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         Hubble Edwin:     more books (79)
  1. N.G.C. 6822,: A remote stellar system, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1925
  2. The observational approach to cosmology, by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1937
  3. Extra-galactic nebulae, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1926
  4. The source of luminosity in galactic nebulae, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1922
  6. THE NATURE OF THE NEBULAE by Edwin: Hubble, 1939
  7. A spiral nebula as a steller system,: Messier 31, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1929
  8. The Observational Evidence For An Expanding Universe by Edwin. HUBBLE, 1953-01-01
  9. Effects of red shifts on the distribution of nebulae, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1936
  10. The velocity-distance relation among extra-galactic nebulae, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1931
  12. The direction of rotation in spiral nebulae (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1943
  13. A spiral nebula as a steller system,: Messier 33, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1926
  14. A general study of diffuse galactic nebulae, (Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory) by Edwin Powell Hubble, 1922

61. Hubble
hubble, edwin. (18891953). Americký astronom, který pri pozorováníz observatore Mount Wilson v roce 1929 zjistil, že vzdálené
Hubble, Edwin
Americký astronom, který pøi pozorování z observatoøe Mount Wilson v roce 1929 zjistil, že vzdálené galaxie se od nás vesmìs vzdalují a to úmìrnì jejich vzdálenosti ( v Hl , tzv. Hubbleùv zákon) Hubble stanovil konstantu úmìrnosti na 526 km s Mpc Dnes se její hodnota z mìøení dalekohledem HST odhaduje na 68 km s Mpc . Hubbleova mìøení byla založena na Dopplerovì posuvu spektrálních èar a stala se prvním pøímým experimentálním dùkazem rozpínání Vesmíru. Hubble již chápal galaxie jako ohromné hvìzdné ostrovy a nikoli mlhoviny, jako jeho pøedchùdci. Astrofyzika Galerie Sondy Úkazy ... Odkazy

62. Edwin Hubble
The son of Virginia and John hubble, edwin was born at Marshfield, Missouri, USA,on 20th November, 1889. What sort of education did edwin hubble receive?
Home Page Biology Chemistry Physics ... Contact Us Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953) Edwin P Hubble So, who was Edwin P Hubble? The son of Virginia and John Hubble, Edwin was born at Marshfield, Missouri, USA, on 20th November, 1889. Edwin seems to have been particularly close to his paternal grandfather, and his grandfather once had an article by the twelve year old Edwin published in a local newspaper. Not surprisingly, the article was about Mars. What sort of education did Edwin Hubble receive? Edwin went to Wheaton High School, as his father had an office in Chicago. At school he had a talent and interest in athletics and football. On graduation from Wheaton, he was awarded a half-fees scholarship to the University of Chicago, where he studied physics, astronomy and maths. He was awarded his B.S. degree in 1910 and then was given a prestigious Rhodes scholarship to study law at Queen's College, Oxford. Back in America, he passed the bar examination in 1913 and became an attorney at Louisville, Kentucky. What did he do next?

63. Hubble, Edwin, Definition From AP Dictionary Of Science And
hubble, edwin. Astronomy • 1889–1953, American astronomer; discovered andclassified galaxies outside the Milky Way; formulated hubble’s law.

64. Edwin Hubble
Translate this page hubble, edwin Powell (1889-1953), amerikanischer Astronom, Begründerder modernen extragalaktischen Astronomie. hubble wurde in
Hubble, Edwin Powell (1889-1953)
Bilder vom Hubble -Teleskop das Hubble Space Teleskop

65. WebGuest - Open Directory : Science : Astronomy : History : People : Hubble, Edw
Sites edwin hubble Informative, well designed site includes biography, quotes,images (from hubble Space Telescope), timeline of published works, and links.,
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66. HubbleSite - Edwin Hubble
The Legacy of edwin hubble The hubble Space Telescope was namedafter astronomer edwin Powell hubble (1889–1953), who made
lyman spitzer
The Legacy of Edwin Hubble...
The Hubble Space Telescope was named after astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble (1889–1953), who made some of the most important discoveries in modern astronomy. As an astronomer, Dr. Hubble was a late bloomer. Before discovering his passion for the stars, Dr. Hubble earned a law degree and served in World War I. However, after practicing law for one year, he decided to “chuck law for astronomy,” knowing that “even if [he] were second rate or third rate, it was astronomy that mattered.”
In the 1920s, while working at the Mt. Wilson Observatory with the most advanced technology of the time, Dr. Hubble showed that some of the numerous distant, faint clouds of light in the universe were actually entire galaxies—much like our own Milky Way. The realization that the Milky Way is only one of many galaxies forever changed the way astronomers viewed our place in the universe. But perhaps his greatest discovery came in 1929, when Dr. Hubble determined that the farther a galaxy is from Earth, the faster it appears to move away. This notion of an "expanding" universe formed the basis of the Big Bang theory, which states that the universe began with an intense burst of energy at a single moment in time—and has been expanding ever since.

67. Edwin Powell Hubble
Translate this page em expansão, ao verificar que a velocidade de uma nebulosa em relação a outraé proporcional à distância entre elas, criando a constante de hubble (1929
Astrônomo americano nascido em Marsfield, Missouri, considerado por suas pesquisas pioneiro da astronomia extragaláctica , revolucionando toda a astronomia moderna. Estudou matemática e astronomia na Universidade de Chicado sob a influência de Halle . Foi para Oxford para estudar Direito, mas abandonou a advocacia (1914) e juntou-se a equipe do Observatório de Yerkes. Após a Primeira Guerra (1919) passou a integrar a equipe do Observatório de Monte Wilson (1919-1953), em Washington. Com a descoberta de uma cefeida estrela de luminosidade variável, provou a existência de nebulosas extragalácticas. Também descobriu com ajuda de um telescópio de 100 polegadas de diâmetro, não só que havia um universo de galáxias, mas que o universo estava em expansão, ao verificar que a velocidade de uma nebulosa em relação a outra é proporcional à distância entre elas, criando a constante de Hubble (1929). Até suas descobertas supunha-se um universo estático e restrito aos limites da Via Láctea. Seu nome foi dado a um potente telescópio orbital para estudar o espaço sem as distorções causadas pela atmosfera, lançado pelos EEUU (1990). Seu principal livro foi The Realm of Nebulae Voltar ao topo

68. CRAL-GALAXIES Edwin Hubble
Translate this page GALAXIES, edwin hubble (1889 - 1953). Image originale Mount Wilson Observatory.
Edwin Hubble (1889 - 1953)
Image originale: Mount Wilson Observatory Biographie d'Edwin Hubble autre autre ... APOD ) (en anglais) ( autre
Biographie en Francais
d'Edwin Hubble et d' autres astronomes La mesure des distances et des vitesses radiales des galaxies initiee, en particulier, par E. Hubble (1929) est a l'origine du concept d'Univers en expansion. Selon cette idee fondamentale, l'univers resulte d'une explosion primordiale, il y a 10 a 20 milliards d'annees: le Big Bang.
Le mouvement de recession des galaxies observe par E. Hubble est la manifestation de l'expansion de l'univers. Les galaxies s'eloignent de nous (et les unes des autres) a des vitesses proportionnelles a leur distance. Donc, la mesure de leur vitesse d'eloignement est une indication de leur distance. Le taux d'expansion de l'univers s'appelle la constante de Hubble, il vaut 50 a 100 km/sec/Mpc. La tres fameuse constante de Hubble exprime ce taux d'expansion: La vitesse de recession des galaxies s'ecrit:
v [km/sec] = H [km/sec/Mpc] * D [Mpc]. v , est la vitesse de recession, D la distance (en Mega parsecs) et H la constante de Hubble.

69. Wissen Unserer Zeit
Berühmte Personen hubble, edwin. hubble, edwin Perhaps more than any otherperson, edwin hubble (18841953) expanded our view of the universe.
Berühmte Personen
Hubble, Edwin
Hubble, Edwin Perhaps more than any other person, Edwin Hubble (1884-1953) expanded our view of the universe. At the dawn of the 20th century, most astronomers thought that the Milky Way Galaxy was the universe, and it measured only a few thousand light-years across. In the 1910s, Harlow Shapley showed that the galaxy actually stretches about 100,000 light-years, and Henrietta Leavitt determined that the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (two companion galaxies to our own, visible from the Southern Hemisphere) lay slightly outside the Milky Way's border. But one big question that remained was the nature of the fuzzy patches of light known as nebulae ...

70. 1Up Info > Hubble, Edwin Powell (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia
You are here 1Up Info Encyclopedia Astronomy, Biographies hubble, edwinPowell, hubble, edwin Powell. Related Category Astronomy, Biographies.
You are here 1Up Info Encyclopedia Astronomy, Biographies Hubble, Edwin Powell ... News Search 1Up Info
Astronomy, Biographies Hubble, Edwin Powell Related Category: Astronomy, Biographies Hubble, Edwin Powell, Slipher 's discovery that galaxies had strong shifts to the red end of their spectra, Hubble used the Cepheids in nearby galaxies to demonstrate that they lie far beyond the Milky Way. Because of an incorrect understanding of the Cepheids, this distance was vastly increased years later. He also suggested that the clusters of galaxies are distributed almost uniformly in all directions, although more recent studies show that clusters are combined into huge superclusters of galaxies: at this new level, however, the distribution appears to be even. He was the first to offer observational evidence to support the theory of the expanding universe, presenting his findings in what is now known as Hubble's law . With Milton Humason, Hubble classified the different types of galaxies including irregular galaxies, three types of spirals and barred spirals, and elliptical galaxies. Included in his writings are A General Study of Diffuse Galactic Nebulas Extra-Galactic nebulas Spiral Nebula as a Stellar System The Realm of the Nebulas (1936), and

Forrige Horisontomskrevet bue Næste hubble, edwin Powell. Keywords Fødselshoroskop,Astrologi. hubble, edwin Powell, Forrige Horoskop Næste Ildkugle.

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    Lysende ring omkring skyggen af ens hoved. Heiligenschein ses eksempelvis, når ens skygge falder på en dugvåd græsplæne. Selv om heiligenschein har lighedstræk med en glorie , er det et andet fænomen. Dugdråberne fokuserer lyset fra Solen , Hviler dråberne på et græsstrå, kan græsstrået kaste alt lyset tilbage i indfaldsretningen. Det kræver. at strået befinder sig i fokuspunktet for lyset, dvs. lidt fra kanten af dråben. Det kan ske. hvis stråene har små fine hår som dråben kan hvile på. Se også Til Top Heliocentrisk Forrige: Heiligenschein Næste: Heliumatom Keywords: Heliocentriske
      Set fra Solen (helios). Se også

72. Directory ::
hubble, edwin (2) Sites. edwin hubble Informative, well designed siteincludes biography, quotes, images (from hubble Space Telescope

73. Hubble, Edwin P.
Ludzie nauki. Nauka ABC ludzie, Sobota, 8 lutego 2003. hubble,edwin P. ZOBACZ TAKZE. • Kosmiczny Teleskop hubble'a (2604-00, 0000).,34157,524284.html
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Hubble, Edwin P.

Kosmiczny Teleskop Hubble'a

06-11-2001, ostatnia aktualizacja 12-08-2002 18:22
Amerykañski astronom, którego imieniem ochrzczono s³awny teleskop Gdy teleskop wyniesiono w kosmos w 1990 roku, widzia³ nieostro i wydawa³o siê, ¿e po¿ytku astronomii nie przyniesie. Podobnie by³o z Hubble'em. "Edwinie, obserwowa³em ciê przez cztery lata i nigdy nie widzia³em, ¿eby¶ siê uczy³ d³u¿ej ni¿ przez dziesiêæ minut" - mówi³ dyrektor jego szko³y ¶redniej (przytaczam za Micha³em Hellerem w "Ewolucji Kosmosu i Kosmologii"). Hubble gra³ w uniwersyteckiej dru¿ynie koszykarskiej, o ma³o nie zosta³ zawodowym bokserem wagi ciê¿kiej. Przez trzy lata pracowa³ jako adwokat, ale w koñcu wróci³ do astronomii, bo jak wyzna³: "wolê byæ drugorzêdnym astronomem ni¿ pierwszorzêdnym prawnikiem". W 1917 r. zaci±gn±³ siê do wojska i pojecha³ broniæ Europy (odrzucaj±c ofertê pracy w obserwatorium na Mount Wilson, które posiada³o najwiêkszy wtedy teleskop na ¶wiecie). W 1929 r. udowodni³, ¿e im dalej galaktyka siê znajduje, tym szybciej siê oddala. Tym samym odkry³, ¿e Wszech¶wiat stale rozszerza siê i rozpocz±³ now± epokê w kosmologii. pioc Wersja do druku Wy¶lij znajomym Podyskutuj na forum Wasze opinie + DODAJ swoj± opiniê Ten artyku³ nie ma jeszcze ¿adnych opinii.

Translate this page Gagnez de l'argent en jouant gratuitement sur Prizee ! edwin POWELLhubble. 1889-1953. hubble passe ses premières années au Kentucky
Gagnez de l'argent en jouant gratuitement sur Prizee !
galaxies Realm of the Nebulae Time

75. Edwin Hubble...And The Myth That He Discovered The Expanding Universe
edwin hubble by Vincent Sauvé. This supplementary essay is for thosewho may be asking if edwin hubble was consistent in his work.
Edwin Hubble...
and the Myth That He Discovered the Expanding Universe

This supplementary essay is for those who may be asking if Edwin Hubble was consistent in his work. On my main page I cited a quote from Hubble that is at odds with the myth that Hubble discovered an expanding universe. To my knowledge, Hubble’s major contribution was the discovery of Cepheid variables in nearby galaxies, “thus demonstrating to the satisfaction of almost all astronomers the extra galactic nature of the spirals,” so writes Robert W. Smith, author of The Expanding Universe: Astronomy’s ‘Great Debate’ 1900-1931 , (Cambridge University Press, 1982), who also informs us in his “The Origins of the Velocity-Distance Relation” ( Science History Publications
We shall argue that Hubble did not claim that he had found a linear velocity-distance relation, since he was unsure of the cause of a galaxy’s redshift. Also, Hubble, as he himself acknowledged, was working within a well-defined problem area, and before 1929 other astronomers had considered the existence of a redshift-distance relation. Hubble’s success was not to “discover” a relation; rather, it was to convince his colleagues that the relation was linear.
Most of todays’ astronomers/cosmologists have ignored and/or abandoned Hubble. This indicates that Hubble has not succeeded. For Hubble found that the observational data best fit a linear relation between redshift and distance. But to Hubble a linear relation did not mean an expanding universe. Before I explain the above statement further, let’s take a look at how Hubble considered the interpretation of redshifts as being velocity-shifts. From

76. Edwin Powell Hubble
edwin hubble lived from November 20, 1889September 28, 1953. He wasborn in Marshfield, Missouri during a visit to his grandparents.
document.isTrellix = 1; Get Five DVDs for $.49 each. Join now. Tell me when this page is updated DEMONSTRATION OF HUBBLE'S LAW THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE ... BIBLIOGRAPHY Edwin Powell Hubble AMERICAN ASTRONOMER
created by: Travis Denardo
Edwin Hubble lived from November 20, 1889-September 28, 1953. He was born in Marshfield, Missouri during a visit to his grandparents. He liked to read many books, such as novels by Jules Verne. His father was affiliated with an insurance company, he had his office in Chicago and settled his family in suburban Wheaton.
Edwin earned his first money as a delivery boy for the morning paper in Wheaton. In high school, he participated in athletics. Football was his favorite game, he also entered in many track events. On his high school commencement day in 1906, the principal said, "Edwin Hubble, I have watched for four years and I have never seen you study for ten minutes." He then paused and continued, "Here is a scholarship to the University of Chicago."
By mistake, the scholarship was also awarded to another student, thus the money had to be halved. Hubble had to pay his expenses by tutoring, by working summer jobs, and by working as a laboratory assistant to Robert Millikan. By helping Millikan, Hubble received a scholarship in physics.

77. The Hubble Constant
In 1929, American astronomer edwin hubble announced his discovery thatgalaxies, from all directions, appeared to be moving away from us.
The Hubble Constant
The Hubble Constant (Ho) is one of the most important numbers in cosmology because it is needed to estimate the size and age of the Universe . This long-sought number indicates the rate at which the universe is expanding, from the primordial "Big Bang." The Hubble Constant can be used to determine the intrinsic brightness and masses of stars in nearby galaxies, examine those same properties in more distant galaxies and galaxy clusters, deduce the amount of dark matter present in the universe, obtain the scale size of faraway galaxy clusters, and serve as a test for theoretical cosmological models. FIGURE: The image to the right, taken with the Wide-Field and Planetary Camera (WFPC2) of the Hubble Space Telescope shows many galaxies (most of the fuzzy patches are galaxies containing billions of stars) that are billions of light years away and are receding from us at high velocities. Click on the image to get a larger version. In 1929, American astronomer Edwin Hubble announced his discovery that galaxies, from all directions, appeared to be moving away from us. This phenomenon was observed as a displacement of known spectral lines towards the red-end of a galaxy's spectrum (when compared to the same spectral lines from a source on Earth). This redshift appeared to have a larger displacement for faint, presumably further, galaxies. Hence, the farther a galaxy, the faster it is receding from Earth. The Hubble Constant can be stated as a simple mathematical expression, Ho = v/d, where v is the galaxy's radial outward velocity (in other words, motion along our line-of-sight), d is the galaxy's distance from earth, and Ho is the current value of the Hubble Constant.

78. VEDA
zárí 1953 v San Marino, California, USA. edwin hubble byl mužem, který zmenilnaše chápání vesmíru. edwin hubble se narodil v Missouri v roce 1889.
Pátek 28.9.2001
Svátek má Václav
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79. Edwin Hubble At The 100 Inch Telescope
edwin hubble (18891953) guides the exposure of a photographic plateat the Newtonian focus of the 100-inch telescope in 1923. With
Classifying Galaxies Edwin Hubble at the 100 inch Telescope
Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) guides the exposure of a photographic plate at the Newtonian focus of the 100-inch telescope in 1923. With this telescope, Hubble measured the distances and velocities of galaxies, work which led to today's concept of an expanding Universe. According to this profound idea, the Universe began ten to twenty billion years ago with a Big Bang. The receding galaxies that Hubble observed trace the expansion of space from that dense beginning. The telescope is a mechanical masterpiece and was dedicated as an International Historical Mechanical Engineering Landmark on June 20, 1981, by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, only the fourth such award granted in the United States.
Edwin Hubble grew up in Wheaton, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. For a complete biography, click here Before he went on to become a famous astronomer, Edwin Hubble taught Spanish and physics as well as coached basketball at New Albany High School, Indiana, in 1914. The New Albany High School Yearbook " Vista " was dedicated to him.

80. Christianson, Gale E.: Edwin Hubble
Christianson, Gale E. edwin hubble, university press books,shopping cart, new release notification.
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Christianson, Gale E. Edwin Hubble Mariner of the Nebulae . xii, 428 p., 25 halftones. 1995 Paper COBE $19.00 0-226-10521-0 Fall 1996 In 1923 Edwin Hubble confirmed the existence of other galaxies. By the end of the decade, he proved that the universe is expanding, thus laying the very cornerstone of the big bang theory. A revealing portrait of a scientific genius at work, this book also offers an incisive narrative of the history of astronomy, and an evocation of what we see when gazing at the stars. "Highly entertaining. . . . Hubble may have been the most important astronomer since Galileo. Perhaps since Copernicus."Dick Teresi, New York Times Book Review "Hubble's own story has not been adequately told until now. . . . A riveting portrait of a great scientist and a haunted man, and the best look we are likely to have of the real Hubble."Dennis Overby, Los Angeles Times Book Review "Displays remarkable strength in its steadfast balance and scrupulous honesty. The greatness of the discoveries is set off against the contrasting pettiness of the man."Hans Christian von Baeyer, Boston Sunday Globe "Fascinating. . . . This is one of the most impressive scientific biographies of recent years."

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