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61. Verzeichnis Der Bertuchschen Verlagsschriften Translate this page Naturforscher, Wundarzt, Forschungsreisender, 491. Flamstead, john s. flamsteed,john, flamsteed, john (1646-1719), engl. Astronom, Pfarrer, 289. http://ora-web.weimar-klassik.de/pls/bertuch_vz_online/bertuch_vs.personenregist |
62. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-JOHN FLAMSTEED Translate this page john flamsteed. Il Corriere della Sera-19 GIUGNO 2001 Isaac Newton, genioper il mondo e tiranno con i colleghi Due studiosi britannici http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/rassegna/flamstee.htm | |
63. John Flamsteed Translate this page john flamsteed (1646 - 1719). C'est sur sa proposition que fut fondé,en 1676, par le roi Charles II, l'observatoire de Greenwich. http://www.cc-pays-de-gex.fr/assoc/m51/flamsteed.html | |
64. Biography.com Flaherty, Robert J. (Joseph), 1884 1951. Flaminius, Gaius, 217BC. flamsteed,john, 1646 1719. Flanagan, Barry, 1941 . Flanagan, Edward (Joseph), 1886 1948. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=F&num=350 |
65. Bokpris.com - The Correspondence Of John Flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal The Correspondence of john flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal Jämför priser, fraktoch leveranstiden på böcker i svenska och utländska Internetbutiker. http://www.bokpris.com/0750301473 | |
66. Bokpris.com - The Correspondence Of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal: The Correspondence of john flamsteed, the First Astronomer Royal 16821703 Jämförpriser, frakt och leveranstiden på böcker i svenska och utländska http://www.bokpris.com/0750303913 | |
67. Www.iper1.com - John Flamsteed Translate this page Cerca la rima. john flamsteed. john flamsteed a b c d e f g h i j kl m n o p q r s t u v w x y z E-commerce - Per vendere su internet http://www.iper1.com/rime/index.asp?cerca=John Flamsteed |
68. Flamsteed flamsteed, john (szül. 1646. aug. 19. Denby, Derby közelében, Derbyshire,Anglia ? megh. 1719. dec. 31. Greenwich, London), az http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh6/flamsteed.html |
69. Flamsteed Ideas in Society, 15001700 john flamsteed. john flamsteed became the first AstronomerRoyal on the founding of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich in 1675. http://www.nd.edu/~dharley/HistIdeas/Flamsteed.html | |
70. History Of Astronomy: Persons (F) Very short biography; Find more documents about Flammarion with AltaVista. flamsteed, john (16461719) Biographical data and references; http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_f.html | |
71. History Of Astronomy: Roughly Sorted Links - Biographies (1) Feynman, Richard P. Ficino, Marsilio Figulus, Publius Nigidius FitzGerald, GeorgeFrancis Fizeau, ArmandHippolyte-Louis flamsteed, john Fleming, Williamina http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/unsorted/rough_bio_01.html | |
72. Martin, Benjamin: Biographia Philosophica Derham, William Diophantes Du Hamel, john Baptiste Epicurus Euclid, the philosopherEuclid, the mathematician Eudoxus flamsteed, john Fontinelle, Bernard de http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/15277.ctl | |
73. Giornale Nuovo: Star-Charts Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia. Gdansk, 1690. * Starchart by john flamsteed,edited by J. Fortin. flamsteed, john. Atlas celeste. Ed. J. Fortin. http://www.spamula.net/blog/archives/000150.html | |
74. Der 34 Tauri-Fehler Translate this page Stichwörterklärung. flamsteed, john john flamsteed wurde 1646 bei Derby geboren.1675 Sternenkataloge. john flamsteed starb 1719. König Georg III. http://www.nightsky-online.de/nightsky/berichte/ber_99,01,03.htm | |
75. Newton's Tyranny: The Suppressed Scientific Discoveries Of John Flamsteed And St Newton's Tyranny The Suppressed Scientific Discoveries of john flamsteed andStephen Gray Other Editions Paperback Hardcover 192 pages (October 2000). http://www.data4all.com/list/500/512000/0716742152 | |
76. W.D. Jordan Library Special Collections (Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., Can flamsteed, john, 16461719. Atlas coelestis / by the late ReverendMr. john flamsteed, Regius Professor of Astronomy at Greenwich. http://library.queensu.ca/webmus/sc/datedandtreasures.htm | |
77. On-line Register Of Scientific Instruments Fitz, Henry Jr. 1 instrument. Flammarion, Camille 4 instruments. flamsteed,john 2 instruments. Flatters and Garnett Ltd. 1 instrument. http://www.isin.org/browse.asp?subject=name&letter=Fi |
78. Frederick G. Kilgour Fitch, john - - ,321. Flags (for computerizing data) - - - ,260 ,262 ,268 ,269,300. flamsteed, john - - - ,40 ,58 ,332. Fleming, Sir Alexander - - - ,167 ,179. http://www.oclc.org/pdemo/kg/eyidxeh.htm | |
79. AIM25: City University: Gresham College And Lectures Personal names flamsteed john 16461719 astronomer Gresham Sir Thomas ? 1519-1579 Knight founder of the Royal Exchange. http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=3318&inst_id=43 |
80. Archives Hub: Papers Of David Gregory (1661-1708) In 1691 he went to London where he was introduced to Newton and recommendedto john flamsteed (16461719), the first astronomer royal. http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/0210dgr.html | |
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