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41. Centre Louis Gernet: Bibliothèque Translate this page eudemus of rhodes / ed. by Istvan Bodnar, William M. Fortenbaugh.- New Brunswick,NJ Transaction Publishers, 2002.- 24 cm., IX-383 p.- Notes bibliogr http://www.ehess.fr/centres/gernet/BIBLIOTHEQUE.html | |
42. BMCR-L: BMCR 2003.02.06, BMCR Books Received (January) $65.00. ISBN 08071-2830-9. *Bodna/r, Istva/n and William W. Fortenbaugh (edd.),eudemus of rhodes. Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities, XI. http://omega.cohums.ohio-state.edu:8080/hyper-lists/bmcr-l/2003/0042.html | |
43. New Library Materials In Call Number Order University Press of America, c2002. Books B528 .B29 2002. eudemus of rhodesNew Brunswick, NJ Transaction Publishers, c2002. Books B577.E54 E93 2002. http://www.lib.cmich.edu/recacq/octrecacq.htm | |
44. Diane's Mathematics Page 1999 last accessed 29 Jul 2002 Euclid's Plan and Proposition 6 2000 last accessed29 Jul 2002 eudemus of rhodes University of St Andrews, Scotland 1999 last http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9468/mathematics.htm | |
45. PHILTAR - Compendium Of Philosophers/E and thought. Euclides (c430360 BC) A brief introduction to his lifeand work. eudemus of rhodes (c350-c290 BC) An introduction to http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/compendium_of_philosophers/e/ | |
46. Peter Fosl's Philosophical Chronology mid 4th century BCE) eudemus of rhodes (4th century BCE) Mencius (Master Meng) (Mengtzu)(371 - 289 BCE) Crantor (fl. early 2nd century BCE) Theophrastus ( ? http://www.transy.edu/homepages/philosophy/chronology.html |
47. Ancientsyllbs.htm fl. mid 4th century BCE) eudemus of rhodes (4th century BCE) Mencius(Master Meng) (Mengtzu) (371 - 289 BCE) Crantor (fl. early http://www.transy.edu/homepages/philosophy/ancientsyllbs.htm | |
48. Philosophy - Notable Lib Materials - September PUBLISHER, DATE Rowman Littlefield, 2002 CALL /LOCATION B2430 .D483 H8613 2002Columbia Cooper eudemus of rhodes AUTHOR Bodnar, Istvan M. PUBLISHER, DATE http://www.sc.edu/library/lis/phil09.html |
49. Notable Lib Materials By Author - September for Romanian Studies, 2002 CALL /LOCATION ND3380.4 .M44 B64 2002 Columbia CooperSUBJECT Art Bodnar, Istvan M. TITLE eudemus of rhodes PUBLISHER, DATE http://www.sc.edu/library/lis/auth09.html | |
50. New Books, Videos, & Microforms In Philosophy/Religion eudemus of rhodes / edited by Istvan Bodnar, William M. Fortenbaugh. NewBrunswick, NJ Transaction Publishers, c2002. ix, 383 p. ; 24 cm. http://www.library.unlv.edu/newstuff/october.2002/philos.html | |
51. Www.infomotions.com/serials/bmcr/bmcr-v4n01-white-aristotle.txt Eudemian Ethics. Ninety years ago, many scholars ascribed the worknot to Aristotle but to his colleague, eudemus of rhodes. But as http://www.infomotions.com/serials/bmcr/bmcr-v4n01-white-aristotle.txt |
52. Hipponotes.html court of the Persian king. 6. eudemus of rhodes (350?BCE290?BCE)was the first historian of mathematics. He was a fellow student http://cerebro.cs.xu.edu/math/math147/02f/hippocrates/hipponotes.html | |
53. Symmetry It is hard to say how the detailed knowledge of Thales' geometrical studies waspreserved, but it is nevertheless a fact that eudemus of rhodes, a pupil of http://teachertech.rice.edu/Participants/rjesus/ | |
54. Eudemus Of Rhodes; Editor: Bodnar, Istvan; Editor: Fortenbaugh, William W.; Hard Similar pages mathem_abbrev Einstein, Albert, Eisenhart, Luther Eisenstein, Ferdinand Elliott, Edwin Eratosthenesof Cyrene Erdös, Paul, Euclid of Alexandria eudemus of rhodes Eudoxus of http://www.opengroup.com/phbooks/076/0765801345.shtml | |
55. New Books:Philosophy. Western Michigan University Libraries. B577.E54 E93 2002 Waldo Lib General Stacks eudemus of rhodes / editorsIstván Bodnár, William M. Fortenbaugh. New Brunswick http://www.wmich.edu/library/newbooks/september/philosophy.html | |
56. THEOPOMPUS his own removal to Chalcis. eudemus of rhodes also had some claims to thisposition, and Aristoxenus is said to have resented Aristotles choice. http://91.1911encyclopedia.org/T/TH/THEOPOMPUS.htm | |
57. The Dying God invocations. This is again confirmed by eudemus of rhodes. But Heccataeusrelates that according to them the gods are subject to birth. http://www.thedyinggod.com/diogenes.htm | |
58. William Rhode Discussion eudemus of rhodes (Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities,11) by Bodnar, Istvan Released 07/2002. Discussion william rhode http://www.gnooks.com/discussion/william rhode.html | |
59. English Books > Philosophy > Logic 0300062125 Ethics In Community Mental Health Care Commonplace Concerns Backlar,Patricia; Hardback; Book ISBN 0306467046 eudemus of rhodes Bodnar, Istvan http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbph100D.shtml | |
60. Apollonius While Apollonius was at Pergamum he met Eudemus of Pergamum (not to be confusedwith eudemus of rhodes who wrote the History of Geometry ) and also Attalus http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Mathematicians/Apollonius |
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