a constant struggle with Non-Muslims in the area; Manichaeans, Buddhists, Christians, and Zoroastrians. The Zoroastrians were presenting a strong opposition against Islam’s sweeping advances. It was often the case that Zoroastrian temples would be destroyed and Mosques would be built on their ruins. The Muslims also had internal strife to contend with. There were revolutions in which Muslim fought against Muslim. The disorder affected other aspects of life beyond religious choice. A tax was placed on all those who were non-Muslim, causing many to convert in the eyes of the government only, keeping their original religion alive behind closed doors. No doubt this religious strife contributed to Avicenna’s questioning of some Islamic beliefs. Abu Abdallah Natili, a renowned philosopher of the time, was Ibn Sina’s teacher. He quickly saw Avicenna’s aptitude for philosophy and started him on Aristotelian philosophy and logic. Ibn Sina very quickly became familiar with the works of Plato and Aristotle, as well as the Qu’ran and other Muslim books. Avicenna was constantly travelling, throughout his life. Perhaps because of this his intellectual interests had a range as wide as that of his philosophies. Astronomy, politics, medicine, law, any subject he could get his hands on. Twice in his life he cured kings, and both times all that he asked for was the use of their extensive libraries. This diversity of knowledge led Ibn Sina to be the subject of much public scrutiny. He was often branded a heretic because he question certain Islamic beliefs. This could not stop his works from becoming some of the most influential of the time however.

    79. Robert C. Koons: Phl 356 Lecture #4
    LECTURE 4 IbnSina, Maimonides and Aquinas. I. ibn sina. FOCUS. RATIONALE. It isin the area of rationale that ibn sina makes his most significant contribution.

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    LECTURE #4: Ibn-Sina, Maimonides and Aquinas
    I. Ibn Sina
    In Ibn Sina, it is especially clear that the distinction between essence and existence (in contingent beings) is supposed to be a real, and not just a logical or mental, distinction. Ibn Sina describes 'existence' as a kind of "accident" that is super-added to the essence of a thing, thereby bringing one thing of that kind or essence into real existence. At the same time, Ibn Sina recognizes that is is not quite appropriate to say that existence is a "property" of a thing as though, in addition to having two legs and being warm-blooded, I have the additional property of existing. Existence is a special sort of accident one that does not characterize things, but which constitutes their being. As I explained last time, al-Farabi and ibn Sina are "realists", in the sense that they believe that essences and accidents (properties) are real constituents of the world, not things that are merely invented by us and projected on the world through language or thought. Therefore, to learn about the essence of a thing, we must engage in scientific and metaphysical investigation - it is not enough merely to introspect and examine our own ideas. We do not discover that God's essence is identical to His existence by examining our subjective idea or conception of God. Instead, the cosmological argument leads us to the conclusion that there must exist something whose essence is identical to its existence, and further investigation enables us to recognize that this something has all the characteristics we associate with the idea of God.

    80. | Khazanah - Pionir - Ibn Sina ,Avicenna
    ibn sina (Avicenna) Sang 'Tabib' Pengelana, Abu Ali AlHussain Ibn Abdullah IbnSina lahir di Afshana, dekat kota Bukhara, Uzbeskiztan pada tahun 981 masehi.
    CARI DATA home berita haji/umroh info halal ... SITUS ISLAM Tahukah Anda

    Tahukah Anda, bahwa 8 bayi berumur kurang dari 1 bulan di seluruh dunia meninggal setiap menit karena tidak menerima perawatan yang tepat? Juga fakta 53 juta perempuan di dunia setiap tahun melahirkan tanpa mendapat pertolongan dari tenaga profesional? Itulah hasil penelitian yang dilakukan organisasi internasional Save The Children pada September 2001. PIONIR Ibn Sina (Avicenna): Sang 'Tabib' Pengelana Di kalangan Barat, Ibnu Sina (981-1037) dikenal dengan nama Avicenna . Dialah dokter, seorang filsuf, ensiklopedis, ahli matematika dan astronom terkemuka di zamannya. Kontribusi terbesar Ibnu Sina dalam bidang kedokteran terutama bisa dilihat dari bukunya yang terkenal, Al-Qanun fi Al-Tibb . Di Barat lebih dikenal sebagai The Canon
    Dan tidak ada satu rujukan pun dalam ilmu kedokteran yang tidak mengambil rujukan dari Ibnu Sina.

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