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21. - Great Books - Avicenna (ibn sina) (9801037), Arabian physician and years ago. Pleasebrowse our Amazon list of titles about Avicenna (ibn sina). For http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_146.asp | |
22. IBN SINA ibn sina 980 1037 Persian Scientist ibn sina was the most famousof the philosopher - scientists of Islam. ibn sina, or Avicenna http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/persons5_n2/ibnsina.html | |
23. Ibn Sina Remarks And Admonitions A meaningful presentation on the great Muslim philosopher Abu 'AlialHusayn ibn sina (980 1037 AD). ibn sina was not only a http://www.astrolabepictures.com/astrolabe/vsiss2.html | |
24. Ibn Sina Abu Ali alHusain ibn Abdallah - ibn sina (Avicenna). ibn sina's fatherwas the governor of a village in one of Nuh ibn Mansur's estates. http://www.zia.rahin.iwarp.com/ibnsina.htm | |
25. IBN SINA ibn sina. ibn sina, the opening of the Qanun fi a tibb. ibn sina ibn sina (avicenna)ibn sina ibn sina ibn sina Life Magazine's The 100 Who Made The Millenium. http://www.expage.com/page/whowas | |
26. Ibn Sina Health Web Page - Bogga Caafimaadka Ee Ibn Sina ibn sina Health Web Page Bogga Caafimaadka ee ibn sina Welcome, Bienvenue,Marxaba, Bienvenido, Wilkommen, Benvenuti, Soo dhowow. http://www.expage.com/page/mabdullahi | |
27. An Evaluation Of Ibn Sina's ..... An Evaluation of ibn sina's Argument for God's Existence in the Metaphysicsof the Isharat By Tobias Mayer. Ibn `Ata'i Llah alIskandari http://www.mullasadra.org/conferences/_islam2501.htm | |
28. Ibn Sina ibn sina. Avicenna 980 1037 Briefly mentioned on page 315, discussedat length on page 324. Avicenna (his Arabic name is Abu Ali http://www.louisville.edu/~d0hess01/ibnsina.html | |
29. Ibn Sina ibn sina (Avicena). 981 1037. Ebu Ali el-Husein ibn Abdullah ibnSina u lind me 981 ne Afshan afer Buhares (Azia Qendrore). http://www.horizonti.com/leksikoni1/ibnSina.html | |
30. Ibn Sina Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdullah ibn sina (Avicenna) (981 1037 CE). No deliberationon the science of medicine can be complete without a reference to ibn sina. http://www.afghanan.net/biographies/ibnsina.htm | |
31. Biographies Info Science : Avicenne (Ibn Sina) Translate this page nouvelle recherche, Avicenne (ibn sina) Médecin et philosophe persan(Afshéna, 980 - Hamadan, 1037). Médecin, philosophe et alchimiste http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=94 |
32. IBN SINA ibn sina. (9801037 AD). Abu Ali al-Hussain Ibn Abdallah ibn sina wasborn in 980 AD at Afshana near Bukhara. The young Bu Ali received http://islamicity.com/Science/Scientists/Sina.htm | |
33. Ibn Sina And Mysticism; Remarks And Admonitions; Shams Inati Explores the fourth part of the most comprehensive book by the Persian philosopherand physician ibn sina, also known as Avicenna (9781037 AD). http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup/catalog/data/071030/071030482X.HTM | |
34. Ibn Sina Bibliographic Data. Title, ibn sina. Editor, Hozien, Muhammad. Keywords, biography;philosophy; islam; ibn sina; Avicenna, 9801037; philosophers; online articles. http://ssgdoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/vlib/ssgfi/infodata/002004.html | |
35. The Influence Of Ibn Sina And Razi (Pages 205209). The influence of Rhazes aka Mohammad ZakariyyaRazi and Avicenna aka ibn sina upon Western thought was great. http://www.iranian.com/Feb97/History/Avicenna/Avicenna.shtml | |
36. Ibn Sina Translate this page Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdallah ibn sina. ibn sina (Avicena). Abu Ali Al HussainIbn Abdallah ibn sina nasceu em 980, em Afshana perto da cidade de Bukhara. http://www.islam.org.br/ibn_sina.htm | |
37. Ibn Sina And Ibn Maskooya ibn sina and Ibn Maskooya. ibn sina became ashamed of his character and used thisadmonition as the guide of his life.1. 1 The History of Sciences in Islam. http://playandlearn.org/Stories/741.htm | |
38. Abu Ali Al-Husain Ibn Abdallah Ibn Sina (Avicenna) 1000tallet. Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn sina (Avicenna) (980-1037). IbnSina skrev omkring 450 arbeid, hvor 240 har overlevd til i dag. http://folk.uio.no/klaush/avicenna.htm | |
39. Philosophers Ibn Sina (Avicenna) ibn sina (Avicenna). Muslim Philosopher. 9801037. Abu Ali al-HussainIbn Abdallah ibn sina was born in 980 AD at Afshaneh near Bukhara. http://users.rcn.com/cmarvin/philo/phils/muslim/sina.html |
40. Philosophers Ibn Sina Jabir Ibn Haiyan (Geber). d. 803. Jabir Ibn Haiyan, the alchemist Geberof the Middie Ages, is generally known as the father of chemistry. http://users.rcn.com/cmarvin/philo/phils/muslim/haiyan.html |
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