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1. Francis Galton A critical account of the nineteenth century scientist's work on genetics, evolution and biological Category Science Biology History......Francis Galton Pioneer of Heredity and Biometry. This site publishesa book by Michael Bulmer about the work of the nineteenth century http://www.francisgalton.com/ | |
2. Francis Galton Francis Galton Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. Francis Galton (1822 - 1911). Francis Galton ist ein Evolutionist. http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/galton.htm | |
3. Galton Francis Galton. Born An explorer and anthropologist, Francis Galtonis known for his pioneering studies of human intelligence. He http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Galton.html | |
4. WIEM: Galton Francis galton francis (18221911), filozof amator, inicjator bada i tworzenia teorii psychologii indywidualnej. Bada czowieka nie w odosobnieniu http://www.encyklopedia.pl/wiem/00ca94.html | |
5. Francis Galton Francis Galton. (18221911) British Psychologist. Education. Career.Publications. Major Contributions. developed the correlation http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/galton.html | |
6. Francis Galton Francis Galton an Exploration in Intellectual Biography and History.Francis Galton (18221911) was arguably the most respected http://www.maps.jcu.edu.au/hist/stats/galton/ | |
7. WIEM: Galton Francis (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl G......galton francis (18221911), filozof amator, inicjator badan i tworzenia teoriipsychologii indywidualnej. Badal czlowieka nie w odosobnieniu http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00ca94.html | |
8. Francis Galton Francis Galton an Exploration in Intellectual Biography and History Francis Galton (18221911) was arguably the most respected and influential British scientific advocate of schemes of hereditary improvement in the half-century or so after 1860. http://www.cimm.jcu.edu.au/hist/stats/galton | |
9. Galton Francis Francis Galton's Art Of Travel (1872) galton francis Francis Galton's art of travel (1872).galton francis. Francis Galton's art of travel (1872) http://www.cheap-point.com/Galton-Francis-Francis-Galtons-art-of-travel-07153513 | |
10. The Art Of Travel Galton Francis The Art of Travel galton francis. Author galton francis.Title The Art of Travel Subject Travel http://www.smart-scifi.com/Galton-Francis-The-Art-of-Travel-159048052X.html | |
11. Francis Galton Francis Galton. Francis Galton was born in 1822 in Birmingham, England, to SamuelTertius Galton, a banker, and Violetta Darwin, daughter of Erasmus Darwin. http://students.vassar.edu/jelinden/galton.htm | |
12. Lefalophodon Francis Galton Francis Galton (18221911). Every long-established race has necessarilyits peculiar fitness for the conditions under which it has http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/~alroy/lefa/Galton.html | |
13. Francis Galton - Wikipedia Francis Galton. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sir Francis Galtonwas an English explorer, anthropologist and founder of eugenics. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Galton | |
14. Rocky Road: Francis Galton Francis Galton. Character and ability are inherited. That was Francis Galton'sconviction, one that served him well, given his own impressive pedigree. http://www.strangescience.net/galton.htm | |
15. Francis Galton Francis Galton. Born 16 Feb 1822 in Sparkbrook (near Birmingham), England.Died 17 Jan 1911 in Grayshott House, Haslemere, Surrey, England. http://www.roma.unisa.edu.au/10920/Galton.htm | |
16. Galton Translate this page galton francis anglais, 1822-1911 On doit à ce physiologiste, anthropologue,météorologue, grand voyageur (explorateur en Afrique http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Galton.html | |
17. Cenetic Catalog - GENERAL ASPECTS Exploration in Intellectual Biography; Galton Eugenics; galton francis foto; Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics; Galton Papers; http://www.rusmedserv.com/genetics/catalog/links.htm | |
18. Phoenix Press: Art Of Travel (1872) The Art of Travel (1872). Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries.Galton, Francis. Add to shopping basket Add to shopping basket. Press Reviews. http://www.phoenixpress.co.uk/titlelist.asp?authed=Galton Francis |
19. 1876 - Francis Galton Francis Galton (18221911) offers a statistical approach to understandinginheritance. Soon after publication rest. Francis Galton. The law http://www.laskerfoundation.org/news/gnn/timeline/1876.html | |
20. Sir Francis Galton F.R.S Victorian polymath geographer, meteorologist, tropical explorer, founder of differential psychology, Category Science Math Statistics People...... http://www.mugu.com/galton/ | |
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