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21. Biografisk Register Translate this page Vincent (1584-1667) Griess, Robert L Gross, Benedict H. guldin, paul (Habakuk)(1577-1643) Guthrie, Frederick Gödel, Kurt (1906-78) Hadamard, Jacques (1865 http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
23. Morton Montgomery G08 Index guldin,, Minnie, 1053. guldin,, Odella B. 1671. guldin,, Olivia, 1053. guldin,,paul, 717. guldin,, paul R. 451. guldin,, Peter, 1053. guldin,, Peter, 717. guldin,,Peter, 783. http://www.rootsweb.com/~paberks/montgomery/48indexg08.html | |
24. G17, Guldin, Gundry, Guss, Guth, Morton Montgomery OnLine Project Melchior guldin, Jr., was born in 1571 and died in 1645. He was a townclerk in 1604. paul guldin was born of Evangelical parents in 1577. http://www.rootsweb.com/~paberks/montgomery/g17.html | |
25. Club-Internet : Encyclopédie Translate this page Ceva (Giovanni) Cramer (Gabriel) Darboux (Gaston) Dirichlet (Gustav) Fredholm(Erik Ivar) Goldbach (Christian) Green (George) guldin (paul) Hamilton (sir http://www.club-internet.fr/cgi-bin/ehmel/ehmel_navig.pl?fonction_id=F_41 |
26. Club-Internet : Encyclopédie Translate this page Titres (1-16 / 16) cubature dodécaèdre guldin (paul) heptaèdre hexaèdre hypercubehypercube (projection) icosaèdre octaèdre pentaèdre polyèdre http://www.club-internet.fr/cgi-bin/ehmel/ehmel_navig.pl?fonction_id=F_98&foncti |
27. Special Collections | The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science And Technolog circle. A rare twovolume work on centers of gravity. guldin, paul.De centro gravitatis. Vienna, Gregor Gelbhaar, 1635-1641. guldin http://www.sil.si.edu/Libraries/Dibner/newacq_2001.htm | |
28. Definitions Of Rangelands And Forests Attendees Richard guldin, paul Geissler, Johs Tanaka, Jeff Goebel, H. Gyde Lund,Doug Powell, Don FaberLangendon, Dennis Thompson, Dave Radloff, Allison Hill http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/brd/Def020402.htm | |
29. FGDC Sustainable Forest Data Working Group present Larry Beard (NASS), Brian Czech (FWS), David Darr (USFS), John Dennis (NPS),paul Geissler (USGS), Jeff Goebel (NRCS), Rich guldin (USFS), Mike Haske http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/brd/SFD010302.htm | |
30. Philly Blues Stinging guitar and soulful vocals are second nature for guldin who has the opportunityto He toured with Billy paul until '79, with the OJay's from 8081 and http://www.phillyblues.com/aom/aom_april01.html |
31. Philly Blues Mike guldin and Rollin and Tumblin Mike guldin and Rollin' Tumblin' mix upa paul Plumeri Sharing the stage with such legends as, BB King(twice),Lonnie http://www.phillyblues.com/html/bands_m_z.html | |
32. OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Adolf Gellibrand, Henry Guccia, Giovanni Francais, Francais Geminus Gudermann, ChristophFrancais, Jacques Gentzen, Gerhard guldin, paul Francesca, Piero della http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm | |
33. The Science Bookstore - Chronology 1577 AD, Brahe, T. Brahe observes comet, parallax studies show it is outsideof atmosphere. guldin, paul Born 6/12/1577 Died 11/3/1643, 1577 AD, http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=3 |
34. 1577 - Wikipedia Births June 12 Habbakkuk guldin later known as paul guldin, Swiss Jesuit mathematician;June 28 - Peter paul Rubens, painter. Deaths August 27 - Titian, artist. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/1577 | |
35. Liste Provisoire DicoMeca (F-M) Translate this page GREEN, George, 1793 - 1841, PP, 182. GRIFFITH, AA, PP, 183. guldin,paul, 1577 - 1643, PP, 184. GÜMBEL, Ludwig Karl Friedrich, 1874 - 1923,JF, 185. http://www.afm.asso.fr/aum/PROJETS/DicoMeca/ListDM_FM.html | |
36. Ein Multimediales Nachschlagewerk - Die Erfinder - G guldin, paul,1577 bis 1643; Goldschmied und Mathematiker; Gunter http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/schulen/materialien/lexikon_htm/erfin_G.htm | |
37. Biography-center - Letter G guldin, paul wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/guldin.html;Gull, Sir William Withey www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/85.html; http://www.biography-center.com/g.html | |
38. Recent Publications Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 19(2) 8488. 1996. Baker, James B.; Cain,Michael D.; guldin, James M.; Murphy, paul A.; Shelton, Michael G. 1996. http://www.srs.fs.fed.us/4106/recentpub.htm | |
39. Full Alphabetical Index 317*) Grossmann, Marcel (114*) Grothendieck, Alexander (607*) Guccia, Giovanni(78) Gudermann, Christoph (68) Guinand, Andy (529) guldin, paul (210) Gunter http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
40. Drucke - Sondersammlungen - Hauptbibliothek - Einrichtungen - UB Graz Translate this page Der Jesuit paul guldin (in Graz tätig 1618-1643), der mit Kepler nach dessenWeggang einen intensiven Briefwechsel unterhielt, baute eine umfangreiche http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/ub/sosa/drucke.html | |
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