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41. Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944 Translate this page Differentialgleichungen, USA. M, hecke, erich, Zur Theorie der Modulfunktionenvon zwei Variablen und ihrer Anwendung auf die Zahlentheorie. Göttingen, http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/dissertationen/1910.html | |
42. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of HEC Heckart, Hoarold, Iowa State University, 1957. Heckbert, Paul, University of California,Berkeley, 1991. hecke, erich, GeorgAugust-Universität Göttingen, 1910. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=HEC |
43. Harald Bohr Correspondence Hardy, Godfrey H. 191016, 7, English. Hasse, Helmuth, 1934, 1, 1934,3, German. hecke, erich, 1920-37, 7, German. Heckscher, Eli, 1927-50,13, Danish. http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/bohr_h/corresp.htm | |
44. Archival Material Related To Jakob Nielsen hecke, erich, 192140, 11, E. hecke Nachlass, Math.Seminar Hamburg. Heegaard, Poul, 1935-47, 5, http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/nielsen_j/archival.htm | |
45. Biography-center - Letter H hecke, erich wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/hecke.html;Heckman, James J. www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/2000/heckman-autobio.html; http://www.biography-center.com/h.html | |
46. HISTORICAL THINGS IN NUMBER THEORY for curves over finite fields An historical perspective by Professor Peter Roquette(plus notes on class-field theory, Artin L-functions, erich hecke); http://www.math.uga.edu/~ntheory/N14.html | |
47. Mathematik/Informatik-Bibliothek Heidelberg : Sonderdrucke Staeckel Translate this page 54, Haupt, Otto, 5. 55, Hausdorff, Felix, 15. 56, Haussner, Robert, 10. 57, hecke,erich, 9. 58, Heffter, Lothar, 24. 59, Hellinger, Ernst, 4. 60, Hensel, Kurt, 47.61, Hermite, Charles, 13. http://math.uni-heidelberg.de/bib/lit/son.html | |
48. Erich Fried Translate this page Hinter der hecke sitzen sie Leben und Tod Beide rufen mich beide wollen mir ratenHinter der hecke höre ich ihre Stimmen Durch die hecke darf ich nicht durch http://www.coribri.de/lyrik/fried/fried02.htm | |
49. 1845 - 1945 Translate this page Hausdorff, Felix, 1868-1942, TAzM-Bd.08, Haußner, Robert, 1863-, hecke, erich,1887-1947, Heegard, Poul, 1871-1948, Heffter, Lothar, 1862-1962, Heger, Richard,1846-, http://www.weiss-leipzig.de/teubner-herausgeber-und-autoren-1845-bis-1945.htm | |
50. ERICH FRIED - GEDICHTE Translate this page erich Fried. untergegangen. LETZTER GUTER RAT. Hinter der hecke sitzensie Leben und Tod Beide rufen mich beide wollen mir raten. Hinter http://de.geocities.com/lilasbleuviolet/fried2.html | |
51. Modular Forms Resources of Mathematics of the Chinese University of by J. Coates Lectures on DirichletSeries, Modular Functions, and Quadratic Forms by erich hecke Manifolds and http://futuresedge.org/mathematics/Modular_Forms.html | |
52. Nanobiographies Translate this page Jacques (1865-1963) français Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877-1947) anglais Hasse, Helmut(1898-1980) allemand hecke, erich (1887-1947) polonais Hensel, Kurt (1861 http://algo.inria.fr/banderier/Recipro/node53.html | |
53. Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics Sir William R. Hamilton, GH Hardy, Helmut Hasse, erich hecke, Hans Heilbronn, LudwigOtto Hesse. hecke, erich, 18871947, Mathematische Werke, 1, QA 3 H36 1970, Killam. http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html | |
54. Das Virtuelle Bücherregal NRW Translate this page 383 6.730.536 6.779.386 6.804.068 6.834.187 7.189.739 7.213.361 7.419.908 7.455.0257.540.360 7.620.741 7.962.224 8.488.456 8.491.468 hecke, erich 2.663.116 http://kirke.hbz-nrw.de/dcb/Schlagwoerter/0918.html | |
55. Coxeter Library Monograph Holdings Hancock, EL Applied Mechanics for Engineer A textbook for Engineering StudiesHardy, GH A course of pure mathematics hecke, erich Vorlesungen Uber Die http://www.math.yorku.ca/Library/Collect.html | |
56. Encyclopædia Britannica erich hecke University of St.Andrews, Scotland Biographical sketch of this Germanmathematician known for his contributions in analytic number theory. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Erich Manstein |
57. Abstract For 2002/10/21: Russo the theta group. In the mid 1930's, erich hecke clarified the connectionby way of the Mellin transform. He established a correspondence http://www.math.binghamton.edu/dept/ComboSem/abstract.200210rus.html | |
58. Members Of The School Of Mathematics Translate this page HAWKINS, Thomas W. 1988-89. HECHT, Henryk, 1976-77. hecke, erich, 1937-38.HEDLUND, Gustav A. 1933-34, 1938-39, 1953-54. HEGENBARTH, Friedrich, 1974-75. http://www.math.ias.edu/hnames.html | |
59. (AUTO)BIOGRAPHIE Translate this page An essay in the history of mathematics 1869-1926 (2000). hecke, erich, MathematischeWerke (1983). Heisenberg, Elisabeth, Heisenberg 1901-1976 (1990). http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~eguether/bibliotheque/MotCle/node3.html | |
60. OEUVRES Translate this page 3 (1984). Harish-Chandra, Collected Papers Vol. 4 (1984). hecke, erich, MathematischeWerke (1983). Hilbert, David, Gesammelte Abhandlungen Vol. 1 (1965). http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~eguether/bibliotheque/MotCle/node9.html | |
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