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81. Unisys Switzerland Succursale De Zürich Translate this page ENIAC, le premier ordinateur numérique du monde est développé à l'universitéde Pennsylvanie par J. presper eckert et John Mauchly, les fondateurs de la http://www.unisys.ch/f/Unisys/default-06.asp | |
82. DACDjr, February 23, 2002, Electrical Numerical Integrator And Computer John Mauchly and J. presper eckert would have made http//inventorsmuseum.com/CharlesBabbage.htm Charles Babbage proud with their invention of the ENIAC. http://www.lodinet.com/pappy/dacd_feb23i.htm | |
83. Dev/real - Programers Resource J. presper eckert J. Random J. Random Hacker J2EE J2ME J2SE J3 J73 jabber JACALjaccl jack in Jack Kilby Jackson method JACM Jacquard loom Jacquard, Joseph http://www.devreal.net/words/j/ | |
84. GarrettZilla: ENIAC 14th 1946, at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania,the late John W. Mauchly and J. presper eckert first demonstrated http://mason.gmu.edu/~gnievin/ENIAC.html | |
85. Erfinder ( Eastman Color ) Photographie 1884 Optik eckert, J. presper; John William http://home.t-online.de/home/realschule-freudenberg/erfinder.htm | |
86. Presper Eckert J. presper eckert, Jr. Als tweeëntwintigjarige pas afgestudeerde ingenieur kreeghij de opdracht een cursus elektronica te geven in het ESMWTprogramma. http://users.belgacom.net/e-thesis/nieuwe_media/presper.htm | |
87. Glossary Of Internet Terms - E Mauchley needed someone to oversee the design and construction of the ENIACcomputer, and it was J. presper eckert who rose to the challenge. http://www.nctimes.net/ISP/glossary/e.htm | |
88. Sources, Vol. 2, People: HU - Ki interview to John von Neumann, mentioning the Institute for Advanced Study computerproject, von Neumann's relationships with J. presper eckert, John Mauchly http://www.ieee.org/organizations/history_center/research_guides/sources2/people | |
89. Historia De Las Computadoras Translate this page ENIAC. 1946, J.presper eckert John W. Mauchly, Electronic Numerical Integratorand Computer (Integrador Numérico Electrónico y Computadora). http://w3.mor.itesm.mx/~lssalced/histo1.html | |
90. Lycos Info the Web, today announced the auction of a critical element of the famous ENIAC computeras well as the slide rule that its inventor, J. presper eckert used in http://www.lycos.com/press/skinner_2.html | |
91. Www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/4059/ibmcompu.txt a scantron machine. Then electrical engineer J. presper eckert workedwith IBM to develop a calculator. Harvard mathematician Howard http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/4059/ibmcompu.txt | |
92. The First Stored Program Computer -- EDVAC During the course of designing ENIAC, it's creators, John William Mauchly andJ. presper eckert Jr., conceived the concept of stored program computing. http://www.maxmon.com/1946ad.htm | |
93. Biography.com Eckener, Hugo, 1868 1954. Eckerman, Johann Peter, 1792 1854. eckert,J. (John) presper, 1919 1995. eckert, Wallace (John), 1902 1971. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=E&num=50 |
94. Hacker Timeline: 19401969 1946 J. presper eckert and John W. Mauchly created one of the first digital, generalpurposecomputers the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC http://www.stedwards.edu/newc/capstone/sp2000/hackers/page6.htm | |
95. "Shooting At People Wasn't Our Bag": One Of The Inventors Of The Computer Speaks J. presper eckert No, engineering problems, scientific problems in general, of whichthe ballistics problem was the convenient problem for which what in show http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/143/ | |
96. HistoryWired: A Few Of Our Favorite Things PDF file. Related Images, ENIAC designer J. presper eckert in front of the iniatorpanel Enlarge ENIAC designer J. presper eckert in front of the iniator panel, http://historywired.si.edu/detail.cfm?ID=342 |
97. C:\BELLBO~1\COMPSR&E\HTMFILES\00000663.HTM EckeJ51 eckert, J. presper, Jr., James R. Weiner, H. Frazer Welsh, and HerbertF. Mitchell The UNIVAC System, AIEEIRE Conf., pp. 6-16, December, 1951. http://research.microsoft.com/users/gbell/Computer_Structures__Readings_and_Exam | |
98. Nat'l Academies Press, Memorial Tributes: (2002), J. Presper Eckert http://www.nap.edu/books/0309084571/html/70.html | |
99. JRL From FOLDOC JRL. J. Random Loser. They were understood to be the initials of (fictitious)programmers named J. Random Loser and J. Random Nerd . http://csai03.is.noda.sut.ac.jp/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?JRL |
100. JRL From FOLDOC JRL. J. Random Loser. They were understood to be the initials of (fictitious)programmers named J. Random Loser and J. Random Nerd . http://www.instantweb.com/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?JRL |
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