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81. Biography-center - Letter E evans, griffith wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/evans.html;evans, Herbert McLean www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1963.html; http://www.biography-center.com/e.html | |
82. NorVApics.com - Vintage Pictures From McLean Virginia 40s'60s. evans Farm Inn - Ad, McLean, Scan Courtesy of Jeff griffith,Circa '70s. evans Farm Inn, McLean, Postcard, Circa '40s-'60s. evans http://www.norvapics.com/images_mclean.htm | |
83. Griffith's Valuation 1855 - "E" Surnames griffith's Valuation 1855. E Surnames. Surname. Forename. Eustace, Walter,Cahermurphy, Kilmihil, Kilrush. evans, James, Ballyglass, St. Patrick's, Limerick. http://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/coclare/genealogy/griffiths/griffithe.htm | |
84. Academi evans Meirion evans Meredydd evans Owen E evans Ray evans Richard R evans RobertEynon Delyth George WRP George Katie Gramich Gwenda griffith Selwyn griffith http://www.academi.org/welsh/info/members/info_aelo.html | |
85. Applicationdisposition Current Application Status. State Society KS. Applicant Name evans,Thomas griffith, National Number 158028, Patriot Ancestor , Philip. http://www.sar.org/hq/application/applicationdispositionPage72.html | |
86. New South Wales V Queensland At Sydney Cricket Ground, 26-30 Dec 1903 b Miller 21 NY Deane c Foster b Byrne 11 DA Gee c griffith b Miller 43 GG Black bFitzgerald 72 AJ Bowden c evans b Byrne 57 ADW Fisher b griffith 23 +H Carter http://www.cricket.org/link_to_database/ARCHIVE/1900S/1903-04/AUS_LOCAL/OTHERFC/ | |
87. Queensland V Marylebone Cricket Club At Brisbane, 27-30 Nov 1903 AA Atkins st Strudwick b Braund 3 R MacDonald lbw b Braund 6 +WT evans c Arnold bFielder 27 J Fitzgerald b Braund 2 ER Crouch b Arnold 13 HB griffith c Relf b http://www.cricket.org/link_to_database/ARCHIVE/1900S/1903-04/ENG_IN_AUS/MCC_QLD | |
88. HEAnet - Mailing List Archives apostolion. John griffith evans, Fri, 3 Mar, Cymdeithas Birmingham? cyfeiriad.John griffith evans, Wed, 8 Mar, Re Rhaglen cyfrifiadur Cyfiethiadau. http://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/gaelic-l?list=welsh-l&log=log9503 |
89. Elizabeth IDEN, B: 1784 - Richland, Pa. 1. Sarah griffith Born Marr 1834 - George evans Died -, Father George evansBorn 1812 Marr 1834 Died 1886 Mother Sarah griffith Born Died http://www.garys-genealogy.com/gp230.htm | |
90. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. evans, Gender Male Family Spouse griffith, Martha GenderFemale Parents Father griffith, Samuel Mother , Elizabeth Back to Main Page. http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~dwmsr42/dat263.htm | |
91. The Samuel Griffith Society: Volume 12: Concluding Remarks On the subject of Sovereignty, we had four strong papers from Mr John Stone,the Honourable Peter Walsh, the Honourable Max Bradford and Mr Ray evans. http://www.samuelgriffith.org.au/papers/html/volume 12/v12conclusion.htm | |
92. Debra_bernhardt Bernhardt is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Science at griffith University . with ProfessorHanspeter Huber (Basel, Switzerland) and Professor Denis J. evans (ANU http://chem.sci.gu.edu.au/staff_pages/bernhardt/d_bernhardt.html | |
93. CIVIL-L_Mail_Archive 1995: QUERY: Info On Onsite Waste Treatment ..... John griffith evans (John@jgevans.demon.co.uk) Sat, 23 Sep 1995 103100GMT. Next message John griffith evans OnSite treatment options ; http://www.euken.com/group/civil/mailarchive/1995/0068.html | |
94. 1977, University Of California: In Memoriam griffith Conrad evans, Mathematics Berkeley. griffith Conrad evans was bornin Boston, Massachusetts on May 11, 1887 and died on December 10, 1973. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu:2020/dynaweb/teiproj/uchist/inmemoriam/inmemoriam197 | |
95. Robert J. Griffith - Peak Realty, Inc., Listings Page Three [3] 72 evans Street Croton, Ohio $79,000, 702 West Sugar Street MountVernon $69,900. Inc. Robert J. griffith 4 W. Main St. Centerburg http://www.peakrealtyinc.com/listings3.htm | |
96. Obituary Of David Evans David griffith evans was born near Kickapoo, Radnor township, Peoria county,Illinois, February 26, 1857. He was one of a family of four sons. http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~karensfamilyfiles/Peoria/DavEvans.html |
97. Minnesota-Duluth Vs Kutztown (PA) (3/22/02) Murphy singled; Hausman advanced to second; Bricher advanced to third. Evansstruck out. Memmo struck out. griffith struck out. Bower struck out. http://www.umdbulldogs.com/softball/CurrentStats/umd-ku.htm |
98. Stories, Listed By Author griffith, ANN WARREN griffith, GEORGE; pseudonym of George C. griffithJones, (1857-1906)(books) A Corner in Lightning, (ss) Pearson's Magazine Mar, 1898 http://contento.best.vwh.net/s101.html | |
99. All In The Family: Mike Evans Mike evans was still in acting school when he landed the part of Lionel http://www.tvland.com/shows/aitf/actor7.jhtml | |
100. Untitled Document I am looking for information about my greatgreat-grandfather, GriffithEvans. He and his wife, Mary, were married in Towyn Parish http://win.garethwilliams.net/CHTG/View.asp |
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