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         Galileo Galilei:     more books (100)
  1. Le Opere Di Galileo Galilei (Italian Edition) by Antonio Favaro, 2010-02-26
  2. The Life of Galileo Galilei, With Illustrations of the Advancement of Experimental Philosophy by John Elliot Drinkwater Bethune, 2010-01-01
  3. Elogj Di Galileo Galilei E Di Bonaventura Cavalieri [By P. Frisi]. (Italian Edition) by Paolo Frisi, 2010-01-10
  4. Le Opere Di Galileo Galilei [Ed. by E. Albèri]. (Latin Edition) by Anonymous, 2010-02-05
  5. Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia by Karl von Gebler, G Sturge, et all 2010-09-04
  6. Galileo Galilei (Pageant of Scientists) by Sydney Gordon, 1968
  7. Galileo Galilei Und Die Römische Verurtheilung Des Kopernikanischen Systems (German Edition) by Christian Hermann Bosen, 2010-05-25
  8. Galileo Galilei: Sa Vie, Son Procès Et Ses Contemporains, D'après Les Documents Originaux by Philarète Chasles, 2010-02-24
  9. Due Lettere Di Galileo Galilei Ed Una Del Keplero (1841) (Italian Edition) by Pietro Bigazzi, 2010-05-23
  10. La Primogenita Di Galileo Galilei (1864) (Italian Edition) by Carlo Arduini, 2010-09-10
  11. Le Opere Di Galileo Galilei [Ed. by E. Albèri]. (Latin Edition) by Galileo Galilei, 2010-03-20
  12. Galileo Galilei (Spanish Edition) by Bertolt Brecht, 2007-03
  13. La Libreria Di Galileo Galilei Descritta Ed Illustrata Da Antonio Favaro. ... (Italian Edition) by Galileo Galilei, 2010-04-01
  14. Galileo Galilei, Prozess ohne Ende: Eine Biographie (German Edition) by Albrecht Folsing, 1983

61. Galileo Galilei - Biography
Advertisement. galileo galilei Biography galileo galilei was born inPisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. He was the first of 7 children.
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Galileo Galilei - Biography Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. He was the first of 7 children. Although his father was a musician and wool trader, he wanted his clearly talented son to study medicine as there was more money in medicine. So, at age eleven, Galileo was sent off to study in a Jesuit monastery. After four years, Galileo had decided on his life's work: he announced to his father that he wanted to be a monk. This was not exactly what father had in mind for his gifted son, so Galileo was hastily withdrawn from the monastery. In 1581, at the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, as his father wished. Shortly thereafter, at age 20, Galileo noticed a lamp swinging overhead while he was in a cathedral. Curious to find out how long it took the lamp to swing back and forth, he used his pulse to time large and small swings. Galileo discovered something that no one else had ever realized: the period of each swing was exactly the same. The law of the pendulum, which would eventually be used to

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63. Galileo Galilei At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
galileo galilei, philosopher and scientist at Erratic Impact's PhilosophyResearch Base. Galileo is galileo galilei. Hypertext narrative

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Biography by Peter Landry at Excerpt: Galileo was an Italian. At the age of 19 he discovered the principle of isochronism that each oscillation of a pendulum takes the same time despite changes in amplitude. Soon thereafter he became known for his ideas on hydrostatic balance; and, further, his treatise on the center of gravity of falling bodies. He found experimentally that bodies do not fall with velocities proportional to their weights, a conclusion received with hostility because it contradicted the accepted teaching of Aristotle . Galileo discovered that the path of a projectile is a parabola, and he is credited with anticipating Isaac Newton's laws of motion. In 1609 Galileo constructed the first astronomical telescope, which he used to discover the four largest satellites of Jupiter and the stellar composition of the Milky Way, and in 1632 he published his

64. BBC - History - Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)
In-depth look at Galileo's life and his significance.Category Science Astronomy History People Galilei, Galileo...... galileo galilei (1564 1642). Galileo was born near Pisa, wherehis father Vincenzo Galilei was a musician. Vincenzo was also a






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Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)
Galileo was born near Pisa, where his father Vincenzo Galilei was a musician. Vincenzo was also a highly original thinker, and conducted experiments with stringed instruments to devise a new system of harmony in music, over-throwing the music handed down from the Greeks. Galileo had a mixed education, starting at a monastery school in Vallombrosa where he entered the order as a novice, against the wishes of his father. Vincenzo removed him to Florence, but due to an unsuccessful application to Pisa University, Galileo resumed his studies with the monks. In 1581 Galileo joined the University of Pisa to study medicine. However, his interest in medicine was not great and he was instead attracted to mathematics. He received private instruction in maths from a friend of his father, Ostilio Ricci, and progressed rapidly. Galileo left the University in 1585 without a degree and returned to Florence to study the Greek giants of maths, Archimedes and Euclid. He supported himself by teaching maths in Florence and Siena until 1589 when he became professor of mathematics at Pisa. This allowed Galileo to set himself up in opposition to the professor of physics who taught the science of Aristotle. Aristotle's view of the universe was the view of the universe at the time of Galileo. But Galileo the mathematician gradually realised that it really didn't make sense - and he set out to prove it. Possibly the most influential thinker ever, Aristotle had lived in Greece in the third century BC. He wrote on logic, nature, physics, the origins of the earth and universe, on species and much more. His work virtually was human knowledge, and was influential for centuries after the Greek civilisation disappeared.

65. Benvenuti Al Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
Alessandria Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto.
Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei"
Spalto Borgoglio, 49 - Alessandria
Le immagini relative agli ambienti della scuola sono state realizzate a partire da un videotape (creato con una videocamera), digitalizzandole mediante una scheda di cattura video. Le rimanenti immagini sono state acquisite con uno scanner Tamarack ArtiScan 8000C. Le elaborazioni sono state effettuate su un PC Server IBM 330, collegato ad una rete locale di 18 computer IBM Aptiva. Ritorna alla pagina principale

66. La Vita Di Galileo Galilei
Translate this page galileo galilei. galileo galilei nasce a Pisa il 15 febbraio del 1564,dal fiorentino Vincenzo Galilei e da Giulia degli Ammannati.
Galileo Galilei nasce a Pisa il 15 febbraio del 1564, dal fiorentino Vincenzo Galilei e da Giulia degli Ammannati. Nel 1574 la famiglia lascia Pisa e si trasferisce a Firenze. Nel 1581, Galileo si immatricola all'Universita' di Pisa per studiare medicina, seguendo il desiderio del padre.
Durante gli studi, si appassiona alla fisica e nel 1583 formula la teoria dell' isocronismo del pendolo , intuito osservando le oscillazioni di una lampada nella Cattedrale di Pisa. Nel 1585 ritorna a Firenze senza avr completato gli studi, e comincia a dedicarsi alla fisica e alla matematica, dando anche lezioni private. Nel 1586 inventa la bilancia idrostatica
Nel 1588 ottiene una cattedra di matematica all'Universita' di Pisa, che mantiene fino al 1592. E' in questo periodo che si interessa al movimento dei corpi in caduta e scrive "De Motu".
Nel 1591, il padre Vincenzo muore lasciandolo alla guida della famiglia.
Nel 1592, Galileo ottiene una cattedra di matematica (geometria e astronomia) all'Universita' di Padova, dove rimarra' fino al 1610. E' in questo periodo che comincia ad orientarsi verso la teoria copernicana del moto planetario.

67. Galileo Galilei Links
galileo galilei. galileo galilei; galileo galilei Pisa 1564 Arcetri,Florence 1642; galileo galilei (1564-1642) (Link down on 2/24/01);
Galileo Galilei
  • Quotations from Galileo Galilei, Galileo Galileo Galilei Galileo GALILEI: Pisa 1564 - Arcetri, Florence 1642 Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) (Link down on 2/24/01) The Galileo Project: Rice University Galileo's Mementoes in Padova Middle finger of Galileo's right hand Institute and Museum of the History of Science of Florence, Italy

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    created: 3/15/97
    updated: 2/24/01

    68. Galileo Galilei
    galileo galilei (15641642) Today Galileo is a famous and romanticname. We have all been taught the story of his heroic fight in


    Nicholas Copernicus

    De Revolutionibus

    John Dee
    The Ash Wednesday Supper

    Galileo Galilei
    Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems


    Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

    Today Galileo is a famous and romantic name. We have all been taught the story of his heroic fight in the name of science against the intractable ignorance of the tyrannical Catholic church. The reality is not so starkly drawn, but no less interesting for that; Galileo's own arrogance created many enemies, and Rome's anxiety over its authority in the schismatic era of the Protestant reformation made their collision inevitable. Galileo was a professor of mathematics, first at the University of Pisa, where he had been born, and then at Padua, perhaps establishing a reputation for his willingness to offend Aristotelian philosophers perhaps, with the publication of De Motu (On Motion) , but for little more. But while continuing to work as a mathematician, Galileo's interest in philosophy (i.e., physics) and then astronomy grew. With the publication of Siderius Nuncius , or The Starry Messenger , in 1610in which he recorded the sights he had seen with the newly invented telescope, including the moons of Jupiter, and the mountains of our own moon-Galileo was instantly famous across Europe. He was also in the midst of controversy, for few believed him until his findings could be verified by others with what was still a very rare instrument (Galileo had made his own) and even then there were disputes as to what those finding really were. This controversy was no impediment to his ambitions, and his cultivation of the patronage of Cosimo de Medici, Duke of Florence-to whom he had dedicated his book, and whose name he gave to the Jovian moons-led to his being named "Chief Mathematician of the University of Pisa and Philosopher to the Grand Duke." Mathematicians and astronomers were not equivalent in the hierarchy of arts to philosophy, and in his new position Galileo's wars with the Aristotelian philosophers escalated, for physics was becoming his principle interest.

    69. Galilei-Gymnasium: Galileo Galilei - Das Leben Des Galileo Galilei
    Translate this page Das Leben des galileo galilei im Überblick, Am 15. Februar 1564 wurdegalileo galilei in Pisa geboren. Er starb am 8. Januar 1642
    Am 15. Februar 1564 wurde Galileo Galilei in Pisa geboren. Er starb am 8. Januar 1642 am Ort seiner Verbannung, in Arcetri bei Florenz. 15. Februar 1564 Galilei wird am 15.2.1564 zu Pisa Galileo Galilei studiert vier Jahre lang in Pisa. Galilei wird in Pisa zum Professor ernannt. Galileis Vater Vincenzio stirbt in diesem Jahr. Galilei wird in Padua zum Professor ernannt. Erste Himmelsbeobachtungen sind durch die Konstruktion von Galileis Fernrohr Ernennung zum Ersten Mathematiker und Philosophen Galilei konstruiert ein binokulares Fernrohr Prozess gegen Galilei Galileis Lieblingstochter Virginia stirbt in Arcetri. Erblindung Galileis Galilei stirbt am 8. Januar in Arcetri.

    70. Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei
    Nizza Monferrato, AT Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto.
    Liceo Scientifico Statale "Galileo Galilei" Nizza Monferrato (Asti) Presentazione della scuola Progetto Educativo d'Istituto Aggiornamento docenti ... l'iscrizione Progetto Medea (in allestimento) Laboratorio di espressione corporea Biblioteca Raccordo con la ... I giornalini d'Istituto : "Eppur si muove", "Famolo strano" e "Maschera" Notizie varie L iceo S cientifico S tatale " G alileo G alilei"
    piazza Principe Umberto 13 Nizza Monferrato (Asti-Italia)
    Tel. e fax 39 141-72.13.38.
    E-mail: galilei@provincia.asti. it
    Autore pagina : Gabriella Abate, Alberto Maldino, Emanuele Saracino Queste pagine sono state realizzate nell'ambito del progetto
    "Internet nelle scuole"
    promosso dalla Provincia di Asti

    71. Galileo Galilei
    galileo galilei. Wow! Galileo galileo galilei was an Italian physicistand astronomer. He was born in Pisa on February 15, 1564. Galileo's
    Galileo Galilei
    Wow! Galileo discovered four of Jupiter's moons almost four hundred years ago. Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist and astronomer . He was born in Pisa on February 15, 1564. Galileo's father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a well-known musician. Vincenzo decided that his son should become a doctor. In 1581, Galileo was sent to the University of Pisa to study medicine. While a student at the university, Galileo discovered that he had a talent for mathematics. He was able to persuade his father to allow him to leave the university to become a tutor in mathematics. He later became a professor of mathematics. In 1609, Galileo heard about the invention of the spyglass, a device which made distant objects appear closer. Galileo used his mathematics knowledge and technical skills to improve upon the spyglass and build a telescope . Later that same year, he became the first person to look at the Moon through a telescope and make his first astronomy discovery. He found that the Moon was not smooth, but mountainous and pitted - just like the Earth! He subsequently used his newly invented telescope to discover four of the moons circling Jupiter, to study Saturn, to observe the phases of Venus, and to study sunspots on the Sun.

    72. I.P.S.I.A. "G. GALILEI" - Torino | Home Page
    Torino Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto.
    Istituto Professionale di Stato
    per l'Industria e l'Artigianato
    "Galileo GALILEI"
    Via Lavagna, 8 - 10126 Torino
    Tel (+39)(+11) 667.20.22 / (+39)(+11) 667.08.86
    Fax (+39)(+11) 696.33.84
    Numero consultazioni dal 10 aprile 1996:
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    Operatore Elettronico

    Operatore Meccanico
    Corsi post qualifica per
    Settore Elettrico-Elettronico
    Settore Meccanico
    Giornale Telematico
    La sede di Torino

    La coordinata di Poirino

    La coordinata di Lanzo
    Si ringrazia:
    il CSI Piemonte per la collaborazione tecnica offerta Ultima modifica, 30 Gennaio 1997 by Antonio MATTERA

    73. Galileo Galilei
    Read It Listen, galileo galilei. Galileo was the first person to look at theMoon through a telescope. galileo galilei was born in Pisa, Italy in 1564.


    Galileo Galilei Galileo was the first person to look at the Moon through a telescope Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy in 1564. His father wanted him to be a doctor. Galileo wanted to work with mathematics. He took a job teaching math to university students. Galileo was also interested in astronomy. He built a telescope to help him study the sky. Galileo first discovered that the Moon had mountains just like Earth. He also discovered 4 of Jupiter's moons. Using his telescope, Galileo made many observations of our Solar System. He came to believe that the idea that the Sun and other planets orbited around the Earth was not correct. Galileo felt that an astronomer named Copernicus had a better idea. Copernicus believed the Earth and other planets moved around the Sun. During Galileo's time, the Catholic Church was very powerful and it taught that the Earth was the center of the Universe . Galileo was told not to write or say that the Earth orbited the Sun. He could not be silent. In 1632, Galileo published a book that said the Earth orbited the Sun. The Catholic Church arrested him and put him on trial. He was still under arrest at the time of his death on January 8, 1642.
    A Question TRUE OR FALSE?

    Translate this page galileo galilei 1564 (Pisa) - 1642 (Arcetri bei Florenz). Sein Vaterwollte ursprünglich, daß Galilei Kaufmann wird, doch änderte
    Galileo Galilei
    1564 (Pisa) - 1642 (Arcetri bei Florenz)
    widmete er sich dann in Florenz der Mathematik und Mechanik. Im Jahre in Padua. In Padua, wo er 18 Jahre blieb, verbrachte er sein fruchtbarste Zeit. Hier schuf er die Grundlagen der modernen Dynamik. im "Sidereus nuncius" (Sternenbote). Kopernikus (Dialogo), wurde "Discorsi" (Unterredungen) als die Geburtsstunde der modernen Physik anzusehen.

    75. Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale Galileo Galilei
    Firenze Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto.

    76. Galileo Galilei
    galileo galilei (15641642) was the oldest of seven children born to VincenzoGalilei and Giulia Ammanati. galileo galilei's accomplishments.
    Galileo Galilei was the oldest of seven children born to Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammanati. He entered the University of Pisa in 1581 to study medicine. Soon he realized that his interests were not in medicine, but mathematics. After only a year in the university, he made his famous discovery of the isochronal movement of pendulums. He then continued an independent study of science and mathematics while trying to convince his father to allow him to study science and math. In 1586 Galileo withdrew from the University of Pisa without a degree and headed back to live with his family. For the next few years he continued his study of science and gave a series of lectures on the Inferno of Dante's The Divine Comedy at the Florentine Academy. Galileo had many influential friends who were able to help him gain an appointment as a lecturer of mathematics at the University of Pisa in 1859 and then as the chair of mathematics at the University of Padua in 1592. Galileo Galilei's accomplishments
    Constructed a military compass. Brought him acclaim and a substantial income. Built a "telescope" (although he was not the first to do so.) This enabled him to:

    77. Liceo Scientifico "G. Galilei" - Castelnovo Di Garfagnana
    Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, LU Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto.
    PRESIDENZA 0583 63345
    Centralino 0583 62454 - 0583 62166
    Fax 0583 62632 e - mail Via XX Aprile 12
    55032 Castelnuovo di Garfagnana (LU)
    Attivita' degli studenti: LE MERIDIANE

    78. Galileo Galilei/The Starry Messenger
    Science, Mathematics and History come ALIVE with THE STARRY MESSENGERThe Amazing Discoveries of galileo galilei To many the Universe
    Science, Mathematics and History come ALIVE with THE STARRY MESSENGER The Amazing Discoveries of Galileo Galilei To many the Universe is a closed book of secrets never to be read. Almost four hundred years ago, an unknown court mathematician in Italy opened that book and laid the foundation for modern science. Galileo Galilei turned his telescope to the heavens to discover mountains and craters on the moon, four moons of Jupiter, and countless stars never before seen. Even more significant was his method of observation and mathematical analysis. He taught future scientists the way to discover the laws of nature. The Starry Messenger is a dramatic fun filled adaptation of Galileo's short treatise Siderius Nuncius . Galileo (dressed in 17th century costume) arrives at your organization to present a public lecture on his most recent discoveries made using his newly devised spyglass. As he describes those discoveries, Galileo's new method of observation and measurement of nature become apparent. Throughout the presentation your esteemed scientists are actively involved in experiments and demonstrations. After the lecture at schools, Galileo visits classrooms to meet students, answer their questions and learn about the experiments of your most prestigious young scientists. "... thoroughly enjoyed your performance. People said they learned more about Galileo and his discoveries in that hour than they ever knew."

    79. ITIS Galilei - Arzignano (VI)
    Arzignano, VI Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto.
    Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale. Specializzazioni: chimica conciaria, biologia, materie plastiche. Corsi serali. Corsi post-diploma. Laurea breve in Ingegneria Conciaria. Analisi, consulenze e ricerche per concerie e industrie chimiche. Viale Vicenza, 49/A - 36071 ARZIGNANO (VI)
    TEL. 0444672016 - 0444670441 Fax 0444450920

    80. - Great Books -
    galileo galilei (15641642), galileo galilei, Italian philosopher, physicist andastronomer, was born in Pisa on February 15, 1564 and died January 8, 1642.
    Galileo Galilei
    Galileo Galilei, Italian philosopher, physicist and astronomer, was born in Pisa on February 15, 1564 and died January 8, 1642. He has been called the father of modern astronomy, and along with Bacon was one of the pioneers of the scientific method.
    Scientific achievements
    Galileo was one of the first people to use a telescope to observe the sky. He acquired a 10x telescope and promptly made an improved 20x one. Galileo discovered the four largest satellites of Jupiter. He also observed that the planet Venus exhibited a full set of "phases" like the Moon. Both of these discoveries lent support to the heliocentric model of the solar system developed by Copernicus . (see below) He was the first westerner to report sunspots (there is evidence that Chinese astronomers had already observed them). He also argued from the occultation of stars (visible only through a telescope) that the Moon is not a perfect sphere (like a billiard ball) but has mountains. His experimental work in dynamics paved the way for Kepler 's and Newton
    Church Controversy
    Galileo was a devout Catholic, yet his writings on the Copernican model of the universe (incorporating a heliocentric, or sun-centered solar system) disturbed the Church, which, like most everyone else at the time, held to a Ptolemaic or Aristotelian Earth-centered theory of the universe. Church fathers argued extensively that any other view would contradict scripture. The late-nineteenth and early twentieth century historian Andrew Dickson White, writing from an anti-clerical perspective, wrote:

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